Monday, June 3, 2024

1:15 PM I posted a question on a google support forum, got it abusively moved to another thread with a different problem, other people got abusively moved in there too and one of the guys there who obviously works for google though he says he is not created lots of confusion getting into arguments with everybody, arguments that are also emailed to me, and recomending to use other browsers "that are not Chromium basedbased".

There is a problem with last chrome update. After that update the problem appears in Edge too which i just found, to my surprise, it is Chromium based as well.

So i just unsubscribed from the thread.

Last night @9:20 i was driving on Hwy 18 towards Portland, aprox. 5 miles before McMinville variant.

There was a cop on the opposite side who pulled someone and was flashing bright red and blue lights, blinding because of the complete dark, also blocking about half of that other lane. A number of vehicles came from the opposite direction, also blinding and crossed into my lane, ignoring all rules and my right of way.

So i had to pull on the shoulder and slow down. I was going slow because i was blinded and as i tried to get back from the shoulder into the lane as those vehicles cleared the flashing Police SUV, a car from behind, possibly a Subaru or a Ford who partly crossed the median (could not see if it was continous or not), passed me, inches away, again ignoring all rules and just before clearing me, he veered back ino the lane where i was partly on the shoulder and i barely avoided him again by completely pulling onto the shoulder. Got part of the LP, EZU.

It was one of the narrowest miss in my entire "driving carreer". But i think cops should not do that. Pull on two lane roads during dark nights possibly in continous (no passing) areas with small shoulder cause they create more hazards then they are trying to fix.

Inside the Food Court of the casino. Angela payed for two meals with only points and bonuses. I think i already said, if i didn't eath burgers in casinos i would have never known what a burger is or how it should be. But we had to wait nearly one hour for our food, after ordering. Meanwhile, i was staring at this woman who was ahead of me in the line when ordering and got her food right away and was looking like the newly elected Mexican President, nervous and embarassed.

Angela lost nearly 400 dollars and in the end recovered. I know when this happens or when she wins, usually just before leaving, something is about to happen on the road. (Overconfidence, rejoicing, relaxing, being tired).

2:13 PM I was re-reading the entry above looking for mistakes. When i hit the word burgers with my eyes, a dog followed by one the guys from next building building crossed into my periferal line of sight.

My blood pressure finally went down after it has been up all day raised by the cat cats from upstaris who was were literally running through my brain in the morning for hours as i was trying to sort out earthquakes in California.

10:15 Watching over and over and over and still don't understand how she stole the show. Maybe i'm not watching in the right direction...

11:18 I kinda started to understand why the Japanese praise their Sun God... Though Sun's gravity pull on Earth is half ot that of the Moon, it looks like in California at least, Sun triggered earthquakes are more frequent... BTW, i just cooked a frozen pizza. Frescheta.

At 4 bucks, made with baking powder. It was kinda thick and i forgot to set the timer and i thought it was done, by the color (like when i make pizza from scratch, for a long time now) and it came undercooked and i did not realized until i ate the fourth slice so i took two charcoal caps, just in case.