Friday, June 14, 2024

12:35 Istanbul Bazaar, first mall ever? After 1989, i went to Istanbul a couple of times and was fascinated by the bazaar. Really sorry i did not have enough time to explore it more.

10:10 A couple of people with dogs of which her was looking Japanese, dressed in gown, with glasses came next to my back door and been there for as along as i was having breakfast in the kitchen area. I am engrossed every time i see a dog in that area so i just tried not to look kinda hiding behind the corner.

3:20 I was feeling very ill last night, i know the cause, but it's a too long story. As a result in the morning i din not get out of bed to block the main door after Angela left and the back door was also forgotten unlocked. 5:41 Got this scanner from Amazon. It cames with an app however i cannot connect the app to it. As i was outside with engine started, a number of adult women and children gathered behind my car, igoring the exhaust. Then they sent a small kid in front of the car. When i realized and stopped the engine and got out of the car they started to yell at the kid to come closer to them, like i was a danger.

The app kept asking me to connect to internet which i did and i started to get pains in all the parts of my body i did before.

6:23 They had problems with sewage here at the complex. Almost every year they came with cisterns and extracted the sewage, like it was not flowing anywhere. And then, last summer, they decided to fix it. Came and installed a new line made of green tubes. The firm that did it was MEI something.

6:16 There's a kid yelling in the distance all the time, for many minutes now.

It took them 2 months to do it. However they drained sewage from the alley in front of mailboxes (to the left in the second picture) even after. So i started to wonder if it works.

A few months later 4 cops came and surrounded the first entrance of the building next to the green tubes in first picture here. I wrote about, can't find it right now.

Today i saw yet another person comming from the first apartment (ground level) of the building D (left in the second picture) i haven't before. Yes where they demolished the stairs. I started to wonder, how many people are actually living in that apartment?

As i said, i suspected this may happen and wrote about several times but i can't remember a distinctive keyword to search about. And yes, i believe they use the pipes like one would use in an aquapark.

9:45 ȘOȘoaca. Cel puțin nu vom auzi de ea un timp, cel puțin până când îl bate pe Charles Michel.

9:50 Koka Kola.