Monday, July 29, 2024

12:25 PM Two black ones in the SW bin. Knotted by smelly (broken or contaminated above knot).

2:10 Bought on Amazon 100 pop corn bags with 6 bucks. However they are too small (could not figure it from the picture). I tried with one and don't know how to set the oven at 1 minutes 15 seconds. Maybe i could figure it out. If i set it at 1:30 got to stop it or the popcorn will burn. But to stop it i got to get close to it and i did a couple of times and started to get pains in known areas.

Thing is. The less stuff you have in the oven, the greater the leaks. At one ounce of corn, it's almost empty. The leaks are then 10-100 times stronger than when there some stuff in there, like frozen dinner.

Then an idea came to me and wrapped the oven in aluminum foil, to cover the contact areas of the door with the rest leaving the door uncovered and tested it it. The result was a disaster, i had the meter in my hand and had to run outside and the popcorn got burned at 1:30. The way i wrapped it was channeling the microwaves towards me.

Now i feel pain everywhere.

I plan to get a cardboard box and cover it with aluminum foil inside so i can cover the door and several inches after, completely. Will come back in a few hours with the results.

2:23 Ideally, would be something like this but made with conductive fabric and holes for the fans.

2:26 I think this could work but have to cut holes for the fans.

2:45 Cred că am mai zis odată povestea asta. Nu contează, e doar câteva rânduri. Eram student în anul II și ne-au pus de rând la cantină. 3 zile parcă la curățat cartofi. Erau niște mașini de curățat cartofi rudimentare, 30% se ducea pe apa sâmbetei, pe canal adică, ce nu ieșea mai ajustam manual. Parcă. Sunt 42 de ani de atunci.

Am stat cu mâinile în zeama aia de cartofi trei zile și mi-au trecut negii de pe degete. Cred că de la antifungalul din cartofi. Dați-vă seama ce mâncam pe atunci.

Într-una din zile eram la o pauză de o țigară așa cum mă pregătesc să merg acum. Într-un colț mai ascuns pe un hol, și se vedea biroul administratorul cantinei, ceva o cușcă de sticlă cu perdele. Apare administratorul, un tip mic și îndesat cu 3 studenți de la o grupă ceva de textile unde erau mai mult gagici.

Și numai ce aud că-i întreabă. Bă voi cunoașteți în an la voi vreuna mai sexicioasă fu..cioasă așa? Și unul din ei spune un nume după care n-am mai înțeles, au vorbit încet.

Pleacă cei trei și la vreo câteva minute apare o tipă, înăltuță, bine cred, dar nu se prea vedea că avea halatul acela alb. O invită omul în birou. La vreo 5 minute încă, iese tipa fumând o țigară.

De multe ori m-am gândit. Ăla era un amărât de administrator de cantină (bine, cea mai mare din Europa de Est și foarte probabil și Vest și lume), dar profesorii, profesorii care băgau în noi materie dincolo de orice limite, o făceau doar ca să fie examenele foarte grele, doar pentru a lua ceva, dreptul, gagici, etc..

Știu că nu e o situație normală, dar când ești ditai profesorul împlinit și nevasta e cam bătrâioară și predai dictezi din foile alea galbene, aceleași după decenii, și transpiri 2 ore la curs și vezi ce vezi în sala de curs, picioare peste picioare, toate de 20 de ani, nu ți se face poftă?

Se pare că situația lui Bully era cunoscută de ani de zile, poate decenii, poate situația asta e pe scară largă la noi, nu m-aș mira, de ce l-au scos acum la suprafață, ca și cazurile azilurilor de bătrâni?

Doar ca să apară zeci de poze într-o frenezie sado-mason-naționale cu un moș Bulan abuziv cu barbă albă și cam de aceeași vârstă cu mine și sociolog pe deasupra?

3:35 Apropo, români, azi v-ați luat rația de Popo_vicii?

3:36 Now that i think i can say Trump has always been a bit off, if you know what i mean.

One black opened, one black loose knot at the SW bin.

4:44 One green open at the N bin.

5:10 Two green open at the N bin. I saw one of the guys, they were showing on purpose. One went entrance 2 of building 3, a bit chubby, nervous i have never seen before. The other one, long black hair, glasses, i did not see where he put the bag today. I saw him another day throwing an open green bag in that bin. I think they are trying to create confusion which they feed upon.

6:05 No matter what distance i stay at, when i do popcorn i feel the heat from the microwave in my body. I ordered one of these which has aluminum on the inside, to see if there's any difference.

10:00 Black open SW bin.

Because i posted that Status Quo vid, the bald veteran's wife came to smoke today across the alley (haven't seen her in months) first entrance, building D) when i went to check the W bin in  the morning. In the evening, that is 10 minutes ago, it was the daughter passing me again next to N bin in a small white Ford pickup (she "moved to other building", because of me?). Usually after this the veteran himself shows. 

How many encounters i had with them, some of the very close kind. But it was several different guys who played that role over the years and several women (and men) playing wife and daughter as well.

10:27 AM After i spent minutes next to bins, searching for bags, my shirt now, about half hour later, starts clearing of that smell though my face is burning. But is better than if i leave the bags open for days on top of the garbage bins. Much better. At least for a few hours until they bring new ones and the pestilence starts spreading.

For a few days now i started to take antibiotics orally as well (at around the day 21 peak, the patches alone were not enough). Then i tried not to refresh the patches and tonight i realized it is not possible to make it with 4x500 mg a day oral dose alone so i put a few more patches.

The tip of that toe is a bit red and numb, though is not like it used to be and is not bothering me too much if i "make a fist" with my toes as it used to. It looks like i'm over the peak, exactly as they say, after 21 days and now i'm heading to a month long recovery.

A surprising side effect. My legs below knees and above ankles were almost black, with ulcerations  before all this started, and now they are almost white and clear of any wound.

However i am very sensitive to microwaves. If i start the oven and i'm too close, everything starts hurting beginning with the areas that were closest to the laptop when i was using on my lap on wi-fi for many hours a day.