5:08 Went and did the rounds, disposed of some bags. At the liquor store a bunch of Japanese people went in ahead of me. Once in the store, they started to speak... Chinese. Once back at the apartment, a van with open doors and building materials inside. It smells pretty much like inside Chinook Winds casino. My whole body is inflamed after being there last week for two days, hours at the time. So they just poured some salt of the wound, so to speak.
6:00 Also at the one level apartment across, where the 4th of July party with balloons was and where also is living of the Japanese girls that do gymnastics in the backyard and shows with other kids every time i thought i saw the other day...
11:17 The weirdest thing just happened to me. A few days ago i put a piece of plastic foil under the left side of the balcony upstairs using pushpins, to prevent bird seeds from falling on the concrete slab. Birds and squirrels are then comming and make a mess bringing red dust mulch on the concrete and in the way of AC which blows the dust.
I think two of the pushpins broke and the nail like tips fell on the concrete. I did not bother to gather them and the next day i washed the slab with the hose anyways.
This morning when i woke up i noticed the fingers on my right foot, that are not black like the ones on the left were hurting more than usually (diabetes, wi-fi microwave damage) with shooting pains at times. The finger next to the toe became stiff and a bit swollen. It is not the first time this happened so i did not worry too much.
Then i noticed it was getting worse, i was limping, the whole foot became sensitive and i decided to put a patch with antibiotics. In a few hours the finger started to be less swollen, painful and stiff however it was still sensitive to the touch.
I asked Angela to come and look, more like i wanted to show her how smart i am and beat diabetes pains and other symptoms with antibiotic patches. However when she looked she saw... a pushpin tip that entered all the way or about 1 cm into my finger.
I vaguely remember i felt a bit of pain when i put my shoe on, maybe yesterday before we left.
Now i cleaned with alcohol, put some generic Neosporin in the hole and a band aid around the finger, and with the patch with Amoxicillin 2 inches away (lately i added one with 2x500 mg every day, in different areas of the body), i wait to see.
However, i started to feel chills.
I was telling Angela, how much luck is to get one of the broken two in my toe and not to feel a thing and then stay like this for days, walk, etc.?
I think two of the pushpins broke and the nail like tips fell on the concrete. I did not bother to gather them and the next day i washed the slab with the hose anyways.
This morning when i woke up i noticed the fingers on my right foot, that are not black like the ones on the left were hurting more than usually (diabetes, wi-fi microwave damage) with shooting pains at times. The finger next to the toe became stiff and a bit swollen. It is not the first time this happened so i did not worry too much.
Then i noticed it was getting worse, i was limping, the whole foot became sensitive and i decided to put a patch with antibiotics. In a few hours the finger started to be less swollen, painful and stiff however it was still sensitive to the touch.
I asked Angela to come and look, more like i wanted to show her how smart i am and beat diabetes pains and other symptoms with antibiotic patches. However when she looked she saw... a pushpin tip that entered all the way or about 1 cm into my finger.
I vaguely remember i felt a bit of pain when i put my shoe on, maybe yesterday before we left.
Now i cleaned with alcohol, put some generic Neosporin in the hole and a band aid around the finger, and with the patch with Amoxicillin 2 inches away (lately i added one with 2x500 mg every day, in different areas of the body), i wait to see.
However, i started to feel chills.
I was telling Angela, how much luck is to get one of the broken two in my toe and not to feel a thing and then stay like this for days, walk, etc.?
11:38 I started to fill dog smell in the air. Every time i did today i found at least one open bag or one in the grass. How many times? More than five four sure.