Sunday, June 30, 2024

11:00 Actul I prima scenă.

Preludiu. Ieri noapte pe la 12 când mă luase un somn dulce a venit tipa de deasupra și a frământat podeaua deasupra mea și m-a trezit de câteva ori. Am luat recorderul (reportofon) și l-am pornit și s-a mai liniștit și am adormit. Oricum eram prea obosit ca să încarc fișierele cu înregistrările cu izbiturile în podea.

Dimineață. După câteva ore de alergat pisica deasupra, vorbit tare la telefon la Apt.4 în balcon, izbituri în distanță, corectat niște postări pe care le-am scris cam în grabă, am ieșit să fumez prima țigară. Dar am fost izbit de mirosurile de afară, așa că am ieșit la înaintare să cercetez.

La primul tomberon de deasupra, nu era nimic, (dar am văzut un SUV (Hyundai, Soul, alb) cu niște frunze ca de trifoi cu cinci frunze mov și alte chestii pictate, care mi s-a părut că l-am văzut ieri la Indian Head sau pe drum), așa că am trecut la următorul unde erau niște chestii inclusiv cu alimente în descompunere deasupra capacelor, pe care plouase.

Așa că am ridicat capacele și am lăsat chestiile de deasupra să cadă în tomberon. Chiar lângă tomberon un tip lucra într-un garaj cu ușa deschisă. Aș fi vrut să trec pe partea cealaltă a tomberonului deci mai departe de ușa deschisă, dar acolo au coborât niște persoane, s-au urcat în mașini așa că am ales să ies prin spațiul îngust între tomberon și garaj.

În același timp a trecut o tipă neagră pe lângă ușa garajului. Între timp a ieșit o filipineză din faimoasa clădire D cu un baby în brațe în și a trecut pe lângă mine după care a mers cred la garajul deschis și apoi s-a întors în apartament, faimoasa clădire D, tot cu baby în brațe și urmată de tipul din garaj (cred).

Am vrut să merg și la al treilea tomberon dar a venit o furgonetă Amazon, iar șoferul a lăsat-o deschisă și s-a dus să lase un pachet undeva în clădirea noastră, deci nu am vrut să trec pe lângă furgoneta rămasă deschisă așa că m-am întors.

11:16 Mi-am amintit o fază. Ieri am plecat la Indian Head să mai scap de iadul de aici. Așteptam cu înfrigurare să treacă 2 ore de condus (108 mile) ca să beau un coniac și să fumez o țigară acolo în parcare. Însă imediat după ce am ajuns și am parcat în primul spațiu logic, am văzut într-un minivan de închiriat (Enterprise) lângă mine și o tipă pe locul pasagerului din față, legănând un baby.

Aveam să văd mai mulți baby și copilași în parcare, mai târziu. Figuri de indieni americani de tip Hollywood traversând aleea, cerând prioritate, aruncând la mișto zâmbete care parcă spuneau. Las că vezi tu ce te-așteaptă.

În spațiul următor în dreapta noastră, era un McLaren (pe care mi-ar place să îl conduc deși e prea jos și e ușor și periculos în trafic cu SUV-urile astea uriașe, care parcă se urcă pe tine. Aici sunt foarte rare, nu vezi decât Toyote, Nissan-uri și Honde de familie, împreună cu faimoasele camionete cu motoare de 5+ litri cu roți și faruri off road din fața cărora este bine să te dai deoparte.

Am mai văzut o tipă înaltă, remarcabilă, care a intrat în cazino. Mai târziu s-a dovedit a fi o cântăreață country, destul de bună, atunci când se concentra. Prima dată când văd muzică live la Indian Head (un cazino mai mic în deșert și mai sărac, deși pitoresc). Ea cu o vioară și un tip cu o chitară făceau toată muzica, care avea nevoie teribilă de o chitară bas.

12:12 Angela a făcut niște pește, deasupra a început marșul, exact pas de defilare, într-o direcție și în alta.

Friday, June 28, 2024

10:25 Pink is their newest color (From Abare Pink of course). I found one on the ground near the bin accross, now they threw one on top of the one floor apartment where the star of their kids lives and where is hard for me to go pick being on top of the window though there's probably no one today in that building (and the reason she upstairs left early today).

10:32 I went to pick it up however when i got closer i saw it was only an (empty) pink bottle of something.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

5:50 There is much dust since mowing and blowing yesterday (Wednesdays), the reason i only slept 4 hours last night, can't sleep myself or Angela more in this afternoon. It also smells like dog poop. I tried to hose our corner of the building and a number of unsupervised children came at once to play next to our car. They are exposing their own children to dust and waste smell.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

5:55 C'est une meme... După ce am pus ieri încă un exemplu de plagiat nerevendicat din industria muzicală... Acum îmi pare rău că nu le-am indexat undeva, am pus multe de-a lungul timpului și nu am timp să stau să caut prin postări.

6:58 AssAnge?

4:26 Good thing i played the video for Angela when she got home. I thought i recognized... No way... They couldn't have... Could they? Is my new Real ID going to be legal?

The tricks done today. First i ran into several clouds of dust because of miles and years long construction on TS hwy. Then they gave me the NUMBER. There was an LCD panel on the wall saying you can get your ID 12 months before expiration period of your current and 2 years after. So was my effort for nothing? Went 3 or 4 times to DMV before today.

No the clerk said. Your driver's license expires tomorrow. And he tried to explain why but i got stuck in my head with what i saw on the wall. It was stated very clear. 2 years after.

So i took my number and it was 164 and they were @40 people before me and the first 8 following numbers were displayed with times between 5 and 20 minutes each, so i thought i should go for a walk at the nearby refuge. In there i saw a sign that said. Birds only after this sign. No coyotes, no deer no nothing.

Got back, the line advanced 20 numbers in one hour. They were 3 open counters out of 8 for both walkins and appointments so i went home to eat something. But when i got back, after about one hour +, my number has passed, it was 172 as all counters were populated. However, they accepted me and at the counter 8 they displayed 164.

But when i get there, what do i see. Is it possible? Is it legal? Did they hire and train her on the spot, like they did with Joan Jett back in February 96 at the Vancouver Police? Is my new Real ID going to be legal? (BTW she said i was done before i hit the done button on the card reader for  payment).  But she gave me the 84 dollars receipt. But on the receipt it says i should consider getting a Real ID.

And one more thing. 164. 172. Suggesting i am 8 years older. Which means everybody in that DMV office was on a script. This is BS, they use the State of Oregon as a playground.

One my way back from WinCo, right at the exit at 65th, a couple of guys in grey cars (least visible) decided to quit the right exit lane and get into the first and back on the freeway as i was trying to exit, one of them was completely obnoxious, the other an old probably dying man in a Toyota hybrid looking only straight ahead. So i had to avoid two.

(Now i remember the clerk doing photos asked if i live on 67 and i think i said yes) and she was yelling at me like the clerk at number 8 and got me mad like i knew they would, she said at the first picture i closed my eyes, but that was after the flash, as i was expecting, the picture came terrible, like of a mad old man).

On the Naiba overpass there was this guy who passed the stop line by one car length and was backing and i assumed he was on the left turn lane however he was on the second and until i could see the continuous lines, i drove for a few seconds on the opposite direction, however, nobody was coming.

Many other situations i cannot even remember or don't have the time. Enough to say. I barely made it after i went to DMV about 7 times, before and after the "vacation". But did i? Who cares. I think people of this country have bigger problems than me.

I remember when i came in the US in 95 i went at the Salem office to apply for an SSN number. I had on the passport a one year visa with "processed for I551" (green card) written on it, with "right to work". Veronica, the wife of Julian, my ex colleague from Bacău, told the Spanish looking clerk that i am there temporarily though i wrote the opposite on the form and i told that to the clerk in plain English, after Veronica.

The clerk looked at me, looked at Veronica, and wrote something on my form, after i signed it. And the SSN number came with the inscription "without right to work".

One day i invented a pretext (i was living with them in Dallas, Oregon) and went with Angela in Portland to another SS office and i explained the situation, they gave us new forms and we applied again and then they sent us in the mail the same numbers with no other inscription on. Got the green cards in the mail a couple of months later.

Since, i applied and got 2 more until the current one, the one i showed today to two different clerks (the guy who was giving numbers, probably a real one) and the one at the counter. Angela got her citizenship. I could not apply because i was arrested by Joan Jett and Lita Ford in January 1996.

Ever since i came home i gathered and disposed of @7 dog poops, some in the open near the apartment, from huge dogs, some in bags insufficiently knotted or open near the bins, the biggest "crop" after i came from "vacation".

5:55 Oregon DMV logo. (Never) got used to it, every time i look i wonder. Waiting times were not available today at any of the office. How long till there will be an app showing the current number?

6:46 There was an open bottle of Corona beer in the bed of my truck, but i only saw it when i got at DMV (the first time) and then i forgot about. There was a grey silver Prius badly dented on a side (totaled) by a white vehicle next to the first available spot at DMV where i parked the second and third time.

At the wildlife refuge there was an older bearded unidentifiable guy by me (not very tall) carrying several cameras i briefly spoke with.

7:11 I read the news. A trail of fires everywhere we passed. La Pine. Medford. I wanted to write about and then i looked at the California map with wildfires...

10:50 Do you want to know the temperature of your processor and when it's time to clean the radiator and the fan of you laptop/pc? CTRL/ALT/DELETE Task manager/Performance.

Monday, June 24, 2024


10:13 Do i have to solve this mystery as well?

As i said in the summer of 78 or after admittance to faculty i went for a circuit trip (a long 1000 km loop on Romanian railroads) and i met a gentleman in Bucharest (had the contact from my adoptive maternal grandfather who was of course from Bucovina) who looked like Kirkulescu (age adjusted). Kirculescu was born in Romania but his looks and his most important piece are a lot like... Gershwin (And the theme following that piano solo sounds very Romanian).

I remember LOL i was in his living in Bucharest and he had this LP disk with Rhapsody in Blue visible in our sight and i asked him and he played it for us on his pickup (i was with two other guys from Campulung).
This composition is very well known to Romanians because a fragment of it was played for decades on public (and only LOL) TV channel every Saturday evening before a broadcast called Tele Encyclopedia, something similar with Discovery channel in the today's US followed by an American series, like Kojak or Dallas etc.. Here with the Lady in Red at the piano keys.

10:17 I went outside to smoke but the smell of dog poop was too strong. I went to the bin across the alley, but with no flashlight i couldn't see any. The whole area was flooded with perfumed laundry detergent anyways.

One Japanese looking guy came to check his phone next to the bin.

Then i went to smoke and i heard the "black" woman from the apartment across talking on the phone, with a non American accent. "He's f... old" and stuff like that.

There are two more days until my driver's license expires.

I tried to go and renew it before i went to Reno.

But then i realized they would have given me a temporary paper one which i could not have used at the self checking machine at the Peppermill hotel in Reno. So i postponed it until today. Today i wanted to go at the DMV in Lake Oswego which is smaller and supposedly less busy that then the closest in Sherwood. Google was showing less than usually occupancy for Lake Oswego, nothing for Sherwood.

Angela was supposed to work today until 3:30. I wanted her to go with me because i needed someone to tell me how i look before the picture (last time they got me mad and my picture came terrible).

However her schedule changed in the last minute and she came earlier after 2:30. I was not quite ready but we made it at Lake Oswego DMV at 3:38. However there was a sign right after the door saying they did not accept "walkins" for the day anymore.

First i though of going to Sherwood but didn't want to turn around on Kruse and 217 and i took the "long way" there on Boones Ferry, Terwilliger and then 99. I remember at 4 PM i was on 99 and at 4:15 ran into traffic on 99 past 217 and decided to turn around and go back home, i was too far too late for Sherwood. At home i got drunk and fell asleep (after the entry above at 6:06).

11:30 What do i see when i read the news tonight oh boy. Shin shin shin ghan.

12:00 Ran out of Pall Mall reds and i had some Lucky Strike that have a ridiculous amount of nicotine. According to this table, Pall Mall reds are supposed to have more nicotine but that is not true.

12:25 Upstairs she is marching since midnight.

Friday, June 21, 2024

8:30 Last chance for apocalypse

I did not plan my trip well so last night after driving 450 miles from Reno we stopped at Indian Head. To rest a little, eat a little. The Casino was empty however a couple was there for us when we went to the restroom. They each entered in the bathroom of their sex, steps ahead of us.

I had some coffee and got in the car. However after driving about 10 minutes, there was a well planned "construction" on the highway. I don't remember the road being bad in that area, but whatever. The work started in that day, judging by the length of the newly paved area.

About one hour before that i made a picture with the mpg and uploaded using the wi-fi at the Casino. Withing minutes, i started to have the pains everywhere which in this case was good cause it was keeping me awake and alert. However, while waiting, that pain started to wear out and i was getting more and more tired.

When they finally let us pass, after about half hour later i found myself surrounded by a number of cars that were there on a mission. To try to get me in an accident to fulfill a profecy. Last vehicle in the motorcade was an ambulance.

For a while one of them was going 40-45 mpg. At the first opportunity some in the group could pass it, not me. Finally passed it but then the hell began. Blinding from behind, getting real close, especially at curves, also getting blinded from the opposite.

The hell culminated close to Sandy when a guy with a huge truck loaded with construction materials passed me. I remember a couple of pieces of plywood, hanging on a side of the vehicle. Must have been used and exposed to insulation cause i got all irritated. For a while i thought it was good, because they kept me awake.

There was a Police SUV on a shoulder on 405 and for a few seconds they stopped. And then they started again. Can't remember all details.

So i took the Stafford exit, that allow me to quit the freeway sooner. However an older Subaru, dark green i think, started to follow, projecting the high beam on me, getting closer and closer. So i pulled on the right (i don't remember how many times i did it yesterday) and let him pass. But because of the irritating dust i have been exposed (metsubushi) i could not resist the temptation and flashed him, because of the high beam.

Then he stopped. I passed him on the middle lane, he started to follow. For a while, i accelerated but when i reached 60 on that narrow road, Angela started to yell at me. So i slowed down and he came from behind, ready to hit me. I pulled in the middle lane, he came after me. I pulled on the opposite, he came after me. I pulled on the left shoulder and i stopped, he came behind and stopped.

Then i tried to start and he "jumped" from behind on my right, trying to get in my way as i was turning back on my lane but i saw him and avoided the collision.

Earlier. About 5:30, 118 miles to Indian Head (Warm Springs), before Bend. From the incoming direction maybe 3 semis, other vehicles where coming at high speed. The first semi blew one or two tires and that raised a cloud of dust from the shoulder, engulfing the whole street. In that fraction of a second, the third semi started to pass, maybe trying to avoid the shredded tire on the street.

I was not supposed to see it in the dust but i had a glimpse and pulled on the shoulder. Then he pulled back on his lane, like nothing happened.

At the Shell in La Pine. Many distracting scenes there, including a woman with black pants, bending. There is a McDonalds there. One young guy with a huge white pickup leaving the drive through window came from around the corner almost hit me as i was circling the pumps, trying to get back to the street.

Here there are two white trucks. One is blocking the path of the second. Imagine the second would have come from the window parallel with the building like the one yesterday did.

I described here three of the major ones. There were many others that i quietly avoided, and as i said in several cases i had to pull to avoid them. But no matter how much i waited, more were coming from behind doing exactly the same thing.

9:15 First time when we came back in the room in Reno we noticed how bad our clothes were smelling. Mold mixed with dog pp. Last night when we arrived i felt the smell of the mold coming from the basement. Humidity inside was 60% because the floor is wet under from vapor of laundry that is leaking in the basement. Also this morning i went around, picked a number of them. There was a cardboard box on the edge of a bin. Everywhere around the building it smells like a dog's restroom.

7:40 Angela made some soup, i can hear kids in the backyard. How did they know, the blinds are on. The smell?

7:50 Also every time we eat they make big noises upstairs.

8:08 Finished eating and both the kids and upstairs stopped. Doja Cat is now singing (how can a cat sing) on the radio. B... i said what i said. I now remember that guy in front of GSR on a single wheel vehicle (a solar symbol) dragging a dog behind  him. A blown tire (wheel) by the (heat of the) Sun, solstice, the place of the name (Forrest service), after another (Chemult). Symbolism.

Many years ago when there was an abundance of good conspiracy theories on the newly born internet, even before the dot com bubble, if i googled that i would have find a masonic site. Not anymore. People have illuminated  their heads enough with their cellphones and now are all but pacified.

8:33 Solstiches of the past.

9:45 Sunheads?

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

10:18 I had no idea it was a holiday today until i saw the market was closed today. Juneteenth, a most discrete celebration. Not at Panda Express fast food near El Dorado in Reno. In there, a bunch of black women were celebrating, with big noises and laughs. After a drive from hell to lake and back, with many followers and forunners on the road, and 700 miles the day before, i got yet into another trouble.

Especially that guy with blue pickup and open gas cap in front that made me really sleepy.

This morning. I went to the car to search for something and when i got into an elevator a tall red haired sexy woman, hidden in a corner suddenly popped and bumped into me trying to get out, and then went back inside, making it look for the cameras almost like i pushed her i inside.

At the car i was curious to see how the newly changed oil behaved after 1000 miles and it was clear but then i regretted. I will never forget another trip in Reno when the night before i lost my phone in the casino, found it at the security, and the next day i saw a couple of guys with a tray coming from my car and getting into a mobile mechanics pickup.

Next time when i went to change oil at Beaverton Hyundai with the other Elantra they banned me from the dealership sayin i messed with my car. Next time when i did brakes i found the indicators of the rear brake pads bent around and acting like a springs, pushing the pad on the rotor and applying a slight braking force all the time, reducing the mpg.

When i got back a black Youkon with an inscription Raiders on the LP or somewhere cut me out.

When i left home 3 days ago i opened the transmission fluid cap to check level and closed it back and in the next evening i found ATF all around it though i left it dry.

3:50 Ok so far out of trying to be civil and also because i have to stay one more night here i refrained mysel from criticizing the hotel or casino.

I knew i had to have some sort of birthday promotion but i forgot my card's pin so i went to the cashier's or rewards' desk and asked for a pin number. A very well behaved, cultivated gentleman, way overqualified for the job came to "my rescue".

After conversating with him for about 10 minutes, a bit drunk, responding to his traps and hidden suggestions or provocations, complaining about the health care system in the US, most expensive in the world where you have to pay hefty for (300 dollars a doctor's visit when they will give you) whatever prescription you begged for, usually useless) i left, pleasantly and unpleasantly surprised (i regretted many of the thing i said).

About half to one our later something rang in my head like the sound of his name. Szijjarto? Something that rimes with the Scandinavian name Sigurdsson (like the name of the castle on Emerald Bay on Tahoe lake of which picture is screwed due to too much light on my camera's display, preventing me from adjusting the exposure level compensation).

Saturday, June 15, 2024

4:55 AM I took a Zyrtec last night and i should be sleeping like a love... After what i posted in the last days they entered in retaliation mode. She did laundry all afternoon and evening yesterday and released enough dust in here so i woke up with pains all over and nausea.

I read the news oh boy... Big memes, big time. Nu, însemnarea mea cu Ciu Cio Suns nu este despre ciori deși acum îmi pare evident că putea fi. Este despre Madama Butterfly.

5:20 Cutremurul lui Tielor Swift, Koka Kola, predicția pentru 18.

12:00 Ok i slept a couple of hours more after.

Squirrels also come to eat the seeds that fall from upstairs, usually wen i go to eat something myself.

1:45 Have to write this down. I booked 3 nights at the Peppermill in Reno, for free (though the resort tax, 150 bucks, is  not free). Thee are 500+ miles from here to Reno so i booked one more night in Medford, half way. Could not find room at the (expensive >200) big chains, don't want to go to Motel 6 or similar so i found a local one.

Rogue Regency for 125 + taxes (free breakfast). Close to freeways (the all are), i hope there is not much traffic on a Sunday night. I did not know it was near the "international" airport but i hope there are not many planes taking off at night there.

3:08. It's a turtle. It's a crock. It's a fire hydrant.

Friday, June 14, 2024

12:35 Istanbul Bazaar, first mall ever? After 1989, i went to Istanbul a couple of times and was fascinated by the bazaar. Really sorry i did not have enough time to explore it more.

10:10 A couple of people with dogs of which her was looking Japanese, dressed in gown, with glasses came next to my back door and been there for as along as i was having breakfast in the kitchen area. I am engrossed every time i see a dog in that area so i just tried not to look kinda hiding behind the corner.

3:20 I was feeling very ill last night, i know the cause, but it's a too long story. As a result in the morning i din not get out of bed to block the main door after Angela left and the back door was also forgotten unlocked. 5:41 Got this scanner from Amazon. It cames with an app however i cannot connect the app to it. As i was outside with engine started, a number of adult women and children gathered behind my car, igoring the exhaust. Then they sent a small kid in front of the car. When i realized and stopped the engine and got out of the car they started to yell at the kid to come closer to them, like i was a danger.

The app kept asking me to connect to internet which i did and i started to get pains in all the parts of my body i did before.

6:23 They had problems with sewage here at the complex. Almost every year they came with cisterns and extracted the sewage, like it was not flowing anywhere. And then, last summer, they decided to fix it. Came and installed a new line made of green tubes. The firm that did it was MEI something.

6:16 There's a kid yelling in the distance all the time, for many minutes now.

It took them 2 months to do it. However they drained sewage from the alley in front of mailboxes (to the left in the second picture) even after. So i started to wonder if it works.

A few months later 4 cops came and surrounded the first entrance of the building next to the green tubes in first picture here. I wrote about, can't find it right now.

Today i saw yet another person comming from the first apartment (ground level) of the building D (left in the second picture) i haven't before. Yes where they demolished the stairs. I started to wonder, how many people are actually living in that apartment?

As i said, i suspected this may happen and wrote about several times but i can't remember a distinctive keyword to search about. And yes, i believe they use the pipes like one would use in an aquapark.

9:45 ȘOȘoaca. Cel puțin nu vom auzi de ea un timp, cel puțin până când îl bate pe Charles Michel.

9:50 Koka Kola.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

7:40 Woke up with nausea and palpitations. I think the reason the guys (Dominicans) are pushing so hard with dog s...t and garbage these days is because there are a few more days (13) until i reach 64 or 32x2 years. After that i will not be anymore 63 years (6 and 3). 666. Their last hope for Apocalypse and the second coming. In January 1996 when i did not sleep, eat or drink for a weak, i was 36.

The reason i meet with so many celebrities, most times not even knowing until i get home and figure it out. The time limit.

But if  you wanna know better ask Nelu Ciorba.

He was the one who lured me to Vancouver in December 1995 and i worked with him for a year at AVX (ex Kyocera) in 1999-2000 (with a power outage and religious songs at year 2000 midnight). His wife was present when i got arrested om February 1996. He came to our place during the days i was hallucinating because of lack of sleep, dehydration. He is about the same  height and weight as Viktor Orban. Short with round face, he could represent the Sun in Europe, after beating the beast of the Apocalypse in Portland.

And i also figured the reason for my dizziness. I think i have an infection at the spinal cord and brain level which increases cerebral fluid pressure, all related to the environment, especially wet floor (from laundry vapor underneath) and intentional misusing of the 4 garbage bins.

9:24 Yesterday they trimmed  the grass and raised a great deal of the red bark dust onto the building. I tried to clean the building with the hose last night but the hose broke in the middle of it. Today i went and moved the pink bicycle that was abandoned by the cable box out of sight (by the nu dumping area). I was trying to air because of the mold smell. Now a helicopter is circling around shaking the building, making me shot the windows.

2:10 Yesterday i got very sick after i smoke 2 Lucky Strike cigarettes. High blood pressure, pressure in the brain.

4:40 Angela came, wanted to go and pick my items i ordered at Walmart and again buy cigarettes at WinCo (the only place i can find Pall Mall around here).

I ordered 3 polo shirts last night at Walmart. There was a confirmation and they charged my card for three polo shirts. However this morning they wrote back telling me they only got one out of three. I did not see that email.

At Walmart, the same woman (or a slightly different one) telling me i should go and wait in the parking lot and call them on the phone. Finally gave me the order with only one item.

Then i left Walmart heading for WinCo. At the first stop sign, i remembered since yesterday and got out of the car to take a picture. With the Dominican cross, a precursor of swastika in Europe. It is  not the first time when i see this sign on pavements around here. 
When i got at WinCo, the guys from WORLD GARDA, armed with a gun, got in front of me and we together were parading in front of the 20 check stands all the way to customer service, were the cigarettes were. The official reason was to pick the cash from the store. I saw the guy later, with nothing much in his bag.

Finally made it at the customer service where i asked for two packs of Pall Malll, red. The assistant, a smiling Asian woman with her hair painted red. I put in by mistake my credit card that of coure did not work. And i asked her why, out of all grocery stores in the world, they don't take credit. She said because of costs. "It would cost up to ten dollars for a transactsion" she said. On my way out a black guy in line (rare around here) made a move and got in my way. When i confronted me, he said "You should loose the attitude, NOW!".

It was not my attitued. I underestimated the level of irritation given to me by the raised dust yesterday. In fact, i can tell, i peed orange, from the tannins in the dust, like i always did when this happened.

Back on the freeway. A thousand drivers and vehicles, all coordinated just to screw me. Here is just an example. Rogue somethin, flanked by a CHEEMO semi. Semis driving on the left most lane, etc..

5:15 This blogger software i am using is so counterintuitive, i lose my ideas while dealing with formatting posts and entries, adding pictures, etc.. Yeah i mainly wrote what i wanted to but it took so long and had to make so many corrections and loose things like i added the picture above about 3 times until it made it in the post, etc..

5:40 After i was done here went outside to smoke a cigarette. AI started a loud exhaust. I came back inside to get the recorder. In the moment i touched it, it stopped. Went and smoke my cigarette, just a kid yelling in the distance, stepping on my blood pressure. When i got back i saw this on the concrete slab. Though i have not finished washing it last night, i know i did half of it, or the part with the AC.

Newly felt bird seeds from the feeder in the balcony above attracted birds which supposedly made a mess, bringing on more bark dust though i don't believe it this amount. It is very much reminding of the situation with the maggots back in late 2021.

6:15When the picked the garbage today they put bin Nr.5 (SW) closer to the gate, living more room in the cage in the back. People started to throw their open bags, other garbage items in the back of the bin where is very hard to reach.

7:06 Today is Thursday. The picked the garbage. They made a mess at some bins, and didn't peak the closest, most full. As i was trying to take pictures of the bins, people and cars were getting in front of me, some twice. Items symbolic, like the bag with red circle (earthquakes), suitcase.

11:17 It smells really bad outsdie. I tried to go and fix it but there was at least one guy next to the bin, guarding it so i just turned around.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

1:40 I don't know who that guy checking at Walmart was. It was the first logical register (arranged by the staging/directing AI) and he looked like Mike Tyson. It would made sense, cause it's (semantically) related to tides.

Finally got out of there and driving. At the shortest ramp in the world, forgot its name, coming from Walmart. Dartmouth? A tall black dusty though brand new Mercedes van was flanking me in the blind spot while i was accelerating. No LPN, no nothing, a young guy with a long blond beard at the wheel. So i had to brake to let it pass.

It is not for me. It is for the children who watch this show. Teaching them how law means nothing when it comes to gangs of many colors.

4:30 Earlier. I had the car with me because of an error code. I ordered a scanner for  40 bucks on Amazon and it arrived as promised, before noon. However the error code went by itself so i haven't even unpacked the scanner. But i will keep it. It has bluetooth and an app. When i woke up i went to Walmart, bought a pack of razors (1 buck, 5 razors) and shaving gel, other stuff at Walmart. I wanted to go to DMV to renew the license.

Keep asking myself, when are we going to do this online. Never. The suspicion must lye with us.

So i tried to go first to get a number, then Angela (so she can look at me, cause last time they got me mad and the picture came terrible. But i had to stay in line just to... get a number. They were two persons in line and i was already late for Angela.

I grabbed Angela, went back to DMV which is a mile away, but now the line was like 10 person so i just gave up.

But when i drove towards DMV i had to of course run through the construction s...t they are doing there for years. I mean, lately everything takes so much lunger. A guy with a bulldozer with 2 horns have grabbed a piece of pipe the size of a man in one of the horns, simulating like impaling was running back and and forth through the dust with no apparent reasons, raising a cloud of dust.

I recently complained about dust so they had to double it.  But someone added an once of oil at the bottom of my new engine air filter box (maybe to capture some of it, knowing what was in schedule).

But my feeling was, i just changed oil and filters and they metsubushed me again. All the workers in that area looked Latinos.

So i went with Angela and we were looking at a couple of hours waiting time so i just gave up. I will go after i come from Reno, i have a few days left until 26. When we came back, all the Latino guys in the construction team disappeared, they were only whites remaining.

On May 23 i have purchased online 3 quarts of expensive ATF. Can't put something else in there, is too risky. At 125k, the fluid was in bad shape. I mean, i did 5 drain and fills and it is barely red. However. A few days ago when i poured these last 3 i only pulled out of there 2.1 quarts. Though the last time, when i purchased 2, i had .7 on my hand and added .5 more from the used one, i had added 3.2. THEM  speculating i only put the two quarts i bought and they extracted one quart. My guess is it has been done here at the complex.

So i wasn't sure. Cold have been the fluid was too cold and couldn't pump it all out. So i drove the car and then did it. I extracted all i have put two days ago that is 3 quarts. I added half more as i saw in a video. The tranny has a total capacity of 7 quarts.

Was i talking about gangs? I can't stand the parade going on here when i do something at the car and i have been at the street. As soon as i had enough parts taken out to reach at the tranny, a red SUBARU parked next to where i was and they started to work on it. Windshield wiper reservoir i guess. A taller thin guy who was working for the older yelling one. I saw that guy many times on the upper alley, usually dressed in a neon A shirt with a belt on top, pacing and barking on the phone.

I think they are implying i am doing my annual drug run to Reno cause i kept talking to Angela about the missing quart while they were having a conversation of their own. At the beginning i thought i heard something like cabrón Romanian amor amor obviously looking for a confrontation and then the older barking guy left.

Conclusion. Someone pulled a quart of oil out of my car, sometime after May 7. It is a crime not only because it is theft, vandalism, destruction of property, conspiracy to commit a crime, but because it is a safety problem (endangerment). That's why i'm saying. The law seems to be absent around here.

To me it happens nearly daily or like today, several times a day for so many years now. The black Mercedes van. Mike Tyson, others, stalking. The "gangsters" in the parking lot etc.. Missing transmission fluid. Etc.. The landscape guys just passed, they raised the pink bike left behind by kids yesterday from the grass and now it is standing next to the cable box.

5:00 Did i say barking? A Japanese guy disguised in Latino guy a grass trimmer came to trim the grass by the window in a late rare move (doubling). Though there is barely any grass, raising bark dust (doubling doubling). I can feel the irritation on my skin already. Due to vibration it passes the sealed newly installed windows, by the grace of the emperor himself.

5:28 Went outside to smoke (yesterday i threw all cigarettes in the garbage, however i neglected to throw the butts from jars and now i'm smoking those), i saw the guy who was working at the SUBARU passing and laughing with another one.

A very loud, modulated airhorn on the freeway, those guys laughing, other noises, the dust still floating in the air after trimming (and then blowing), made me have a huge, painful palpitation, like my heart was about to explode and than stop. Still smells like dog s...t, gonna go check the bins.

Things are happening so fast around here i can barely keep up telling here only the big ones. It is a continuum, with everybody involved.

6:00 Got hungry, had some pizza slices (since i last cooked) in the fridge, went to throw one in the mw, when i already heard on Z00 (or Zenu 100) local PD X radio station that terrible terrible song by Billie Jean Amish, i could eat that girl for lunch.

6:34 On a hunch i tried a search on "Latino drug dealers" and what did i see. I think i saw this guy around here at times, coming out of building D, last entrance. He hangs with the guy with the garage where i once saw... I saw this guy recently in a All Stop Tobacco shop in Hillsboro. As for the one in the Meridian parking lot this afternoon i think he looks like...

9:50 It looks like a lost a paragraph, some pictures. I went to buy cigarettes and ran into a woman at WinCo dressed in pink next to the meats department right at the en_trance. She  had a stroller and blocked my way to the customer service dept.. There, i got to late, customer service was closed. Then i went to the tobacco shop under the bridge in Tigard. But what do i see next to it?

Went at Fred Meyer, bought Lucky Strike.

Had to go through several red light camera intersections, can't remember how i passed through those. I didn't see any flash. It looks like Portland, from sanctuary city is turning into Police City. For locals, cause migrants don't drive much.

10:50 Dog s...t smell is unbearable, especially now in the summertime. I disposed of a number of them, one of them was among other bags but open like a funnel, after bags were thrown on it. But it was still smelling outside the door when i went to smoke a cigarette. I searched and found and disposed of a fragment, ft away from the stairs. Then i found a bag very similar to the one i just used so i looked, it was empty and i put it on the deck, thinking to reuse it. Then i realized it was a trick and threw it in the garbage.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

12:25 Haven't written here in 3 days. Feels like a vacation but only after my brain filtered out the very bad memories. Or the brandy i just had. Maybe because it's summer and it's so hot in here. Kidding. 74 F.

Ok i already lost momentum after transferring the files with pictures from my phone to the computer but i will still wanna write last thing that happened first. Last thing that happened was i tested my phone after i inserted the sd card with the SIM card. It heated me a little.

So i pulled the pictures i made with it today via card reader. Why the phone. It is more inconspicuous. People look at you differently when you take a picture using your phone than using your camera.

The most important one.If it rained but it didn't. To this moment i don't know what happened. I remember when i was driving towards Florence at some point i drove through a mist that could have been mixed with dust. Then i became very irritated. Or was i when i left the hotel in Lincoln City. Another free room, more stories.

There was another car in the parking lot at Three Rivers that looked just like that.

Room was clean and the guys have partly fixed their improvised water treatment system. But for that they had to close the alley that leads to the stairs for the beach.

To compensate, i was fixed with two doggy bags by the corner of the building. A conversation with a smiling geek that empowered me. Made me bold.

I don't know nothing. All i know is i was very bold and irritated. When i got at the liquor store in Florence i almost got in a fight with a short ex wrestler with big muscles. Due to two women who provoked me and then escalated a verbal fight that almost got physical. Kidding.

However in end they sold me the liquor. Because they wanted me to drink and get even crazier which i did.

In a short sentence. I've been metsubushed again. One of the ninja favorite tricks but they haven't used it in a while, until people forgot how many times i complained about. And of course it wouldn't have worked if it rained.

When i got home i attempted to hose the car because Angela needs it tomorrow at work. It worked partly. I replaced the filter with an older one. I don't know if it got to the engine through the air filter but i have scheduled an oil change for tomorrow anyways. But i did not see the white milky substance on the headlights near where the engine sucks air. Could have bin the milky mist was higher than next to ground level. I will also wash the car at the carwash.

As i said earlier, is a continuum. The kids made graffiti on the asphalt on our parking spot and next (that was left unoccupied) and next to that guy with the body shop in the garage. When i washed the car, i destroyed some of the graffiti. When i went to replace the air filter, some people came by, started to talk and i lost one of the gromets of the glove compartment. The short women with sexy legs came by while i was looking for it on the alley with my powerful flashlight. 4-5 guys game to turn their SUV in the next spot and with their headlights fr away from my trunk when i had it open.

Yes my face is burning from the dust and my tongue is irritated.

For the same reason, dirty windshield, i almost got with the left wheels in a bent piece of sheet metal of the same color with the road. My luck was i bent to pick a pretzel from one of the bags next to Angela's feet and veered as close as possible to the right edge of the lane, for obvious reasons. (I did not want to get into the incoming traffic if i made a false move with the left hand on the wheel). Then i barely saw it when i passed it. I think it would have taken out both my left wheels and possibly made me loose control of the car. However i had only about 40 (65 kmh).

But it could also be because they had construction work going on in the casino. They completely enclosed the escalator and some guy was hitting the floor with a hose while reeling it. Then an idea came to me. Waves could be a factor. I mean, in a day with big swells, as those are kinda aligned in the ocean, that could add to the Sun Moon gravity effect. It makes sense. Those who were in LA these days know better. And i think there's data at NOAA as well. Anybody still needs me anymore?

As i also said, it all came after the 4 degrees eq in New York. I blew the dust of my old posts, also (some of) the errors, came with new ideas, found a grant opportunity unfortunately within days and i pushed too hard. I read somewhere that only the time needed to complete that application was 160 hours and i tried to do it what, in couple of days, after i finished the project description? etc..

I bet a bunch of people are freaked out. Let me see what also happened there in the last few days. Ok nothing much.

They should not. Predicting earthquakes in a coastal city is as easy at looking at tide charts and the weather. And the waves, maybe.

Why i chose LA? Because is close to the ocean and there is data available. Also because...

People should be more concerned with their government. If earthquakes can be predicted like the weather, why haven't they done it so far and that is the one million dollar question. Or trillion quadrillion whatever. We'll see. The new high tides season comes around again.

My face is burning more than when i got home after handling that filter in the car. Got to go and throw it in the garbage bin. 

8:34 Local meme du jour.  National meme du jour.

Have to keep in mind that earthquakes, though not biggest and rare, can occur at lower tide levels. There was one on January 1st this year. 10:44 AM, 45 km of Los Angeles, on 4.24 ft, 1019 mb (30.09 inches) pressure however in the post high tides window. I don't know why there was not one at the peak of air pressure the next day. Waves, maybe? Too low tides? Resetting of the magma chamber? All of the above? 

9:20 Kids were playing and yelling all afternoon while i was at the car. Later, two adults came. Now after i ate they all left and left a pink bicycle behind. Yesterday someone let some clothes on top of the hydrant.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

11:25 Slept nearly 6 hours, till eleven, by the noises upstairs. After i got mad enough to get out of bed and start recording, the pattern of walks changed and concentrated around the door. When i was ready to upload a recording file, she took off.

The current occupants of the upstairs apartment are doing the same things as previous. Never talking on the phone, just walking for long times back and forth, sometimes hours. I took a glimpse through the window and saw a woman in her 20s, blonde, very short hair getting in their green Honda Element with FUS LPN. Every time i look i see a different one. So like their predecessors, take turns at tormenting us.

2:25 Got 4 lighters and lost them all in the enormous clutter inside the apartment (due to size). I think my subconscious rebels and is trying to prevent me from smoking...

5:22 A "family" of Spanish speaking people came in front of our patio, doing hearts and pictures with our door in the background.

I know why they took pictures of my AC, possibly catching me in the door. And why they were laughing. The way i installed the AC.

It took me years to perfect the system. Warm air is coming from inside and cold air is blown back inside. I used a piece of foam to seal the space between glass door and the plastic foil and a piece of corrugated plastic taped to a chair to separate hot and cold air and direct the cold air upwards. There are small but negligible leaks. It is all done with a thick transparent plastic sheet taped on the frame of the screen (upper), tape and pieces of foam and is all revertible (no one could tell it was there if i remove it).

And yes the air is going back and forth through the screen.
The reasons i have to put it on the concrete slab are obvious. There is less noise, being completely outside.

It would not vibrate the walls and bring insulation dust and other goodies inside through cracks.

Another reason is living does not have a suitable window and there is no point to cool the bedroom where i go only at night and would bother me anyways. Bedroom is towards the building with only one outer wall with the window and cool air from the living cools it down.

The 120 dollars 5000 BTU unit (about 450 Watts) is too small to cool the whole apartment. However, if i start it early in the day will maintain the starting temperature all day even if outside is 90+.

Only problem with it is the speed of cold air blown by the fan that is high compared to units with separate hot and cold and air parts (and freon pipes passed through the wall) and a bit of noise, about 2-3 times that of a fridge.

I always had problems at jobs for doing things "my way" which i think were innovative. I always did that, even in Romania where i made first real time apps for accounting and salaries for firms with thousands of employees..

Friday, June 7, 2024

NiFe (Iron)

Are those sacks of garbage piled up ready to be picked up?

9:40 Nobody's gonna believe me when i said i got an UTI with propagation to the nearby bones and early stages of sepsis because of this and the previous one and the previous ones in the bins. I went to take the picture, someone hit the bin closest so hard i got scared.

The other day i went to Indian Head they said their frier is down so they didn't give me fish. It is true, my blood sugar was really high that day, would have went higher if i ate those fries. Today they are more shy with noises, though i got the 5 minute idle with bad exhaust and the occasional stomp from upstairs. Yeah the picture came moved, i'll go and take another one.

BTW one guy with a heavy something just hit all the bumps around the building. Now one has started a really loud engine. Outside is smelling like a dirty mat. The bacteria is being mutated by the antibacterial bark dust.

I put a Michelina in the mw, they came with the big black dog. Talking loud on the phone (with a foreign accent) with the dogs real close to my open back door (which technically it's a window). Provoking. They are still flushing the toilet (not from upstairs) every time i go there. 11:25 I only slept 4 1/2 (plus some in the evening) but can't sleep, there's too much noise and chocking mold smell, got some meat and vegetables in the fridge to cook, and every time i step in the kitchen area the hell breaks loos upstairs. It's like a wrestling match starting. 11:35 I think she's cooking upstairs too. Do yuo really wanna know what dualism is? While she's pretending cooking for me she is actually screwing me with big stomps in the kitchen area.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

12:47 AM It sounds like the cats play upstairs, running and jumping, making thunder like noises, somehow synched with my heart giving me palpitations.

1 AM She never stopped upstairs since we came about 3 hours ago, it's relentless. It smells again like dog poop and probably smoke from a fire.

1:45 Of course she stopped right after i wrote the above.

2:56 Wanted to take a quick look at the news before i go to bet, upstairs cats started to jump, i heard a heavy squeak.

7:25 It exists. Brain herniation. But what i was exprienceing today was a sensation of pressure on one side of the brain due to sinus infection, agravated by high blood pressure.

7:38 Ce de jurnaliste pe lângă Nicușor... Și toate în față. M-am autosesizat.

Și toți stau ca la poză, desfășurați. Ce mișto (era) dacă făceau și ei poza mai HD așa... Oare cu ce le fac, cu telefoane de acum 10 ani, ca pozele lui Iliescu, oare sunt chiar așa de săraci?

Eu am o cameră de 100 de dolari minusculă cu care fac poze chiar decente, nu mai trebuie să car ditamai DSLR-ul după mine. Și chiar cu un Motorola, model vechi de mai mulți ani... Singura chestie e că nu am nici o modelă să o pozez...

8:14 Second one today. Big engine vibration, for minutes, thin walls. But the problem is it vibrates the bins that are overfilled and have in the middle wet matts. Already got a nausea, now it's getting worse. But today is Thursday and they will empty the bins...

1:10 They emptied the bins alright and yesterday they took the living room from the "no dumping" area. However now there's a bedroom mat there...

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

11 PM We just came home and upstairs they were doing laundry and there was a 10 minutes spin cycle going on. I now remember yesterday i had a problem with the drier (i dry in closed circuit using a window AC unit) obviously (to me) caused by someone. On the road, the most agressive drivers ever. One guy with a single headlight tried again to hit me from behind. They all had tinted windows, but i have an idea who they are. I saw one of them, a Japanese woman. Here, some sort of chocking smoke, maybe garbage.

When i went to take the garbage out i found a bag on the ground, unknoted and one knotted too low at the bin.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

9:15 If it rains and is weekend... Today Angela is caughing, deeply. I know the cause. There are a number of mats in all the bins around us that has been rained upon, with bags on top. There is a whole living room in the "no dumping area". It was the last rain of the season, there will be a several month of draught ahead.

One of the reasons we pay an extra hundred of dollars a month to have those items removed. I was waiting Tuesday when a contractor pick those up but Tuesday has passed already.

Angela says it was the end of the month when people usually move. I say it was the last opportunity of the season The bin accross is full way up in the sky and there are two more days until Thursday. On top of everything, it smells all the time like dog waste. I picked and burried deper in the bin about ten open bags, etc..

12:46 It's been like that all morning. It looks to me like the're doing it every time i have emotional reaction to whatever. Most likely, scientologists giving free/forced auditing sessions.

Like yesterday when i complained to Angela on the phone, @11, somebody took off from upstairs and now it's quiet. The same old game, pretending they're working on a flexible schedule.

BTW a number of (Asian) guys came before 7 AM which is very unusual and removed the couch and stuff around bins.

1:20 Though they caused me a brain hernia earlier, i took advantage of them leaving and did this post which i could not have with them squeaking thoroughly squeaking through my brain.

Monday, June 3, 2024

1:15 PM I posted a question on a google support forum, got it abusively moved to another thread with a different problem, other people got abusively moved in there too and one of the guys there who obviously works for google though he says he is not created lots of confusion getting into arguments with everybody, arguments that are also emailed to me, and recomending to use other browsers "that are not Chromium basedbased".

There is a problem with last chrome update. After that update the problem appears in Edge too which i just found, to my surprise, it is Chromium based as well.

So i just unsubscribed from the thread.

Last night @9:20 i was driving on Hwy 18 towards Portland, aprox. 5 miles before McMinville variant.

There was a cop on the opposite side who pulled someone and was flashing bright red and blue lights, blinding because of the complete dark, also blocking about half of that other lane. A number of vehicles came from the opposite direction, also blinding and crossed into my lane, ignoring all rules and my right of way.

So i had to pull on the shoulder and slow down. I was going slow because i was blinded and as i tried to get back from the shoulder into the lane as those vehicles cleared the flashing Police SUV, a car from behind, possibly a Subaru or a Ford who partly crossed the median (could not see if it was continous or not), passed me, inches away, again ignoring all rules and just before clearing me, he veered back ino the lane where i was partly on the shoulder and i barely avoided him again by completely pulling onto the shoulder. Got part of the LP, EZU.

It was one of the narrowest miss in my entire "driving carreer". But i think cops should not do that. Pull on two lane roads during dark nights possibly in continous (no passing) areas with small shoulder cause they create more hazards then they are trying to fix.

Inside the Food Court of the casino. Angela payed for two meals with only points and bonuses. I think i already said, if i didn't eath burgers in casinos i would have never known what a burger is or how it should be. But we had to wait nearly one hour for our food, after ordering. Meanwhile, i was staring at this woman who was ahead of me in the line when ordering and got her food right away and was looking like the newly elected Mexican President, nervous and embarassed.

Angela lost nearly 400 dollars and in the end recovered. I know when this happens or when she wins, usually just before leaving, something is about to happen on the road. (Overconfidence, rejoicing, relaxing, being tired).

2:13 PM I was re-reading the entry above looking for mistakes. When i hit the word burgers with my eyes, a dog followed by one the guys from next building building crossed into my periferal line of sight.

My blood pressure finally went down after it has been up all day raised by the cat cats from upstaris who was were literally running through my brain in the morning for hours as i was trying to sort out earthquakes in California.

10:15 Watching over and over and over and still don't understand how she stole the show. Maybe i'm not watching in the right direction...

11:18 I kinda started to understand why the Japanese praise their Sun God... Though Sun's gravity pull on Earth is half ot that of the Moon, it looks like in California at least, Sun triggered earthquakes are more frequent... BTW, i just cooked a frozen pizza. Frescheta.

At 4 bucks, made with baking powder. It was kinda thick and i forgot to set the timer and i thought it was done, by the color (like when i make pizza from scratch, for a long time now) and it came undercooked and i did not realized until i ate the fourth slice so i took two charcoal caps, just in case.