Wednesday, June 19, 2024

10:18 I had no idea it was a holiday today until i saw the market was closed today. Juneteenth, a most discrete celebration. Not at Panda Express fast food near El Dorado in Reno. In there, a bunch of black women were celebrating, with big noises and laughs. After a drive from hell to lake and back, with many followers and forunners on the road, and 700 miles the day before, i got yet into another trouble.

Especially that guy with blue pickup and open gas cap in front that made me really sleepy.

This morning. I went to the car to search for something and when i got into an elevator a tall red haired sexy woman, hidden in a corner suddenly popped and bumped into me trying to get out, and then went back inside, making it look for the cameras almost like i pushed her i inside.

At the car i was curious to see how the newly changed oil behaved after 1000 miles and it was clear but then i regretted. I will never forget another trip in Reno when the night before i lost my phone in the casino, found it at the security, and the next day i saw a couple of guys with a tray coming from my car and getting into a mobile mechanics pickup.

Next time when i went to change oil at Beaverton Hyundai with the other Elantra they banned me from the dealership sayin i messed with my car. Next time when i did brakes i found the indicators of the rear brake pads bent around and acting like a springs, pushing the pad on the rotor and applying a slight braking force all the time, reducing the mpg.

When i got back a black Youkon with an inscription Raiders on the LP or somewhere cut me out.

When i left home 3 days ago i opened the transmission fluid cap to check level and closed it back and in the next evening i found ATF all around it though i left it dry.

3:50 Ok so far out of trying to be civil and also because i have to stay one more night here i refrained mysel from criticizing the hotel or casino.

I knew i had to have some sort of birthday promotion but i forgot my card's pin so i went to the cashier's or rewards' desk and asked for a pin number. A very well behaved, cultivated gentleman, way overqualified for the job came to "my rescue".

After conversating with him for about 10 minutes, a bit drunk, responding to his traps and hidden suggestions or provocations, complaining about the health care system in the US, most expensive in the world where you have to pay hefty for (300 dollars a doctor's visit when they will give you) whatever prescription you begged for, usually useless) i left, pleasantly and unpleasantly surprised (i regretted many of the thing i said).

About half to one our later something rang in my head like the sound of his name. Szijjarto? Something that rimes with the Scandinavian name Sigurdsson (like the name of the castle on Emerald Bay on Tahoe lake of which picture is screwed due to too much light on my camera's display, preventing me from adjusting the exposure level compensation).