Here is a clip with van Halen (yes, he is alive and well in Hungary, under his real identity, Endre Csillag) and below one with Hendrix (real name, Daigo Susano) at his best to compare.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Here is a clip with van Halen (yes, he is alive and well in Hungary, under his real identity, Endre Csillag) and below one with Hendrix (real name, Daigo Susano) at his best to compare.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
1:52 AM A blue bag with flowers in the N bin, an hour ago. Now it stinks again.
Sprinkler dusty river is there, though in less amounts, after i swept it two days ago.
Every time i went outside, to smoke or for other purpose and took a glimpse, i didn't see anybody walking upstairs. It might be a robot that is hooked to AI that feeds on sensors around me and they know precisely when and what i'm thinking at. Of course it hides when i look.
11:40 She stopped upstairs, after i wrote. Was reading the news. Exactly when i watched the news with the killers of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders, they set some fireworks.
Monday, July 29, 2024
12:25 PM Two black ones in the SW bin. Knotted by smelly (broken or contaminated above knot).
2:10 Bought on Amazon 100 pop corn bags with 6 bucks. However they are too small (could not figure it from the picture). I tried with one and don't know how to set the oven at 1 minutes 15 seconds. Maybe i could figure it out. If i set it at 1:30 got to stop it or the popcorn will burn. But to stop it i got to get close to it and i did a couple of times and started to get pains in known areas.
Thing is. The less stuff you have in the oven, the greater the leaks. At one ounce of corn, it's almost empty. The leaks are then 10-100 times stronger than when there some stuff in there, like frozen dinner.
Then an idea came to me and wrapped the oven in aluminum foil, to cover the contact areas of the door with the rest leaving the door uncovered and tested it it. The result was a disaster, i had the meter in my hand and had to run outside and the popcorn got burned at 1:30. The way i wrapped it was channeling the microwaves towards me.
Now i feel pain everywhere.
I plan to get a cardboard box and cover it with aluminum foil inside so i can cover the door and several inches after, completely. Will come back in a few hours with the results.
2:23 Ideally, would be something like this but made with conductive fabric and holes for the fans.
2:26 I think this could work but have to cut holes for the fans.
2:45 Cred că am mai zis odată povestea asta. Nu contează, e doar câteva rânduri. Eram student în anul II și ne-au pus de rând la cantină. 3 zile parcă la curățat cartofi. Erau niște mașini de curățat cartofi rudimentare, 30% se ducea pe apa sâmbetei, pe canal adică, ce nu ieșea mai ajustam manual. Parcă. Sunt 42 de ani de atunci.
Am stat cu mâinile în zeama aia de cartofi trei zile și mi-au trecut negii de pe degete. Cred că de la antifungalul din cartofi. Dați-vă seama ce mâncam pe atunci.
Într-una din zile eram la o pauză de o țigară așa cum mă pregătesc să merg acum. Într-un colț mai ascuns pe un hol, și se vedea biroul administratorul cantinei, ceva o cușcă de sticlă cu perdele. Apare administratorul, un tip mic și îndesat cu 3 studenți de la o grupă ceva de textile unde erau mai mult gagici.
Și numai ce aud că-i întreabă. Bă voi cunoașteți în an la voi vreuna mai sexicioasă fu..cioasă așa? Și unul din ei spune un nume după care n-am mai înțeles, au vorbit încet.
Pleacă cei trei și la vreo câteva minute apare o tipă, înăltuță, bine cred, dar nu se prea vedea că avea halatul acela alb. O invită omul în birou. La vreo 5 minute încă, iese tipa fumând o țigară.
De multe ori m-am gândit. Ăla era un amărât de administrator de cantină (bine, cea mai mare din Europa de Est și foarte probabil și Vest și lume), dar profesorii, profesorii care băgau în noi materie dincolo de orice limite, o făceau doar ca să fie examenele foarte grele, doar pentru a lua ceva, dreptul, gagici, etc..
Știu că nu e o situație normală, dar când ești ditai profesorul împlinit și nevasta e cam bătrâioară și predai dictezi din foile alea galbene, aceleași după decenii, și transpiri 2 ore la curs și vezi ce vezi în sala de curs, picioare peste picioare, toate de 20 de ani, nu ți se face poftă?
Se pare că situația lui Bully era cunoscută de ani de zile, poate decenii, poate situația asta e pe scară largă la noi, nu m-aș mira, de ce l-au scos acum la suprafață, ca și cazurile azilurilor de bătrâni?
Doar ca să apară zeci de poze într-o frenezie sado-mason-naționale cu un moș Bulan abuziv cu barbă albă și cam de aceeași vârstă cu mine și sociolog pe deasupra?
3:35 Apropo, români, azi v-ați luat rația de Popo_vicii?
3:36 Now that i think i can say Trump has always been a bit off, if you know what i mean.
One black opened, one black loose knot at the SW bin.
4:44 One green open at the N bin.
Because i posted that Status Quo vid, the bald veteran's wife came to smoke today across the alley (haven't seen her in months) first entrance, building D) when i went to check the W bin in the morning. In the evening, that is 10 minutes ago, it was the daughter passing me again next to N bin in a small white Ford pickup (she "moved to other building", because of me?). Usually after this the veteran himself shows.
For a few days now i started to take antibiotics orally as well (at around the day 21 peak, the patches alone were not enough). Then i tried not to refresh the patches and tonight i realized it is not possible to make it with 4x500 mg a day oral dose alone so i put a few more patches.
The tip of that toe is a bit red and numb, though is not like it used to be and is not bothering me too much if i "make a fist" with my toes as it used to. It looks like i'm over the peak, exactly as they say, after 21 days and now i'm heading to a month long recovery.
A surprising side effect. My legs below knees and above ankles were almost black, with ulcerations before all this started, and now they are almost white and clear of any wound.
However i am very sensitive to microwaves. If i start the oven and i'm too close, everything starts hurting beginning with the areas that were closest to the laptop when i was using on my lap on wi-fi for many hours a day.
Sunday, July 28, 2024
BTW it stinks again outside. Got to go check.
5:00 One black open in the SW bin one neon orange pink open in the N bin.
BTW my grabber broke or got sabotaged and did not realize and it took me a long time to grab one and didn't know why while i was breathing the stuff close to the bin. Now that i fixed it i can retrieve one (to knot) in a few seconds.
Earlier i picked some items from the Amazon locker next to office and i felt a nice smell and saw they surrounded the office with petunia which are nice smelling, possibly covering the smell of garbage from the bins all around.
I think it's a good idea but did not work for us. The petunia (and roses and all the good smelling plants we tried with) in the past years got eaten by aphids though google says they are resistant to those.
The reason for extra inflammation and pain when my finger is almost healed.
Saturday, July 27, 2024
12:44 AM About more than an hour ago i went and knotted a number of bags in all bins. I wanted to go to bed but was still smelling so i went again. Within that hour the s...t was replenished. Found one in each bin except the one in west bin was already knotted. When i left the last bin, a security SUV passed with flashing lights and the guy was talking on the speaker phone with someone.
12:52 And now it's still smelling. Last night i neglected (was too tired) to go one more time after midnight and the result was i woke nauseated and with palpitations. I think i have to write down how many blue ones, how many green ones, at what hour i find them so i know when they're all done and i can go to sleep.
Lately "the people" are getting more and more in my way when i go to the bins, to discourage me probably because it is not easy for them too to bring more after i remove them. This morning i met with that bald fat Asian guy at the west bin.
10:10 One green loosely knotted around the corner next to my truck. One green unknotted inside the N bin.
Outside. One in the grass, one pink loose knot, one black unknotted generating pestilential smell in the SW bin. Nothing in the N bin, could not reach the W bin because of a nervous looking tall blond guy moving things in and out of car next to the bin. As i said, lately they are trying to block access to bins and delay proper disposal.
Friday, July 26, 2024
7:55 AM How much can a few faint knocks in walls influence you? A lot, if it's done in a critical moment of your thinking process.
How much can a fake news influence people? A lot since most people don't verify their news.
Who would believe a banal news about a guy steeling a car while drunk and without license and hitting four others was invented? They can even wreck two cars to make it more credible. The visible LPN is of course meaningful.
But it should raise suspicion to anyone as is not worth it of national news, even in Romania. Look at the number of Police and firefighters and medics there.
The reason? To cast a subconscious doubt on the freshest memory in people's mind who read my mind. I have been almost drawn in several accidents last night.
Nu contează cui i-o spune. Fraza se așază ca o cărămidă lego (fake), în locul acela unde există un dubiu în mințile oamenilor.
Most noticeable event. When i was getting closer back home, about to pass the kindergarten, an obvious looking Japanese young man with a WWII kaki cap on his head passed me giving me a sarcastic smile "the aha!" type after he looked to his left were there was a Tualatin Police SUV on the alley to the new condo buildings "The commons" that just got there a couple of minutes ago, passing me.
Thing is. I keep telling Angela, she does not believe me. I noticed for months if not years now that every time something happens on the street, a Police car or SUV shows like five minutes before. To warn me? In a way but i never have a clue of what's about to happen. So they can say. Ok the man got the Police in his pocket?
Latest financial trick. Got a much waited balance transfer offer in the mail. Angela says it's a trap. After you reach a certain limit, they send you offers (knowing your situation to the cent) and you apply and then they deny them and your credit score gets lower and then they can charge you more interest.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
When i got up and saw the firefighters behind me, there was a car on the right and the only option was to cross the yellow line to let them pass. Obviously all incoming traffic was stopped because of them and a Police SUV behind.
At 10:30 i was in downtown Newberg, close to the dealership when a guy in a tan SUV, with a bicycle rack covering his LPN and brand, tried to hit us from the right, because they were no lines in the intersection, pretending "not guessing right" where his lane was. Wheni passed it i saw the LPN, WC 43260. Too dark to see inside and/or tinted windows.
Earlier in McMinville, in an intersection there was a big pickup in the middle lane, waiting to make a left turn when i saw a rock in the direction of my left wheel. But it was too late to do anything and went over it. Should i have seen it earlier and tried to avoid it, by jerking left, they were chances i would have hit that truck.
When i left, around 6 PM. There is a brown woman with black hair at the apartment with one level in the backyard, about 20, that acts like a 12. Is not difficult because many Asians look younger. Half hour before i left the ice cream truck came. When i got out of the door, i saw a pink bicycle in front of my car and i heard a loud yell and then i saw her with a small child doing gymnastics.
As soon as i got in the street, this idea came to me. If there are 180 k homeless people in California and the median rent there is 2850, it would cost 6 billion a year to house them all.
For the rest of US, without California, the cost would be...
How much money is currently spent every year for housing programs in California but without fixing the problem? And in the US?
11:58 There is a woman or more here at last entrance of building D who looks like one of the Harajuku girls of Gwen Stefani. However i can't tell which one, with all the makeup and age difference. It may be more than one, taking turns, as i saw before (First at Apt.9 or next door in Lake Oswego there was Lindsay Lohan and then Kelly Clarkson, both under the same name, car, clothes, etc.. Obviously, most of the times they were doubles).
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
I think she was trying to explain to the big man she could not put the bag in the bin. Either because of me or the bin was too full. I was too engrossed by the smell and too mad from the drive and everything that happened today to be able to think like maybe she needed some help. And there was her boyfriend there.
I did not see her face but he looked like a bleached Japanese. Like the three guys playing with skateboards next to us in the parking lot at Indian Head when we where eating, getting ready to leave (around 8). Like i see more and more everywhere i go.
The free beds with no umbrellas made of very shiny pieces of wood i kept sliding being dressed in jeans. It was 95 degrees, wildfire smoke and could not get my clothes off because i have too many patches with antibiotics. Between 10 and 15 patches. I went into a corner looking for some shade from a tree. Under the wooden free bed there was a bottle with Smart water. Long and narrow.
A semi i passed earlier was coming matching my speed and getting real close. At some point i pulled on the right and let it pass (Boring or Gresham i think). But more were coming from behind. I let ten guys in SUVs passing me and then another one came from behind. Every face i could see behind the steering wheels was Japanese disguised in Mexicans.
12:30. Don't know, about 15 minutes ago i went out to smoke and i saw a boy or a girl that started to run really fast on the alley. Like an athlete fast. It just occurred to me there might be a link between my run and his/her. Too big of a coincidence.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
6:20 Dancing, painting elephant. Curves are also geometry, aren't they and elephants have very good memory.
7:00 Don't know if i made myself clear but around 4th of July i got the broken pin of a pushpin into one of my toes. For some reason i can't explain i did not feel it. It started to hurt, swell and become red and i put on it a finger from a rubber glove with some antibiotic dust and the symptoms were almost gone the next couple of days.However i asked Angela to look on the other side i could not see and she saw the pin and removed it. The finger also looked soak with perspiration and i did not put the rubber finger no more. In a few days it went back red and swollen and i started to have pain and stiffness in the leg, calf, big muscles above knees, that in the next days started to spread in my whole body.
I kept putting antibiotics patches everywhere it was hurting or it waw becoming stiff and that kept the symptoms mild however in the 5th day after puncture i guess i went to Walgreens for a shot. Too late, but i wanted to make sure it won't happen again to me.
Though there are questions. If you develop TT do you become immune after or it is only the shot that gives you 5-10 years immunity.
Ever since i put patches and i am getting close to the 21 day (max period of incubation for TT), and after that the disease subsides in a month or so. About 10 days ago i drove behind a pickup that had uncovered construction materials, that were exposed to mineral dust.
That gave me pain and inflammation throughout my body on top of what i had. I told Angela, we should again replace the cabin filter that got contaminated with it. That stuff is so fine it goes through any filter and is better to wash the car and replace the filter if that happen.
In the past week i washed the carpet in the living twice and once in the bedroom and it was very dirty, i got to smell the smell after, one million droplets all over my body, kept patching myself fighting the infection etc.. I was so busy i forgot about and Angela drove the car like that for another week and Thursday i guess we went to Spirit Mountain and got again chills all over and again i forgot about.
Yesterday at Lincoln City i went in an Autozone store there to buy a filter. The guy in the store kept asking me the same questions over and over, like he was not paying attention (a form of bullying) and in the end he asked me "по русски?" which is the short form of "а ты говоришь по русски" and told him "no" cause i don't speak Russian but i know this much, for being so closed to the Soviet Union until 89 and sometimes watching Russian TV cause our TV was only 2 hours a day and those mostly showing Ceaușescu.
And the night before. Checked in the hotel, it looks like they fixed the sewer behind it, i went to buy cigarettes (on foot, not to loose my spot) cause i sat on my pack in the and broke most of them (i only had a few) and went in the back of the hotel (it's more like a motel) to smoke wondering why they don't have cigarette disposals in the parking lot or near the entrances.
Reminiscing of the other weekend when i found two green bags at the corner of the building (got again a room at one end) that were picked by Trevor Horn (who was dressed like a maintenance guy) after i had a conversation with him.
So Saturday when i was smoking i saw a small dog coming to pee at a sign near me that was again at the corner of the building, in wind's direction and was wondering again what else he did, and then the dog ran to a woman at the entrance facing the ocean of a room at ground level who looked vaguely familiar, from more than 100 ft while blinded by the sunset.
So i went and looked and what did i see. The biggest dog poop ever, bigger than a human's. Or was it. Maybe it was from a bear. I don't know, never seen anything quite like that (yeah i know i keep repeating it, cause it's true every time). Under it, the grass started to become yellow so it's been in there for quite some time. I went in the room to grab a bag, anything, and i took it to a dog waste disposal box in the parking lot (the nearest, they were several).
But there, what do i see. I could almost not push the thing inside because it was full. I mean, could have been up to 50 pounds of dog waste in there. Wondering how well it was sealed and looking at wind's direction.
Then i went in the room and was sitting/laying in bed, tired, with pains all over from the dust in the car, chills and getting kinda depressed, for several hours, No TV, no nothing. Staring at the wall, just listening to the therapeutic sound of the ocean. Could have napped for a few minutes, i don't know. At times i went at the table near the window to eat and drink. An older once good looking woman put up a show at the entrance of the woman with the dog i guess.
Sunday morning, after i bought the filter, went south on 101, looking for a carwash. Found one in Newport i guess, semi-manual, two people were washing the car before and one was drying it after. I asked them to do the grill, the woman told me i should stay in the car, i think she was some sort of political figure whatever.
Then we drove south, it was ok for a while with the new filter and stuff, until we climbed a hill (when close to Florence) and i felt the smell of exhaust in the cabin and i realized we had a smoke ahead, for some time. So i pulled the filter, it was stinking and continued without one.
But then i realized all the cars that were ever in front of us and that continued to all the way home last night, or a couple of hundred miles, were dusty like have not been washed since last rain (a couple of months ago). As soon as i was passing one, another one was merging from a street, like they were scheduled or something. And every car that got behind was too close to comfort. (Never paid attention to this until you guessed, the accident on 20/21 2021 of whom driver i think i know).
And here comes the interesting part. On our way back Angela wanted to stop at Chinook. Was very close to falling a sleep a few times, slept 15 minutes somewhere in a lot, with people parading and making shows in front of the car, tried to find a spot. All spots seemed to be arranged and when we finally found one, a car with two women and a kid got there in the same time.
Tried to get in there (afternoon, about 5 PM) to go to the restroom. Went at the one near the entrance, a brown guy taller than me was following me so close behind i just turned around and he nearly bumped into me. Walked to the other restroom, all the people were bullying by getting in front of me like i was transparent, and in there saw a guy looking happy with the shirt pulled out of his shirts, showing skin while peeing. Another one nearly hit the ground (there was a puddle of water on the ground near the entrance).
A little bit later, there was another guy leaning against a machine right in front of me, again looking happy, ecstatic happy and with his shirt pulled out of his pants on a side showing skin.
11:25 Woke up. Better with stiffening on my back where i had new patches this morning (4x500 amoxi). The patches i had on the calves of my legs for days wore out and the my calves were stiff. Put new ones, was out of band aid 2x3 and simply used some white duct tape. If you wipe the place good with alcohol before that they won't infect your skin.
Was trying to say (now the heaviest stomp of all). Few people understand how disruptive could be the humble dust, when driving after dusty car like by example. Nothing out of the ordinary, but there can be dust particles smaller than the filter can catch. If a number of people really want to do you, they can drive on purpose with cars that haven't been washed in months in front of you.
Anything can happen, from simply changing of mood for the whole trip to pain and digestive symptoms. It will definitely influence you for the rest of the trip and day. Absolutely undetectable and definitely can't go complaining about to law enforcement.
Sunday, July 21, 2024
12:AM Angela plays only on card and at the beginning of the year she asks and gets the reports from all casinos. However the reports only show losses, not amount played, but our both perception is she looses more at Spirit Mountain then at the others.
BTW they have some work at Spirit Mountain as well and i think there was some dust in the air. Today i had another dysphagia episode but did not even realize until Angela left for the stores and i drank some Coke. Then i vomited and the Coke went through my nose and irritated it more than if i vomited stomach acid. My nose hurt for minutes so bad i was crying. Then i drank small amounts of water and slowly vomited all the content of my esophagus until i could finally drink (swallow) some water.I think that sharp, electrified, sub micronic mineral insulation dust, after it clears the lungs it irritates my esophagus so bad i can't swallow some of the things i eat, like very lean meat, dry rice, apples, etc. (they stop in the esophagus and is very painful and life threatening). But there may be other factors involved like smell from the bins.
BTW Friday, Saturday i knotted and/or zip tied all bags at bin nr.5 (SW), that is a count of @20, and the bin almost doesn't have any smell. But the one at North (mailboxes) is full of cardboard items that may cover some open bags i can't see and still stinks really bad, after a temperature of nearly 100 degrees today (38 C). I don't understand how the guys living in that building next to it can stand it. No, i don't, really.
Friday, July 19, 2024

10:05 They were a number of people at Walmart (everybody) creating all kinda visual statements. Of those, two women, one thin and one thick getting in my way. Here is my answer to that (damn! they made me looking again).


One at the exit came with a dog s...t on her shoes and kept wiping it out on the sidewalk right in front of the store. Yes i went to the SW bin this morning (because it was near the truck) with the same shoes (the only pair i got) but i was out of the cage and nowhere i wouldn't have been if i simply took the garbage out before going to the store.
Then in the store i remembered and went to the restroom and washed my hands. I had a piece of tape on the sole of the shoes, yes. And yes i do carry the whatever biological materials come in the apartment from those, by means of aerosols. Simply by living here with these bins all around i am probably 1000 times more exposed than a normal person would.
Could they carry viruses? I do not believe in the existence of viruses (biological, as in COVID) but i am positive there are some very nasty bacteria that could mimic the symptoms. Today i looked in one of the open bags. The poop was packed in there with redwood chips that contain tannins they could mutate the bacteria real fast.
It's like in St.Dominic mother's dream. A dog who would set the world on fire.
If these things worry you, should try and stop them. There is by example a couple at apartment E4 that i saw with my own eyes that throw open bags in the bin. More in the buildings... I'll go see the number.
Last night @midnight they left a small, black, nearly liquid one at the corner of the patio. That made me so sick, in the morning i thought i was going to faint with nausea. Kept taking charcoal and then i tried some ginger and then i was able to go to the store, still could not eat anything and am lightheaded.
This morning i had a conversation with a guy from maintenance near the bin and asked him why they don't install cameras and he said those are too expensive.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
6:20 It's got to be visible. Otherwise it would not have "contact with the air". Found one at the SW bin, threw a sac with garbage over it. When i came back at the apartment i saw a woman bringing a kid to the daycare business again at the same entrance in building D, right across.
Came back, he came at the bin and again blocked my access. Well built, athlete or fighter or something, was staring right at me.
Got back thinking to get the grabber, the guy at the garage did some more nervous, fast moves, a woman got out of building D walking again in a defiant way towards me. All Asians, posing Latinos. On 97.1 Michael Jackson was singing "Don't sop till you get enough".
Each and every of their words came at me like rocks. First they get you into submission by throwing hard words at you (IF... I... COULD... TURN... BACK... TIIIIIME..., NEVER_MADE_IT_AS_A_WISE_MAN) and then, given the quality of the vocals, you go into a trance. They make bullying addictive putting you down in the same time.
Outside it started. The big rumble of the modified exhausts, distant and near, that will last until about 9.
7:32 Big K (Kroger) grapefruit citrus zero soda. A soda with an attitude. If it only had some vitamin C (ascorbic acid) instead of citric acid in it. Traces of grapefruit, maybe. Potassium phosphate, for sure. Probably best soda i ever had.
This morning i was like wasted. As i said, i removed a number of patches two days before and put them back in a hurry when my infection whatever sepsis came back. Burning sensation in the damaged areas, hot flashes and chills. It lasted one day and it drained me out both physically and emotionally. Together with drinking, this morning i was wasted.
So this morning though pains and burnings were gone it was all slow motion and after i disposed of the poops, smoke a cigarette, wrote something here i fell asleep. I can't remember exactly how much i slept but i was sleeping minutes before Angela was coming. When i woke up it was stinking here like in a sewer. The cleaner. The dirty water left in it fermented and gave a very bad smell. However i was not feeling as bad as last night or in the morning. I cleaned the thing by passing water through it.
Then the landscapers came. No big trauma today, however after i hosed the corner of the building, the screens and the AC. However the hose broke again while i was doing the front. Got wet from head to toes. Didn't change my clothes right away. Now the big muscles on the legs, the ones exposed to wi-fi from the laptop, started to hurt.
Now i was craving a cigarette and was out of those. Out of liquor as well. It took me a while until i found my wallet and phone (after the commotion with carpet cleaning yesterday). I went to the liquor store (lots of sexy women there, one who was leaving and let me in) and grabbed the 1.7 liter Paul Mason (it's still on sale, under 20 bucks). At Spirit Mountain, for 12 bucks you get a double brandy or 70 ml. 25 times the price for the whole bottle.
I asked for Pall Mall orange (after i changed my mind). Bad choice, it almost has no nicotine in it. I mean, there's a difference between reds and blues, with reds being the strongest, but orange is out of range. Nothing. Got to buy others.
Ok so she gave me the short ones (80 mm) which have the filters shorter as well, allowing more ash to pass through. So i asked for the long ones at the same price. And she asked... 100s? and i said yes one hundreds and she put them in the brown bag with the bottle and handed it to me.
While i came back there was this childish grown up maybe underage Latina? walking through the alley catwalk stile with one hand raised (to cover eyes from Sun) that i passed. When i got back i went to the other door to pick the bag from the car's floor when she passed me this time.
It took a while to find the lighter and the jar with cigarette butts. Finally went outside, thought i felt a smell, walked towards the bin, the curly guy was coming towards it from the other direction so i gave up. While i was smoking, a ninja disguised as a Latino came to sit on the TV box the other side of the alley etc..
I was thinking the other day. I used to have problems with links in blogger both on free Chrome and (Chrome based) Edge. I wrote on a forum, a whole drama unfolded. I wrote to the seller of the computer. They wrote me back asking to pack the PC which was "defective" and ship it and they will send me a new one. A week without computer?
Was thinking to write them back and say. All Windows equipped computers are defective. I mean, look at the number of patches and fixes they issue
A trillion dollar company, that now uses a free browser (which is its most used component by far) made by volunteers that is actually worth nothing. I mean, out of the 7 samurai, Amazon has the fleet and warehouses, Tesla has the cars and factories, and Microsoft has the weekly patches.
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
6:16 AM What was i looking for? A sculpture. A person bend backwards showing butt i once saw during my searches. The exact thing i saw last night. Someone dressed in black (they keep changing persons in the same character, at the apartment upstairs). A very thin black person, so thin, was surreal, bent, dressed in black. Then she left. Soon after i went to bed woke with reflux, but very bad, the kind i didn't have in years. It took me half hour of coughing to be able to resume breathing normally.
That on top of the very bad smell that's coming out of me. I keep telling Angela. It's dogAnd then in the morning i woke with pain. I have a number of patches with amoxicillin on my body. Yesterday i removed some old ones as i get irritated by the adhesive. Among those was the one at the injection site at Walgreens, 6 days ago. I mean, it was painful when i removed the patch last night, a little, but this morning it was a lot. The place is very painful to the touch and the pain started to spread to my head, right hip, right hand etc.. Bad pain.
This teaches me several things. The absorption of the antibiotic under patch is slower than i thought. There is something going on at the injection site.
I still have two close to the toe that have been punctured, some on calves, etc.. My rule is simple. I add one where it's painful. But the injection? What was with the injection that i got infected with? I put a new patch on it and now i feel heat at that site and throughout my body where i had pains earlier which means the antibiotic is fighting with the infection.
I mean, yeah, you could do a prank one day or two. But the prank goes on for years and they do it to themselves too. Except if nobody really lives here, they just come and go.
Soak, wash, rinse and dry. First time it was an almost black slime i pulled from the carpet. I pulled gallons of it. It got lighter and lighter, and last looked like Coca Cola. But still. I wished i did it one more time but i got bored with it.
My right foot with the injured toe is stiff. When i try to bend the toes. So is my left. So i figured. It's got to have something to do with walking barefoot on the infectious carpet. Dirt embeds in the skin and if there's cracks or it simply passes through the skin, the same way amoxicillin passes through patches. A continuous feed with bacteria and stuff, leaking into my body.
Just built some new slippers using pieces of corrugates plastic cardboard and thinking to get something as soon as possible. Crocks. Something. Anything that would prevent me from absorbing the dirt from the carpet.
Monday, July 15, 2024
4:34 PM Was trying to get outside to smoke a cigarette. Watching in disbelief a blanket and some food items abandoned on the grass not far from our sliding door. Not far from where i picked some poops in the morning. Going through the front door, sirens making the biggest noise i heard since i'm here. How is that possible, do they have a volume button? Still stinking, i knew they brought some more but was too lazy and/or tired to go and dispose of them.
4:50 Fools' gold. Today market went up celebrating Trump's show success until i posted that entry with Trump raising his right hand (the one who uses to swear on the Bible when he takes office). Then it went up when i went to sleep. Then it went back down when i got up and again up when i shut the blinds or about 10 minutes before closing time.
I picked the melon by the same rule, dullest sound. However it is not edible. Picked unripe, been in a fridge for weeks, impossible to eat. Now i got to grind it down in the sinkerrator or throw it whole in the garbage.

So this is all about with the show with the hypothetical lost kid they came up after my entry with Trump.

6:50 Went for another cigarette, about 7 kids of all ages came in the alley and the woman upstairs came home early.
6:53 I was planning to go and check for poops, 4 kids came and sat at the blanket. I'm going to the store.
Saturday, July 13, 2024
Home. The SW bin, the remotest and close to the tiny park, poses the biggest problems. An open black bag on top of it in the highest point, needed the grabber. Several others, loose or insufficiently tightened. I gathered them all with the grabber and tucked them again under my last sack of garbage. I think there are in there between 10 and 15, in two days since they emptied the bin.
But it still smells, never finished checking the other bins and the lawn.
In the no dumping place a new mat and kids yelling at 11:15. Finally went quiet and i can go to see more.
Friday, July 12, 2024
It took me less then a minute to adjust the camera (start the flash) however they were all gone and i knew it was not a good idea to follow them.
Got back inside and my eyes fell on the Walgreens sticker i put yesterday on a side of an (old) piece of furniture. An idea came to me. I came at the computer and pulled the Walgreens logo. First thing i saw, that is not your standard calligraphy. it's got a ワin it. Or a ひ.

9:57 Approximately 7 days after that needle got into my toe the toe is still red, sensitive and slow to heal though i see progress. I do get chills and hot flashes but less and less. The site of the vaccine is sore, 36 hours after. After a 3 miles walk yesterday (the second since) i believe toxin and bacteria got pumped from that finger throughout my body causing stifness in all areas that have been exposed to wi-fi and cell phone.
However i crave another walk. Mostly because of the smell.
But this is not new. Could i had a form of it before, something like chronic? (This was the reason i wanted a shot). I'm gonna look to see what other kinds of anti-bacterial shots they have.
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Like the last couple of times they took blood from my right arm. Had pain all along my right arm, hand, shoulder and underarm. Back then i got away after a week or so with antibiotic patches in painful areas.
The ironic part is my toe at the right foot with the puncture since July 3 looks for the first time normal (pain is gone, rudeness is gone, all pain is gone in my right foot). Found a guy resembling him but i'm not so sure yet.
2:48 I think i know what happened. There was some sort of smoke last night around here and i think it's coming back. I also started to feel the smell of dog waste. Lately they put them on top of the lids of the SW bin. Gotto go and check.
2:51 That was no smoke. It was the smell of a poop laid on redwood mulch (very rare, dogs usually like to go on grass). The antibacterial tannins from the redwood mutate the bacteria whatever from the poop faster than your body can adapt. Because the body needs resources, brain resources to fight that, the conscious or higher level functions of your brain are being kept on a minimum level (partly shut down) and prone to suggestion (trance like).
I am more positive about this guy though. Dick, the sexologist?
3:52 So it was the red band aid with W on it. For some reason (trance) i did not remove it when i came home. When i did, i did not feel anything. About half hour ago i realized the site of the puncture is painful and i applied an anbitiotic patch. Just by applying it i applied pressure on the infected tissue and started to have first hot flashes and then chills.
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
6:45 I was too tired last night and knew it's useless cause they will bring some right away so i just put a mask on and went to sleep.
But this morning i was nauseated and went and checked and saw a heavy black bag next to a vent at the next building, among others. Some of the vents there are also clogged. But there's probably no one in there.
8:36 Today i was feeling weird, i panicked and went for a TT shot. It was 5 days or more after the incident. The pharmacist, a very fast moving guy told me it is never too late but he doesn't see any symptoms. I was thinking like more for the future, to avoid similar incidents.
I knew from past experiences they would trick me somehow and today it was no exception. The guy who gave me the shot (same pharmacist), put a rend band aid with the name W on my arm was no other than... As an attorney he should know better how many crimes he committed buy doing this.
But that does not in any way compare to what his father did at 911.
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Monday, July 8, 2024
There are now 5 Lime scooters across the alley... 5 persons supposedly came and never left...
I went and looked and saw about half of the vents around the building were clogged, some completely cover with soil and red wood dust. I proceeded to unclog them. It was 95 degrees and the smell coming from there was unbearable. I was all perspired and dizzy and covered with red wood dust and soil from heat do toes.
I had a small round brush that i passed through as many squares in those nets, trying to push the stuff that gathered on the inner side as well.
Sunday, July 7, 2024
5:08 Went and did the rounds, disposed of some bags. At the liquor store a bunch of Japanese people went in ahead of me. Once in the store, they started to speak... Chinese. Once back at the apartment, a van with open doors and building materials inside. It smells pretty much like inside Chinook Winds casino. My whole body is inflamed after being there last week for two days, hours at the time. So they just poured some salt of the wound, so to speak.
6:00 Also at the one level apartment across, where the 4th of July party with balloons was and where also is living of the Japanese girls that do gymnastics in the backyard and shows with other kids every time i thought i saw the other day...
I think two of the pushpins broke and the nail like tips fell on the concrete. I did not bother to gather them and the next day i washed the slab with the hose anyways.
This morning when i woke up i noticed the fingers on my right foot, that are not black like the ones on the left were hurting more than usually (diabetes, wi-fi microwave damage) with shooting pains at times. The finger next to the toe became stiff and a bit swollen. It is not the first time this happened so i did not worry too much.
Then i noticed it was getting worse, i was limping, the whole foot became sensitive and i decided to put a patch with antibiotics. In a few hours the finger started to be less swollen, painful and stiff however it was still sensitive to the touch.
I asked Angela to come and look, more like i wanted to show her how smart i am and beat diabetes pains and other symptoms with antibiotic patches. However when she looked she saw... a pushpin tip that entered all the way or about 1 cm into my finger.
I vaguely remember i felt a bit of pain when i put my shoe on, maybe yesterday before we left.
Now i cleaned with alcohol, put some generic Neosporin in the hole and a band aid around the finger, and with the patch with Amoxicillin 2 inches away (lately i added one with 2x500 mg every day, in different areas of the body), i wait to see.
However, i started to feel chills.
I was telling Angela, how much luck is to get one of the broken two in my toe and not to feel a thing and then stay like this for days, walk, etc.?