Friday, July 26, 2024

7:55 AM How much can a few faint knocks in walls influence you? A lot, if it's done in a critical moment of your thinking process.

How much can a fake news influence people? A lot since most people don't verify their news.

Who would believe a banal news about a guy steeling a car while drunk and without license and hitting four others was invented? They can even wreck two cars to make it more credible.  The visible LPN is of course meaningful.

But it should raise suspicion to anyone as is not worth it of national news, even in Romania. Look at the number of Police and firefighters and medics there.

The reason? To cast a subconscious doubt on the freshest memory in people's mind who read my mind. I have been almost drawn in several accidents last night.

8:26 Din aceeași categorie face parte și afirmația elegant politicianistă lui Ciolacu "Geoană e de noaptea minții". De mulți ani eu îi suspectez că se ceartă (ca apoi să se împace iar) între ei doar ca să atragă atenția și să-și plaseze aluziile subliminale bine țintite (primele trei litere din numele Geoană sunt Geo).

Nu contează cui i-o spune. Fraza se așază ca o cărămidă lego (fake), în locul acela unde există un dubiu în mințile oamenilor.

Da știu ce e val ca valul trece însă după el vine altul și altul și altul etc. și pe mine toate valurile astea infinite din fiecare zi mă macină câte puțin.

12:05 There is another kiddo that is older than she looks, a blond Hungarian girl maybe 14 who passes for a 8, doing teases on the balcony rail in my view.

I quit walking when i got sick at the finger of course. After adding patches on the sole of my feet, my symptoms decreased a lot, spreading to other areas of the body stopped so now i can walk. So i was missing the walk, got some muscular breakdown after first in a month or so, but still went.

Most noticeable event. When i was getting closer back home, about to pass the kindergarten, an obvious looking Japanese young man with a WWII kaki cap on his head passed me giving me a sarcastic smile "the aha!" type after he looked to his left were there was a Tualatin Police SUV on the alley to the new condo buildings "The commons" that just got there a couple of minutes ago, passing me.

Thing is. I keep telling Angela, she does not believe me. I noticed for months if not years now that every time something happens on the street, a Police car or SUV shows like five minutes before. To warn me? In a way but i never have a clue of what's about to happen. So they can say. Ok the man got the Police in his pocket?

4:12 Angela went to the garden, brought two cucumbers and now she's building a salad while by brisket is almost done. Kids came running and yelling in the backyard. Weighing on taking a picture of them.

There is again the content of a litter box in a bag in the SW bin. The deodorant covers the smell but i breath the s...t anyways.

Latest financial trick. Got a much waited balance transfer offer in the mail. Angela says it's a trap. After you reach a certain limit, they send you offers (knowing your situation to the cent) and you apply and then they deny them and your credit score gets lower and then they can charge you more interest.

4:55 They're still here. Still don't have the courage to take a picture. How about sound.