Monday, August 26, 2024

3:04 PM 44 minutes ago the guy from Ziply fiber called and asked if it he internet it's sill not working and i said it is not. By the tests i've done earlier today.

I moved yesterday a PC near the box to try it. After he called i was intrigued by his question and came to check. Still not working. Could not have because the cable from the TV was hooked to the PC. So i fixed that and connected the PC to the box and now that the internet was working.

I tried to call back but i called a wrong number i thought it was the most recent. (My phone has been reset recently, they were only three numbers on it). With area code 435. I don't know what that is but the automated answer had a heavy British accent. I don't know how that number got on my phone.

Then i tried with the TV, still now working. So i had something to tell him.

Then the woman upstairs came and started to move around. I know she is able to throw away my thoughts.

He came and he was in turn intrigued by my configuration. Fiber optics box hooked to the PC. He said the TV cannot work like that, like the PC. I told him it was working like that, he seemed baffled. We tried to reset the TV, including from the reset button. Still not working.

When i asked  him if they did anything at their end, he said there was some work done at a hub "with problems in this area". That is not consistent with what the customer service said yesterday, that everything is showing fine (all the way to my box) at their end.

In the end he gave me a new cable but was still not working. He said he cannot troubleshoot the TV, not in that configuration.

When i asked him about his accent, he said he was from Romania. Probably from the tiny Russian minority in SE Romania. When he left he offered to shake hands, a Romanian custom.

After he left i plugged the new cable directly into the fiber box and noticed one of the green LEDs was not on. Then i fiddled around with the cable in the TV connector and then it started working. But if take my hand off of it, it gets disconnected. So it must be the TV connector.

So in the end it came out it was all my fault. But in the beginning, when i did not move anything, internet was not working on the PCs in the other room. Could it be i am so stupid i hooked the PC to the TV instead of to the box yesterday. Or was distracted by some noises around. I also was not here yesterday all evening.

The configuration i used so far includes a switch right after the cable box and two routers that simulate another switch like this in the other room. Just ordered one more of those to simplify things.

3:26 I was really sick this morning. At some point i was thinking if i was going to be able to make it till they come (without going to the hospital or anything).

But this time i know the reason. Besides the numerous poops i had to take care this morning here, yesterday i had to navigate around dead animals. They were two deer and 3 racoons on our way to Spirit Mountain (and back). The same as the day before. Though cops were present on the road, pulling drivers, signaling accidents). I wonder if any of their duties include reporting those to whoever need to take care of.

Yellow sacks with garbage that were there for at least one week.

When we got back home the woman upstairs came in the same time (what was that, just before midnight) and Angela got the chance to tell her about the bird seeds). She seemed intrigued and told her to look. But i did not mean in the dark. When i got to the bedroom window, to lay in bed and watch a move, he came with much noise in the balcony, right above me.

At time stamp hour on the yesterday post i was at the library to write the latest. When i was done, a woman that seemed Japanese, with a thick black coat, a big cap, big glasses (basically could see very little of her) came carrying dragging a big black suitcase on the library's floor and set at a monitor across the table where i was.

This can be connected with two things. Before i went to the library, i used the Shark sweeper. After a few seconds, i realized it was all covered in red dust. Since when i used it on the patio. So i wiped it briefly and continued. After i came from the library i went to sleep and woke up with big pain in the sole of my feet.

And i told myself, i probably stepped on the carpet and spread some red dust and then i stepped on it. So i clean the sweeper real well, did one more time all areas i done before, then took a shower.

Before we met with the woman upstairs, i saw a van or SUV in the alley with the LPN HAK.

Today i watched the TV and saw the news about the hacking of whatever Seattle airport. As i said before, i don't believe it is possible. All big corporations and firms employ people that are not like us, are trained in IT. Myself, i have some IT background and i can tell you, i would not connect the front sites directly to the inner IT systems and i believe they all do that.

The front sites, reservations and stuff are fed with data from their inner servers, but i believe it would be stupid if directly.

Apparently not. (Dejavu) But why?

Who was  the Japanese woman dressed in black that was doing that show at the library yesterday They can do that. In the same building with city offices. Well, the mayor wasn't there yesterday. It was Sunday.

One thing i forgot to write yesterday (they were many people making noises in the library yesterday). When i looked yesterday at the fiber box, with Ziply logo on it and i saw it was Nokia. Nokia is made in Finland. Finland is Hungary's sister country in Europe.

Before i made any changes to the configuration of my home yesterday, just troubleshooting the TV, i made for the first time ever a hard reset on my fiber box. That is holding the reset button with power off and then powering on with that button pressed. The lights turned all white, yellow and green after about 6 seconds and then they started to flash came back on one by one, like in normal functioning, but it all quit working.

But today it is. But you know what? I'm gonna do it one more time. Should have done it when that Ziply guy was here. One thing. Everything i think or write is accompanied by steps upstairs. Always. Right now it completely blocks my thoughts. Cannot think.

3:54 Ok just done it one more time and it still works. Ok gotta take a brake or move from here cause she is not stopping.

5:45 I had one more thing to post to conclude what i started before my internet got shut down. For that, i have to find something on my blog i'm afraid i did not add keywords to it. Got to try and figure the date maybe, by the time i watched a video, i believe with cats. No, foxes. Now i remember. A sassy fox. But will she let me? She took a day off just to stay here to try and prevent it.

5:53 Ok she stopped upstairs, the monkey girls instead came in the back.

6:48 When i finally looked into the news, i started to believe the Ziply guy today looked like... With blue eyes. But he is arrested, in France. Right?

7:00 I found what i was searching for. Alexa Crush appears in a video with a girl resembling Alexa Demi that goes by the name realjackanddani. I posted that video a while ago, or a screenshot. That's when my internet went down, when i wanted to search and post about it. Because, if it's true, it raises the question.  How many are they really? Hollywood girls doing overtime on sites that is?

In the same time they launched this fake event. King City, Kinga.

7:22 Last night at Spirit Mountain i saw this woman. I believe these encounters are to be used in videos/audios with modified date.

As i said, 5 dead animals within 35 miles rotting in the road for at least 2 days.

Also when i got back, right after i passed the red light camera in Sherwood, in a very dark area coming after a fairly lighted intersection with especially blinding green lights,  i wanted to go into the right lane.

I believe it is one of my habits there. However, on the right lane, not necessarily in my blind spot, it was more next to the window, in the dark, dressed in dark on a dark motorcycle a stunt guy was waiting. But i looked and changed my mind in a fraction of a second. Over the years, very few if any motorcycles encountered there at that hour.

7:35 So here i am, fixing the fallout of an internet outage instead of taking advantage of what i've discovered and i am not really sure who to blame. But i have an idea. BTW in the end i fixed the TV.

I built a 1 mm radius hook out of a dental probe and sprang back (pulled a little) every of the 8 contacts of the Ethernet plug on the TV. It was nerve wrecking, thinking i might actually brake it for good but it now works. If i broke those i had to buy a new TV cause i won't use it on wi-fi. Then i taped the cable on the back of the TV so it won't move around and weaken again those contacts. 

7:47 Thinking of buying one of these. In case of outage, i put it in my phone and then use the wi-fi, until i am able to fix my internet.

12 AM Went outside, disposed of a number of bags and open poops. The yelling "Spanish" woman was yelling in her balcony for hours so i could not go to search under her balcony. In the last days i keep finding, besides dog waste, a number of black feathers. Thinking of the unusual number of dead animals on the road in the last few days.