Thursday, September 19, 2024

12:30 PM There is blood in my nose which usually means i have been exposed to silica dust, including concrete and litter dust. There was a barking dog in an SUV with open window in the direction of the wind yesterday at GSR parking lot.

1:25 That was last entry before we went down with the elevators and into the casino. We used this time the west elevator that left us near the reception. As soon as we passed the reception i heard the high pitch sound of a concrete cutting (or marble) tool. There was construction work being done, inside the casino, all covered by plastic sheets with a lotus petal like opening.

So much for the dust i got in the last days. We were walking towards the casino when we crossed path with a brown goddess who might have been Kendal Jenner who was going in the opposite direction (where we came from) with no makeup whatsoever. On the speakers they were playing no your never gonna get it... (not this time) (my loving).

Inside this world class casino i met with several construction workers, surreal, too big and to well maintained men in working clothes with paint all over (a new one).

Yes the casino is full with lotus symbols who could also be Arabic (which apparently are also lotus based, never knew that until now). Pictures later, too lazy to pull the micro SD from the phone right now. BTW, only slept four hours, went to bed after 4 AM and the maids start working with this side of the corridor and talking (a lot) at 8.

I was even telling Angela, no way you could sleep in an American hotel in the morning, the good working people start packing and leaving and slam doors around 7 and the maids work until afternoon when you can get some more sleep like i did yesterday.

1:41 Even the tail of the wrecked submersible these days looks like a lotus flower petal...

3:45 Was just sipping from a McDonalds soda and what did i see right in front of my eyes next to the keyboard. It has been such a long time since i tried to decipher that symbol. If it's too late? Everything is too late for me now.

3:45 I was in grade school in the 5th or 6th and they forced me to go to the wood carving shop at the boys and girls club (Casa Pionierilor) in downtown Câmpulung (not Lasconi's Câmpulung, is she the woman with the dog and sexy butt in building D last entrance?) and there the teacher (a mason i recon know) taught us how to carve lotus flowers. Never knew what those were until today.

In 7 or 8th grade the same teacher took us to a shop our school rented from a HS in town, brand new shop with brand new benches, tools and drill press, and we were participating there for 3 or 4 weeks (pracică as the called it) and we had to build from metal a functional compass and a square.

Haven't finished mine because i fell ill with hepatitis, i went one day after i got out of the hospital, only me and the teacher to finish it. Actually he did some work too in the end, i was too slow.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

4:05 We went to visit Eldorado and Silver Legacy and stuff and when we got there in the parking lot i wanted to take a picture but could not find the camera or the phone in my pockets, i thought i forgot them at the hotel, when we got here in the parking lot i found the camera next to the sit and the phone under. I cannot understand how i could not see the camera in that parking lot.

Maybe because it was dark. The phone was on airplane mode since we left Saturday. I use that phone very rarely as phone. I took a couple of pictures yesterday and pulled the card out of the phone and plugged it into the card reader.

When we came back to Peppermill there was this Jeep in front of us with YOUKEETUP LPN, at the entrance there was some guys and women dressed for a funeral with huge white flower garlands.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

12:07 AM This room is not like one i stayed last time in. It stinks like dust. Like someone vacuumed it with a bagless vacuum with no filter at the end. I had my portable UV lamp with me but wasn't sure about the batteries. This one is it has to stay horizontal lamp facing down to work. So i found a place above the TV and tapped it to the wall, but it stopped working after i came from the car with the beer.

Yes we checked one more room before at 15 floor and that was was stinking as well and was communicating through a double door with the one next to it. Most rooms are like that. Then we went to the reception and asked for a non communicating room and much to my surprise, they found one, next to the stairs. They have some at both end of corridors.

Of course i stink more but to me is different. Last night at the apartment, they were a couple of fragments near the hydrant near the car and door almost impossible to find. But i figured something. When i smell when the fridge which is near that wall starts, it means i should look in there. However, they are getting better and better at camouflaging those.

So i thought i was out of batteries, went to the gift shop to buy batteries but when i came back the lamp was on. And then it turned off as i walked into the room. It's got a contact in there that only works if is close to horizontal. So i found a better position and now it works.

Trouble is i had the blister with the rest of amoxicillin on the table right under the lamp, about 1.5 meters above, inside the box though. Box was open at one end and two of them were more exposed. These blisters have brown film (not transparent) though and i think that is an UV protection. If amoxicillin doesn't work i'm screwed.

Could they had predicted all these knowing i had the UV lamp with me and let the room stinking on purpose?

I went briefly inside the casino and more than half of the people there are Asian. Haven't seen the janitors  yet.

12:32 Room has concrete floor and ceiling and can't hear much from neighbors. However, i am in constant dialog with the outside world on the corridor. Exactly like at home. They are opening and closing doors, sometimes talking aloud like they just did, all related to what i'm thinking, decisions on what to do next.

12:45 After the last rap outside door, i was tempted to open a fish can, then to write something i would have regretted.

12:57 Yeah i know. Should not have changed the oil before i left. To me it's always a trauma that lasts several days and distracts me from other things. But it was just over the limit, did not want to do 1500 more.

8:10 Must be in retaliation to something. The fact that we stink? It is not our fault, that are people who are religiously bringing dog poop around the building. BTW there was one guy who came with a dog in front of our car while we were drinking a beer and eating Chef Boyardee from a can.

Also proof everything we say in here is listened to. We planned to go to Atlantis, at the time we got out i saw two buildozzers in front of the door with the word CASE on them (how did they find them).

One was planning on taking on the gay with a cone in his butt, the other picked the content of a red bin full of building materials and dust. The wind was blowing our way.

Further away. At Atlantis accross the street from the parking lot, in an unseen location from wind's direction they were breaking concrete with a pneumatic hammer. Only the finest of the silica (glass like) dust was reaching the casino and only the finest was making it through the AC. Enough to irritate my eyes (and stomach) even further.

When we came from Atlantis to McDonalds and then to Panda Express, on Virginia St., a vehicle, i think a van or SUV with LPN CHEAKY got in front of us. Huge pickups with tinted windows wiped our butt but in one with regular window i saw a pharaoh like bearded Japanese guy.

Monday, September 16, 2024

5:11 After driving 600 miles in two days, when i stopped i feel like the floor and the chair is moving, like the car's seat. It happened many times to me before with this car. I think it's because of the cheap non OEM struts i put on myself 3 years ago... Could not put OEM either because those they were cracked and i thought...

Could it have been because the long half shaft was 1 cm bent (i replaced those with OEM) and vibrated the h... out of them. Maybe because of some sticky valves that made the engine vibrate (had to replace the engine mounts as well, the rubber part was shot, they were touching metal on metal. Yet it ran 60 more k since and the engine is doing great (44 mpg from Portland to i forgot where i got gas, just before Canyonville).

Or maybe the stabilizer bar's bushings. Could have been shot like the motor mounts. Bought the parts on ebay but could simply not get to them. Got to take out too many parts and have the car on a stand.

Could not figure entirely what happened with my eyes... I dusted  the engine compartment many times before, especially before longer trips because i don't want to breath some of that stuff. It never happened to me to get an eye infection like Saturday. Left eye was just a bit red, but the right one...

I put a patch with antibiotics right next to it and today the infection subsided. No more pain when touching. However, when we went to get the bags and case from the car, rained. In Reno. Now it feels like it wants to come back.

Could have been... When i looked real close to the dipstick, i saw a few bubbles of air in the oil and some of them burst... right in front of my eyes. Could some oil have gotten in my eye or on my eyelid and then slowly leaking into the eye.

Engine oil is mineral oil similar to food oil but it has some very harsh and corrosive additives, to keep the engine clean inside. Especially fresh oil, cause those wear out after a few thousand miles...

But the Asian woman that passed real close... What was the meaning of that? She was holding a box with both hands, i assumed it was food, did not actually look inside, now i don't know.

No i did not take a shower after dusting. Felt some irritation on my face, upper body but was too lazy. But the eye. I discovered it in the car. At Severn Feathers, the smoke inside irritated my eye even more... Finally took a shower this morning at 5, felt better, fell back asleep but then i woke with more pain.

6:00 Yes it looks a bit like a haven's gate (or Acura logo).

6:53 Nevermind it was supposed to. Just saw the meteo on local TV.

10:07 PM Slept until now. Realized i forgot my phone in the car. Last time when i lost and found my phone in Reno someone ordered some work on my car done by mobile mechanics (i think) and screwed with my breaks so the car will do a lower mpg. I discovered it only when i did the breaks.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

9:26 They know what i'm thinking. I have to go at the car to do a couple of small things that involve raising the  hood for about 10 minutes and that was scheduled after doing other little things here and i was done and ready to go outside and "someone called an ambulance" with a siren now approaching the hospital. If that is not available, they will be dogs barking, loud exhausts or a plane passing only when i step outside.

10:00 I can swear i saw an Asian guy coming down the stairs. With a box something on his shoulder covering his face from the other side of the alley. From what i could see of his face, he was looking like the guy who changed my oil at Jiffy Lube yesterday.

So i shut the hood and went inside while he was still on the stairs. But then he went at the mailboxes and been there sorting mail for about 5 minutes and came inside as a blond woman, dressed with the same gray hoody and black pants, about as tall and big, taller than me.

In that time i would have been done. Was gently dusting the engine compartment with a small painter's brush (that raised very little dust when compared to the blowers on Wednesday). I was there, breathing but it did not reach me. That gave time to others to prepare. When i went back at the at the car to finish, a kiddo, about 10 years, Latin looking Japanese passed by, going into the yard, talkin in the phone, probably streaming.

10:30 Went for a test drive, to heat up the oil to take a better look. Came back, raised the hood, grabbed my old camera lens that i use as a zoom to look, pulled the deep stick and looked. an Asian woman came between the cars, 3 ft away from me and stepped and into the grass (not a passage) with a box open with food.

No i never saw that one before. I only see them passing there with dogs.

There will be retaliations were we go today.

11:40 Did i just complain about sirens going off and noisy planes on demand around here?

Apropo, știri cu Houtis au început iar să apară după ce am postat de huțuli, husari, etc..

11:45 Going to Reno and California (and NW Nevada) freezes over.

11:50 Am scris despre Galiția, Pocuția, hultani și maruți îndrăzneți (indrasvat)? Motivul pentru care dacii trăgeau cu arcul în nori. Indra, Svarga Loka.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

2:20 They made a mess last night pushing red dust in the spot in front of the car and stairs. Today the speculated it. Was sweeping when i saw an old white van pulling and a good looking "Latina" went upstairs with an Amazon delivery, trying to catch my dust, to play victim.

Now they have a reason to retaliate. They will do it on the road tomorrow when we're driving to Reno. Got two nights free and we payed for two more.

As i said many times before, their main tool is synchronization (Kali, the goddess of time and sex and destruction as well). They bring their people close to you by imagining "normal activities". (That van by no means was Amazon).

BTW we slept very "bad" that is we are like floating in a dream. They put all kinda items on the red dust including a juice pouch in the red dust nest to stairs which created mold inside the ceiling. At 4 AM when the cats were jumping, the mold got pushed in here. This morning at 10 they were 6 open bags in the bins this morning.

Our clothes smell like mold combined with dog s...t.

2:45 PM Found some more bags, in about the same configuration. One green and pink by the SW bin. One blue at the North i did not knotted yet. After i wrote about the skinny lads, i saw three older "Americans" with white goatees, looking very angry or sad. Two in the parking lot at Walmart.

Uncle Sam at the check stand at Walmart who hand it me the rubbing alcohol bottle saying "Have a great day". Because of that i forgot my second skin in the cart. There was one working on a truck next to the SW bin.

She is working the floor upstairs and i have something do to at the car and i'm afraid she is going to come in the middle of it and step over me while i'm partly under the car. I can hear the girls in the balcony already.

3:35 PM I wanted to change the oil filter. However it over tightened (not by me) and the tool quit working (started spinning around). Ever since i got under the car a couple of huge dogs started barking really loud (can be heard from a mile) above the monster apartment. Almost half hour now. Trying to fix the tool buy adding some aluminum tape inside.

5:05 I went to Jiffy Lube in Lake Oswego. One woman was  yelling at the guys for about 10 minutes until the checked me in. One of them was trying to imply i broke something at the car when i said my tool broke. Another one put the filter face down on a dirty grill under the car.

They had to use a measuring can so they poured my oil first in that one.

They took my old filter without a ratchet, only with their long speed handle with a 4 inch eccentricity. In the end they told me they tightened the filter by hand only.

When i come at home i grabbed my broken, spinning tool and tightened the filter with a ratchet but one hand only, about 1/4 of a turn, until it stopped turning. There was oil on the panel under.

Then a crazy idea came to me. What if... I grabbed a 10 mm and checked by tightening with 0 torque several most exposed bolts on the oil and transmission pan, were all solid firm. Which reminds me to check the valve cover bolts, last time they were all lose.

6:10 Ok. After a while went to check the level again. After it settled, the oil went over the limit of the gauge. The parking spot is on a slope. Which means will get even higher on a level surface. So i had to pull some out of it.

So i grabbed the pump and pull about a quart of a quart. Thin and dirty, almost black.  But then i changed my mind and pumped it all out since i was there. I had one more jug with the same brand. Quaker State mineral 5W20, recommended by Henday and also my favorite. But when i poured back in i spilled a drop around the hole. When i wiped it out i saw there was a small amount of sand around that hole.

Later i compared them when cold and they have the same viscosity. Trouble is i can't remember why i had an almost full jug with the same oil. Maybe i changed my mind and got a different kind. The only possible explanation.

One question. Why Jiffy Lube charges you more when you bring your own filter and oil? I payed 61 bucks there, and then 40 bucks for two jugs of oil, and the filter. There was a sign at the entrance saying 20 buck off ALL OIL CHANGES.

8:10 Ok. Went for a test drive in Wilsonville and back. I forgot to reset the mpg when i started climbing the ramp so i did at the top when i had already 60. Then i accelerated to 70. I've done 54 at the exit. It was green all the way while turning around under the overapss, but the traffic got almost stopped on the freeway.

Almost got into an accident, there was a white older car in my blind spot that i avoided in the nick of time. Her triumphant celebrity smile froze in disbelief. Then the traffic caught speed and my total mpg was 47 after climbing back down the exit, right before Nyberg. It's the new oil effect. It will wear in a few hundred miles and then the mpg on that same loop will be something like 44.

Friday, September 13, 2024

2:10 AM Mda, poate am căzut în capcana grabei și am greșit. Mulți istorici și chiar Eminescu au crezut că huțulii erau daci liberi slavizați care provin din Galiția (unde s-au refugiat după invazia romană). Nu știu nu sunt atât de familiar cu istoria Galiției fiindcă nu am mai avut timp și de aia.

Lumea a migrat tot timpul de-a lungul istoriei. Aveam pe cineva, în Câmpulung (Bucovina) o rudă, care era se numea Pocuțan. Printr-o greșeală sau glumă de notar neamț, a ajuns să fie românizată ad-hoc în Porcuțan LOL. 

Numele Pocuția, o țărișoară la vest de Bucovina, pare a fi de origine sanscrită. Kutia. Am spus de multe ori și mențin că limba dacă era foarte asemănătoare cu limba sanscrită. Dar și limba rusă și ucraineană, ca toate limbile europene (normal mai puțin "maghiara", o limbă complexă care e orice dar nu indo-europeană), toate se trag din sanscrită.

Curios lucru. Fiecare limbă europeană a moștenit din sanscrită un set de cuvinte diferite sau sensuri diferite, ca și cum limba ar fi căzut pe jos și s-a rupt în mai multe bucăți și fiecare a luat câte ceva.

Cineva a scris azi un articol despre cum au salvat husarii și Sobieski Viena și a speculat, toată Europa, de turci și de islam, așteptând, poate să vin eu cu niște completări controversiale, fiindcă am mai scris pe subiect.

Nu știu dacă turcii ar fi ocupat Europa așa cum arabii au ocupat Spania timp de 700 de ani. Nu știu dacă aveau forța și voința necesară.

Țările române au fost mult timp sub suzeranitate turcă, dar nu au fost islamizate.  Tot ce voiau turcii era un tribut, care azi pare mic în comparație cu sacrificiile făcute în războaie pentru menținerea suzeranității. Mă rog, treaba lor. Poate aveau mai mult un avantaj cu menținerea siguranței granițelor imperiului. Adică aveai un suzeran la graniță pe care îl controlai și nu prea te putea invada.

Deci a venit Sobieski cu acele trupe de elită numite husari, care husari aveau printre altele un fel de aripi în spate, pentru efecte psihologie, și lăncii goale pe dinăuntru, deci ușoare și foarte lungi, de până la 6 metri, care puteau înțepa până la 6 dușmani odată când se șarja într-o îngrămădeală.

Nu a fost singur. Polonezii au fost doar o treime din totalul de 66000 de mii de trupe creștine adunate la porție Vienei. Dar se pare că au intrat ultimii în luptă și au dat lovitura decisivă.

Cine erau husarii. După niște căutări, am aflat că lumea crede că ei au venit din Serbia, după ocuparea acesteia de către otomani și au devenit trupe de elită în Polonia, timp de mai mult de 200 de ani. Cavalerie ușoară adică, cu ceva armură, dar la jumătate față de cea grea.

Cândva, când nu aveam ce face, mai mult din nostalgie, am făcut niște căutări și am găsit această asemănare dintre unii cai huțuli și unii cai husari. Aburii nostalgiei m-au făcut să trag concluzia imediat. Dacă huțulii erau daci, înseamnă că husarii erau daci. Mai ales și faza cu aripile din spate, dacii folosind faimosul lor stindard, tot pentru scopuri psihologice.

Însă mai e o legătură cu aripile. Sunt legende prin Bucovina cum că unii dintre huțuli au proprietăți magice și post să se deplaseze în spațiu și în timp: Hultănitul. Mai e și chestia cu "băiatul" care pare un fel de sacrificiu (dat în folosința altuia pentru noroc adică). Huși. Hotin. Hut. Hoți. În Câmpulung era o expresie "mama huciului" care era similară cu mama dacului.

Azi mă gândesc că mai sunt și alte ipoteze, fiindcă am o bănuială că mi-au întins o capcană și nu mai vreau să cad așa de ușor ca alte dăți.

Una ar fi ca totul să fie exact invers. Huțulii au fost menționați prima dată la noi pe la 1800. Puteau să fi venit din Galiția și nu invers. Unde au ajuns după debandarea husarilor, când a avut loc re-organizarea armatei Poloniei.

Mai întâi s-au dus în Galiția (a nu se confunda cu Galicia din Spania sau Galația din Turcia deși s-ar părea că toate au ceva în comun) și apoi s-au orientat spre Bucovina unde viața în acel moment le era mai ușoară (biruri, obligații). Galii au existat și ei în Europa înainte de Cristos. Poate că au fost populația originală europeană dinaintea expansiunii indo-europene și mai apoi romane.

Dar mai sunt și alte ipoteze posibile. Numele huțul poate veni și de la goți. Goți care să fi petrecut un timp (vreo mie de ani) ca războinici de serviciu în Serbia, iar apoi s-au mutat în Polonia.

Nu rezolv nimic nici cu asta, fiindcă originea goților este un alt mare mister al istoriei. Odată am scris eu însumi că s-ar putea să fie tot niște războinici din China atrași ca atâția alții de aurul romanilor (luat din Dacia) fiindcă goția în chineză (am scris cum m-am priceput) înseamnă țară. Faptul că se țin împreună mereu ca grup etno-războinic, husari, (adică fără prea multe acareturi după ei, fără alte ocupații).

Da bine după 1000 de ani ca minoritate într-o țară slavă, ce mai rămâne din genetica sau limba respectivă?

Și apropo de limbă. Am găsit pe un site, mai multe, o chestie ciudată. Cică românii înțeleg ce vorbesc huțulii și invers, fără a se cunoaște limba interlocutorului. Poate fi și din cauza a 200 de ani de conviețuire.

Mă rog. Dacă am greșit, nu am fost singurul.

Mai este posibilă o explicație. Goții au fost aliații dacilor liberi împreună cu care i-au alungat până la urmă pe romani din Dacia. La un moment dat, goții au stăpânit nu numai Dacia, dar și toată Europa.

Însă unii mai spun că Goții și Geții au fost (inițial) același neam. Într-adevăr, daci putea să fie doar o poreclă, daksh दक्ष्- în sanscrită înseamnă dreapta, dreptaci, îndemânatec (cu sabia) iar jAta जात, pron. geata, ceata, înseamnă neam. Neamul primordial? punctul de plecare a expansiunii indo-europene?

Istoria cunoscută ne mai spune că după aproximativ 100 de ani de la alungarea romanilor de către goți împreună cu dacii liberi, împăratul Constantin a mai făcut un pod peste Dunăre, despre care puțin români au auzit și a recucerit Dacia, după ce a omorât 100000 de goți (geți, daci liberi, whatever).

Istoria s-a repetat.

Dacia nu a fost sub stăpânire romană numai perioada dintre cucerirea traiană și retragerea aureliană de aproximativ 160 de ani.

Dacă unii din ei au fost împinși din Dacia de către maghiari sau alți migratori în Serbia, împreună poate cu unii daci romanizați, au luat cu ei și elemente din limba proto-română.

Este foarte ciudat cum lipsesc din istorie aceste capitole în detaliu, ca și cum le-ar fi rupt cineva din carte și mototolit și aruncat la gunoi. Adică romanii nu au scris nimic despre cum au guvernat Dacia timp de 160 de ani, grecii nu au scris nimic etc..

Sau poate au existat în arhivele Vaticanului, și unii episcopi sau papi dominicani care acum știm cine erau...

Mai există doar fragmente mici, din lucrări mai importante despre alte chestii, care nu puteau fi rupte, scurte referințe de genul Decebalus per Scorilo.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

6:10 AM One looud exhaust that runs for about 5 minutes raised dust and made me sneeze.

9:05 Searching. Don't know what i'm searching (at times i forget the face or the name of those i currently search. They have been well in the thousands). But look what i found!

Dr. Who?

4:37 Angela went to sleep. They came and started to yell like desperate at the balcony, also hitting a ball. No, there feet on the floor.

7:00 Kept trying to remember where i saw that dance before.
10:15 Here's another candidate for the woman upstairs, as i saw her at the mailboxes in her first day here.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

2:55 The possessed woman who lives upstairs tricked me. She change her "work schedule" this week came home at the time Angela should have and i heard her car's door being slammed and i opened the door while she was still climbing her stairs.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

5:30 I prefer God has heard.

5:35 Sunt sincer intrigat, mai pe românește nedumerit cum din lunga listă de istorici români care îl include pe Iorga "care citea în diagonală", "care a învățat limbat trucă de la București la Giurgiu", sau tot neamul lui Giurescu, nu știa nici unul germană sau engleză ca să lămurească originea cuvântului vlah. Inclusiv Vlahuță, care a fost unul din primii lingviști moderni ai României sau de ce nu, Eminescu, care a studiat la Berlin.

Însă când am recurs iar la google pentru a căuta lista istoricilor români, am dat peste altă listă. Cei mai importanți români. Trecând peste Becali, care pe locul 13 e înaintea lui Iorga și a multora, pe cine găsesc pe locul 58, înaintea lui Mircea cel Bătrân sau chiar a lui Amza Bella?

Apropo, Corni-lescu nu a tradus Biblia, el a scos o versiune a ei, care conține aceeași greșeală, "să nu preacurvești" din cea oficială ortodoxă. Majoritatea versiunilor în engleză spun în această poruncă "să nu comiți adulter" (să nu ai legături intime în afara căsătoriei). Richard Wurmbrand? Hohenzollern?

Da bine am ezitat să postez asta fiindcă normal strică fața (credibilitatea) Wikipedia pe care se bazează multe din postările mele din trecut. Dar mă gândesc totuși că poate e glumă. Bine, mai multe glume. Poftim, râdeți și dvs.!

11:35 President is executive, he does not have that kinda power (i know it's a bit confusing the way it is written on the White House site).

Faking your own assassination attempt is incredibly rare but he should still be prosecuted and tried by a jury, there is enough evidence to do that. Both Secret Service agents where taking cover on the same side of the roof, pointing their guns in the same direction, waiting for the order to shoot that came too late to avoid the incident. A small pouch with his own blood in the right hand or behind the ear whatever.

Dozens of (phone) cameras were pointing at him, but the angle was chosen in such a way no one could film the actual impact because he turned his head outside the normal range, to face the right side of the crowd or the shooter, or perpendicular to the direction of the middle of the crowd.

12:00 Earlier. Awoke in smell. Went outside to check the bins. Found several green bags in each bin. People coming "after me" at the bins exactly when i was done. The blond little girl lost her orange cat, a couple of guys caught it for her. There was this Asian guy talking to another one, simulating talking to me when i was at the last bin. There was one poop in the grass, in fragments covered with grass (camouflage) i almost stepped on.

Inside i started an UV lamp for about ten minutes. I did not realize my hair looked like a clown's until i was done.

Wednesday evening when i hosed the building i avoided  the stairs, because she was upstairs, could have climbed down, "slipped", etc.. There is a vast amount blown from the parking lot on the stairs. Every time they start a base outside i feel the stinging dust.

Last night at Red Winds. Playing over Angela's shoulder, on a single line (25 cents a hand) i caught two times in a row three diamonds on the center line, winning 75 bucks each time, parring the losses for the night. We decided to go. 

When i left, a bunch of "angry" Asians at the door, one of them with a huge Tripundra on his T-shirt. Like this but green on green and without the dot, probably invisible for the cameras. Had to zig-zag among them to pass.

About 20 minutes later, i was on I5 doing 80 mph on the left lane when i saw a guy on the yellow line ahead. I knew something was going to happen because they let us win.

Dressed in dark, he did several moves, like Jagger. I got all pumped up, ready to veer in the next lane which was empty (would have required a violent maneuver) but he pulled on the shoulder when i was 100 ft from him (one tenth of a second).

I am pretty positive he was Japanese, by his silhouette and the moves reminding of the singer Prince. (2:50 AM mile 103). At 4 AM i passed a dead dear carcass on the right interrupted line. 15 minutes later, a racoon on the left yellow line, intact.

Again in the sharpest left curve, right before entering Portland, a semi was going with the rear wheels one foot in my lane when i was about to pass. The synchronization. How is possible the front wheels to be well in the lane and the rear one foot in mine? Drifting because of road inclination to the left but he had enough speed to counter that. "Should have been in training, the real pros don't do that". My feel is the platform was rigged.

12:45 BTW At Red Winds and Lucky Eagle now they have magnetic (heaven's) gates at the entrances and they still check your ID and temperature. Just to annoy and bully everybody. At Little Creek there is an outside smoking area covered in clear plastic sheets that has open passages in a parking lot but they don't have magnetic gates.

Yeah i was there that night but it happened at a different floor (never been there) and i think it was all fake.

5:06 Good Lhakpa, Bad George. Now that he's dead.  Dracula on top of the world. No formal education.

Last base of the day that comes always at 11 filled my face with stingy dust.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

12:31 AM I slept between 8:30 and 11:30 and could not sleep no more. I started to read the news, saw something, got really mad and she upstairs started to work the floor, like she always does when i light up on infrared, i think. Which proves a continuous invasion of privacy of their part.

That awoke Angela who is now really mad and can't sleep no more.

By the way she upstairs moves in those moments i came to believe most times it's a robot. The movements and noises are too well synchronized with my thoughts.

9:31 Slept 6 more hours.

If this is true it could revolutionize medicine. The biggest news in body imaging since damaging X-rays and expensive MRI. Could see some of the broken bones in fractures. Some of the organs (for skinny people of course) and even some of the tumors not too far under skin.

But how this gets me frustrated more than i already am in this morning. After i got awakened by the smell, found one heavy neon red-orange-ping open bag in the N bin and lots and lots o garbage items outside bags barely covering the wet muddy bottom that all stink really bad in all bins i could check.

Then i could not get close to one of the bins. I only saw two persons on  the alleys, a woman and one of the girls that roam around and yell all daily, now dressed nicely and they were chasing an orange cat and getting in my way several times. And there was one more orange cat with white mouth in the yard. And again black feathers.

I was growing desperate with my toe and leg pain and numbness. Antibiotics seemed less and less efficient. For a couple o days i've been using liquid bandage. A combination between a disinfectant and some glue that sticks on your skin and when it dries it forms a protective film. I tried a couple of brands.

One with the same material as the superglue thought "medical grade". The other with nitrocellulose, that stinks really bad, four hours.  Every time i was using it i was getting relief for a few hours. But once the disinfectant was dissipating i had to scrap the old one before applying some new, using alcohol, a lengthy process.

Yesterday i was doing just that, again. And when the area was clean, i saw clearly the skin which grew back, clean, with finger toe prints and everything but just below the surface there was something, asymmetrical, about 1.5 mm long and 0.1 mm thick. Could have been a piece of redwood, from the dust all around as i long suspected

Redwood is very hard, almost like metal and has a large percent of tannins that cannot be broken down by your body. But in my life i had inclusions of wood in wounds with other type of woods and they were as bad. But i usually knew about. But this one got in there together with that needle of a a push pin that i removed after a few days. Kept asking myself. How come i didn't see blood on my socks and everything.

Thins is i wear mostly black socks nowadays.

So, driven by the two months old frustration and desperation and lots of adrenaline, i grabbed a dental probe and started to dig in my toe's skin.

In a very uncomfortable position, curled and with the foot twisted so i can see under, for about 30 minutes. Difficulty breathing with my fat belly pushing against my diaphragm muscle. The numbness from the infection made me feel no pain. For a while, it was just skin, but then blood appeared and i kept digging until i thought i saw that piece of wood floating in a drop of blood.

But i was not positive so i didn't write about. I created a pretty large wound that itself now had to heal. Kept applying liquid bandage and kept taking antibiotics. Last night i thought it was all for nothing, cause the numbness was back. But this morning i don't feel any numbness or pain in the area. 

And then i saw the news with transparent skin. How is that for yet another weird coincidence?

10:00 More frustration. Was this face invented just to shadow my match with Sabrina? (look on the right)
11:50 Am deschis știrile din România și ce văd prima dată? Lucele și capul de călugăr de operetă al lui Becali! O piesă foarte importantă pe tabla de șah a spațiului public românesc. Lucele, călugărul și regele. Mai jos, una cu Bulă. Semne bune weekend-ul are.

1:45 Just another stupid weekend story. How my nostalgia turned into homework.

1:52 Let's shoot 30 years back in time like Bee Gees in Vegas in 97. We are in 93 Romania, 3 years after the fall of iron courtain. We were paying a small amount of money to a guy who connected all of our building to his satellite dish. Among most Italian state owned TV channels, we had newly launched MTV Europe. Though Romania was not on the official list at that time.

Video resolution was an astounding 580 (625) lines (was really shocked to come to the States and many years after all we had on cable was 240), depressing me even more.

It was a very prolific time (music wise speaking). Elton John was singing "I'm still standing", "I believe in love". I kept telling my acquaintances. He cannot be gay. He is to good to be gay. What else. Genesis, "I can't dance". Gorgeous girls from Ace of Base of course. Two Unlimited.  George Michael, Too Funky. Many others i can't remember right now. Heaven itself cracked up for us.

But among those was the new EuroDance song Mr.Vain. Intriguing, with my programmer's English, i could understand only parts of the lyrics. To me, Mr. Raider then meant Mr. Rhythm. Good enough, made me feel jump with joy every time i was hearing it. No, never heard of real racism before or many  years after.

If i was to call those time in a single word (a couple of words actually), i'd say it was an endless summer. With many parties and music and drinking almost every evening.

I had a couple of huge speakers, built with one inch fiberboard and huge Russian made real 80 watts 10 inches base speakers. A Russian or Ukrainian cassette player with enough amplifying for those (there was this bazaar where people from over the border (Moldova, Ukraine, etc.) were they were selling their smuggled stuff) but the boxes for the speakers were custom made where Angela worked as an accountant (a furniture company).

It was the dawn of CDs but could not afford one of those neither disks were available. I had this Elton John "Duets" album on a cassette. Many others i can't remember.

But it fits so well, after 30 years. Trump-Harris campaign. Don't you think?

Friday, September 6, 2024

5:00 AM Woke at 4:30 with nausea. The bins were emptied yesterday. Don't know if there's any open dog bag in those right now, but there is some sort of wet stinking mud on the bottom and yesterday it was near 100 degrees and it all smells like plain garbage. Usually they opened them right after being emptied, but last night they were all closed. I think they should be hygienized (washed) from time to time. BTW.

Again i believe there's nobody else here right now. They could not stand the smell and probably someone is watching the pipe. There has been more than one hour since i'm awake, didn't hear so far the usual slammed doors and loud exhausht. However, i heard a few loud ones in the distance that might resonate with some of the lids of the bins. School of the Hidden Door.

7:05 PM Carpenter, Crazy Taylor, Combs, Hozier, Postman, wish you all a nice Weaknd!

8:20 Went to smoke about half hour ago. I was thinking. The kids are only yelling when it smells like poop. It may be they become excited, a defense mechanism when they smell predators that with Dominicans it turned into a ritual (Pure uncorrupted children possessed in the dog Lord).

So i started to go around. I found one open bag at the SW bin. Like usually at this hour, one car passed by with bright lights. My way to the SE bin was obstructed by a family with a very small kid loading/unloading a trailer.

So i went around them through the yard and when i got to that bin, i saw a Lime scooter blocking the gate. I moved the scooter, never thought it was that heavy and the scooter started beeping. Then i realized i could have went around the gate. Nothing in that bin. Nothing in the N bin or in the grass so i went back inside to pick the glass bottle box to throw it in the only glass recycling bin next to that one.

After i got rid of the glass (bottles of course) i looked in the bin and there was an easy one i could grab with my new short grabber. However i dropped the grabber in the bin (i'm a little drunk). I came back, grabbed the big grabber and went and retrieved the short one.

It was not easy (that one is kinda heavy and slippery, and i'm drunk). About when i was done i heard a noise and saw at my right the big face of an Asian throwing something in the bin and got scared. He looked scared as well. But he must have seen me. Could not he had waited for a few seconds for me to leave? Whatever.

How i wish i did not have to write all these.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

12:03 AM I had to cook the meat from the fridge, it was there for several days and was bought on sale (and tonight i was feeling a bit better). Some people decided to have what it appears to be a midnight picnic at the other side of the alley (visible from the stairs). They appear to be ignoring the strong poop smell outside.

12:30 Nu mai poate omul să-și facă singur eu_logia că ăștia sar la gât. Paradoxar. Para ca prefix este în general o negație în limba română (paradox, ceva care merge împotriva a ceea ce este cunoscut), deși acesta este înțelesul al doilea, sensul al doilea în dexonline. Pe rădăcină, interesant cuvântul a apăra, care se pare că vine iar direct din sanscrită. Dexonline desigur nu dă nici o etimologie pentru el.

Cațavencii, mestecând mereu aluzii ca și alții în noroiul greu al prozei, sub un titlu care pare o personificare ciudată, de două parale, făcută la repezeală.

Iar Ciucă nu e nimic, a fost prim ministru la rotativă și de aia a ținut mai mult decât media de un an și acum o va da în bară pregătind locul altcuiva. Deci este o șea bună, nu se rupe, nu se strică, fără să fie neapărat Mitică.

6:15 Hosed the building for dust after the Wednesday blowing of the parking lot, saw Alexa Alice Sally Alicia Keys in the alley, went to tie the knots, two different Spanish looking people were streaming, possibly catching me in the frame.

The name of her game is old style soul, but her voice is a bit too crying and hissing for my taste.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

10:10 Last night i looked really close at the wound from the toe. After nearly 2 months it is not covered with scar but with some corn like tissue of a few mm wide which i think is permeable. So i went to Walmart and grabbed this, washed with alcohol and applied on it. Three layers. Bought a few more items.

Of course they took advantage of me being there and created all kinda scenes. From getting in front of me with or without babies at the bays i was going to a dog in a cart in line at the stand after me, Alexa memes, name it. One short woman Priti Patel asked me to get for her a box from the upper shelf that is so high i almost could not reach myself.

There is an open green bag on the bridge next to 7-11 at the corner that has been there for at least a week. More witchcraft?

10:25 BoraGeorgevici, 72 de ani. Au mai retras unul de pe scenă și atât. Mai sunt 10000.

10:35 Disperat, la palat. O aluzie?
(BTW there is something about the moves of those elephants i don't really like)

8:10 About how i got my Social Security card with No Right to Work i said many times before. Veronica took me from Greyhound station in Salem directly to SS office (when i was really tired after 3 days on Greyhound buses... (they again starting the black BNW, this time revving the engine real hard, while i started again the big fan in the bathroom, so the dust will fall on him... he now stopped)...

I also wrote briefly about the Manpower episode in Salem. Veronica who was working at Wafertech (bunny suite, cleanroom) "arranged" (actually made an appointment) for an interview there. Julian took me there early in the morning on his way to work (Yamamoto, Hillsboro, a PCB manufacturer, now longtime gone).

I think i waited there (it was too early) and then i took a dexterity test. It was something with some domino like pieces i had to arrange, and though i finished in the right time, the Latina hiring specialist said there must be something wrong (suggesting cheating) cause i was too accurate.

So i got out of there, and to me it seemed the shortest way to downtown Salem was on a residential street, not knowing nothing about life in US. Soon after a Police car showed and started to ask questions.

I was carrying my diplomat type case (like this, but black and less metal, the one i was using in Romania when i was going to my customer, fiberglass, Russian or Ukrainian made) (that damn car doesn't give me a break, now revving real loud and then again stopping).

So the cop asked me what i was doing there, if i had a job, etc.. So i told him the episode with the interview and he let me go.

Then i kept walking, i think it was in that day when i saw an office saying "free legal aid" and told them the mishaps with the Marts, and they gave me a form to fill and i had to write the name of whom i complain about and gave up and left.

Now i remember carrying that case every day at the library of the PCC college in Portland, where Julian was taking me every day in my way to work. There, at his advice, i was pulling from shelves books about how to build my resume. However i was using's Julian's resume as model, where he wrote he did everything i did when i was his boss in Romania (before 89). So i changed all that in my name and sent it everywhere using his email address (it was in 95).

Back at the little house rented by the Marts in Salem, a man from a real estate agency was crawling everyday under the house, for weeks, "to evaluate" while Angela was at home. We were sleeping in the garage turned into a room, next to the washer and drier.

Veronica was waiting for a cancer test. The result came negative, not long before i left, in frustration, after she started to yell at me in the car while picking me from somewhere one day. Over the years, her attitude towards me changed.

I ended working at Sheridan Fruit Co in downtown Portland, starting September 17 1995. Among my coworkers, I've identified so far... John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. (manager, owner's son in law), Maya Morgenstern (shelf stocker, "his lover", my direct everyday boss, a real pain in the butt), Robin Williams (olive oil pumper), Demi Moore (cashier, she was really sweet though her role was to act like a bitch), Dennis Weaver (acting as the security guy), the real Jeffrey Dahmer (building the famous fruit baskets, he never ever wanted to let me do it) Liviu Dragnea (as 10% co-owner), the guy from Smashing Mouth (i think) etc. But that is different story i wrote about in other occasions.

And yes i owe my first driver's license to Sheriff McCloud. Since i still had the original address on my ID and i took the computer test at DMV in Dallas (Oregon, a rural area), an idea came to me. I thought it was so much easier if i take the driving test in Dallas and i asked Sandy (his stage name there) to go with me in the car all the way to Dallas and he accepted (since i passed the computer test, i could drive with someone in the car). Yes it took the test the first time.

He was really brave, it was raining like hell, i could barely see anything from my 83 "wooden" Fairmont i bought from a guy on the street with 400 bucks and all my driving experience so far before i came to the States was on computer racing games.

After all, i rode a 2 wheel real bicycle when i was 4, a motorcycle when i was 10 and i drove a car for the first time when i was 12 and kept driving in the summer on the nearby airfield in Câmpulung and sometimes on roads, when i was moving the car when going fishing with my father.

But that car was an automatic and was handling excellent compared to all the other cars i had after.  
Especially the Escort i had after. that had a broken frame and was pulling left when accelerating and right when braking and i drove it in one day more than 700 miles to San Francisco for a job interview and then back to Portland. But that is yet another story.

10:35 I think i was a goner if i didn't use the liquid bondage bandage stuff i bought at Walmart today. They tried to compensate by vibrating the building almost all evening, with different vehicles. I am bit stiff but o quit taking antibiotics that BTW weren't working so much anymore. And instead of being so numb, i am hot and perspired all the time meaning my immune system is not giving up (anymore).

I went to pick the pepper grinder from the locker. Part of cooking meat is grinding pepper and it takes too long to do it with a plastic grinder bought in store (Though you eat plastic and not eat metal however this one is ceramic so you eat ceramic. Whatever).

Numerous vehicles doing shows. One huge white truck blocking the N bin, flashing red lights. More cars flashing lights, double parked. One guy blinding me at the locker with a lime scooter. Everywhere stinking like colitas.

So i went to the bins. At the SW bin big empty cardboard boxes on top  (so i had to search through all), and in one of them there was a green bag though with a branch inside thus hard or impossible to knot. Next to the bin there was a guy in an SUV with the engine running. When i got back inside a young Japanese guy with samurai cock and everything was following while i was carrying my coiled grabber.

Sine i mentioned torture, they are now suggesting i'm into SM and out searching for partners. So i ordered a new one, much shorter, "good for most cases", in the night still looking like a whip. I was thinking. Cold the green bags secretly, semantically, represent money (they smell a little like paper money though)?

Exactly when i went in kitchen area and started to prep the spices and the meat, the woman upstairs, like her predecessors, came in her kitchen area (apartments floor plans are identical), suggesting it is not me but they are cooking for me, by making noise in the kitchen in the same time?

Which drove me mad enough to come here and write about, with my numb finters, cause otherwise i would have given up for the night (don't feel like it, thinking it may be useless).

12:25 AM Stinking too much to sleep. There was an old door mat or piece of carpet, decades old, on the red dust under the stairs next entrance. The whole area was stinking like mold from that piece of junk, covering and mutating the bacteria from the poops. Over the years from there i picked and  threw in the bins many stinking items.

Last three times i picked the poops i did not write about. Mostly because last night at 2 AM they were a couple of guys talking aloud in the W alley all the time i was there. Tonight they were 2 women. I picked the last one from the grass after i came to get a bag, and when i went to the bin to throw it another woman coming from the mailboxes asked me if i am looking for empty cans and stuff, "they are in the recycle bin" though she saw me throwing that poop in the bin.

I believe it all has to do with my last posts.

1:15 I am pretty positive i saw her face before, in the list with Hungarian writers. Though i only looked at her for one second, in the dark (there are no lamps near that bin or the mailboxes). Long, narrow face, older, soprano voice, pretty well built. I looked in there and i made a selected list of who she might have been. Last name first.

Archleb Gály Tamara, 73.

Tóth Erzsébet, 73

Lugosi Viktória, 72. I think i saw her years ago (the woman looking like a Venus walking around the complex with three kids and a small dog) and in the alley a couple of days ago, with her more normal look, after the alley with the stop sign. She looks pretty damn good for 72, here at 71, like in her 40s. Most likely to fit in this story, because of her name.

Szakács Eszter, 70

Bódis Kriszta, 58. She could be the one with the dog from closest entrance in building D. In the last week or so when i go to smoke i see her with the door open and the dog is staying in the door frame, guarding, like i did tonight. I think she lately quit smoking or is a different person acting like the first, which they do a lot. I think i saw climbing upstairs at least four different women. Lately "she" dresses in a reflecting vest (who knows what for), suggesting authority.

1:50 Needless to say. Whoever it was gave me a good scare and also made me instantly mad, coming near me, talking to me like that. Got hot flashes because of the ongoing infection and stress, i guess. Instantly depressed my immune system, especially that i smoked after.

Who knows what bug i caught from the bins now. I touched something wet at the SW bin. I touched that piece of junk carpet and breathed around it until i threw it in the bin. Being on top of the full bin doesn't help much. It still stinks like mold. Got enough momentum to stay at the computer for one more hour and a half.

2:13 Am deschis știrile să mai uit de ale mele. Dar ce văd. De săptămâni, în topul cele mai citite subiecte de către români este Gigi Becali.

Alfred Bulai.

"Nu mai mori odată". Cine l-a auzit? A, ok, alte informații sustrase din dosarele procurorilor, pentru a șoca lumea cu ele.

Se pune crucea. Această expresie oribilă, perpetuată de presă, care înseamnă sfârșitul a ceva sau cuiva. Cred că așa ajuns în obiceiurile lingvistice ale românilor. Dintr-o carte sau articol al unui scriitoraș.

Și Elton John are mari probleme de sănătate, și o infecție.

Va mai trece un timp până voi vedea ceva mai acătării din România. Însă pentru azi, nici o rază de speranță.

2:24 Didn't go to bed 2 hours ago. They brought refills. I am breathing again the s...t.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

9:40 AM Pe când am terminat de scris paragraful acesta, cineva a claxonat foarte tare pe alee, și a dublat enervarea mea. Așa fac ei întotdeauna când scriu ceva critic.

11:10 The woman upstairs came home about an hour ago after missing for 2 or 3 days. Then the most terrible smell appeared in the bathroom. It looks like there is a sewage leak somewhere. She is very rarely if ever using the toilet. I hear more often a toilet flushing from the next apartments and that is happening when i sit on mine.

11:30 I flushed the toilet several times. First it went kinda hard then the second time went ok. The smell is subsiding. BTW, just remembered something. That dead dear carcass on Dundee variant (just before the curve to the left when coming east bound) is almost dried like in mummified, after about a couple of weeks sitting there.

11:45 I just discovered this video was missing from my yesterday's post. Without it, the whole post didn't make much sense.

12:12 Strangely enough, can't find any post about the toilet leak in March 2021. Possibly because i was too terrified those days to write about. About 2 weeks after this guy moved in (March 2021) a toilet leak from upstairs became apparent in the bathroom. 

For the one and a half year he's been here he did exactly like all my neighbors did before (torturing) but with a vengeance. I believe he is/was a historian from Japan, specializing in ninja history.

They came to fix it though the maintenance guy who came in our apartment, opened the ceiling in the bathroom and then closed it back (didn't do anything else, but the drywall was wet and soft) had its doubts the fix was going to work. I saw the tall handywoman climbing the stairs with a vacuum for plumbing than i heard much noise like from fixing something upstairs.

He even said to me. It is sealed and it is not. I thought he was referring to the type of seal they used, that might have been like this one that in certain conditions may backflow sewage gas. He also said there might be some "remnants" that  have to dry out, which means it was going to smell for a while.

There is right now a "remnant" smell in the bathroom. I think they are trying to make the story with the dog poops changed into something else. Or they even might be two different ongoing stories. Or with my numbing toe, three. As cause for numbness, my bet is the toe (had leaks before but never got to this).

I know for sure that there is a leak from our bathroom fan pipe. If i start it i feel the flow of air coming from any whole like a plug whole in the wall.

I also started to get numb but don't know if because of my exposure to the smell in the bathroom or because of my toes and the fact the antibiotics i took last night wore out. And it is not because of diabetes because i haven't eat anything after 5 AM this morning. BS sugar is 312 right after i ate something but it was only about 10 minutes before.

1:15 Market mini crash today (NASDAQ more than 3%) was half caused by oil. Scroll down to bottom performers (left) and you'll see three energy corporations on top of those and then a bunch of giant semiconductors like NVIDIA, Intel, etc..

Those usually go down when i post (unintendedly) something critical. I think it is considered one of their AI failures (Sabrina done entirely or partly with AI but modeled after a real person). Because they need a real person to appear in public though that real person may not have such a perfect (ballerina dancing in the sand miniature type of) body).

Closer to reality, her butt is much wider. I know cause i saw her in the parking lot at Chinook yesterday.

3:30 It is almost every day i draw in my mind my balance sheet and damage assessment. It seems like i'm in the red at almost all chapters. Days left included.

It is true. That all life flashes before your eyes when you're about to pass the corner. But to me it's slo mo, i have the time to really pass through every major event. Got almost two months where my life depends on my daily intake of antibiotics.

There is an evolutionary reason to this. If one miraculously escapes just before that moment, whatever he sees/remembers just before that might help clarify things, survive (same thing with day dreams of the past when one can extrapolate past into possible branches and then realize the true causality (using newer knowledge) of what really happened).

Maybe just a little but enough to pass his successful, surviving genes. With the help a willing young unconscious being. Or his knowledge to others.

It may be an instinct. Young ones "respect" elders giving them time to pass their knowledge, when they have no interest or passion left in anything. At least that's what's happening in nature. With humans before they became a (hierarchical, stagnant) society.

And what keeps coming over and over is most glorious moment of my career. Those days when i finished a salary program at Direcția Apelor Bacău.

All conditions were set. I had the greed for the money. I had the experience after building a data acquiring app in assembly and Fortran, an accounting app with Pascal and half of salary app in Fortran, and they had the means and it was the right timing. But some guys intervened (and now i know who they are) and sent me there.

Their director, though not enthusiastic, was willing to let me do it. I think the motivation was, there was a Russian link to. That firm was a branch of the government and at that time etc.. They wanted to do a lesson for everyone that is.

Their IT department were still carrying bags with punch cards at the Centrul de Calcul, a place where companies in town were renting running time on an old IBM 360 (licensed from licensed to the French) to do their apps dough they had a brand new PDP-11 (clone) that was working with terminals they didn't to complicate their lives with it.

So i made a contract with them and started working. And then the guy in Salary department. At first i was very happy with his rigorous bureaucracy, his tendency to stick with the rules (could have also be part of the bigger plan i didn't know about). It's a programmer's dream. Having to collaborate with a person like that.

In programming there can be no mistakes or bending the rules (also this put a very strong print on my thinking, for the rest of my life). Though programming and especially in an unknown or experimental area is nothing but a long series of trials and errors.

After "Ceaușescu" (those around him) brought in the PDP clones, nobody in Romania was willing to learn how to program them (mostly bureaucracy but also laziness, or a combination). Some adapted the old Cobol programs from the IBM that had running time up to 24 hours with manual flow control of the whole procedure.

The chief of IT department was sitting there at the console 24 hours and issued the commands for the next phase in salary app. But then he/she could party for the rest of the month.

That's why was unknown and experimental. And i took that opportunity and huge risks (well, it was what i thought it was my career, i don't think they would have taken my retainer back). But i was scared like i was about to surf in a water full of sharks and big waves and not doing it before.

The idea was very simple. On single database with one key retrievable record per each employee with hundreds of data fields.

One video terminal interface based on my old data acquiring app (they looked similar to IBM 400 for those who remember), black and white, or better said green or white, with a number of screens that were popped with programmed function keys (like at PC, above main keyboard). One read and one write instruction in Fortran using the same format on an indexed file (by multiple keys) on the hard drive.

Because that 16 bit address computer only worked with pages with 64k of memory per app, one or 2  megs in total, i had to do a segmentation with multiple branches while keeping data on a root while the library was in a virtual hard drive in a different memory page. I might  have invented what Microsoft called later "late binding".

Nevermind, i just used the instructions (code) following the Fortran manual (printed from the help files, in English), not knowing what it was really called, like Ed Sheeran. (I even went for a job interview here in the States and still did not know what it was when i was asked the question!).

Once you entered the employee's code, you could navigate through screens, change data and when you were done with it, everything else was recalculated and all data re-rewritten on the hard drive. I have to confess, i inspired a little from spreadsheets (it was 1992).

Once you were done with data entering, that could have been one single employee to 1000 or more, you could launch the printing of reports which was a number of loops using different keys of that single file and it was instant.

Think about. From 24 hours run time at the Centrul de Calcul to instant on your own computer and from a team of 20 to one single data entry operator! But everything i've done was extreme, by any standard and i squeezed the best out of that tiny computer, by today's standards, and it worked brilliantly!

(But here at interviews i was just crushed and nobody (except one guy) wanted to give me a break. Except for that guy who was part of a team which organized a show with me in the main role, not knowing (1998, Portland branch of Quadramed, if there ever was such thing). Ask Andy Carson, the local channel 12 meteo man, "the manager" though i could exactly what they needed me to do, i just didn't know it and especial didn't know how to talk with my basic English back then).

From there, i started to do accounting on (newly emerging) PCs. Usually with one meg of memory and 40 megs of hard drive.

One day i went back there for some reason and i saw a guy in the same office where i worked, in Salary department, trying to transfer my app on a PC. Also because they knew it was all they needed, cause it worked on a mini with one single operator, and the PC was far more advanced in software, with environments like dBase or FoxPro that were almost ready to use.

But i didn't say anything, cause i had enough with that rigorous guy who asked me for so many modifications (it looked like they immediately grew a taste for the possibilities of my new solutions) and improvements (in data acquiring screen, data fields, calculation algorithms) that the money i got from that contract diluted to the the equivalent of Angela's salary in the same time (about 6 months) the accounting department at the company i left to do this.

Yeah i know i wanted to write about greed, the biggest motivator in this world, my eyes are really blurry, can hardly see what i'm typing and the guys who were behind all this (at different higher levels) but i kinda lost momentum. Maybe next entry.

Ok one more phrase. Greed got me in the States. Thought i could do so much better then Romania, after i've done what i've done there professionally (not even having formal IT training, me being a mechanical engineer by trade). But i forgot did not realize how many people helped me there. And i never knew what they really let me in for (through green card lottery).

There, i had a roof above my head, my own small but decent apartment in a concrete built condo, and could ask questions in my own language, exchange knowledge with bored people who weren't competing for nothing, with all those somewhat advanced computers sitting all around and not doing nothing and they were ashamed and intrigued and gave me their best answers.

And i didn't know the contract was entirely a setup, creating all conditions for me to do it.

But things were advancing fast. Before i left in 95, people i worked for (with accounting apps) wanted to move to Windows, object oriented was the new norm and at 35 i was kinda burned out already while people were coming from colleges with fresh knowledge. I remember when my PC at home broke and one young guy fresh out of college came with a diskette  and eradicated a virus and i had no idea they really existed.

Everything was straightforward in IT before object oriented. In the same time ready made accounting and salary apps became available on PCs so i don't know what i would have done there either.

Could have entered some scientific area, i don't know. But with what i know today, after i have browsed the whole internet (kidding).

5:50 How many times i did that? A few months ago i removed a fan i had in the bathroom on top (or better said bottom) of  the main fan. A little 4 inch one that was passively turning faster when the big one was started and rest of the time was pumping a little air in the exhaust pipe. Mainly to prevent "air" and especially dust from backflowing.

As i said, there is also a leak somewhere in that pipe that brings that exhaust into the walls. Including when you use the restroom. So the little fan was also refreshing the "air" in the walls, through that leak.

But it became dusty, dust got into the bearings, probably, and was turning slower and slower to the point at times it stopped. So one day, i just ripped it off, thinking. Must have been crazy when i installed it. What for?

Several months later, i (again) know what for. If it was only for preventing dust falling from the generous amount (half inch maybe all over the inside of the 4 inch pipe all the way to the roof) when everything vibrates, like with the black BMW. So yes, today i put another one there, bigger (all i had handy). Waiting for results (to see if i get better) in a few days.

6:40 Just went for a cigarette. The warm smell of colitas (Nike swooshes) was raising up from every direction of the wind. And then i remembered what i was thinking that day when i removed the little fan. That little fan was preventing backflowing in the bathroom at the price of sucking air from outside. It's a trade off.