Thursday, August 22, 2024

8:18 Yesterday i realized that the seeds falling from the feeder upstairs on my patio might be a bigger problem than i thought. It has been months since this is happening and the squirrels come to eat them and make a mess and mix them with the red dust.

Because the red dust contains so much tannins which are strongly anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, the combination might breed some very virulent bacteria. So i decided to remove the mix. One thing i noticed, there was no more numbness in different areas of my body, hours after that.

However, i saw that under the surface, which is made of chips, there is a very fine and very irritant dust. Also there is a lot of it in that area, much more than others. That keeps it red while in other areas it turned grey. My hands are still hurting after removing the mix and i can still feel it in my throat by breathing some when i did so. It feels like i touched nettles though without the blisters.

However at 3:30 AM i fell asleep and at 7:50 somebody came upstairs and stomped on top of my bed in the bedroom until they were sure i was fully awake. When i looked outside, i saw no car in the spot. There was no car last evening and there was no car when i smoked last time before i went to bed and it was quiet upstairs until this morning.

Wondering if that dust or the one that was flowing on the alley because of a broken sprinkler in an area where again there is too much dust and carried by the wheels of cars all around have something to do with the kids being so excited and yelling all day long.

I had before neighbors with birds feeder (and a cat) and it was then when some weird pains in my belly area started.

8:40 Now i can hear the cats running upstairs. Could have been cats jumping from the bed upstairs that woke me up. Here is how it looks, after.

Went outside to take the picture, got hit by the smell of poop. Some came inside. New seeds fell, the squirrels again did their job and brought some dust on the patio. There's got to be a lot on the balcony upstairs.

Superseding information. I am tired. I wrote about the cats jumping. Now everybody thinks maybe the cats that are jumping are making all the noise. No, this was just the confusing part. But now i don't thing they were cats jumping that woke me. The stomps were too had. Everybody knows, these upstairs apartments communicate through the attic.

I went and picked two green bags, heavy, from the ground next to NW bin. When i looked first through the window, i saw somebody wearing a cap leaving. Persons resembling other persons were passing. Persons replacing other persons. 

There is one woman i haven't wrote much about because she was not bothering me much though sometimes i ran into her too many times, statistically speaking. Short, with a gray medium size dog. Coming from the same right entrance of building D.

But i saw here looking kinda different in different occasions. Not make up. I'm talking about body shape. This morning again she looked different, with much shorter legs. Last time i saw her she was looking like...

But today. Could had have some rubber pieces attached to her legs to look much thicker. I think it's a whole damn theater team around here, playing. With makeup, body modifying attachments, lookalikes, doubles, etc..

10:48 I heated some food in the mw and the cats upstairs started to run like crazy, they probably feel the smell. They must be starving, nobody attending to them. Wondering if they have an automatic feeder.

4:00 Woke at 2. Put two aspirin in patches. Exposure to the dust yesterday got me pains all over. I planned to go and wet the dust, hose the building, etc.. But first, i went to dispose of the, you guessed it. No, i went to smoke a cigarette. Some sirens went off. One of the little girls passed and waved at me. Then i went for the poops. I found 2 open bags in the SW bin, 5 in the open. I ran into a number of people, cars.

I think they had enough suspicion elements gathered so they could bring back the Element in the parking lot and start the squeaks upstairs. Now i can't hose the building. Only at my level.

In the meantime i caught on video seeds shells actually falling from above. But the video is too grainy, don't know if they can be seen falling.

6:05 I was kinda satisfied after figuring this one out, one of the most difficult ever i tried like seven different times, over the years,  (no, i did not watch her movies) though it left me with a big problem, who's videos i am gonna watch from now on (she was the best).

(BTW, can you see the counts on the views of her videos on tiktok? The "celebrity effect" (and the sophisticated makeup) wasn't there, nobody knew so they didn't like her as i did). (or maybe those counts are as real as the stats on my blogs or my zero donations on paypal).

I went in the kitchen area, poured me a couple, she-upstairs stomped on me, i ate a "loose sandwich" (which means the pieces were never put together), the sprinklers started, was staring at those trying to asses my pain after a patch with two aspirins, and a monkey-girl came out of nowhere running towards my window while i was munching on those pieces and then she veered away.

8:00 If i put the blinds completely on, is bad, they think i'm at the body shop. If i don't more people pass by the glass sliding doors and stare at me as i snack in the kitchen area.

I watched last night a movie on Amazon prime. With Mexico President Felipe Calderon and that journalist (Greenberg?). You got to see it to believe it.