Thursday, August 29, 2024

12:15 AM The sad series of my mishaps. Thought i was out of the woods with my toe. After i done a few things today, like walking half marathon in the kitchen and drinking a little beer with brandy, i crashed for three hours and then i awoke with numbness in right foot. Put 2 patches on that one, one on the left foot and one on the back.

Started a movie on Netflix. Cowboys Bebop. But had to go outside to fix the stink. In the meantime she upstairs awoke Angela. I can tell you, 3 or 4 open bags like the green bags with poop and a little red wood chips in there stink worse than a bin full of garbage.

3:35 Was really dehydrated, drank lots of water. AM was about to go back to sleep when i felt the smell. The bacteria found water in the stomach and multiplied and got me nauseated. Found 5 more bags, all green, two of them heavy, that occurred between midnight and 3 AM. Could not get close to N bin. Two raccoons near it were staring at me, defiantly and would not get scared and/or move away.

5:35 O was wrong. One more single (green) bag in the W bin smelled worse than the all the other bins. Bad enough to wake me up at 5 after 1 more hour of sleep. They must have brought it right after i knotted the other ones at 3.

12:03 Why electric cars aren't catching... But the classics are going to heck as well... Hot for the teacher...

3:10 Windshield fluid, one of the biggest rip-offs of all time. It comes at 4 dollars a gallon or the same price as gasoline.

Lately i used concentrated Rain-X i bought at Walmart. It costs me less than half, maybe one dollar a gallon. (7 dollars for 4 gallons actually, but i cheat). Rain-X has this advantage at freeway speeds. You actually don't need to run the wiper, the drops simply fly away.

But if you wanna go cheaper than that, after i read somewhere it was mostly alcohol, i went and did a search and saw on forums you can add several ounces of rubbing alcohol ad a few drops of manual dishwasher detergent and voila. It cost you almost nothing and certainly the same amount of time than picking it at the store.

Today i did half and half, 2 ounces of Rain-X and 2 of alcohol per gallon, experimental, but it turned into a milky substance. Let's see if/how it works.