Sunday, August 4, 2024

1:30 AM Power outage. Friday @7 PM till Saturday after 3 PM when i left. @ 24 hours i guess. It affected only our half of the complex, they were almost 200 reports. I tried to upload a voice file with google drive (Hello mobile account) but did not work, kept telling me "wating for network). 10:00 The air was loaded, it was a vague feeling that something is odd, i went and fished with the grabber, some with difficulty @ 10 bags and knotted them and put them back in the bin.

It is 68 degrees right now but soon will be more and the stuff in the bin will be heated. Of course i am nauseated as i been breathing "bin air" while doing this but it is a relief, at least psychologically. Weirdly enough, i saw nobody, that is nobody on the alleys for that 20 minutes or so. No, there was one guy in the beginning, he passed by the bin and then nobody.

10:15 This is not the first time, and they never give customers any information. Monopoly arrogance i guess. Avoiding self incrimination, liabilities.

When internet goes out i become helpless. But guess what. Just ordered a backup powers supply. BTW anybody believe they done it on purpose? In the US law is optional and when enough people feel they should lynch someone, they will just do it and nobody will get in their way

And it's not only that. When power went out Friday we headed for Spirit Mountain, this time for (good) reason of heat. Just before we got there when we entered the area with concrete divider, traffic stop. No way to turn around. Did those 3 miles in about 1 hour and a half. After being so heated up, i welcomed the 69 degrees outside. But then i got some areas of my body cooled and when that happens, after that puncture wound, i get big pains in those areas.

Then a guy with an USPPS trailer head, others in huge pickups tried go hit us. When we finally passed the bridge, there was a pickup that hit a pole in a ditch.

No matter how hard i tried i could not find an email address for PGE customer service. However they sent me one saying i updated the phone number (was old and could not us it to get updates by phone, and the updates for the first 12 hours were saying 2 hours estimated time, and then they could not give an estimated time, and the cause of outage was always "under investigation".

BTW there is a transformer in the direction of the bin which i pass everyday that have leaked much oil, i showed it to them, they been digging yesterday next to it and then they put two orange cons on it.

10:40 Top dog law commercial. Finally figured who he is and what he's saying. Trouble is he is interfering semantically (intentionally or not) why my posts about dog s...t and seth.

3 "kids" (girls) came 10 ft away from my patio, one of them is carrying a cat. Two Japanese, one actually an adult, probably the other too and, one Hungarian. Another interference. One of them is nearly on the patio now. One step away from it.

10:50 They been there for about 5 minutes and they left. Of course they could see me inside. Now they're by the cable box. Got so mad, all my ideas about what to write next are scrambled.

10:53 Now they left. Then they came back "to play" at the cable box.

12:50 Friday night and yesterday night we went there mostly being forced because lack of electricity at home. Last Night at Spirit Mountain. Thousands of people, this time real Latinas and Latinos were bumping into us. No joke. Had to avoid collision with one thousand "distracted" people, smile sarcastic at me.

At the end Angela kept pulling money of a credit card, trying to make her money back at some machines were she won before. They were two women next to those machines, whites, dressed in black dresses. Young, @30, the one on the right was like 300 pounds and the one on the right, 400.

Today i woke up with severe pain in my left side of the body. Calf, hand and shoulder. Bad enough to wake me up, pains were intermittent, about 7 (one to ten). Until i put some patches direct on painful areas.

Now i'm thinking of going to Kah Nee Ta for a poor man's hot spa. I believe i am in the last stages of the illness (recovery) but sill not out of the woods, like if i stop taking antibiotics, i get numb in different areas, starting with mouth, around eyes, legs and now even torso. Have difficulties speaking. The punctured toe sill red at the top.

I believe it was after last time at Indian Head. There was some unannounced "event" in that evening and could hardly find a spot in an area less visible from the street. Or it happened  here at the complex. Ever since the transmission started acting up, like it was again low on fluid.

Wanted to go to add some, an ambulance started when i got out like they do in about half of the cases when i first go out the apartment in one day. The read headed woman at E4 was yelling at  her dog, this time "leave it... leave it..." and "the girls" showed.

1:30 Last night when Angela was loosing furiously. Next to that row of machines, or perpendicular on it, and i sat next to her on several occasions (wasn't playing). Last night i quit playing poker at the machine next to bar because i realized there was a strong cold current from the AC in that area.

Older than in this picture and not smiling, she was looking like an owl.

Akihito himself was acting like a mechanic's helper (mostly washing cars coming out of the painting shop) at Steve. Many many things happened in there, with the Nissan, Chevy and myself. I could write a whole book. If you turn the google image around on the other side of the street it is the back of the Beaverton Toyota with the service factory i guess.

(Now that i think it seems curious. Every time i was going there there was a car to wash for him. Using much detergent, making foam).

Ok just one. I once took the truck in there fuel pump failure. I called a cab (a yellow Toyota Prius, i think it was Broadway cab, and, even at the time it seemed odd, he came from the street with the dealership (where the green van is). At the wheel, no other than... (Haye you guys ever seen that taxi driver?).

Yeah, i was very sick, in the middle of an "anxiety attack", i thought i was going to faint any minute (or pass away whatever). He saw that and was shaking when i gave him the credit card (almost forgot to pay).

This is one of the million reason i think, like Trump, Portland is destroyed. However not only Portland.

2:25 PM Even Huskies speak Italian...

7:55 Tomatoes, cucumbers are not doing well in Angela's garden. She suspects someobody else is extra watering (drowning) them.

10:45 I was doing dishes and thought i heard someone outside and then an ambulance. Angela said she heard someone yelling help help several times and now i think i heard it too, very faint from the kitchen area.

11:00 Closing time for the stock market in Tokio (3 PM local time). Nikkei is down 13.47%, but was lower than that when that ambulance came. Toyota is down 14%, Mistubishi 18, etc.. google finance is on a 20 minutes delay, can watch live last 10 minutes or so as of right now.