Friday, August 30, 2024

12:30 AM Coming back from Grand Ronde, @midnight. Two guys on bicycles, one on the road, one on the sidewalk, right in front of the complex. Dark clothes, bikes unsignaled. My luck was i saw a movement in the reflection of a light pole in a puddle of water from the sprinklers on the sidewalk when he passed through and then i saw the guy himself, pedaling almost like a ghost. Then i look real hard and saw the one on the street, like 100 ft away. Next to invisible.

Went for the bins. I knotted a number of bags, distributed in all bins, mostly green. One pink, unusual, behind the N bin. One curly in the grass. Several dried further on the alley. When i picked one of those i also picked a branch, probably put there by the ninja and had trouble knotting my own bag.

When i got back for bags, a guy with a yellow beard, with a dog behind our apartment. When i got back the second time, the black Japanese guy or girl, with two more dogs, but they had a bag in their hands. Though i suspect sometime they "forget" fragments.

Two big airliners passed by, silent, i think they were gliding, with engines idling. One helicopter, after.

They were items by the balcony of the one level building that created a mold or yeast smell all around. As soon as i passed those, i felt the smell of the poop from the bin. I believe when those are on, there is less poop smell, probably the same trick with the Ancient Egyptian beer that contained tetracycline. But it does not really help, it might just meet in the air and mutate or select the aerosolized bacteria and make it more virulent.

Same thing with the chair with upholstery on the no dumping place. Can't do nothing about it.

At Spirit Mountain i played poker all night. I forgot i was under the AC flow from above. While it cooled me, it inactivated the patches (they don't work without some perspiration) and i became numb. As soon as i left that place, got better. My toe now is at its lowest, like it was before i hurt it one more time (a scratch, i don't know how it happened). Typing speed is at 60% because of some residual numbness.

Went for fish and chips at the Food Court, the one with the Werner stand. Got to wait a lot for the shift change (happened right before the person in front of me, i think it was right before closing time). A tall young woman looking familiar gave me the brown bag over the fence, didn't have to go and pick it from the table, as all others. It was bagged though i asked "for here". The receipt was stappled to the bag so i don't have it to check the time.

Wait a minute. I got a time on the picture with Werner stand (don't know if it is daylight adjusted, got to check). 21:56 precisely. I think it closes at 11, i have been there for about half more hour.

Saw again dead animals on the streets, mostly raccoons. The wise guys spread some straw on the road, that gathered in piles on shoulders and is almost impossible to see other things.

I searched half day yesterday and could not find the post with a graph showing a sudden increase in "COVID" cases just after they added the last layer of red dust here. As i said, we're dealing with Inquisition here and behind them there is apocalyptic Buddhist sect... God help us all.

They probably want to reduce the number of sinners, and start with the casinos. Though i rarely if ever see any true locals in the casinos. Just celebrities, actors and extras. But aren't they the biggest sinners in the world?

But i do remember when "dr.Fauci" was working at the Liquor Store here in Tualatin and refused to give me the bottle after i licked my dry fingers to pick the card from the wallet.

1:10 Interestingly enough now at night the cats upstairs distract my thoughts. There is sometime now since i try to figure who is that girl that helped me tonight with ordering the fish and chips. But never had time. One thing i'm positive though. She must be an athlete, maybe a handball player.

Also the woman upstairs. Closest. Now the cats dropped something on the floor upstairs and are playing with it.

The Werner (unter)stand.    

The rockets on the street just before the casino. They had more at the Newberg dealership (forgot what brand)                

The winch on top of a side of Spirit Mountain figuring a gallow.

A triple shiva linga underneath that gallows

The spider at the third entrance.

8:08 AM Slept four hours. I am numb, hard to walk and out of patches. I think i am better than one month ago but still not done. Ordered some, they were at the locker. Walked towards it, carefull not to fall. Forgot to look at the sign. In my way there i looked in the N bin, there is a stinking open green bag at the bottom of the emtpy bin.

A short stocky blonde woman crossed my way with a dog. Barely made it back. She threw the pink bag right in front of me. Was knotted alight but too low possibly living some dirty part outside.

8:40 Gotta go clear the bins. Found only one open one (green). There is one more on the grass, i didn't have a bag.

Still numb, the two patches i put on me did not kick in yet.

9:40 Jocul secund.

Riga Kripto. Inchiziția spaniolă. Provinica Philipinarum.

12:10 (Cruel) Summer of Sabrina

1:40 PM Estimp (in the mean time). Lipovenii sunt de fapt un fel de laponi? (M-am mai gândit la ipoteza asta odată).

Acum înțeleg de ce mi-a spus șoferul ăla de taxi că semăn cu un fost coleg de-al lui care era indian (American Native). După ce am văzut filmul Stolen, și i-am auzit cântând Hey ya hey ya hey ya,  acum știu. Toți sami au fost un singur popor, din statul Washington până în Siberia.

5:08 I slept until now. It smells really bad, at 85 degrees. Went and found 3 open bags at the SW bin, 2 greens and one pink. Could not go at the W cause the Security guy and his wife were there smoking, staring at me. enjoying the smell coming from the bins. Haven't see them in weeks. Most certain they don't live here.

5:15 Opened the door to see if it still smells and a woman in short short and bra? passed by, looking like their daughter that used to live here.

10:35 The yelling monkey kids left. I went to smoke in the back. I thought i saw a car i knew and made a few steps but they were a couple of kids hidden behind the corner at the garages. Went back. Some skinny guy dressed summarily was peeing at the hydrant. A new one.

10:30 After that trick they came back, with a vengeance.

11:11 Miticii, Ed Sheeran v-a mâncat (iar) simbolul (național!).