Saturday, August 31, 2024

9:17 Semantic și semitic, o legătură semantică nefericită. Ca se obicei în cazul acestor coincidențe lingvistice, este confuzant iar pentru ca treaba să fie și mai încâlcită, pentru semantică am găsit pe google două definiții complet diferite.

Se spune că în lingvistică semantica studiază înțelesul cuvintelor (meaning, și aici nu mă pot opri să nu semnalez celălalt sens, complet diferit din engleză al cuvântului mean, rădăcina lui meaning).

Definiția mai largă spune că studiază semnele. Semne vs. înțelesuri. Poate că totuși nu sunt atât de departe una de alta.

Memoria umană dar și limbajul funcționează pe bază de asocieri semantice. Există un paralelism între cele două. Sunt ca un arbore, cu rădăcină și diverse ramuri dar și părți comune. Poate de aceea avem în lingvistică ideea de rădăcină care este partea comună indivizibilă a unei familii de cuvinte. La rădăcină se adaugă apoi sufixe și prefixe pentru a construi cuvinte înrudite, declinări, acordări, etc..

Și am să spun care este definiția la care ader eu. Semantica este (ar trebui să fie) știința care studiază interpretarea și memorarea semnelor, cuvintele fiind tratate ca semne.

Coincidențele lingvistice adevărate (asemănare întâmplătoare a două cuvinte sau rădăcini) ca în cazurile de mai sus, semantic - semitic, mean (adj) - meaning sunt rare și se întâmplă când două cuvinte provin într-o limbă din două surse diferite, care pot fi două limbi neînrudite, două științe diferite sau chiar două perioade de timp diferite.

În cazul cuvântului semitic, toată lumea știe că vine de la numele lui Sem, "fiul bun lui Noe care a dat naștere ramurii semitice".

Am folosit mult cuvântul semantic în ultimii ani, încercând să descâlcesc felul în care oamenii manipulează lumea, de obicei folosind cuvinte cheie dintr-un context în alt context complet diferit, de pe un alt lanț cauzal de o obicei cu puternic impact emoțional, pentru a deturna procesul de memorare a cuiva sau chiar a unei întregi populații.

Dacă cineva m-ar întreba pe mine, aș spune că în mare parte lumea este condusă prin semantică, prin construcția de asocieri automate false sau iluzorii în mintea publicului, cealaltă parte fiind vrăjitoria.

Știe cineva de unde vine cuvântul titlul filmului Grease, un film american clasic de care am fost lipsiți? Și pentru că arăta că în America orice adolescent își putea cumpăra o mașină veche și a o restaura.

Grease înseamnă bineînțeles grăsime, și aici nu e coincidență, vedem o asemănare de tip clasic a rădăcinilor unui cuvânt englez și unul românesc, pe linia PIE (Proto Indo European), o deci a asemănare care vine foarte de demult.

În film, în sensul de unsoare pentru mecanisme. Era vremea când mașinile aveau nu număr de "puncte de ungere", unde mecanicul, totdeauna în uniforma firmei, cu etichetă cu numele pe cămașă, cu o pompă trebuia să adauge din când în când unsoare, ca mașina să nu scârțâie.

Bineînțeles dacă te băgai sub o mașină să schimbi o piesă ceva te umpleai până la urechi și după de grăsime, iar mecanicii au primit pe atunci porecla de "grease monkey".

Era perioada de înflorire a SUA, când oricine, chiar și cu un venit mai mic, își putea "aranja" o mașină "pentru a mai pune niște mile pe ea". Da știu titlul filmului este destul de naiv, iar metafora este împinsă puțin dincolo de limită (grease got groove, meaning) dar nimic nu poate opri nostalgia după acea vreme.

O vreme când cântăreții alegeau o voce de falsetto (Beach Boys, Bee Gees, Billy Joel, etc..). Billy Joel (un nume de evreu) pus în posturi ridicole, cu vocea pițigăiată și un cap mai mic decât noua sa cucerire. Doi negri încercând să facă ceva la un telefon, o iau la fugă dar la sfârșit dansează toți împreună.  

11:05 Keep searching... A realdork with an Oscar...

11:19 I said. They drink at the bar... I drink in the car...

11:22 Sometimes a typo brings better results... And in Russia...

2:40 The black BMW from Apt.4 with modified exhaust idling for more than 5 minutes. Now he stopped, but didn't go anywhere. His purpose of course was to do a minimalist simulation of a noisy garage. To raise a bit my adrenaline so i won't be so stiff where i go... (cause my finger is not totally healed yet and yesterday i have been exposed to the blow of minimalist cheap AC).

Friday, August 30, 2024

12:30 AM Coming back from Grand Ronde, @midnight. Two guys on bicycles, one on the road, one on the sidewalk, right in front of the complex. Dark clothes, bikes unsignaled. My luck was i saw a movement in the reflection of a light pole in a puddle of water from the sprinklers on the sidewalk when he passed through and then i saw the guy himself, pedaling almost like a ghost. Then i look real hard and saw the one on the street, like 100 ft away. Next to invisible.

Went for the bins. I knotted a number of bags, distributed in all bins, mostly green. One pink, unusual, behind the N bin. One curly in the grass. Several dried further on the alley. When i picked one of those i also picked a branch, probably put there by the ninja and had trouble knotting my own bag.

When i got back for bags, a guy with a yellow beard, with a dog behind our apartment. When i got back the second time, the black Japanese guy or girl, with two more dogs, but they had a bag in their hands. Though i suspect sometime they "forget" fragments.

Two big airliners passed by, silent, i think they were gliding, with engines idling. One helicopter, after.

They were items by the balcony of the one level building that created a mold or yeast smell all around. As soon as i passed those, i felt the smell of the poop from the bin. I believe when those are on, there is less poop smell, probably the same trick with the Ancient Egyptian beer that contained tetracycline. But it does not really help, it might just meet in the air and mutate or select the aerosolized bacteria and make it more virulent.

Same thing with the chair with upholstery on the no dumping place. Can't do nothing about it.

At Spirit Mountain i played poker all night. I forgot i was under the AC flow from above. While it cooled me, it inactivated the patches (they don't work without some perspiration) and i became numb. As soon as i left that place, got better. My toe now is at its lowest, like it was before i hurt it one more time (a scratch, i don't know how it happened). Typing speed is at 60% because of some residual numbness.

Went for fish and chips at the Food Court, the one with the Werner stand. Got to wait a lot for the shift change (happened right before the person in front of me, i think it was right before closing time). A tall young woman looking familiar gave me the brown bag over the fence, didn't have to go and pick it from the table, as all others. It was bagged though i asked "for here". The receipt was stappled to the bag so i don't have it to check the time.

Wait a minute. I got a time on the picture with Werner stand (don't know if it is daylight adjusted, got to check). 21:56 precisely. I think it closes at 11, i have been there for about half more hour.

Saw again dead animals on the streets, mostly raccoons. The wise guys spread some straw on the road, that gathered in piles on shoulders and is almost impossible to see other things.

I searched half day yesterday and could not find the post with a graph showing a sudden increase in "COVID" cases just after they added the last layer of red dust here. As i said, we're dealing with Inquisition here and behind them there is apocalyptic Buddhist sect... God help us all.

They probably want to reduce the number of sinners, and start with the casinos. Though i rarely if ever see any true locals in the casinos. Just celebrities, actors and extras. But aren't they the biggest sinners in the world?

But i do remember when "dr.Fauci" was working at the Liquor Store here in Tualatin and refused to give me the bottle after i licked my dry fingers to pick the card from the wallet.

1:10 Interestingly enough now at night the cats upstairs distract my thoughts. There is sometime now since i try to figure who is that girl that helped me tonight with ordering the fish and chips. But never had time. One thing i'm positive though. She must be an athlete, maybe a handball player.

Also the woman upstairs. Closest. Now the cats dropped something on the floor upstairs and are playing with it.

The Werner (unter)stand.    

The rockets on the street just before the casino. They had more at the Newberg dealership (forgot what brand)                

The winch on top of a side of Spirit Mountain figuring a gallow.

A triple shiva linga underneath that gallows

The spider at the third entrance.

8:08 AM Slept four hours. I am numb, hard to walk and out of patches. I think i am better than one month ago but still not done. Ordered some, they were at the locker. Walked towards it, carefull not to fall. Forgot to look at the sign. In my way there i looked in the N bin, there is a stinking open green bag at the bottom of the emtpy bin.

A short stocky blonde woman crossed my way with a dog. Barely made it back. She threw the pink bag right in front of me. Was knotted alight but too low possibly living some dirty part outside.

8:40 Gotta go clear the bins. Found only one open one (green). There is one more on the grass, i didn't have a bag.

Still numb, the two patches i put on me did not kick in yet.

9:40 Jocul secund.

Riga Kripto. Inchiziția spaniolă. Provinica Philipinarum.

12:10 (Cruel) Summer of Sabrina

1:40 PM Estimp (in the mean time). Lipovenii sunt de fapt un fel de laponi? (M-am mai gândit la ipoteza asta odată).

Acum înțeleg de ce mi-a spus șoferul ăla de taxi că semăn cu un fost coleg de-al lui care era indian (American Native). După ce am văzut filmul Stolen, și i-am auzit cântând Hey ya hey ya hey ya,  acum știu. Toți sami au fost un singur popor, din statul Washington până în Siberia.

5:08 I slept until now. It smells really bad, at 85 degrees. Went and found 3 open bags at the SW bin, 2 greens and one pink. Could not go at the W cause the Security guy and his wife were there smoking, staring at me. enjoying the smell coming from the bins. Haven't see them in weeks. Most certain they don't live here.

5:15 Opened the door to see if it still smells and a woman in short short and bra? passed by, looking like their daughter that used to live here.

10:35 The yelling monkey kids left. I went to smoke in the back. I thought i saw a car i knew and made a few steps but they were a couple of kids hidden behind the corner at the garages. Went back. Some skinny guy dressed summarily was peeing at the hydrant. A new one.

10:30 After that trick they came back, with a vengeance.

11:11 Miticii, Ed Sheeran v-a mâncat (iar) simbolul (național!).

Thursday, August 29, 2024

12:15 AM The sad series of my mishaps. Thought i was out of the woods with my toe. After i done a few things today, like walking half marathon in the kitchen and drinking a little beer with brandy, i crashed for three hours and then i awoke with numbness in right foot. Put 2 patches on that one, one on the left foot and one on the back.

Started a movie on Netflix. Cowboys Bebop. But had to go outside to fix the stink. In the meantime she upstairs awoke Angela. I can tell you, 3 or 4 open bags like the green bags with poop and a little red wood chips in there stink worse than a bin full of garbage.

3:35 Was really dehydrated, drank lots of water. AM was about to go back to sleep when i felt the smell. The bacteria found water in the stomach and multiplied and got me nauseated. Found 5 more bags, all green, two of them heavy, that occurred between midnight and 3 AM. Could not get close to N bin. Two raccoons near it were staring at me, defiantly and would not get scared and/or move away.

5:35 O was wrong. One more single (green) bag in the W bin smelled worse than the all the other bins. Bad enough to wake me up at 5 after 1 more hour of sleep. They must have brought it right after i knotted the other ones at 3.

12:03 Why electric cars aren't catching... But the classics are going to heck as well... Hot for the teacher...

3:10 Windshield fluid, one of the biggest rip-offs of all time. It comes at 4 dollars a gallon or the same price as gasoline.

Lately i used concentrated Rain-X i bought at Walmart. It costs me less than half, maybe one dollar a gallon. (7 dollars for 4 gallons actually, but i cheat). Rain-X has this advantage at freeway speeds. You actually don't need to run the wiper, the drops simply fly away.

But if you wanna go cheaper than that, after i read somewhere it was mostly alcohol, i went and did a search and saw on forums you can add several ounces of rubbing alcohol ad a few drops of manual dishwasher detergent and voila. It cost you almost nothing and certainly the same amount of time than picking it at the store.

Today i did half and half, 2 ounces of Rain-X and 2 of alcohol per gallon, experimental, but it turned into a milky substance. Let's see if/how it works.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

12:58 AM Riga Krypto si Lapona Enigel. Creep to that is.

In the movie, the villain, as in so many recent movies, has to have a Jewish name. Isaakson. Kolibri Production.

2:20 AM Snoqualmie Falls, next to Salish Lodge, aka Twin Peaks Hotel, near Sammamish. In 2007 i was invited to move there. Sami, Xemu, IMU, Salmoxis, etc.. Maria Zempleni, etc. etc..

9:55 Went outside oh boy. I saw the guy who takes open green bags to the W bin but did not stay to look what apartment he's going to. Not a guy? One thing i did not understand is he was coming from inside an apartment, with a bag pretty full. And the bag had redwood chips in it as well.

I noticed the market jumped after i came back inside. BTW they were numerous open green bags in that bin. One of them had a stick from a tree branch making it hard or impossible to knot.

9:56 Prompt response. Stolen.

10:00 Found a picture in Hungary but don't know the name. In the middle of course.

10:08 Ion Barbu

11:35 The terrible nausea i had this morning is slowly reverting, after i went and knotted a number of bags, all green, about one hour and a half ago, most in the W bin. Thing is, i tried to survive one night without going outside before going to sleep.

Actually, i tried at 2 AM and the Security SUV passed right when i got out. I started the ozone generator on a low setting but there is no way it can neutralize the pestilential smell. Because they put in the bag red chips which help mutate the bacteria strains in there. So it takes several hours for that smell to develop. Which means that after i dispose of them, i can sleep.

Yesterday and the day before the woman upstairs launched an unprecedent attack. Been here continuously for days, stomping like crazy. That is because i made a mistake with Alexa match.

But last night. I wanted to go and watch a movie in the bedroom with Angela, which i rarely do. Then of course the big problem. Cause she likes movies with actors and actresses talking all the time and sometimes kissing and stuff and i like Sci-Fi with battles and lasers and stuff. Just when Angela said she wanted to discontinue NEFLIX so we keep watching prime which is free cause we have prime delivery.

A couple of heads with red caps popped and we started to watch the movie Stolen. Young Elsa looked extraordinarily familiar to me, but when she was about to be replaced with older one (10  years latter) the woman upstairs went to the bathroom. And the TV quit working.

But this time i knew why. The stomps and creaks she created caused the weakened contact at Ethernet plug to break. Weakened by who? So i put something there to press on the contact and finished watching the move, and i saw old Elsa who also looked extraordinarily familiar. And  then i looked on line and figured.

What i'm trying to say. The audience delegated and approved pranks and nuisances for the dictators always hide something else, and that is manipulation and creating situations for new pranks. That is, they broke the TV when i was not here to create and extra nuisance but that was not random, can be remote controlled (with vibrations) and they used it when it was critical to them.

(Trying to prevent me from watching that movie to the end). It was a one in a million occurrence.

12:00 Yeah i can smell it. There must be a new one. Got to go look.

12:00 A very loud siren started when i went to check the bins. Two small children running on scooters next to SW bin. Almost bumped into me. I looked and saw little embarrassed, nervous but smiling and determined faces.

Found one in the grass in front of two huge white wa marked SUVs, one blue bag in the N bin. One knotted green bag on the ground next to W bin. Like always in the last days, one empty water bottle on the red dust next to one level apartment. It creates a mold or yeast smell that acts as deodorant so i can't feel the poop smell right away.

6:09 For the last couple of hours i've been cooking. Chicken breasts in the trays in the oven, cabbage, rice and pizza. Was about to actually eat something and went to close the door in the rear when i saw an Asian guy, looking sad, with a sleeping 2 years old in his arms, passing by the door.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

6:25 Slept 3 hours. Dogs barking since 6 AM prevent me from sleeping. Fallen asleep several time, they are barking. Especially the dog at Apt.4, where the woman yelled on the phone at the baclony last night.

12:00 Slept three more hours but what's important, is i'm alive. I will explain later.

1:30 I tried to relax (saying in my mind, i nailed it again) after i wrote a few reactions to Romanian BS media, upstairs it went KABOOM, dropping a heavy object.

Despite all risks (i once slept with noise cancelation headphones with my oven on) and nearly got chocked by smoke, i put some earplugs and slept with those.

Today it was a record breaker. Dogs barking for more than one hour, then she started upstairs. She flushed the toilet again when i was on the throne, caused me palpitations, woke me like ten times was really scared and then i put those on and went to sleep though she woke me like 5 times in 3 hours.

I think i pissed them really bad with my recent posts.

9:22 Paypal donations as right now. Considering removing that button.

Monday, August 26, 2024

3:04 PM 44 minutes ago the guy from Ziply fiber called and asked if it he internet it's sill not working and i said it is not. By the tests i've done earlier today.

I moved yesterday a PC near the box to try it. After he called i was intrigued by his question and came to check. Still not working. Could not have because the cable from the TV was hooked to the PC. So i fixed that and connected the PC to the box and now that the internet was working.

I tried to call back but i called a wrong number i thought it was the most recent. (My phone has been reset recently, they were only three numbers on it). With area code 435. I don't know what that is but the automated answer had a heavy British accent. I don't know how that number got on my phone.

Then i tried with the TV, still now working. So i had something to tell him.

Then the woman upstairs came and started to move around. I know she is able to throw away my thoughts.

He came and he was in turn intrigued by my configuration. Fiber optics box hooked to the PC. He said the TV cannot work like that, like the PC. I told him it was working like that, he seemed baffled. We tried to reset the TV, including from the reset button. Still not working.

When i asked  him if they did anything at their end, he said there was some work done at a hub "with problems in this area". That is not consistent with what the customer service said yesterday, that everything is showing fine (all the way to my box) at their end.

In the end he gave me a new cable but was still not working. He said he cannot troubleshoot the TV, not in that configuration.

When i asked him about his accent, he said he was from Romania. Probably from the tiny Russian minority in SE Romania. When he left he offered to shake hands, a Romanian custom.

After he left i plugged the new cable directly into the fiber box and noticed one of the green LEDs was not on. Then i fiddled around with the cable in the TV connector and then it started working. But if take my hand off of it, it gets disconnected. So it must be the TV connector.

So in the end it came out it was all my fault. But in the beginning, when i did not move anything, internet was not working on the PCs in the other room. Could it be i am so stupid i hooked the PC to the TV instead of to the box yesterday. Or was distracted by some noises around. I also was not here yesterday all evening.

The configuration i used so far includes a switch right after the cable box and two routers that simulate another switch like this in the other room. Just ordered one more of those to simplify things.

3:26 I was really sick this morning. At some point i was thinking if i was going to be able to make it till they come (without going to the hospital or anything).

But this time i know the reason. Besides the numerous poops i had to take care this morning here, yesterday i had to navigate around dead animals. They were two deer and 3 racoons on our way to Spirit Mountain (and back). The same as the day before. Though cops were present on the road, pulling drivers, signaling accidents). I wonder if any of their duties include reporting those to whoever need to take care of.

Yellow sacks with garbage that were there for at least one week.

When we got back home the woman upstairs came in the same time (what was that, just before midnight) and Angela got the chance to tell her about the bird seeds). She seemed intrigued and told her to look. But i did not mean in the dark. When i got to the bedroom window, to lay in bed and watch a move, he came with much noise in the balcony, right above me.

At time stamp hour on the yesterday post i was at the library to write the latest. When i was done, a woman that seemed Japanese, with a thick black coat, a big cap, big glasses (basically could see very little of her) came carrying dragging a big black suitcase on the library's floor and set at a monitor across the table where i was.

This can be connected with two things. Before i went to the library, i used the Shark sweeper. After a few seconds, i realized it was all covered in red dust. Since when i used it on the patio. So i wiped it briefly and continued. After i came from the library i went to sleep and woke up with big pain in the sole of my feet.

And i told myself, i probably stepped on the carpet and spread some red dust and then i stepped on it. So i clean the sweeper real well, did one more time all areas i done before, then took a shower.

Before we met with the woman upstairs, i saw a van or SUV in the alley with the LPN HAK.

Today i watched the TV and saw the news about the hacking of whatever Seattle airport. As i said before, i don't believe it is possible. All big corporations and firms employ people that are not like us, are trained in IT. Myself, i have some IT background and i can tell you, i would not connect the front sites directly to the inner IT systems and i believe they all do that.

The front sites, reservations and stuff are fed with data from their inner servers, but i believe it would be stupid if directly.

Apparently not. (Dejavu) But why?

Who was  the Japanese woman dressed in black that was doing that show at the library yesterday They can do that. In the same building with city offices. Well, the mayor wasn't there yesterday. It was Sunday.

One thing i forgot to write yesterday (they were many people making noises in the library yesterday). When i looked yesterday at the fiber box, with Ziply logo on it and i saw it was Nokia. Nokia is made in Finland. Finland is Hungary's sister country in Europe.

Before i made any changes to the configuration of my home yesterday, just troubleshooting the TV, i made for the first time ever a hard reset on my fiber box. That is holding the reset button with power off and then powering on with that button pressed. The lights turned all white, yellow and green after about 6 seconds and then they started to flash came back on one by one, like in normal functioning, but it all quit working.

But today it is. But you know what? I'm gonna do it one more time. Should have done it when that Ziply guy was here. One thing. Everything i think or write is accompanied by steps upstairs. Always. Right now it completely blocks my thoughts. Cannot think.

3:54 Ok just done it one more time and it still works. Ok gotta take a brake or move from here cause she is not stopping.

5:45 I had one more thing to post to conclude what i started before my internet got shut down. For that, i have to find something on my blog i'm afraid i did not add keywords to it. Got to try and figure the date maybe, by the time i watched a video, i believe with cats. No, foxes. Now i remember. A sassy fox. But will she let me? She took a day off just to stay here to try and prevent it.

5:53 Ok she stopped upstairs, the monkey girls instead came in the back.

6:48 When i finally looked into the news, i started to believe the Ziply guy today looked like... With blue eyes. But he is arrested, in France. Right?

7:00 I found what i was searching for. Alexa Crush appears in a video with a girl resembling Alexa Demi that goes by the name realjackanddani. I posted that video a while ago, or a screenshot. That's when my internet went down, when i wanted to search and post about it. Because, if it's true, it raises the question.  How many are they really? Hollywood girls doing overtime on sites that is?

In the same time they launched this fake event. King City, Kinga.

7:22 Last night at Spirit Mountain i saw this woman. I believe these encounters are to be used in videos/audios with modified date.

As i said, 5 dead animals within 35 miles rotting in the road for at least 2 days.

Also when i got back, right after i passed the red light camera in Sherwood, in a very dark area coming after a fairly lighted intersection with especially blinding green lights,  i wanted to go into the right lane.

I believe it is one of my habits there. However, on the right lane, not necessarily in my blind spot, it was more next to the window, in the dark, dressed in dark on a dark motorcycle a stunt guy was waiting. But i looked and changed my mind in a fraction of a second. Over the years, very few if any motorcycles encountered there at that hour.

7:35 So here i am, fixing the fallout of an internet outage instead of taking advantage of what i've discovered and i am not really sure who to blame. But i have an idea. BTW in the end i fixed the TV.

I built a 1 mm radius hook out of a dental probe and sprang back (pulled a little) every of the 8 contacts of the Ethernet plug on the TV. It was nerve wrecking, thinking i might actually brake it for good but it now works. If i broke those i had to buy a new TV cause i won't use it on wi-fi. Then i taped the cable on the back of the TV so it won't move around and weaken again those contacts. 

7:47 Thinking of buying one of these. In case of outage, i put it in my phone and then use the wi-fi, until i am able to fix my internet.

12 AM Went outside, disposed of a number of bags and open poops. The yelling "Spanish" woman was yelling in her balcony for hours so i could not go to search under her balcony. In the last days i keep finding, besides dog waste, a number of black feathers. Thinking of the unusual number of dead animals on the road in the last few days.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

"T-mobile is down, for who wants to know", said a guy in the library. There are too many people talking here or this is the new norm. Haven't been quite in a while.

My phone was on in my pocket, that didn't happen in such a long time, that means it was trying like crazy to reach a tower, or maybe the towers knew and told the phone to stand down.

Then i remembered to check for outages at ziply and it asked for my account number. Then i tried to call Angela and of course it didn't work since it was Hello Mobile (T-mobile).

What a coincidence. I'm at the library because my internet is down. Now hour cell provider is down.

At the apartment it was unusually quiet all morning. This usually happens after i say something really important and i believe the AI is recompiling and rebooting with the new data. But this one was the thing of the year or past years cause it was all centered around Alexa's Crush.

How long since my power went out, for more that 24 hours and then one more hour the next day, three weeks ago? Could check on the blog.

TV was on and off for the last weeks. It always re-started after i reset the fiber optics box. But this morning it won't. I did a hard reset, which means power on with reset button on, and then i started go get a different error message on the TV and then the PCs won't work either.

Then i asked Angela to fix it since i don't like to use phones. After of course an hour or two i finally got to talk to a guy who though hesitant, and saying too many insignificant things, came to the idea to send me a tech, cause there was no more troubleshooting we could do.

The first guy i talked to seem to not be able to understand my configuration, set just for troubleshooting, with only the fiber box cable and the PC connected through cable (ethernet, not to be confounded with internet, with no router). I've been on the phone for more than 10 minutes total with both guys. But then when i came here i put it on in my pocket.

Yeah there is a tech scheduled for tomorrow, between 1 and 5 PM.

I hope it's not going to be the Prime Minister of Romania, Ciolacu, who was the tech who installed this box earlier this year when i switched at the end of my promo with Comcast. Something i mentioned yesterday or two days ago.

I hope is not going to be Chuck Norris, who installed the backup battery on the old box last time (about 4 years ago, or two cycles Comcast/Ziply (I think it was Frontier back then)) and generally i hope it's not going to be any celebrity cause i'm so tired of those.

(Just saw in the news a face i saw at Indian Head Friday night, together with a guy i saw before (in that day with the event where i could not find a place to park, when i had a short conversation with him about Trump) who know shows dead in the news).

Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 24

9:47 Got blurred vision. Speed typing is cut in half. Tonight they gave it to me. While driving towards Lincoln City they were several dead animals on the road, mostly deer. But after a walk on the beach encountering stinking dead seagulls, pile of rotting sea serpents (i don't know how they are called, long plants resembling a whip) i started go get numb. Angela won a hand, to make for the looses of today and  yesterday and we took off.

On my way back i was getting number and number. Finally took one amoxicillin oral. But i wasn't getting much better so i took another one. On top of the many patches i already had on me. Met with the same dead animals in the same places which means nobody takes care of, they are a real bio hazard.

But there are a couple of places where it always smells like dead animals, and not talking about the landfill. Cannot tell right now where, i will try later.

In short. When i got home my t-shirt (took a shower this morning, new shirt) was smelling like a dead animal. I remembered many times before going to the nut house i was smelling like that. In Beaverton we used to have a neighbor down stairs who was also laughing like a witch, when alone at home. One day she showed with two life size bandages wrapped voodoo dolls in her car.

But nowadays i try to fight back. Sometimes charcoal helps. What happens, you breath bacteria from dead animals and then it gets into your lungs where it doesn't do much and then it gets slowly eliminated into the stomach. But if i start to get numb, i take (more) antibiotics.

Why me and not Angela? There are a couple of things. One is diabetes. My body tissues have sugar in more than they should and that is a good nutrient for bacteria. The other is prostate leaks.

In other words, witchcraft. Voodoo. Black magic.

But in Lincoln City. I usually go to Grocery Outlet (yes, having a Sun as a logo) to get water. I buy a pack of six gallons of Crystal Geiser because here is hard to find and it's in the way.

But tonight there was a woman there, almost as tall as me, in her twenties, looking real good and dressed... in bikinis! She was moving along the check stand as i grabbed the pack of six and looked back.  On my way out there was a woman in some sort of security uniform, with a microphone at her shoulder, looking worried.

Then when i drove away, i saw a Police car approaching. No i don't believe she got in there "dressed" like that. She must have taken her clothes off in the store. And there is always the outside open door near the restrooms.

Never saw in my entire life so many sexy women in the Casino and on the beach tonight. BTW just remembered something. Like so many other times, as we were approaching Lincoln City there was a car on  the street going under speed limit, for about half hour. Kept telling Angela. To give them time to gather?

At a certain time there was next to us this woman who looked like the cop in the movie The Stranger, age adjusted, and Angela for the first agreed with me.

Finally got home. In the parking lot, a kid's bicycle overturned in the middle of the alley. One car close to our trunk, as we pulled in the spot. A bunch of kids on bicycles surrounded us when Angela went to the trunk to pick the bottle with brandy. The woman at the wheel of that cars calling upon the kids, talking to them.

Friday, August 23, 2024

12:05 Gathered more red dust mixed with seeds. Found some bags, some free range ones. When i took them to the bin i saw the curly blonde with her dog and a guy, smoking. Went to smoke, i saw her in an open door (yes at the last entrance of building D).

Un meme cu tâlc. Trimitere la butonul meu de donate. Purtător de cuvânt la 23 de ani. Listele mele se cam opresc pe la anul 2000. Mie nu-mi plac Porsche. Sunt sigur că și ea și prefectul fac parte din cele o sută două de mii de care vorbea Liiceanu. Nu am timp să-i caut pe toți.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

8:18 Yesterday i realized that the seeds falling from the feeder upstairs on my patio might be a bigger problem than i thought. It has been months since this is happening and the squirrels come to eat them and make a mess and mix them with the red dust.

Because the red dust contains so much tannins which are strongly anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, the combination might breed some very virulent bacteria. So i decided to remove the mix. One thing i noticed, there was no more numbness in different areas of my body, hours after that.

However, i saw that under the surface, which is made of chips, there is a very fine and very irritant dust. Also there is a lot of it in that area, much more than others. That keeps it red while in other areas it turned grey. My hands are still hurting after removing the mix and i can still feel it in my throat by breathing some when i did so. It feels like i touched nettles though without the blisters.

However at 3:30 AM i fell asleep and at 7:50 somebody came upstairs and stomped on top of my bed in the bedroom until they were sure i was fully awake. When i looked outside, i saw no car in the spot. There was no car last evening and there was no car when i smoked last time before i went to bed and it was quiet upstairs until this morning.

Wondering if that dust or the one that was flowing on the alley because of a broken sprinkler in an area where again there is too much dust and carried by the wheels of cars all around have something to do with the kids being so excited and yelling all day long.

I had before neighbors with birds feeder (and a cat) and it was then when some weird pains in my belly area started.

8:40 Now i can hear the cats running upstairs. Could have been cats jumping from the bed upstairs that woke me up. Here is how it looks, after.

Went outside to take the picture, got hit by the smell of poop. Some came inside. New seeds fell, the squirrels again did their job and brought some dust on the patio. There's got to be a lot on the balcony upstairs.

Superseding information. I am tired. I wrote about the cats jumping. Now everybody thinks maybe the cats that are jumping are making all the noise. No, this was just the confusing part. But now i don't thing they were cats jumping that woke me. The stomps were too had. Everybody knows, these upstairs apartments communicate through the attic.

I went and picked two green bags, heavy, from the ground next to NW bin. When i looked first through the window, i saw somebody wearing a cap leaving. Persons resembling other persons were passing. Persons replacing other persons. 

There is one woman i haven't wrote much about because she was not bothering me much though sometimes i ran into her too many times, statistically speaking. Short, with a gray medium size dog. Coming from the same right entrance of building D.

But i saw here looking kinda different in different occasions. Not make up. I'm talking about body shape. This morning again she looked different, with much shorter legs. Last time i saw her she was looking like...

But today. Could had have some rubber pieces attached to her legs to look much thicker. I think it's a whole damn theater team around here, playing. With makeup, body modifying attachments, lookalikes, doubles, etc..

10:48 I heated some food in the mw and the cats upstairs started to run like crazy, they probably feel the smell. They must be starving, nobody attending to them. Wondering if they have an automatic feeder.

4:00 Woke at 2. Put two aspirin in patches. Exposure to the dust yesterday got me pains all over. I planned to go and wet the dust, hose the building, etc.. But first, i went to dispose of the, you guessed it. No, i went to smoke a cigarette. Some sirens went off. One of the little girls passed and waved at me. Then i went for the poops. I found 2 open bags in the SW bin, 5 in the open. I ran into a number of people, cars.

I think they had enough suspicion elements gathered so they could bring back the Element in the parking lot and start the squeaks upstairs. Now i can't hose the building. Only at my level.

In the meantime i caught on video seeds shells actually falling from above. But the video is too grainy, don't know if they can be seen falling.

6:05 I was kinda satisfied after figuring this one out, one of the most difficult ever i tried like seven different times, over the years,  (no, i did not watch her movies) though it left me with a big problem, who's videos i am gonna watch from now on (she was the best).

(BTW, can you see the counts on the views of her videos on tiktok? The "celebrity effect" (and the sophisticated makeup) wasn't there, nobody knew so they didn't like her as i did). (or maybe those counts are as real as the stats on my blogs or my zero donations on paypal).

I went in the kitchen area, poured me a couple, she-upstairs stomped on me, i ate a "loose sandwich" (which means the pieces were never put together), the sprinklers started, was staring at those trying to asses my pain after a patch with two aspirins, and a monkey-girl came out of nowhere running towards my window while i was munching on those pieces and then she veered away.

8:00 If i put the blinds completely on, is bad, they think i'm at the body shop. If i don't more people pass by the glass sliding doors and stare at me as i snack in the kitchen area.

I watched last night a movie on Amazon prime. With Mexico President Felipe Calderon and that journalist (Greenberg?). You got to see it to believe it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

12:15 A while ago i discovered something important but never been able to formulate it in one phrase only.

The law exists only to the measure in which there are people willing/committed to serve it and people of the community are giving their support/approval to them. A narrow corridor i recon but theoretically it should exist.

12:40 Autorașul zilei. Astăzi, Forin Iaru. Am să explic.

"Faptul că procuratura scapă către prietenii din presă amănunte picante, jumătăți de informație, păreri în doi peri e de natură să creeze un val de simpatie sau antipatie populară, care va atîrna greu în sentința judecătorului"

Am obosit de câte ori am spus. Ca orice metaforă de natură tehnică, care de obicei este temporară, adică până moare termenul presupusei comparații, adică tehnica/tehnologia respectivă, asta cu presa ar trebui să înceteze. E desuetă și chiar jenantă.

Gata cu presa. Nu mai există presă. Nu mai există obiectul metaforei. Presa era aia rotativă care tipărea pe hârtie. Astăzi nu mai tipărește nimeni pe hârtie iar această rămășiță a ei, adică textele articolate pe titluri de publicații pe net poate intra în categoria mai mare a mediei. Online că toată e online.

Că autorașii se dau mari cu această generalizare, din această poziție aparte, o rămășiță nostalgică care cuprinde tot ce apare ca text pe net, treaba lor. "Presa, suntem  noi. Am fost noi, vom fi noi".

Dar când vin și spun (în presă) că sentința judecătorului e dictată de simpatie și antipatie, asta e altceva. Și nu intră în categoria a ce am spus chiar mai spus. Am spus că justiția există numai dacă există voința judecătorului și suportul publicului de a face justiție. A face pe placul publicului nu este justiție.

Iaru dacă dumnealui știe că un procuror a scăpat din dosar către prietenii din "presă", mai ales pentru a influența deciziile, ceea ce însumează mai multe fapte penale, cu număr de articol în Codul Penal, "ca la carte", ar trebui să facă un denunț, nu să vină să se dea mare cu această informație în "presă".

De fapt denunțul e făcut deja, indirect, într-o publicație majoră (și nu numai el și nu numai o singură publicație). Urlă o presă întreagă! "Procuratura scapă către prietenii din presă". Se sesizează cineva? Procuratura? Ce mesaj transmite presa și justiția publicului din România?

Dar eu bănuiesc altceva. E vorba de presă subversivă, pe îndărăt adică, menită nu să educe publicul ci invers, așa cum a fost pe stil comunist, așa cum a explodat pe vremurile noi, de lichidare a României pe stil capitalist. Apologia statului infractor, complice sie însuși. Justiția extrajuridică ce e atât de răspândită în filmele americane, adusă la nivel național.

Rezolvarea unei crime cu alte crime și infracțiuni, ca până la urmă să iasă totul "bine". Nu știm exact ce au făcut doctorițele, dar le linșăm pe scăpările ilegale ale unui procuror. Care pot fi reale sau o invenție pentru a stârni un scandal de moment care să acopere alt scandal.

11:40 Aș vrea să pot descrie asta însă e peste puterile mele. M-am trezit acum o oră și jumătate, după un somn de 4 ore + 2 mai devreme. Călca deasupra mea în dormitor. M-am dus prin diferite locuri din apartament, a venit să calce deasupra mea. Bufniturile sunt foarte puternice, dar nu am comparație, în România, cu planșeurile (podeaua de deasupra) din beton, nu se poate întâmpla apa ceva.

Aici pe lângă bufnitură simți șocul și în pereți, podeaua pe care stai. Podeaua de lemn deasupra are 2 inch și se sprijină pe niște bârne 2x6. Mai e un spațiu de vreo 24 de inch iar tavanul meu e din ghips, sub un cm. Dacă e o persoană mai grea, te termină. Dar partea cea mai interesantă e că o face când mă gândesc la ceva.

Mă face să uit ce vreau să scriu. Îmi schimbă ordinea ideilor. Iată una care am uitat-o de mai multe ori dar încă mi-o amintesc. Pentru că mă frustrează foarte mult. Apar aceste știri care parcă vor să mă contrazică și să anuleze tot ce scriu, cu puterea presei oficiale din mai multe țări.

Am scris acum două zile că Putin a pierdut în Kursk pentru că nu are la comandă militari profesioniști, iar totul e probabil la discreția lui și a unora care se gudură pe lângă el. Ce apare azi în presă media.

11:50 Da și în momentul în care am postat rândurile de deasupra, bufniturile s-au oprit. A nu, au pornit iar. Mai rar dar la fel de apăsat. Ok s-au oprit.

Da nu e numai zgomotul și vibrația. "Aerul" din spațiul dintre tavanul meu și podeaua lor e foarte nașpa. Conține și sulf de la ghips, mirosuri de la cleiurile cu care au fost fabricate placajul și PAL-ul care formează podeaua și câte altele. Praf de izolație minerală (ca fibra de sticlă, însă din rocă vulcanică, care conține și sulf).

Când calcă, mai ales o persoană grea, mai ales apăsat intenționat, simulând graba și un fel de hărnicie superioară care îmi dă lecții, podeau se lasă, poate până la jumătate de cm, iar aerul respectiv este pompat, și există crăpături, și o parte ajunge și la mine.

Nu pot să deschid uși sau geamuri. Afară în tomberoane sunt pungi de câine deschise, azi nu am mers încă să le înnod. Mi-am făcut în schimb un ceai de mentă, deși mi-e greață. De ce mai scriu? Doar din frustrare.

Bacteriile care cresc în spațiul acela între tavanul meu și podeaua lor, în pereții dubli, sunt foarte virulente. Mai vin prin aer și bacterii de la tomberoane și se selectează acolo cele mai nașpa. Mai ai deasupra și acoperiș pe bază de smoală. Orice ai murdar în casă, trebuie spălat aproape zilnic. Rufele, veceul, chiuveta, persoana ta. Toate se împut foarte rău.

Blugii lăsați pe podea prind un miros ciudat de la covor, deși l-am spălat recent. Sub cover este un strat de burete de vreun cm, făcut din materiale reciclate și lipit cu un clei care pute foarte tare. Padding-ul și cleiul acela este universal, omniprezent și omnipotent. Este cea mai mirositoare substanță care am văzut-o vreodată. Miroase timp de decenii, nu se termină niciodată.

Nici măcar muștele, țânțarii, păianjenii nu pot să trăiască aici. Este una acum în casă, dar nu am văzut una de ani de zile. Ok poate una pe an. Dacă intră un păianjen, moare în cam o zi.

Ok am dat un search să văd ce este. Water based glue este o minciună care e promovată și la noi. Și pentru vopsele. E adevărat că au apă în compoziție, cu care formează o emulsie (amestec mecanic) care însă blochează reacția de polimerizare.

După aplicare normal apa se usucă, substanțele se polimerizează și cleiul/vopseaua se întărește și ajung în forma finală. În timpul polimerizării la vopsea se emit substanțe nocive, așa că nu vă bazați pe faptul că scrie water based. VOC, Volatile Organic Component este ceea se evaporă.

În SUA totul e pe lobby. Industriile au oamenii lor plătiți în legislativ care le fac legi și practic fac tot ce vor ei, iar presa media plătită tot de ei perpetuează ignoranța și promovează minciuna. Nu se poate trece la alt tip de construcții (ca la noi) fiindcă industriile mai ales cea chimică, să își poată vinde "produsele".

Iar oamenii s-au obișnuit. Fac dușul obligatoriu înainte de a pleca la serviciu, își iau haine spălate din dulap și gata. Pe drum mai primesc și niște deodorant format din gaze de eșapament, alte chestii care curg din mașini. Praful de smoală și cauciuc și de frână (toate consumabile, unde se duc când se duc din 2 milioane de mașini pe străzile Portlandului) care se ridică de roți.

Gata a început iar marșul lui Radetzky deasupra. Se mai mută și niște obiecte grele.

1:00 Nu știu când a plecat. În ultimele luni persoana de sus pleacă (dacă pleacă) spre sfârșitul sesiunii de bursă (ora 4 New York, unu aici și vine înapoi la diverse ore seara (între 7 și 11). După cum spuneam, cred că e o persoană dublată/ajutată de un robot, dirijați de AI. Da normal când pleacă persoana robotul se duce și se bagă în priză la încărcat, ar fi ciudat dacă s-ar mișca.

AI cu senzori, știe când sunt atent, la ce mă gânesc, etc.. Normal trebuia să o aud coborând scările, dar nu am auzit nimic. Chiar am vrut să mă uit azi să văd cine mai e, încerc de mai multe zile (câteodată le schimbă). Am auzit liniște vreo 5 minute și când m-am uitat am văzut pe geam că mașina (Honda Element, green, mai vehișoară) nu mai e.

1:30 Ok copilașii au început să urle, ceva gen ca maimuțele la zoo când se bat.

1:48 Ingeniozitatea americană la ea acasă, în San Francisco, unde chiriile sunt cele mai mari din SUA și lume. Un apartament cu două dormitoare ca acela, cu tavanul de carton ghipsat sau ghips cartonat decorat cu floricele de porumb de azbest, costă lejer 4000 (pe lună). Motivul pentru care oamenii în devenire au pus castravți în lanțul cinematic, ca să mai amortizeze șocurile și să nu spargă "tavanul"

De unde Musk tocmai și-a luat valiza și a plecat. Cred că trebuie să construiesc unul din astea. Poate ar trebui să-i contactez să-mi dea și mie proiectul. (Oare ce ar spune Dana Budeanu despre cei doi ingineri? și totul are o cauză. Fără glumă, ar trebui să se găsească pe Amazon. Vorbitul la celular și păstrarea celularului pornit în buzunar, prea aproape de...). V-am spus.

2:34 Nope.

3:00 I ate one "sugar free" cookie. And got all numb and stiff. The big muscles i used yesterday during my walk. Trouble breathing. The bacteria is in my stomach. It multiplies with the help of (alcohol) sugar and then enters bloodstream and lymph through ulcerations. Took two charcoal caps to see if i can revert it. But the caps won't go down, they got stuck in my throat.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

12:55 AM Got my progressive glasses LOL. Glasses bought at Dollar Tree for 1.50 or something. +1.25. Same carbonite lens, almost the same frame as the hundred dollar ones thought they had only several different shapes to chose from. Massed produced of course. I can use them to see the monitor.

Bought maybe 20 pairs in the last years, right now i got only one i could find. And one lens fell. So now i can read both the monitor and see things further away depending on which eye i look with. Actually i look with both eyes and can still see the letters on the monitor.

So tonight i had this idea. Put a flash light on the other side of the toe to see if i can see anything. I knew i did this when i was a kid. Like if there's a piece of that needle left. Don't know even if it's possible but i think it is if it's close to the surface on the opposite side where the flashlight is. And you can see things that won't show on X-ray, like wood chips stuck under your skin.

And i saw the nail of that finger darker and then i looked and there was something stuck under the nail. White solid stuff, about 1 mm thick. I tried with a dental probe, pulled some white stuff but not much. But then i cut the nail as short as i could and i think there was something stuck to the nail, on the other side. Maybe silica from a litter box. I don't know. It was like glued to it. Or wrapped in nail substance, i don't know.

From the beginning i noticed that if i put an amoxi pill on the finger and wrap everything with a band aid, i do much better. So tonight i put a newer one (that fell from under another patch actually) and the finger, from numb, got a bit painful. So i pulled this trick with the flashlight.

BTW the other day i found another bag with litter dust next to the bin next to a green open bag. But when i tried to throw it inside, it broke of course. It was booby trapped. I went inside, grabbed a piece of cardboard but that one got soft by wetting and out of desperation (didn't want to go back inside and come a third time) i gathered the rest of it with my hands.

Of course i washed my hands as good as i could after but now one of my fingers of my left hand hurts a little. And the pain kinda propagates through my arm, but i think have enough patches for a therapeutic systemic concentration. I might have some of that stuff under the nail of a finger at my right hand. One grain would be enough i guess. Very virulent stuff loaded with bacteria from cats or dogs.

No i did not stuck my toes into a pile of litter dust though there must be some always fresh from bags that always break inches away from the bins (because of the throwing force i guess). Besides it would be too much of a coincidence. The same toe with the needle.

Now waiting till tomorrow to see what happens. And got to find some glasses with two lens so i can watch a movie on Netflix on the PC.

3:07 Gata, a apărut dublajul. Vor mai fi și altele. Cel puțin așa văd că lumea citește ce scriu.

10:40 Ok i think i'm over it. The infection. That was it. Stuff under the nail. Must have been very deep. I cut my nail twice since. It has been 45 days. It grew about 5 mm, or about the total length right now. The nail has been almost completely renewed, where that stuff came from? I kept the nail covered with band aid most of the time.

Wanted to air the apartment. The tan SUV with huge sound started. They start it and don't leave. I usually leave within one minute of starting the car. It's summer, don't need to heat inside. After about 5 minutes i started to sneeze because of dust shook from the building.

This song makes me enjoy the chills inside. The only turn off is the original accent every know and then.

1:50 Today is August 20. Three years ago on this day at midnight between 20 and 21 got hit from behind by a guy in a huge Ford pickup with extra bars (that could have been removed after). That criminal Vîlceanu, others are still free. But the list of criminals who took passes at me in 60 years, starting with Bodnăraș în 1964 is so long, they don't really matter no more. But there's got to be a start somewhere.

No way i could have time to be reminiscing about what happened last night. I vaguely remembered i pulled some stuff from under the nails. She started the hell upstairs, there was a chocking smell in the air, (ninja manipulating the immediate environment, this type a poop on the red mulch), one blue bag.

BTW there's one right now at the sprinklers box, reprogramming it, anticipating what i'm about to post, again creating confusion. Unfortunately it took me too long to retrieve the picture from the phone so they had the time to prepare something.

(Today i decided not to take the camera cause it bulges my pockets. Trouble is i reset the phone and default location for the pictures changed to phone again so i had to manually move the pictures on the card).

I was feeling ok so i decided to go for a walk which i haven't done in a long time. Some stiffness in the calves, still not done yet, which unfortunately spread a bit in my whole body. However now i expect full recovery in a few days.

Not many events on the streets except the usual KJV numbers driven usually by mystery women with platinum hairs I had to go to the restroom in the park.  When i tried to wash my hands, the water from the faucet came too strong (there is no adjustment) and some got onto my pants. It was by reason of wet pants in the car (long story) my infection started back when i went last time to Indian Head.

BTW i wish i knew what is the scent of deodorant they used in there. It reminds me of something really nice.

It is the little things that make my days. Heaviest stomps upstairs in the morning. Chocking mold from outside, in the park, in other places where i've been too. Poops seen on the mulch as i left. A woman yelling "go potty" at her dog as i passed by.

A spinning cement truck as i passed the kindergarten. Two kids on bicycles almost pushed me out of the sidewalk. Two kids fishing by the river and one woman that happened to pass, protecting them.

When i got back there was a D&D carpet cleaning van making again a big sound, vibrating the building etc..

3:30 PM At 2:45 I was smoking in the parking spot and a woman in a gray car came to park in there. I told here she can't park in there (At that time i thought Angela was going to be there any minute, now i read the email she's late).

She seemed disappointed, went to park somewhere else, grabbed a sleeping toddler from the car (she was kinda skinny, the kid was heavy) and went to the kindergarten across the alley (same entrance of building D).

3:40 Just remembered something. Last night i was working at the post with Mercury space ship. Someone kept knocking at the door. When i went at the window to look, he showed at the window and told me to look at the door. Then he came at the door and gave me a pack. It was a test kit Angela ordered at Providence and "accidentally" got into his mail. He looked Asian with a moustache and dressed in a white A shirt.

4:15 Finally took a good look at the wound on the other (invisible side of the toe, by twisting it). It looks like the entry would is covered by some callous material. Which suggest my body wrapped in it some particles that entered the wound, most likely silica particles contaminated with pet feces.

Dust can be from anywhere but most likely from the cats upstairs. The needle has been in that wound for days until i discovered it. Should have had the wound cleaned by a doctor. It is very hard for the body to get rid of those, once they entered the skin.

4:20 Exactly when i was posting the above Angela got a call most likely with some test results. Her doctor retired (like mine) and the new one (same clinic) ordered new tests for everything.

4:44 What? They feed this to us now? Pet absorbent, irritant and insecticide?

Monday, August 19, 2024

10:11 Ca de obicei un număr de meme-uri (mimări) în media românească, la ce am scris cel mai recent. Există un număr de povești care sunt ținute la rece (recurente) și scoase la suprafață, în caz de nevoie.

Mai demult, le numeam coincidențe supărătoare, azi știu că nu sunt coincidențe. E destul de nașpa să deschizi știrile și să vezi temele a tot ce ai scris tu recent. Câteodată mă copleșește și îmi vine să renunț. E ca și cum aș vrea să dobor un mamut cu o pană de gâdilat.

Prince Siddhartha Gautama, most commonly referred to as the Buddha, Prinsul de Paul.

Ignoranța, cauza suferinței.

Șapte sori.

Încălzirea globală.

Adriana, butonul de donație.

Altele mai puțin recente.


Eutanasierea a 60 de câini.

Dosarul de la Pantelimon, o poveste falsă în totalitate, menită să ascundă (umbrească) problemele mele cu doctorii.

2:55 It is the time when Angela comes from work. I clearly heard a car door being shot and someone knocking lightly on the door. But when i went all i could see was the ninja girls in the middle of the alley, performing. It seems quite logical. The Japanese and Hungarian use more "heroic" kids because most of the adults are kinda done (figured what happens).

7:00 Când a fost asta, o oră în urmă? Cineva a urcat sus și s-au auzit mulți pași apăsați, vreo jumătate de oră. Apoi a pornit dușul. E tot acolo, dar Elementul nu e în parcare. Cine o fi? În sfârșit am băut vreo două pahare și mi-a venit ideea să scriu, că altfel sunt puțin paralizat. La propriu.

Aici la noi nu a fost nimeni niciodată. În afară de Ciolacu, când mi-a instalat noua cutie de fibră optică. A, a fost săptămâna aia când mi-a fost lene să mă scol dimineață să pun lemnul acela la ușă. Când mi-a și intrat acul în deget.

Apropo, degetul mi se face din ce în ce mai alb, mai e puțin roz în vârf. Azi l-am examinat, doar vârful e amorțit (nu simt dacă îl ating). Dar dacă nu am suficiente petice cu antibiotice sau nu iau oral, tot amorțesc mai ales în zonele expuse la frig. AC, aer de afară la bordul mașinii. Poate mai puțin decât la început. Dacă nu iau antibiotice mi se duce amorțeala la mușchii toracici și încep să respir greu.

Iar a urcat cineva sus și frământă podeaua. Nu am văzut/auzit pe nimeni să coboare. Adevărul că tipii sunt prea deștepți și mai ales au un feedback și știu ce gândesc eu și când nu sunt atent etc.. AI-ul lor inventează în timp real povești paralele cu două sau mai multe înțelesuri pentru a menține o ambiguitate perfectă. Eu cred/văd ceva, lumea crede/vede altceva, adevărul îl știe doar AI. Și ei după.

Nu știu de ce e umiditatea în apartament așa de mare. Afară sunt 75 grade F cu umidate 36% și în interior 80 de grade cu umiditate 52%. Dar a fost 62 în interior când am deschis geamul. Oare fiindcă am mașina de spălat plină cu apă (ca să pun o pastilă din aia de curățat, fiindcă s-a făcut mâzgă între tamburi și puțea).

7:40 Copilașii s-au dus să urle pe altă tarla dar îi aud foarte bine.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

1:18 AM Nu vă așteptați la cei cărora li s-au legat greutăți cu scripeți la degete la 4 ani pentru a li se mări viteza de lovire a claviaturii să fie la fel cu toată lumea.

Presiunile enorme din partea familiilor pentru a deveni virtuoși muzicali le schimbă creierul pentru totdeauna (re-wire). Deși în cazuri ca ale lui Mozart se ajunge la rezultatele dorite, asta se face cu sacrificii mari, care pot include analfabetismul social.

Posteritatea va vorbi întotdeauna despre cum a fost înmormântat Mozart la groapa comună (fără să poată numi măcar vreo piesă compusă de el). Mozart rămâne oricum un compozitor foarte vechi, pre-clasic, care compunea pentru clavecin, care încă nu fusese încă înlocuit de pian.

Cheia succesului până în zilele noastre rămâne stăpânirea, mai puțin glorioasă, a talentelor sociale. Cei care știu "să se descurce", ceea ce implică negocierea celor mai mici gesturi și integrarea perfectă în societate mai ales pe verticală (găsirea unor protectori) sunt cei considerați (în șoaptă) bărbați/femei de succes. Asta se face bineînțeles cu ignorarea oricăror aspecte de dezvoltare profesională.

Un dezavantaj al societății piramidale sau ierarhice care este plină de astfel de indivizi competitivi dar nu în mod necesar competenți, este stagnarea, fiindcă nu mai este nimeni interesat în acumularea de cunoștințe profesionale ci doar de mișunare socială.

8:02 I've been tricked into posting the above (now deleted). This was reposted by Adevărul in their sliding show, i thought it was his birth anniversary. I had no idea. I apologize.

12:05 Nu mi-a spus nimeni dacă e bine sau nu să răspund la aceste provocări. Titi Aur, academician, singurul expert în condus defensiv de care am auzit, acum, după postarea mea, e și psiholog (ne face pe toți nebuni). Și pun pariu că lui îi merge butonul de donație!

2:22 Academia bunului simț. Apropo știți că există experți în război? Ei merg la școala de război, uneori de tineri (se numește liceul militar) unde învață arta războiului.

Nu știu, nu am fost pe acolo decât în vizită, când am cântat la acordeon on în fața unei săli imense, dar pun pariu că ei învață din primii ani tactică și strategie și una din strategii este că dacă începi un război (cu restul lumii, fiindcă o mare parte restul lumii e de partea Ucrainei), îți securizezi restul frontierelor, mai ales cu țara pe care o invadezi.

Mai ales când vezi așa ceva în știri.

Războiul din Ucraina este plin de ciudățenii, una din ele e că deși suntem în vremea când pițipoancele se filmează când se piaptană pe tiktok, există prea puține informații credibile care să ajungă la noi din Ucraina.

Cel mai probabil e că războiul din Ucraina nu e condus de militari de profesie, ci de amatori, politicieni, așa cum se întâmplă mai întotdeauna iar știrile care ne parvin, așa cum s-a întâmplat de cele mai multe ori în istorie, sunt falsificate sau exagerate. Ni se arată poze cu soldați sau generali îmbrăcați întotdeauna cu haine scoase de la stoc.

Generalii care apar în poze cu Putin par niște caricaturi iar soldații îmbrăcați întotdeauna în haine curate, noi, chiar dacă sapă în tranșee. "Soldații" aceștia nu au mai mult noroi pe bocanci decât a fost necesar pentru a le face niște poze. Putin?

Noi la Colectiv am avut răniți trimiși în toată Europa, cum se face că ucrainenii nu ne trimit răniți. La numărul de morți în război există de 3 ori mai mulți răniți. Cum se descurcă Ucraina singură cu ei?

"Hitler a fost caporal" dar a coordonat marile atacuri ale Germaniei și a făcut alegeri decisive. Rusia are peste 2000 de generali, dar pun pariu că nu generalii conduc războiul.

Politicienii sunt de obicei populiști, adică fac pe placul mulțimii, care se pricepe la război ca tot românul la fotbal și la politică.

Nu vă emoționați prea mult. Teritoriul cucerit recent de Ucraina în Rusia este un procentaj foarte mic din cel cucerit de Rusia în Ucraina. Victoria recentă e spectaculoasă, e propagandistică însă nu prea schimbă situația războiului așa cum spun mulți.

Tot ce face e să îl prelungească, într-un moment când oamenii spuneau că sunt gata să negocieze. Poate că Putin e pe blat cu Zelinsky, pentru a prelungi starea de război din anume interese (menținerea puterii, folosirea stocurilor militare vechi pentru a cumpăra stocuri noi de la firme private și de stat, menținerea întregii lumi într-o stare de psihoză, cine știe).

3:25 Ninja, cei mai mari artiști (marțiali). A venit Angela de la supermarket, cu portbagajul plin și l-a deschis. Copii au sărit și au trecut prin spatele mașinii. Dar mai în spate era un ninja bătrân, cu un baston  băț ceva și păzea (dejavu) și avea grijă (nu știu, să nu le dăm ceva, să nu îi ademenim). Acum sunt în grădina din spate, îi aud.

4:02 Last time we went to Indian Head i ordered Chili Cheese Nachos with Jalapenos (don't know maybe not in that order), after i saw a guy picking his dish right in front of me and got me salivating. Truth is it looks good, the cheese on top of chilies with chips all around and green cut Jalapenos on top. But the spiciness burns your taste buds so nothing you eat the next day has any taste.

But i figured at base it had a Hormel Chunky Beef Chilies can. So we bought some (already had some cans, bought more) and Angela is now building one of those. Instead of heating the chilies in the mw she wanted in the pan so the smell spread all around. The kids (fake, ninja, child actors) came in the back.