Saturday, September 21, 2024

1:00 AM Summer is officially over. Got home after 550 miles in 12 hours. In the lot was stinking like in a stable. First had to move the truck in the street parking lot. I picked and knotted 4 green bags from around the bins.

When i picked the last one a "Mexican" in a new SUV with bright white lights pointed at that bin started to honk real long and honked like crazy for at least 15 minutes after.

Before i forget. Driving back home i saw on the side of the road a panel saying Trump/Vince.

The TWO deer at 10:25 16 miles from Indian Head where we stopped to eat. I touched the big one with the panel under the car and had to maneuver to avoid the second which was smaller.

Before that. We ate in the car and there was this woman thrown on the ground in front of the casino and our car, acting crazy. At times she was mimicking having oral sex (with a ghost?). Security was ignoring her.

Before Indian Head, after Madras i guess, i had to avoid by breaking hard two guys driving on my side of the road, passing. One of them was a semi.

One black Cadillac sitting there in the dark in the distance in my lane waiting to make a left turn while one hundred blinding headlights were coming towards me on the other side of the road. Many others smaller things. Vehicles abandoned on the side of the road, too close to the yellow line, etc..

7:28 After being for 6 days away from here i feel the difference (of not being here). At least i don't get numb everywhere. However, here nothing has changed. After the bins being empty Thursday, last night they were a number of bags on the ground. "The reason" they do this is because they stay on the ground after the bins are being emptied.

Parts of the floor in the apartment are bulged because of moisture underneath. The animal based glue holding the fiberboard together is contaminated. Inside smells like mold and dog waste.

BTW yesterday at Taco Bell in Susanville. One angry guy game and threw some items in the garbage can  next to were i was ordering, scaring me. The woman at the window told me when she handed me the food: "Here's the rest of your food". The soda tasted a bit salty and bitter saw i threw it away. The huge burrito tasted like beef lard coming from a cow in heat.

I parked briefly to check the battery connectors next to a car with a LPN CRZBROD. There was a trailer with a LPN KJB (there is always at least one everywhere i go). Angry looking guys everywhere.

10:10 There's a ghost moving upstairs, no car in the spot. It started after i removed the last known green bags, making it a bit more breathable.

11:10 Heavy stomps upstairs, some sort of smoke from outside that makes me choke.

1:32 PM There is no car in the spot but someone is marching upstairs, following my activities and thoughts.

1:36 Can't read this because of my ad blocker, however i already saw enough of it. Susanville, 550 miles.

1:40 Another one that seems related to the latest post. We stayed at Motel 6 in Medford the first night of our trip.

There was another one linked to weapons sold by India in Ukraine, right after this. There was this Indian woman in the last night at Peppermill casino who left her card in a machine where Angela played after at and then she came and said she had money in the machine.

I saw her earlier, she played and lost lots of money (was betting up to 10 dollars a hand) and she asked me to watch "her lucky machine" as she left which i declined.

And in the end (after she probably lost all of her money) she was sitting there staring in disbelief, looking confused.

But i am pretty sure she was just acting and she was a follower of Kali. Later that night Angela chocked on food, worse than i ever seen someone in my life (other than me). For one minute she just could not breath. One more time in the morning. 

A move i don't understand. India has a long history of military collaboration with Russia. Putin doesn't need to protest.

2:00 Another one that seems to illustrate the infinite loop i'm stuck in. I go and pick, they bring more. I believe they are forced to do so by their religion (Catholic Philippine Dominicani), to fulfill a prophecy (St. Dominic mother's dream).

2:02 Angela is sleeping, the kids started talking aloud and playing not far from our windows as retaliation to what i just wrote on the other blog. They do this every time i post something important, with noises either from upstairs, loud exhausts, planes, children playing like now, ambulance sirens, etc.. Noises never overlap which of course shows coordination.

3:15 Rex Putname.

3:20 NiCu candidate. One thing i don't understand. Is this about presidential elections? David Muir explains, with much pathos.

4:44 They kept Angela awake (woke her several times) and she was pissed when we went for a walk in the park. Talking nonsense just to release frustration. Did this happen to you my friend? Act against self and inflicting most damage when bullied?

Went in the kitchen area, she upstairs came promptly and started to stomp, drop heavy objects. She got this birds feeder for the cats not to get bored. She just swept the balcony, golden dust was visible in the Sun light as it was falling on mine.

In the park was thinking at this black guy who opened the door for me at Peppermill, who looked like P Diddy (though he was supposed to be in jail all this time) and the woman sitting sort of next to me, always taking care for me not to see her face who looked like Mary J, though through some make up miracle, decades younger.

5:55 Made in Australia. Just continue enjoying your weekend my friends!

9:20 Went around and knotted bags. There is still one i can't find.

McDonald symoblism.