Saturday, September 14, 2024

2:20 They made a mess last night pushing red dust in the spot in front of the car and stairs. Today the speculated it. Was sweeping when i saw an old white van pulling and a good looking "Latina" went upstairs with an Amazon delivery, trying to catch my dust, to play victim.

Now they have a reason to retaliate. They will do it on the road tomorrow when we're driving to Reno. Got two nights free and we payed for two more.

As i said many times before, their main tool is synchronization (Kali, the goddess of time and sex and destruction as well). They bring their people close to you by imagining "normal activities". (That van by no means was Amazon).

BTW we slept very "bad" that is we are like floating in a dream. They put all kinda items on the red dust including a juice pouch in the red dust nest to stairs which created mold inside the ceiling. At 4 AM when the cats were jumping, the mold got pushed in here. This morning at 10 they were 6 open bags in the bins this morning.

Our clothes smell like mold combined with dog s...t.

2:45 PM Found some more bags, in about the same configuration. One green and pink by the SW bin. One blue at the North i did not knotted yet. After i wrote about the skinny lads, i saw three older "Americans" with white goatees, looking very angry or sad. Two in the parking lot at Walmart.

Uncle Sam at the check stand at Walmart who hand it me the rubbing alcohol bottle saying "Have a great day". Because of that i forgot my second skin in the cart. There was one working on a truck next to the SW bin.

She is working the floor upstairs and i have something do to at the car and i'm afraid she is going to come in the middle of it and step over me while i'm partly under the car. I can hear the girls in the balcony already.

3:35 PM I wanted to change the oil filter. However it over tightened (not by me) and the tool quit working (started spinning around). Ever since i got under the car a couple of huge dogs started barking really loud (can be heard from a mile) above the monster apartment. Almost half hour now. Trying to fix the tool buy adding some aluminum tape inside.

5:05 I went to Jiffy Lube in Lake Oswego. One woman was  yelling at the guys for about 10 minutes until the checked me in. One of them was trying to imply i broke something at the car when i said my tool broke. Another one put the filter face down on a dirty grill under the car.

They had to use a measuring can so they poured my oil first in that one.

They took my old filter without a ratchet, only with their long speed handle with a 4 inch eccentricity. In the end they told me they tightened the filter by hand only.

When i come at home i grabbed my broken, spinning tool and tightened the filter with a ratchet but one hand only, about 1/4 of a turn, until it stopped turning. There was oil on the panel under.

Then a crazy idea came to me. What if... I grabbed a 10 mm and checked by tightening with 0 torque several most exposed bolts on the oil and transmission pan, were all solid firm. Which reminds me to check the valve cover bolts, last time they were all lose.

6:10 Ok. After a while went to check the level again. After it settled, the oil went over the limit of the gauge. The parking spot is on a slope. Which means will get even higher on a level surface. So i had to pull some out of it.

So i grabbed the pump and pull about a quart of a quart. Thin and dirty, almost black.  But then i changed my mind and pumped it all out since i was there. I had one more jug with the same brand. Quaker State mineral 5W20, recommended by Henday and also my favorite. But when i poured back in i spilled a drop around the hole. When i wiped it out i saw there was a small amount of sand around that hole.

Later i compared them when cold and they have the same viscosity. Trouble is i can't remember why i had an almost full jug with the same oil. Maybe i changed my mind and got a different kind. The only possible explanation.

One question. Why Jiffy Lube charges you more when you bring your own filter and oil? I payed 61 bucks there, and then 40 bucks for two jugs of oil, and the filter. There was a sign at the entrance saying 20 buck off ALL OIL CHANGES.

8:10 Ok. Went for a test drive in Wilsonville and back. I forgot to reset the mpg when i started climbing the ramp so i did at the top when i had already 60. Then i accelerated to 70. I've done 54 at the exit. It was green all the way while turning around under the overapss, but the traffic got almost stopped on the freeway.

Almost got into an accident, there was a white older car in my blind spot that i avoided in the nick of time. Her triumphant celebrity smile froze in disbelief. Then the traffic caught speed and my total mpg was 47 after climbing back down the exit, right before Nyberg. It's the new oil effect. It will wear in a few hundred miles and then the mpg on that same loop will be something like 44.