Tuesday, July 16, 2024

6:16 AM What was i looking for? A sculpture. A person bend backwards showing butt i once saw during my searches. The exact thing i saw last night. Someone dressed in black (they keep changing persons in the same character, at the apartment upstairs). A very thin black person, so thin, was surreal, bent, dressed in black. Then she left. Soon after i went to bed woke with reflux, but very bad, the kind i didn't have in years. It took me half hour of coughing to be able to resume breathing normally.

That on top of the very bad smell that's coming out of me. I keep telling Angela. It's dog smell kami. Yesterday i neglected to remove poops all morning.

And then in the morning i woke with pain. I have a number of patches with amoxicillin on my body. Yesterday i removed some old ones as i get irritated by the adhesive. Among those was the one at the injection site at Walgreens, 6 days ago. I mean, it was painful when i removed the patch last night, a little, but this morning it was a lot. The place is very painful to the touch and the pain started to spread to my head, right hip, right hand etc.. Bad pain.

This teaches me several things. The absorption of the antibiotic under patch is slower than i thought. There is something going on at the injection site.

I still have two close to the toe that have been punctured, some on calves, etc.. My rule is simple. I add one where it's painful. But the injection? What was with the injection that i got infected with? I put a new patch on it and now i feel heat at that site and throughout my body where i had pains earlier which means the antibiotic is fighting with the infection.

6:30 But their sculptures. Their sculptures could teach us things about their moral.

6:40 Now i feel cold all over my body though it's 77 degrees in here, almost like a fever. It's very scary.

2:00 PM Before

After 11:33 Trying to go to bed, got hit by the smell. Found two, one in each bin i went to. The first one was on a piece of plastic foil full of dust. I "waved" that foil, the bag gut pushed in the back of the bin alright, however i raised the dust. The second one again out of reach, had to go and get the grabber. Lately the bags are in position next to impossible to retrieve them and throw in the back, where they fall under the sacks. Earlier today i found two on top of the bin's cover, way up high. The only way they could do this is if they use drones.

I mean, yeah, you could do a prank one day or two. But the prank goes on for years and they do it to themselves too. Except if nobody really lives here, they just come and go.

5:55 AM, 17. I will put this entry here because is related to the above pictures. Just washed the sole of my feet with alcohol but they look still dark brown. I noticed for quite some time, my feet look brown and Angela's don't. Because she's at work most day wearing socks and shoes and shoes and i walk barefoot on the carpet.

Soak, wash, rinse and dry. First time it was an almost black slime i pulled from the carpet. I pulled gallons of it. It got lighter and lighter, and last looked like Coca Cola. But still. I wished i did it one more time but i got bored with it.

My right foot with the injured toe is stiff. When i try to bend the toes. So is my left. So i figured. It's got to have something to do with walking barefoot on the infectious carpet. Dirt embeds in the skin and if there's cracks or it simply passes through the skin, the same way amoxicillin passes through patches. A continuous feed with bacteria and stuff, leaking into my body.

Just built some new slippers using pieces of corrugates plastic cardboard and thinking to get something as soon as possible. Crocks. Something. Anything that would prevent me from absorbing the dirt from the carpet.

Now it unmistakably stinks like fresh poop. Got to go look into it. I know the algorithm. Every time i write on the blog, they bring some more. Michael Jackson sings on the radio (92.3 i guess). Don't stop till you get enough. But the question again. Is this 320 apartment complex empty?