Thursday, June 6, 2024

12:47 AM It sounds like the cats play upstairs, running and jumping, making thunder like noises, somehow synched with my heart giving me palpitations.

1 AM She never stopped upstairs since we came about 3 hours ago, it's relentless. It smells again like dog poop and probably smoke from a fire.

1:45 Of course she stopped right after i wrote the above.

2:56 Wanted to take a quick look at the news before i go to bet, upstairs cats started to jump, i heard a heavy squeak.

7:25 It exists. Brain herniation. But what i was exprienceing today was a sensation of pressure on one side of the brain due to sinus infection, agravated by high blood pressure.

7:38 Ce de jurnaliste pe lângă Nicușor... Și toate în față. M-am autosesizat.

Și toți stau ca la poză, desfășurați. Ce mișto (era) dacă făceau și ei poza mai HD așa... Oare cu ce le fac, cu telefoane de acum 10 ani, ca pozele lui Iliescu, oare sunt chiar așa de săraci?

Eu am o cameră de 100 de dolari minusculă cu care fac poze chiar decente, nu mai trebuie să car ditamai DSLR-ul după mine. Și chiar cu un Motorola, model vechi de mai mulți ani... Singura chestie e că nu am nici o modelă să o pozez...

8:14 Second one today. Big engine vibration, for minutes, thin walls. But the problem is it vibrates the bins that are overfilled and have in the middle wet matts. Already got a nausea, now it's getting worse. But today is Thursday and they will empty the bins...

1:10 They emptied the bins alright and yesterday they took the living room from the "no dumping" area. However now there's a bedroom mat there...