Tuesday, August 20, 2024

12:55 AM Got my progressive glasses LOL. Glasses bought at Dollar Tree for 1.50 or something. +1.25. Same carbonite lens, almost the same frame as the hundred dollar ones thought they had only several different shapes to chose from. Massed produced of course. I can use them to see the monitor.

Bought maybe 20 pairs in the last years, right now i got only one i could find. And one lens fell. So now i can read both the monitor and see things further away depending on which eye i look with. Actually i look with both eyes and can still see the letters on the monitor.

So tonight i had this idea. Put a flash light on the other side of the toe to see if i can see anything. I knew i did this when i was a kid. Like if there's a piece of that needle left. Don't know even if it's possible but i think it is if it's close to the surface on the opposite side where the flashlight is. And you can see things that won't show on X-ray, like wood chips stuck under your skin.

And i saw the nail of that finger darker and then i looked and there was something stuck under the nail. White solid stuff, about 1 mm thick. I tried with a dental probe, pulled some white stuff but not much. But then i cut the nail as short as i could and i think there was something stuck to the nail, on the other side. Maybe silica from a litter box. I don't know. It was like glued to it. Or wrapped in nail substance, i don't know.

From the beginning i noticed that if i put an amoxi pill on the finger and wrap everything with a band aid, i do much better. So tonight i put a newer one (that fell from under another patch actually) and the finger, from numb, got a bit painful. So i pulled this trick with the flashlight.

BTW the other day i found another bag with litter dust next to the bin next to a green open bag. But when i tried to throw it inside, it broke of course. It was booby trapped. I went inside, grabbed a piece of cardboard but that one got soft by wetting and out of desperation (didn't want to go back inside and come a third time) i gathered the rest of it with my hands.

Of course i washed my hands as good as i could after but now one of my fingers of my left hand hurts a little. And the pain kinda propagates through my arm, but i think have enough patches for a therapeutic systemic concentration. I might have some of that stuff under the nail of a finger at my right hand. One grain would be enough i guess. Very virulent stuff loaded with bacteria from cats or dogs.

No i did not stuck my toes into a pile of litter dust though there must be some always fresh from bags that always break inches away from the bins (because of the throwing force i guess). Besides it would be too much of a coincidence. The same toe with the needle.

Now waiting till tomorrow to see what happens. And got to find some glasses with two lens so i can watch a movie on Netflix on the PC.

3:07 Gata, a apărut dublajul. Vor mai fi și altele. Cel puțin așa văd că lumea citește ce scriu.

10:40 Ok i think i'm over it. The infection. That was it. Stuff under the nail. Must have been very deep. I cut my nail twice since. It has been 45 days. It grew about 5 mm, or about the total length right now. The nail has been almost completely renewed, where that stuff came from? I kept the nail covered with band aid most of the time.

Wanted to air the apartment. The tan SUV with huge sound started. They start it and don't leave. I usually leave within one minute of starting the car. It's summer, don't need to heat inside. After about 5 minutes i started to sneeze because of dust shook from the building.

This song makes me enjoy the chills inside. The only turn off is the original accent every know and then.

1:50 Today is August 20. Three years ago on this day at midnight between 20 and 21 got hit from behind by a guy in a huge Ford pickup with extra bars (that could have been removed after). That criminal Vîlceanu, others are still free. But the list of criminals who took passes at me in 60 years, starting with Bodnăraș în 1964 is so long, they don't really matter no more. But there's got to be a start somewhere.

No way i could have time to be reminiscing about what happened last night. I vaguely remembered i pulled some stuff from under the nails. She started the hell upstairs, there was a chocking smell in the air, (ninja manipulating the immediate environment, this type a poop on the red mulch), one blue bag.

BTW there's one right now at the sprinklers box, reprogramming it, anticipating what i'm about to post, again creating confusion. Unfortunately it took me too long to retrieve the picture from the phone so they had the time to prepare something.

(Today i decided not to take the camera cause it bulges my pockets. Trouble is i reset the phone and default location for the pictures changed to phone again so i had to manually move the pictures on the card).

I was feeling ok so i decided to go for a walk which i haven't done in a long time. Some stiffness in the calves, still not done yet, which unfortunately spread a bit in my whole body. However now i expect full recovery in a few days.

Not many events on the streets except the usual KJV numbers driven usually by mystery women with platinum hairs I had to go to the restroom in the park.  When i tried to wash my hands, the water from the faucet came too strong (there is no adjustment) and some got onto my pants. It was by reason of wet pants in the car (long story) my infection started back when i went last time to Indian Head.

BTW i wish i knew what is the scent of deodorant they used in there. It reminds me of something really nice.

It is the little things that make my days. Heaviest stomps upstairs in the morning. Chocking mold from outside, in the park, in other places where i've been too. Poops seen on the mulch as i left. A woman yelling "go potty" at her dog as i passed by.

A spinning cement truck as i passed the kindergarten. Two kids on bicycles almost pushed me out of the sidewalk. Two kids fishing by the river and one woman that happened to pass, protecting them.

When i got back there was a D&D carpet cleaning van making again a big sound, vibrating the building etc..

3:30 PM At 2:45 I was smoking in the parking spot and a woman in a gray car came to park in there. I told here she can't park in there (At that time i thought Angela was going to be there any minute, now i read the email she's late).

She seemed disappointed, went to park somewhere else, grabbed a sleeping toddler from the car (she was kinda skinny, the kid was heavy) and went to the kindergarten across the alley (same entrance of building D).

3:40 Just remembered something. Last night i was working at the post with Mercury space ship. Someone kept knocking at the door. When i went at the window to look, he showed at the window and told me to look at the door. Then he came at the door and gave me a pack. It was a test kit Angela ordered at Providence and "accidentally" got into his mail. He looked Asian with a moustache and dressed in a white A shirt.

4:15 Finally took a good look at the wound on the other (invisible side of the toe, by twisting it). It looks like the entry would is covered by some callous material. Which suggest my body wrapped in it some particles that entered the wound, most likely silica particles contaminated with pet feces.

Dust can be from anywhere but most likely from the cats upstairs. The needle has been in that wound for days until i discovered it. Should have had the wound cleaned by a doctor. It is very hard for the body to get rid of those, once they entered the skin.

4:20 Exactly when i was posting the above Angela got a call most likely with some test results. Her doctor retired (like mine) and the new one (same clinic) ordered new tests for everything.

4:44 What? They feed this to us now? Pet absorbent, irritant and insecticide?