Tuesday, June 11, 2024

12:25 Haven't written here in 3 days. Feels like a vacation but only after my brain filtered out the very bad memories. Or the brandy i just had. Maybe because it's summer and it's so hot in here. Kidding. 74 F.

Ok i already lost momentum after transferring the files with pictures from my phone to the computer but i will still wanna write last thing that happened first. Last thing that happened was i tested my phone after i inserted the sd card with the SIM card. It heated me a little.

So i pulled the pictures i made with it today via card reader. Why the phone. It is more inconspicuous. People look at you differently when you take a picture using your phone than using your camera.

The most important one.If it rained but it didn't. To this moment i don't know what happened. I remember when i was driving towards Florence at some point i drove through a mist that could have been mixed with dust. Then i became very irritated. Or was i when i left the hotel in Lincoln City. Another free room, more stories.

There was another car in the parking lot at Three Rivers that looked just like that.

Room was clean and the guys have partly fixed their improvised water treatment system. But for that they had to close the alley that leads to the stairs for the beach.

To compensate, i was fixed with two doggy bags by the corner of the building. A conversation with a smiling geek that empowered me. Made me bold.

I don't know nothing. All i know is i was very bold and irritated. When i got at the liquor store in Florence i almost got in a fight with a short ex wrestler with big muscles. Due to two women who provoked me and then escalated a verbal fight that almost got physical. Kidding.

However in end they sold me the liquor. Because they wanted me to drink and get even crazier which i did.

In a short sentence. I've been metsubushed again. One of the ninja favorite tricks but they haven't used it in a while, until people forgot how many times i complained about. And of course it wouldn't have worked if it rained.

When i got home i attempted to hose the car because Angela needs it tomorrow at work. It worked partly. I replaced the filter with an older one. I don't know if it got to the engine through the air filter but i have scheduled an oil change for tomorrow anyways. But i did not see the white milky substance on the headlights near where the engine sucks air. Could have bin the milky mist was higher than next to ground level. I will also wash the car at the carwash.

As i said earlier, is a continuum. The kids made graffiti on the asphalt on our parking spot and next (that was left unoccupied) and next to that guy with the body shop in the garage. When i washed the car, i destroyed some of the graffiti. When i went to replace the air filter, some people came by, started to talk and i lost one of the gromets of the glove compartment. The short women with sexy legs came by while i was looking for it on the alley with my powerful flashlight. 4-5 guys game to turn their SUV in the next spot and with their headlights fr away from my trunk when i had it open.

Yes my face is burning from the dust and my tongue is irritated.

For the same reason, dirty windshield, i almost got with the left wheels in a bent piece of sheet metal of the same color with the road. My luck was i bent to pick a pretzel from one of the bags next to Angela's feet and veered as close as possible to the right edge of the lane, for obvious reasons. (I did not want to get into the incoming traffic if i made a false move with the left hand on the wheel). Then i barely saw it when i passed it. I think it would have taken out both my left wheels and possibly made me loose control of the car. However i had only about 40 (65 kmh).

But it could also be because they had construction work going on in the casino. They completely enclosed the escalator and some guy was hitting the floor with a hose while reeling it. Then an idea came to me. Waves could be a factor. I mean, in a day with big swells, as those are kinda aligned in the ocean, that could add to the Sun Moon gravity effect. It makes sense. Those who were in LA these days know better. And i think there's data at NOAA as well. Anybody still needs me anymore?

As i also said, it all came after the 4 degrees eq in New York. I blew the dust of my old posts, also (some of) the errors, came with new ideas, found a grant opportunity unfortunately within days and i pushed too hard. I read somewhere that only the time needed to complete that application was 160 hours and i tried to do it what, in couple of days, after i finished the project description? etc..

I bet a bunch of people are freaked out. Let me see what also happened there in the last few days. Ok nothing much.

They should not. Predicting earthquakes in a coastal city is as easy at looking at tide charts and the weather. And the waves, maybe.

Why i chose LA? Because is close to the ocean and there is data available. Also because...

People should be more concerned with their government. If earthquakes can be predicted like the weather, why haven't they done it so far and that is the one million dollar question. Or trillion quadrillion whatever. We'll see. The new high tides season comes around again.

My face is burning more than when i got home after handling that filter in the car. Got to go and throw it in the garbage bin. 

8:34 Local meme du jour.  National meme du jour.

Have to keep in mind that earthquakes, though not biggest and rare, can occur at lower tide levels. There was one on January 1st this year. 10:44 AM, 45 km of Los Angeles, on 4.24 ft, 1019 mb (30.09 inches) pressure however in the post high tides window. I don't know why there was not one at the peak of air pressure the next day. Waves, maybe? Too low tides? Resetting of the magma chamber? All of the above? 

9:20 Kids were playing and yelling all afternoon while i was at the car. Later, two adults came. Now after i ate they all left and left a pink bicycle behind. Yesterday someone let some clothes on top of the hydrant.