Wednesday, July 17, 2024

6:20 It's got to be visible. Otherwise it would not have "contact with the air". Found one at the SW bin, threw a sac with garbage over it. When i came back at the apartment i saw a woman bringing a kid to the daycare business again at the same entrance in building D, right across.

Two Japanese guys posing as Mexicans were loading construction materials i one of the two Silverados, the one with long ladders (20 ft or something) on top. One of them came to the bin i was walking to to throw some stuff blocking my access. I saw the open green back on top. I went to the mailboxes pretending i wanted to get my mail.

Came back, he came at the bin and again blocked my access. Well built, athlete or fighter or something, was staring right at me.

6:30 Went again. At the first garage where i never saw anybody now there's a guy loading or unloading stuff in a small SUV, with big noises. Moving nervously, kinda bullying. Went to the bin, grabbed the green bag which was rather light and did not throw it all the way in the back where it usually falls under the sacks, so it was just sitting there. I was kinda shy (paralyzed) while hearing noises of object thrown in that SUV, thinking what he will do next.

Got back thinking to get the grabber, the guy at the garage did some more nervous, fast moves, a woman got out of building D walking again in a defiant way towards me. All Asians, posing Latinos. On 97.1 Michael Jackson was singing "Don't sop till you get enough".

While writing still hearing the noises of things thrown in/or out that SUV. I get this all the time, never got to write them.

I know where they are coming from. The Chicanos in Japan. I think the movement is vast and through it they train the people there so they learn how to dress and act like Latinos. Cause they have a lot to learn before coming here. How to walk. How to talk. How not to bow. How to dress. Etc.

6:56 Was listening earlier Cher and now Kroeger (spelling variant of German Krieger - warrior) on a very low volume on the radio, when i did not feel i needed it (However i am too lonely and let the radio on all the time).

Each and every of their words came at me like rocks. First they get you into submission by throwing hard words at you (IF... I... COULD... TURN... BACK... TIIIIIME..., NEVER_MADE_IT_AS_A_WISE_MAN) and then, given the quality of the vocals, you go into a trance. They make bullying addictive putting you down in the same time.

Outside it started. The big rumble of the modified exhausts, distant and near, that will last until about 9.

7:18 Had some noodles for breakfast. Original Nissin. They came salty as hell. Then i tried a hot dog. Nathan's, the cheap kind (big thick 12 for 5 bucks). Salty as hell. McCormick Mayonesa. Salty as hell. House ketchup. Sweet, it kinda balances the saltiness of the hot dog. Couldn't have eaten it without it.

7:32 Big K (Kroger) grapefruit citrus zero soda. A soda with an attitude. If it only had some vitamin C (ascorbic acid) instead of citric acid in it. Traces of grapefruit, maybe. Potassium phosphate, for sure. Probably best soda i ever had.

Now the cats are rumbling upstairs, trying to remind me. You may be lonely but are not alone.
7:50 Tell me i'm dreaming. But is this song's tune 100% Asian? C# G# A C# G# A C# G# A C# G# A...  
5:55 PM Yesterday i planned to wash the carpet in the bedroom too, so i did not wash the cleaner. My bad.

This morning i was like wasted. As i said, i removed a number of patches two days before and put them back in a hurry when my infection whatever sepsis came back. Burning sensation in the damaged areas, hot flashes and chills. It lasted one day and it drained me out  both physically and emotionally. Together with drinking, this morning i was wasted.

So this morning though pains and burnings were gone it was all slow motion and after i disposed of the poops, smoke a cigarette, wrote something here i fell asleep. I can't remember exactly how much i slept but i was sleeping minutes before Angela was coming. When i woke up it was stinking here like in a sewer. The cleaner. The dirty water left in it fermented and gave a very bad smell. However i was not feeling as bad as last night or in the morning. I cleaned the thing by passing water through it.

Then the landscapers came. No big trauma today, however after i hosed the corner of the building, the screens and the AC. However the hose broke again while i was doing the front. Got wet from head to toes. Didn't change my clothes right away. Now the big muscles on the legs, the ones exposed to wi-fi from the laptop, started to hurt.

Now i was craving a cigarette and was out of those. Out of liquor as well. It took me a while until i found my wallet and phone (after the commotion with carpet cleaning yesterday). I went to the liquor store (lots of sexy women there, one who was leaving and let me in) and grabbed the 1.7 liter Paul Mason (it's still on sale, under 20 bucks). At Spirit Mountain, for 12 bucks you get a double brandy or 70 ml. 25 times the price for the whole bottle.

I asked for Pall Mall orange (after i changed my mind). Bad choice, it almost has no nicotine in it. I mean, there's a difference between reds and blues, with reds being the strongest, but orange is out of range. Nothing. Got to buy others.

Ok so she gave me the short ones (80 mm) which have the filters shorter as well, allowing more ash to pass through. So i asked for the long ones at the same price. And she asked... 100s? and i said yes one hundreds and she put them in the brown bag with the bottle and handed it to me.

No i can't remember  how many tricks and traps they applied to me while driving to liquor store and back. Just one. I was on the second lane when driving on Martinize and could not switch lanes, though i was signaling, two cars passed me ignoring my signal. Doubling, a similar thing on TS highway on the overpass on I5.

While i came back there was this childish grown up maybe underage Latina? walking through the alley catwalk stile with one hand raised (to cover eyes from Sun) that i passed. When i got back i went to the other door to pick the bag from the car's floor when she passed me this time.

It took a while to find the lighter and the jar with cigarette butts. Finally went outside, thought i felt a smell, walked towards the bin, the curly guy was coming towards it from the other direction so i gave up. While i was smoking, a ninja disguised as a Latino came to sit on the TV box the other side of the alley etc..

A new nuisance. A drawer like app i didn't asked for coming from the right lower corner of my screen, showing all kinda stupid news, interrupting me while i'm typing. I opened it trying to shut it down, it asks me to sign in to "save my changes". A new job, to figure how to get rid of it. Windows. So far could not find a clear answer to that.

I was thinking the other day. I used to have problems with links in blogger both on free Chrome and (Chrome based) Edge. I wrote on a forum, a whole drama unfolded. I wrote to the seller of the computer. They wrote me back asking to pack the PC which was "defective" and ship it and they will send me a new one. A week without computer?

Was thinking to write them back and say. All Windows equipped computers are defective. I mean, look at the number of patches and fixes they issue almost weekly, for how many years now? How is their fault? The Windows is based on DOS and has inherent security flaws by core design and they will have to patch it forever. (look at the ambiguous answers to this question).

Then google fixed that one in the next update, there is another one though. At times, the screen goes black for a second or two and cycles me enmotionally when i think about what to write next etc..

A trillion dollar company, that now uses a free browser (which is its most used component by far) made by volunteers  that is actually worth nothing. I mean, out of the 7 samurai, Amazon has the fleet and warehouses, Tesla has the cars and factories, and Microsoft has the weekly patches.