Saturday, May 18, 2024

9:50 I am very busy these days with a project. Today the people from the complex had a party across the alley. There was a HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign and balloons colored red and black. Angela went to the stores and i went to smoke and they were a bunch of kids and short adults passing by the open door in the back.

Then a "Mexican" came to with a bottle and was drinking looking at me. Then i felt a smell, but i thought it was by the front door. Change of patterns. I didn't go to search for it while they were partying. Mostly children yelling, very loud.

After Angela came and got darker the smell was unbearable so i went. At the SW bin there was again a blue open bag kinda hidden in the hanging slider (don't know the real name) outside the bin. Hard to pick, i tried with a stick then i went around the bin, squeezing really hard between the bin and the wire cage, then i threw it. Like always lately there was a guy in a car idling next to it. I went and searched for more at the other bins for a while and came back.

After i washed my hands once, i started to do the dishes. Trouble. When i was trying to rinse them, they were still slippery no matter how long or hard i tried. I threw the sponge, grabbed a new one, the same. Then i i used a towel and wiped my hands really hard and they the dishes became less sleepery but could never get whatever it was out of them.

10:27 The project i'm working on. I am on a deadline and cannot afford more time to play with the very complicated formulas of moon phase and distance. So an idea came to me which seems the unthinkable. To get them from Stellarium. Is very simple, i open a small Stellarium window next to my sheet, put in the date and then i get phase (illumination) and distance. However it's awkward. I  had to input the date as three fields +  hour, and then to get the two, round them in my mind, etc.

I was sure i made numerous mistakes and started over to correct them when this idea came to me. I cannot paste the date into Stellarium, but i can paste the Julian date. So i  had to invent a formula to convert date +  hour into Julian date which took me half day but now it's much easier and less prone to mistakes cause i copy the JD from my sheet, paste it into Stellarium so i cannot possibly put in wrong numbers and then i get the values. However because i don't use minutes, there is an error of up +/-0.2% for the phase cause the distance is less sensible with minutes.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

2:30 Nu bine ce și au început să apară iar poze (fotoșocate) cu Simona Halep în rol de gorilă cu coc de samurai. Man!... nasty!
7:00 AM I'm in trouble. Did the bins tour, did not find any bags but the smell... I don't know who is putting that stuff in there, but i don't believe is from the apartments here. Anyways, i never see anybody throwing anything and then the next day the bin if full... After the heat yesterday you cannot even get close to those bins, but the trouble is i can feel it when i open the door...

11:55 Meme du jour. Earthquakes always come in pairs.

12:35 Instead of going for a walk i got caught in a string of youtube shorts and i saw something that i need to share. Made in China.

2:40 There is in the next building a couple of people i think blacks raised in Japan that keep coming several times a day with a big dark dog and a tiny one to poop at my windows. Though they generally pick, using black bags, with meticulous motions reminding of Japanese people that are about to sit, i think they throw the bags open (found two black open yesterday) and there are times when they leave behind fragments.

Today i made some noodles soup and started to gather laundry in the same time. Was moving around gathering laundry and eating in the same time. I pulled the shirt of my back thinking to throw it in the washer, took one more load of noodles in my mouth when i saw the black guy with the dogs, wearing a neon reflecting vest saying the word Sheriff with big letters on the back. I know this is illegal.

Though the lights in the kitchen area were on, the light outside on a sunny day in May 15 is too bright for someone to see inside. At times, they send kids, either Japanese or Hungarian or both to play scenes and do gymnastics when i'm eating.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

12:30 AM 4 to 5 drinks to reach 0.08, which in 4-5 hours becomes 0.04 and it varies if you ate or not and with body weight, if you are dehydrated, etc.. I don't believe i ever drove legally intoxicated. Not by alcohol. But i drove many times being sick, like from smell of dog poop and smoke from around the building, which made me feel much more intoxicated. Something that would go away with charcoal caps, which suggest bacterial infection (food poisoning).

I was driving to Spirit Mountain by example, in a very bad condition, feeling very tired and actually falling asleep from time to time and when i was coming back i was so much better. The only reason i kept going to casinos.

One more thing. After going to 7 feathers i keep craving something. Now i remember it was not the first time i thought people there were smoking stuff other than cigarettes. Could have been second hand inhaling something. And that would have counted if i was pulled by that cop for speeding cause i guess they don't test for concentration.

I went earlier, found two, in the grass, fragmented, one on top of the SW bin lid (transparent bag, knotted). Under the bush near the hydrant was something like a piece of plastic. I puled it and it kept comming until i realized it was a roll of garbage sacks. Now who would throw an unused roll of plastic sacks under the bush?

10:03 Was feeling sick. Felt the smell. Wind is blowing from north. There was only one blue with white bag in the North bin. Open, thrown in the middle of the bin, could not reach it. I grabed a stick, sort of closed it and pushed it lower among other sacks.

7:15 PM I slept and woke up about 20 minutes ago. Went outside and sat on the folding chair. I felt the nice summer wind blowing from the SE bin, bringing garbage smell. I was watching the robins eating my grass seed. Was craving green beans. Then i heard a noise. 5 kids were behind me. 3 Japanese, 2 Hungarian. Went inside, shut the blinds, they ran in the alley in the front of the building (probably).

I opened the blinds, they came back in the back. Shut the blinds again, now they were staying. I looked in the freezer, was lucky, found a bag of frozen green beans, threw it in a pan on the stove. They ran away when i started to write all these.

10:20 After i put the meatloaf in the oven about half hour ago i went outside to smoke a cigarette. I saw a white older convertible with a loud exhaust moving on the alley that apparently was revving the engine periodically in the rhythm of my heart and i started to feel a pressure in my chest. When i realized what was happening, it was replaced by a load base doing basically the same thing. I went inside, still feel that discomfort.

About one hour earlier i went outside and felt the smell of dog poop. However it was replaced with smoke from first wildfires of the year.

Monday, May 13, 2024

8:41 Même du jour. Geologul artist multidisciplinar. Trebuiau să vină ei cu ceva peste. Nimic din ce spun nu rămâne neacoperit.

Este mult mai draconic decât vă puteți închipui. Ieri după ce am postat un link cu diferența dintre burglar și robber, au apărut privighetori (americane, robins) în iarba de sub geamuri. Păreau cam ciudați așa doar țopăind prin iarbă, pentru ore în șir, chiar mă întrebam, dar la un moment dat chiar au zburat.

A fost o perioadă, începând de la Sussex când îmi cântau ăștia, foarte strident, câte 2 luni pe ani, primăvara, mai mult de 8 ore pe zi și mă înnebuneau. Au fost și aici, dar ciudat, anul acesta nu au cântat. Anul acesta am avut ansamblu artistic deasupra.

În cartea (manualul) ninja, este o poveste despre cum un ninja a trezit ciorile ca să păcălească un vameș că e deja dimineața.

La Sussex eram treaz într-o noapte pe la 4 în perioada în care cântau și mă gândeam, oare de ce nu cântă. La un moment dat am auzit un fluierat ușor în grădina vecinilor pe o anumită notă ceea ce i-a trezit pe robins care au început să cânte și au cântat așa toată ziua. Odată aici am auzit ceva similar cu ciorile. La Sussex a fost odată o mare bătaie între două stoluri de ciori care a durat ore în șir.

A și mai e tipa de la 4. Perete în perete, dar deasupra. Azi dimineață la 7 m-a trezit vorbind la telefon în balcon. Vorbește în spaniolă dar arată ca o asiatică. Posibil filipineză fiindcă o minoritate din ei vorbesc spaniola. Ieri a vorbit ore în șir, de obicei vorbește până răgușește și apoi se mai oprește.

Aștia sunt ninja, menirea lor este să păcălească și să sucească mințile, și reușesc. Da, exact ca alba neagra. De fapt țiganii nu sunt tot asiatici? Panteonul Shinto japonez este similar cu cel Hindu din India. Buda a crescut în religia Hindu.

9:20 What made me sick this morning. Two open bags near the rim of the North bin. Exactly where the wind is blowing from. Blue with white paws on. Strangely enough, the smell concentrated inside the apartment.

11:24 The guy who officially cleans the bins on Monday from furniture items from people who move over the weekend came and when i passed the office he was just done with that bin and blew the dust around it.

To escape, i climbed on the alley behind the office and betweet two buildings what do i see. Numerous dog poops and it was stinking badly from the two bins from the upper alley that are now under the heat of the Sun.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

2:15 Got home since 1:20, coincidentally in the same time with one of my neighbors. Had the bad inspiration to go and check the bins. They were 2 or 3 on top of SW bins (it's got a number, nr5). One more on west bin (nr.8). Now my intestinal flora that started to heal after 2 days away switched back to dog.

5:33 PM Slept about 2 hours. Woke up nauseated, with a number of robins, a family i guess, chasing insects in the grass (a new sight). Went and picked one that has been partly whitened by the Sun. I was still in bed when i remembered a 2 weeks of camping when i was a kid, @10 years old, in the Cali-mani mountains.

I was telling Angela. I was not nauseated yesterday after i slept at the hotel.

A bunch of kids, a few adults, among them an geologist from Suceava "the guy who discovered sulfur in the Călimani" with his daughter, about our age, named... Luana (Lou Anna? i don't understand why i remember the name as being a character of Planet of the Apes). Bella Tricks?

The camping site was near an octopus tree. There was a dead horse on a hill, and Mikitovici put some horns to it to make it look like an elk and integrate it in a film. I ruined a bit of film while filming the tree by intentionally jerking the camera and zoom, to make it look like an earthquake (subconscious?). We went up hiking in the mountains with only crackers, rahat and lemons, no water.

There is an octopus tree near Cape Meares, here on Oregon coast, however that one was taller and thinner. I think the kids tried to make a treehouse out of it.

The director of the Pioneers' House in Câmpulung, who looked a bit like Sergiu Nicolaescu. The father of Sorin Mihalea, a bit older than me, who looked like Ioan Luchian Mihalea or George Michael. His wife, my 1-4 grade teachers, the one who taught me about Dacian's messenger to the gods, looked like Claudia Cardinale (last two weren't there) etc..

6:09 Stories of yesterday. Friday when we left there was again and old mat at the no dumping place. A big garbage sack, broken near the SE bin. Others. The handywoman came upstairs several times and then she opened the windows. Though mixed with deodorant, a pestilential smell came from there.

After they last vacuumed, before May 1st they left and shut all windows and doors. The woman i saw leaving looked like the mayor of San Francisco, London Breed. After two days with open windows, the smell is still there. This never happened before while they "were here".

On I5 south there was a pickup with an old mat in it. When i got at the Three Rivers Casino, had the most terrible diarrhea, though i was taking pepto bismol for a week (for nausea). But i have not been nauseated after i slept at the hotel.

Last night at 7 Feathers. Angela bought (at the gas station) some sandwiches and fries for us to eat in the car. After 150 miles driven, i had this terrible urge to go to the restroom and could not finish mine. While at the restroom, the janitor started to mop at my feet. Then he came and looked at me while i was washing, and i did not use soap.

Last thing i remember from that drive. There was a guy with a trailer and a boat who was stinking a bit like gas. So i tried to pass him in a passing area, just before I5 at Roseburg.

But i think he accelerated and a car was coming my direction and i hit the brakes at 90 and fell behind (no i did not forget he had a trailer). As i veered behind the trailer, there was a car stationed on the shoulder, one ft in the lane which i barely missed. Ok, the day before.

Also around Roseburg, Friday evening, a weasel i think jumped from the right, i was speeding a bit because of again a huge truck with a boat trailer was pushing from behind. I caught it right between my front wheels, i think it hit the plastic panel under the engine and then it ran awsy (didn't see it in the mirror).

At 7 Feathers. I think i saw inside the driver of that truck (the failed pass). A gang of bikers with the word SOLUTION and then Clean and Sober, on their back. One of them won 700 bucks. Then they left with a big noise. As exiting the parking lot, one of them stopped the traffic for the others to pass (though in the other lane, where there was nobody).

When i left, again went to the restroom in a big hurry and went into a cabin. There was this knob i turned but the green/red sign inside would not change to red (though the one outside did). There was a ton of soapy water under the throne which also distracted me. I was in a hurry so i just turned the knob  clockwise (not thinking) and sat there. Then two janitors came and one of them opened the door.

Angela confirmed later in the car. At women's again the sign seen from the cabin won't change to red when know was turned, but she opened and looked at the lock and saw in what position was closed.

Just before entering Roseburg, about 10:30 PM (i guess) there was this semi speeding i was trying to pass and an ambulance ahead of him, blocking the left lane. I passed it and the ambulance switched lanes and then they all went 55. After passing, i veered too in the right lane and i set the to cruise at 74 knowing i was in a 65 area (like everybody else does, you cannot slow the traffic).

I guess during that pass (that was arranged) we missed both the sign saying 60 and while commenting with Angela, the talking GPS warning. Up on a hill there was this car with a reflecting red bar at his back. I slowed a bit, but i think i was still above 70. I am not sure. Then when i realized, at about a quarter mile from it i hit the brakes. I looked at the GPS, it was a 60 area.

As i passed it i saw it was a silver gray State Police Dodge. I looked in the mirror, i saw it starting, i froze (knowing i had a couple of drinks several hours before) however, he/she pulled at the first exit.

After, closer to home. Most hostile drivers, including two blinding, light decorated Globe Trans semis going in the middle lane, passing other semis, speeding big time, close to 80 on an ageing freeway, on my last part of the trip. It was telling Angela, at times it felt like i was in that movie, Duel.

A few years ago just before Christmas there was a bale of hay in my lane near Rice Hill. The next trip to 7 feathers, one of my headlights broke with a flash when i turned them on, about to leave. Going with one headlight (right) only on low beam, because of incoming traffic, after about 10 miles a dear jumped in my lane from the left.

Now i know the reason.

11:00 PM Câți ani are Titi Aur? El știe mai bine. Aș vrea să-l văd ce ar face dacă l-ar urmări pe o autostradă cu hop-uri și denivelări pe la unu noaptea, după 800 km conduși, două TIR-uri luminoase (decorate ca niște pomi de crăciun) conduse de ninja (nu există plural în japoneză) nebuni cu 130 kmh (80 mph).

Poliția? Poliția mă aștepta mai înainte la cotitură, în combinație cu alții, să mă oprească și să mă aresteze.

Friday, May 10, 2024

12:30 AM Ok deci după furtuna de neurotransmițători declanșată mai ales de emoția cauzată de lucrul la proiectul cutremure, sub asaltul zgomotelor sincronizate (mașini, țipete, lătrături) cu creșterea tensiunii dincolo de orice limite, am încercat să mă relaxez însă aveam greață.

O capsulă de cărbune, un pepto-bismol, un pahar de vin cu sulfiți, covrigei sărați, o plimbare relaxantă pe la tomberoane, unde am găsit o singură pungă, verde, deschisă, moale (cauza greței), doi saci prinși sub tomberon de șoferul de la Republic Services, un sac spart la un tomberon, iar unul nu l-am vizitat de loc.

Am deschis știrile și ce văd. Două meme-uri mari și late. Unul și cu chip-ul lui Elon Musk, ceva ce nu se poate verifica (numai ei știu). Unul cu Mikhail Mishustin. Ghici cu cine e legat semantic. Răspunsul, aici.

1:57 Știu că e riscant și poate ridicol să mă bag la așa ceva, dar în cazul lui Florin Piersic recomand doze puțin mai mari de 100 mg pe zi de vitamina C intramuscular (bine, cu ceva lidocaină) și injecții multiple intramusculare cu antibiotice în țesuturi sănătoase cât mai aproape în jurul locului infecției, fără a se depăși doza sistemică.

Se vor transporta la focar prin sistemul limfatic. Nu cred că există infecție care nu se poate trata în felul acesta.

Nu sunt pentru vitamina C în perfuzie sau mai rău, injecții intravenoase, deoarece modifică substanțial ph-ul sângelui până ajunge în țesuturi.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

12:21 AM Ok i found enough mental clarity and will tonight to add 3 more columns in my sheet with earthquakes and stuff.

Julian day, Mean anomaly and mean elongation. One more step needed to finish calculating the precise moon distance (center to center) for every eq in Romania since 1940 (I have it input manually for 2008 to 2016).

I would have finished it but the formula in Wikipedia is not pastable so i would have had to write it letter by letter with possible mistakes. I remember i saw it somewhere else but i think i had enough for the night.

Their AI selected an appropriate song for the moment. "I'm so happy cause today i found my friends, they're in my head..."

12:36 found something here... Nevermind, it does not work with svg files... Nevermind. Here it is. I just wrote it manually. Let me check it one more time. It was as complicated as writing a new credit card number on Amazon...

385000.5584 - 20905.3550 cos (M) - 3699.1109 cos (2D - M) - 2955.9676 cos (2D) - 569.9251 cos (2M)

1:32 Made some  mistakes, something is not right, got to fix it... Tomorrow.

10:43 Other priorities... Searching for someone...

Didn't happen in a long time. To be bothered by the vibration of a train locomotive. It is like it's synched and presses on my heart... I had palpitations because of it. I'm tired and sleepy, i'm gonna lay down...

Monday, May 6, 2024

5:30 PM As once my guru said. I will have a long life in the sense that my life will be so full of events it would seem longer. After finishing writing a longer entry on my main blog, i had to go (per Angela) to wash and vacuum the car.

When i was about to exit the door, i heard Lady Bugya singing on the radio "paparazzi". On the other side of the door, on the left, high on the lawn, a team of teen and preteen gymnasts presenting all their sexualized body parts, one at a time. Dresses falling showing underwear while they were doing...

I knew there was going to be a show at the carwash too. The guy who scanned my card, barely standing, shaking, looked like... They had to top what i just said about Hope Hicks (never trust a politician who has double initials).

Too bad i don't have time to search for them all.

5:45 The reason i spent hours searching for her today and yesterday... She keeps showing at Chinook Winds, dressed as a tech or something. Could not find her. Could it be the weight gain that prevents it.

5:48 They now yell real loud competing with an ambulance siren as i wanted to go outside to smoke.

6:23 Now they moved in front as the ice-cream van came. It's 55 (6C) degrees outside.

7:27 Yesterday i saw a big sign saying TOBACCO on top of the convenience store across from Red Winds. So i crossed the street and went and looked. On the wall behind the counter they had the largest selection i'v seen so far, but could not see Kent, the much wanted for cigarettes of my teenage years.

Two packs back then cost like a one day wage, several times from the today's retail price in the the US. And were hard to find, only from smugglers. Unaffordable.

There was a willing native American looking woman at the counter whom i asked and after i spelled, Kay, Ee eN Tee, she looked under the counter and pulled a pack marked with a dark band on both sides which in the cigarette packs color code means full flavor. I asked for two and also if she had the lighter version of them which she did not. So i bought 2 packs for 30 bucks, and went and tried one.

Smelling like it, but vaguely remembering of the flavor, they were strong. After inhaling too times, i felt like falling from my feet, pretty much like the same when i re-started smoking about a month ago.

Today i looked closer and the tobacco inside is red brown, not golden yellow as i knew it since back then. Much more robust, like the coffee, but not as flavored, basically tasting like ash, like all i tried recently. As i read not long ago, the best tobacco leaves (and the most expensive) are Burley and the tops.

8:10 Got sort of hungry, was eating a few crackers, walking casually back and forth when i saw a kid on a bike coming my way then veering in the last moment. Was thinking of smoking a cigarettes, the came back now dressed in pink and stuff looking like Easter bunnies. Though they speak English and Spanish (short phrases) they yell like Japanese kids do, in one or two syllables, with accent on the last.

10:45 That naivete had its own charm as it made them more like us...

Sunday, May 5, 2024

2:06 AM I was looking more at Egyptian Women in hieroglyphs when i saw some of them wearing on their head something that reminded me of a Shiva Linga. So i went and searched more and what did i find.

Is this what they mean, the masons, when they say they draw their craft from Ancient Egypt?

10:40 Slept 5 hours last night. I smell weird because i am smoking. Was thinking. How could i have smoked so many years and haven't noticed it?

Got a rude awakening on a forum. If i go there and ask a question, the trolls jump on me. However, besides raising my BP quite a bit, the jump start made me go and search for the answer myself. After a few iterations o found the answer, which is a big step for me in being able to calculate the Moon distance on a certain day.

Just went to smoke a cigarette and what did i see, next to the Aucuba next to my bedroom window. I went to grab the camera to catch the moment, a woman was quicker than me. By the time i went and started the camera which chimes at startup, she was behind, sweet talking to her dog.

And  yes, i did study celestial mechanics in college. All i remember though is they were pages with differentials, probably about the three body problem.

I remember prof.Irimiciuc kept telling us he was the second mechanics teacher in Iași, after Mangeron. There was a legend circulating among us students saying that Mangeron did send the equations to NASA that helped made the corrections to Apollo 13 so it can safely return to Earth.

I passed the exam by finishing a non functional gyroscope project that was started by a different student, making it an intuitive demo gyroscope that should probably still be in that lab.

I once met with him and his wife in Copou, and after i recognized and greeted him he made a large bow, a gesture i did not understand.

12:00 Today is the 27th anniversary of Red Wind some 130 miles from here. Angela's got 30 dollars free play, we're heading there. There will be a motorcade on I5 North with vehicles with weird symbolism on LPN surrounding us, beware.

Good thing i liestened to the Jocker and Rocket Man this morning, got rid of a song that was playing in mind for days. Now it's Rocket Man.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Early today when we came back home i found an email sent May 3rd at 3:38 PM from the management basically saying i was in violation of the rental agreement for the last 12 months and subject to termination. However a month prior to that we have received a renewal of the lease (they now call it rental agreement). It is the first time we receive such a warning which is not based on the lease (rental) agreement.

The email was sent after they received the payment for the next month however it contains a document that was generated the day before the email was sent and payment was made.
 Here is the only page from the rental agreement that deals with late payments.

Here is the payement confirmation that was sent by them 12 hours prior to the email with the violations.
Here is the lease renewal offer that was sent to us by email, mail and on the door on April 25.
Here is a screenshot showing 0 balance as of right now but i believe it was there before they sent the email or right after 5:38 AM May 3rd.

12:42 PM Just got en email (on Angela's computer and email) from the management saying this type of warning is normally sent on the 5th and there are no violations.

11:43 "ascuns între coline acoperite de o mantie de sare". Poate d-aia. (Arată cum arăt eu la 64).

Friday, May 3, 2024

12:32 Good, better, best, never let us rest.

Silence of the lambs.

Cred că obiceiul ancestral are ceva de a face cu ciclurile agriculturii de subzistență care s-a practicat timp de milenii în România. Un trend, vechi sau nou, nu se curmă ușor.

Dar noi ce suntem. O adunătură de aspirații și adicții pe care uneori, ca de Paști, le numim tradiții.

9 AM. Went to bed after 4, slept 4 hours, plus some in the evening. At the time i went to bed i was already nauseated but too tired to go search for those. Pepto-Bismol works to some extent, but i also ran out of it (i only had a few, abut 10 tablets. I can't believe i didn't order some on Amazon last night, it would have been here by now.

I am addicted for trips to the stores for anything. God knows how much fuel Americans used before Amazon just to get to a store which usually is miles away and buy one item. I opened the back door and a military plane made a big noise. After missing for a couple of days, the blue bag is on top of the lids of the empty bin, it is visible from here, i wanted to show first. Took too charcoals, feeling better but still.

Because the wind is blowing from that direction.

In the mean time (since i took the picture 15 minutes ago) 3 more people came with dogs, to top it.
2:08 PM I didn't know!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

2:27 AM Asta a apărut după ce am vorbit de zodii și gemeni. Cine poate să verifice aceste știri?

8:56 Five hours of sleep. Today is the big day. They pick some of the dirtiest garbage i ever saw. Bins are full of garbage out of bags that has been rained upon. There are bags the size of a human in some. There are dog poops in open bags i threw in there, now covered with bags. While i was asleep i had a nightmare about finding a big dog poop in the shape of a goose liver colored in yellow (fatty liver).

9:00 Did i say something about blues earlier today?

9:17 În topul știrilor din România. S-a surpat o stradă. Nici o grijă, Raed Arafat e pe fază. A apărut prima dată după ce am posta eu despre asta.

9:29 Acum a luat un avânt proaspăt după ce am folosit sintagma calcul biliar. Dolinele (nu am știut) sau surpările de genul acesta se formează unde există roci calcuroase și ape subterane de care am vorbit de asemenea recent. Ele se pot depista. Dovada este că se surpă la comandă, când este nevoie de o știre de uitare.

9:33 Am vorbit despre cel mai murdar loc din casă.

9:40 De la Ungaria nimic decât reverse psychology.

10:30 Nu știu exact ce anume, culorile, lumina, rotunjimile, dar această poză (un meme) sugerează un fund sexy de dimensiuni planetare. Din ce știam eu, Venus ar trebui totuși să fie cea sexy. În ultimul timp (cam de 50 de ani), NASA nu ne dă altceva decât picturi. Pe când niște video-uri?

Apropo, de ce s-ar duce oamenii pe Marte? (dacă ar putea).

10:40 Da, și lumea e condusă de evrei, nu de egiptenii antici și așteptați. Poate cineva să-mi spună la ce s-a așteptat Hamass după ce "au intrat peste evrei la o petrecere deșănțată" și au "răpit pe unii" "care sunt ținuți și acum"?

2:05 After i came from my walk i picked the mail and here came a guy i haven't seen before who yelled something short at me and changed my mood. Tired, distracted, i went and picked one from the grass on the east side, one from near my truck again on the grass and went to throw them and check the bins.

Every time i go towards the SW bin, there is one or two big vehicles making big noises crossing my way. Then i went at the SW bin and on my road i picked one pack of cigarettes and other pieces of garbage from the red mulch.

Tired, absent minded, after a walk in smoke (i had the mask this time) i threw them over the fence, like those who i am criticizing for such a long time. Then i went in there, squeezing and when i got out i saw yet another incarnation of the red headed veteran's daughter coming from the end of the building D and getting into a gray Honda i guess. Then i remembered i saw them again when i finish my smoke before i left.

Then i went to pick a green bag from next to busiest and most visible bin, the North one. I did not realize i could have went around and again i squeezed on the other side, almost tearing my clothes, when a car came and stopped very close, for the mailboxes. On the other side there is on the ground a sack the size of a human, that has been left behind after emptying the bin by the truck (Thursday).

But at least one thing i can tell from my walk. I figured the reason they do so many acts and pranks around me (industrial style) is for the casual observer who need see one or two as he/she passes by.

And one more thing about earthquake predictions, which nails it, but i keep it for myself for now.

2:30 Got a 3 miles rectangular loop for my walk (for some reason can't convince google maps to complete the loop), the only possible one in the area that passes by an elementary school and a kindergarten. Every time i pass the school or kindergarten, a number of cars with significant LPN, people or motorcycles pass between me and it. But today it was special, it was a google car with cameras.

Three vans with the logo Transit comming from different direction at the last intersection in the loop above. There i have to be real careful how i cross because it's a 4 lanes intersection, there is a lot to walk and  the light turns green for the left turn before you have a chance to finish crossing.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

8:11 Woke up at 7, after 5 hours. Bloated, nauseated. Yesterday i tried something else. Pepto-Bismol. While it reduces some of the smell, bloating and nausea, it is not solving all problems. So i went again and picked one from behind the three, looking like from nr.4 and two small unidentified from the grass east of the building. No more blue or green bags open or otherwise. The bins are unusually full and most of  the garbage is loose stuff, with no bags, that has been rained upon.

5:12 Vibrations usually brings stuff from outside. Exactly when we started to eat, the blowers and mowers came. Then i felt the smell. I went and did  the rounds and i found an open blue bag with content from two dogs, of about one pound, on the ground near the SW bin.

But that was 2 hours ago. Right now there is an annoying bass probably from a car accompanying "Spanish" music and i felt the smell again. I cracked open the door and am ambulance siren started in the distance. I hit the post button and the bass stopped.

When i did the rounds this morning i had to remove a bag that fell between the bin and the fence at the SW bin. Otherwise when the garbage truck driver removes and empties the bin, the sac would fall and get in the space under and stay there until i go and beg the driver to let me pick them while he lifts the bin.

However someone did a prank and put some yellow dust on the wire fence (looking like pollen) and when i squeezed in there i got in on the back of my jacket and didn't see it until after i did the rounds in the afternoon. Probably the reason why some guys where laughing when i passed by, however if you check they will say they were laughing for another reason.

Many times when i go in casinos people nearby are having loud conversations designed in such way that is like they are talking to me. Sometimes people from the various teams there (security, techs, clean) are using walkie talkies creating the impression the police are there (like in old movies) etc..

Generally everything i say and do is somehow doubled and certainly addressed. Like when i complained about the music, they added the siren. I think is a quantic way of canceling information and a way to keep reminding who's in charge.

10:10 PM Did the rounds. It drizzles. One blue on the ground near SW bin, heavy, apparently closed but stinking real bad. Threw it where i threw the others, on the opposite wall of the bin, next to the wet mat. One green on top of bin lid at the W bin. One... blue on top of the garbage bags at the N bin.