Sunday, July 21, 2024

12:AM Angela plays only on card and at the beginning of the year she asks and gets the reports from all casinos. However the reports only show losses, not amount played, but our both perception is she looses more at Spirit Mountain then at the others.

BTW they have some work at Spirit Mountain as well and i think there was some dust in the air. Today i had another dysphagia episode but did not even realize until Angela left for the stores and i drank some Coke. Then i vomited and the Coke went through my nose and irritated it more than if i vomited stomach acid. My nose hurt for minutes so bad i was crying. Then i drank small amounts of water and slowly vomited all the content of my esophagus until i could finally drink (swallow) some water.

I think that sharp, electrified, sub micronic mineral insulation dust, after it clears the lungs it irritates my esophagus so bad i can't swallow some of the things i eat, like very lean meat, dry rice, apples, etc. (they stop in the esophagus and is very painful and life threatening). But there may be other factors involved like smell from the bins.

Or that rat in the restroom last night who was pointing at me his back eye while tying shoelaces for a whole minute while i was washing and drying hands, others.

BTW Friday, Saturday i knotted and/or zip tied all bags at bin nr.5 (SW), that is a count of @20, and the bin almost doesn't have any smell. But the one at North (mailboxes) is full of cardboard items that may cover some open bags i can't see and still stinks really bad, after a temperature of nearly 100 degrees today (38 C). I don't understand how the guys living in that building next to it can stand it. No, i don't, really.