Sunday, August 25, 2024

"T-mobile is down, for who wants to know", said a guy in the library. There are too many people talking here or this is the new norm. Haven't been quite in a while.

My phone was on in my pocket, that didn't happen in such a long time, that means it was trying like crazy to reach a tower, or maybe the towers knew and told the phone to stand down.

Then i remembered to check for outages at ziply and it asked for my account number. Then i tried to call Angela and of course it didn't work since it was Hello Mobile (T-mobile).

What a coincidence. I'm at the library because my internet is down. Now hour cell provider is down.

At the apartment it was unusually quiet all morning. This usually happens after i say something really important and i believe the AI is recompiling and rebooting with the new data. But this one was the thing of the year or past years cause it was all centered around Alexa's Crush.

How long since my power went out, for more that 24 hours and then one more hour the next day, three weeks ago? Could check on the blog.

TV was on and off for the last weeks. It always re-started after i reset the fiber optics box. But this morning it won't. I did a hard reset, which means power on with reset button on, and then i started go get a different error message on the TV and then the PCs won't work either.

Then i asked Angela to fix it since i don't like to use phones. After of course an hour or two i finally got to talk to a guy who though hesitant, and saying too many insignificant things, came to the idea to send me a tech, cause there was no more troubleshooting we could do.

The first guy i talked to seem to not be able to understand my configuration, set just for troubleshooting, with only the fiber box cable and the PC connected through cable (ethernet, not to be confounded with internet, with no router). I've been on the phone for more than 10 minutes total with both guys. But then when i came here i put it on in my pocket.

Yeah there is a tech scheduled for tomorrow, between 1 and 5 PM.

I hope it's not going to be the Prime Minister of Romania, Ciolacu, who was the tech who installed this box earlier this year when i switched at the end of my promo with Comcast. Something i mentioned yesterday or two days ago.

I hope is not going to be Chuck Norris, who installed the backup battery on the old box last time (about 4 years ago, or two cycles Comcast/Ziply (I think it was Frontier back then)) and generally i hope it's not going to be any celebrity cause i'm so tired of those.

(Just saw in the news a face i saw at Indian Head Friday night, together with a guy i saw before (in that day with the event where i could not find a place to park, when i had a short conversation with him about Trump) who know shows dead in the news).