Thursday, June 13, 2024

7:40 Woke up with nausea and palpitations. I think the reason the guys (Dominicans) are pushing so hard with dog s...t and garbage these days is because there are a few more days (13) until i reach 64 or 32x2 years. After that i will not be anymore 63 years (6 and 3). 666. Their last hope for Apocalypse and the second coming. In January 1996 when i did not sleep, eat or drink for a weak, i was 36.

The reason i meet with so many celebrities, most times not even knowing until i get home and figure it out. The time limit.

But if  you wanna know better ask Nelu Ciorba.

He was the one who lured me to Vancouver in December 1995 and i worked with him for a year at AVX (ex Kyocera) in 1999-2000 (with a power outage and religious songs at year 2000 midnight). His wife was present when i got arrested om February 1996. He came to our place during the days i was hallucinating because of lack of sleep, dehydration. He is about the same  height and weight as Viktor Orban. Short with round face, he could represent the Sun in Europe, after beating the beast of the Apocalypse in Portland.

And i also figured the reason for my dizziness. I think i have an infection at the spinal cord and brain level which increases cerebral fluid pressure, all related to the environment, especially wet floor (from laundry vapor underneath) and intentional misusing of the 4 garbage bins.

9:24 Yesterday they trimmed  the grass and raised a great deal of the red bark dust onto the building. I tried to clean the building with the hose last night but the hose broke in the middle of it. Today i went and moved the pink bicycle that was abandoned by the cable box out of sight (by the nu dumping area). I was trying to air because of the mold smell. Now a helicopter is circling around shaking the building, making me shot the windows.

2:10 Yesterday i got very sick after i smoke 2 Lucky Strike cigarettes. High blood pressure, pressure in the brain.

4:40 Angela came, wanted to go and pick my items i ordered at Walmart and again buy cigarettes at WinCo (the only place i can find Pall Mall around here).

I ordered 3 polo shirts last night at Walmart. There was a confirmation and they charged my card for three polo shirts. However this morning they wrote back telling me they only got one out of three. I did not see that email.

At Walmart, the same woman (or a slightly different one) telling me i should go and wait in the parking lot and call them on the phone. Finally gave me the order with only one item.

Then i left Walmart heading for WinCo. At the first stop sign, i remembered since yesterday and got out of the car to take a picture. With the Dominican cross, a precursor of swastika in Europe. It is  not the first time when i see this sign on pavements around here. 
When i got at WinCo, the guys from WORLD GARDA, armed with a gun, got in front of me and we together were parading in front of the 20 check stands all the way to customer service, were the cigarettes were. The official reason was to pick the cash from the store. I saw the guy later, with nothing much in his bag.

Finally made it at the customer service where i asked for two packs of Pall Malll, red. The assistant, a smiling Asian woman with her hair painted red. I put in by mistake my credit card that of coure did not work. And i asked her why, out of all grocery stores in the world, they don't take credit. She said because of costs. "It would cost up to ten dollars for a transactsion" she said. On my way out a black guy in line (rare around here) made a move and got in my way. When i confronted me, he said "You should loose the attitude, NOW!".

It was not my attitued. I underestimated the level of irritation given to me by the raised dust yesterday. In fact, i can tell, i peed orange, from the tannins in the dust, like i always did when this happened.

Back on the freeway. A thousand drivers and vehicles, all coordinated just to screw me. Here is just an example. Rogue somethin, flanked by a CHEEMO semi. Semis driving on the left most lane, etc..

5:15 This blogger software i am using is so counterintuitive, i lose my ideas while dealing with formatting posts and entries, adding pictures, etc.. Yeah i mainly wrote what i wanted to but it took so long and had to make so many corrections and loose things like i added the picture above about 3 times until it made it in the post, etc..

5:40 After i was done here went outside to smoke a cigarette. AI started a loud exhaust. I came back inside to get the recorder. In the moment i touched it, it stopped. Went and smoke my cigarette, just a kid yelling in the distance, stepping on my blood pressure. When i got back i saw this on the concrete slab. Though i have not finished washing it last night, i know i did half of it, or the part with the AC.

Newly felt bird seeds from the feeder in the balcony above attracted birds which supposedly made a mess, bringing on more bark dust though i don't believe it this amount. It is very much reminding of the situation with the maggots back in late 2021.

6:15When the picked the garbage today they put bin Nr.5 (SW) closer to the gate, living more room in the cage in the back. People started to throw their open bags, other garbage items in the back of the bin where is very hard to reach.

7:06 Today is Thursday. The picked the garbage. They made a mess at some bins, and didn't peak the closest, most full. As i was trying to take pictures of the bins, people and cars were getting in front of me, some twice. Items symbolic, like the bag with red circle (earthquakes), suitcase.

11:17 It smells really bad outsdie. I tried to go and fix it but there was at least one guy next to the bin, guarding it so i just turned around.