Friday, June 21, 2024

8:30 Last chance for apocalypse

I did not plan my trip well so last night after driving 450 miles from Reno we stopped at Indian Head. To rest a little, eat a little. The Casino was empty however a couple was there for us when we went to the restroom. They each entered in the bathroom of their sex, steps ahead of us.

I had some coffee and got in the car. However after driving about 10 minutes, there was a well planned "construction" on the highway. I don't remember the road being bad in that area, but whatever. The work started in that day, judging by the length of the newly paved area.

About one hour before that i made a picture with the mpg and uploaded using the wi-fi at the Casino. Withing minutes, i started to have the pains everywhere which in this case was good cause it was keeping me awake and alert. However, while waiting, that pain started to wear out and i was getting more and more tired.

When they finally let us pass, after about half hour later i found myself surrounded by a number of cars that were there on a mission. To try to get me in an accident to fulfill a profecy. Last vehicle in the motorcade was an ambulance.

For a while one of them was going 40-45 mpg. At the first opportunity some in the group could pass it, not me. Finally passed it but then the hell began. Blinding from behind, getting real close, especially at curves, also getting blinded from the opposite.

The hell culminated close to Sandy when a guy with a huge truck loaded with construction materials passed me. I remember a couple of pieces of plywood, hanging on a side of the vehicle. Must have been used and exposed to insulation cause i got all irritated. For a while i thought it was good, because they kept me awake.

There was a Police SUV on a shoulder on 405 and for a few seconds they stopped. And then they started again. Can't remember all details.

So i took the Stafford exit, that allow me to quit the freeway sooner. However an older Subaru, dark green i think, started to follow, projecting the high beam on me, getting closer and closer. So i pulled on the right (i don't remember how many times i did it yesterday) and let him pass. But because of the irritating dust i have been exposed (metsubushi) i could not resist the temptation and flashed him, because of the high beam.

Then he stopped. I passed him on the middle lane, he started to follow. For a while, i accelerated but when i reached 60 on that narrow road, Angela started to yell at me. So i slowed down and he came from behind, ready to hit me. I pulled in the middle lane, he came after me. I pulled on the opposite, he came after me. I pulled on the left shoulder and i stopped, he came behind and stopped.

Then i tried to start and he "jumped" from behind on my right, trying to get in my way as i was turning back on my lane but i saw him and avoided the collision.

Earlier. About 5:30, 118 miles to Indian Head (Warm Springs), before Bend. From the incoming direction maybe 3 semis, other vehicles where coming at high speed. The first semi blew one or two tires and that raised a cloud of dust from the shoulder, engulfing the whole street. In that fraction of a second, the third semi started to pass, maybe trying to avoid the shredded tire on the street.

I was not supposed to see it in the dust but i had a glimpse and pulled on the shoulder. Then he pulled back on his lane, like nothing happened.

At the Shell in La Pine. Many distracting scenes there, including a woman with black pants, bending. There is a McDonalds there. One young guy with a huge white pickup leaving the drive through window came from around the corner almost hit me as i was circling the pumps, trying to get back to the street.

Here there are two white trucks. One is blocking the path of the second. Imagine the second would have come from the window parallel with the building like the one yesterday did.

I described here three of the major ones. There were many others that i quietly avoided, and as i said in several cases i had to pull to avoid them. But no matter how much i waited, more were coming from behind doing exactly the same thing.

9:15 First time when we came back in the room in Reno we noticed how bad our clothes were smelling. Mold mixed with dog pp. Last night when we arrived i felt the smell of the mold coming from the basement. Humidity inside was 60% because the floor is wet under from vapor of laundry that is leaking in the basement. Also this morning i went around, picked a number of them. There was a cardboard box on the edge of a bin. Everywhere around the building it smells like a dog's restroom.

7:40 Angela made some soup, i can hear kids in the backyard. How did they know, the blinds are on. The smell?

7:50 Also every time we eat they make big noises upstairs.

8:08 Finished eating and both the kids and upstairs stopped. Doja Cat is now singing (how can a cat sing) on the radio. B... i said what i said. I now remember that guy in front of GSR on a single wheel vehicle (a solar symbol) dragging a dog behind  him. A blown tire (wheel) by the (heat of the) Sun, solstice, the place of the name (Forrest service), after another (Chemult). Symbolism.

Many years ago when there was an abundance of good conspiracy theories on the newly born internet, even before the dot com bubble, if i googled that i would have find a masonic site. Not anymore. People have illuminated  their heads enough with their cellphones and now are all but pacified.

8:33 Solstiches of the past.

9:45 Sunheads?