Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 24

9:47 Got blurred vision. Speed typing is cut in half. Tonight they gave it to me. While driving towards Lincoln City they were several dead animals on the road, mostly deer. But after a walk on the beach encountering stinking dead seagulls, pile of rotting sea serpents (i don't know how they are called, long plants resembling a whip) i started go get numb. Angela won a hand, to make for the looses of today and  yesterday and we took off.

On my way back i was getting number and number. Finally took one amoxicillin oral. But i wasn't getting much better so i took another one. On top of the many patches i already had on me. Met with the same dead animals in the same places which means nobody takes care of, they are a real bio hazard.

But there are a couple of places where it always smells like dead animals, and not talking about the landfill. Cannot tell right now where, i will try later.

In short. When i got home my t-shirt (took a shower this morning, new shirt) was smelling like a dead animal. I remembered many times before going to the nut house i was smelling like that. In Beaverton we used to have a neighbor down stairs who was also laughing like a witch, when alone at home. One day she showed with two life size bandages wrapped voodoo dolls in her car.

But nowadays i try to fight back. Sometimes charcoal helps. What happens, you breath bacteria from dead animals and then it gets into your lungs where it doesn't do much and then it gets slowly eliminated into the stomach. But if i start to get numb, i take (more) antibiotics.

Why me and not Angela? There are a couple of things. One is diabetes. My body tissues have sugar in more than they should and that is a good nutrient for bacteria. The other is prostate leaks.

In other words, witchcraft. Voodoo. Black magic.

But in Lincoln City. I usually go to Grocery Outlet (yes, having a Sun as a logo) to get water. I buy a pack of six gallons of Crystal Geiser because here is hard to find and it's in the way.

But tonight there was a woman there, almost as tall as me, in her twenties, looking real good and dressed... in bikinis! She was moving along the check stand as i grabbed the pack of six and looked back.  On my way out there was a woman in some sort of security uniform, with a microphone at her shoulder, looking worried.

Then when i drove away, i saw a Police car approaching. No i don't believe she got in there "dressed" like that. She must have taken her clothes off in the store. And there is always the outside open door near the restrooms.

Never saw in my entire life so many sexy women in the Casino and on the beach tonight. BTW just remembered something. Like so many other times, as we were approaching Lincoln City there was a car on  the street going under speed limit, for about half hour. Kept telling Angela. To give them time to gather?

At a certain time there was next to us this woman who looked like the cop in the movie The Stranger, age adjusted, and Angela for the first agreed with me.

Finally got home. In the parking lot, a kid's bicycle overturned in the middle of the alley. One car close to our trunk, as we pulled in the spot. A bunch of kids on bicycles surrounded us when Angela went to the trunk to pick the bottle with brandy. The woman at the wheel of that cars calling upon the kids, talking to them.