9:05 I am at the end of 4 hours of fiddling with switches, routers and more switches. For some reason i will explain later, i moved the PC in the bedroom, hooked directly to the first switch after the fiber box which is again in the bedroom, and it worked all day like this.
However when Angela came the TV was not working. So i fiddled again with the (very week) contacts in the connector (sprang a couple of them back with a hook made of a needle) inside the TV and made it work. However, now the PC won't work. There was a red LED on by the connector. Tried several cables, plugged it directly in the fiber box, nothing.
Out of curiosity, i moved the PC back after the router in the living that plugs with a long cable in the same switch after the box that i use as an Ethernet (not to be confounded with Internet) hub, or where it was before today and where the TV is where it was working for months and it was working. So i pulled some cables, one more switch and fed the PC with Ethernet (and Internet) from living back in the bedroom.
Again out of curiosity, i tried to plug the PC again in the first switch, next to the TV and again it won't work though the LED next to the Ethernet plugnow was green not red like before and the yellow LED was flashing. Error message was "the router has not a valid IP" or something like that.
Because of all these i almost missed an email from management saying i have to remove until tonight a couple of foam sheets i have in front of the door. Those have been there on and off for years. I use them to get under the car and check for oil leaks. They are barely visible from any angle. I would assume is part of a bigger post Halloween sweep.
There was a great chance i didn't see that email that was sent 2 minutes before closing office, because Angela wanted to go to Spirit Mountain because of some event there (when the machines get loose usually).
The reason i moved the PC in the bedroom. To stay in bed. I figured that my leg infections are caused mostly by me sitting too many hours at the computer, cutting my blood circulation to legs, also to my... head for reason of stiff neck muscles. My calves and legs were stiff and painful. I believe the intermittent cough in the last weeks was due to minor embolisms from clots coming from my legs.
People who sit all day at computer at work they sometime get up, go for lunch, for a meeting and then they get home. But me, no. I was sitting and eating there all my waking hours and the only breaks were for walks but that ended after my toe gut mysteriously punctured in early July.
Before today i was in big trouble. Numbness and stiffness would spread from my toe, leg, to the other leg, torso, back, arms, hands and more recently throat area and areas around eyes. Had trouble speaking.
Was really scary and antibiotics of course won't help because there was too little blood supply to my legs. So i've been in bed for almost 24 hours, like Heffner, and i think i'm already seeing some results.
Pain and stiffness in legs got downgraded by several points on a scale of one to ten and in the rest of the body was almost gone. Trouble is, over the years, i got more and more used to leg pains and was not paying attention anymore.
9:45 I forgot to pour water in the washer (with one of those cleaning tablets) and the washer started to smell really bad like sewage. Smell that spread in the whole apartment. BTW the floor is bulged in the whole apartment, due to floor being wet under.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
3:25 Stressed myself really bad with dog poops, other stuff. I surprised myself doing this again, but in a low degree, you don't realize if you don't know what to look for. Or you can, who cares. When i looked in the mirror in the bathroom, i saw the muscles a bit strained and the pulsation was visible again.
4:30 Was dusting the area around the TV and shaking the duster outside. After three times, it was a pattern already and a "Latino" chicano with a big Asian snout came from around the bush to get it, and then passed checking his phone, smiling sarcastic.
5:40 I briefly opened the door then the kitchen window to check something and this time a chicana dressed in black passed under, scoring big time. Yes i was thinking to do that for the last 5 minutes or so.
Monday, October 28, 2024
5:00 Bought some frozen pizza, heated the oven, she upstairs made her grand entrance. Getting relief for stiffness with Dramamine, however it makes me sleepy. Not much different from Benadryl.
5:48 I know why she always come when i cook. To justify the smell (pretend she is cooking).
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Other than that, it has been a very long night. I knew they were going to have a Halloween party there, but did not realize it was today. People with costumes that is. Taylor Swift was briefly there. Others.
1:40 Some crazy with a loud exhaust going around and revving.
5:32 When i went the first time about ago i could only visit the SW bin, where i found a pink one, with a loose tricky knot on the ground next to bin. W bin was busy (some people were probably dumping boxes before leaving) .
Went again recently and met with the woman with red hair ("veteran's wife"), a rare sight so i turned around. But when i looked more careful i realized under that wig she looked like Tom Cruise. I know he has this passion of disguise, i recently saw a movie with him wearing rubber muscles. That is because i just mentioned the word Scientology.
I came back and smoked a cigarette. A white SUV with a "Mexican family man" double parked next to the kindergarten in building D. He got out, and a Latina came with a baby and and older Latina and they all started talking.
Wanted to enter back through the back glass sliding door but there was a bug next to the handle. When i looked closer, i thought it was a kissing bug. I was hesitating to go outside with the camera while that white SUV with open door was still door. The patio concrete floor is again full of seeds falling from the feeder above.
5:45 They probably put the bug there just to counter or double of the Tetanus story. Looks like a typical ninja job.
There was an invasion a few years ago but those were not true kissing bugs, just some bugs look alikes.
This one is also a look alike but different from the ones i was used to and for a while even after i looked in the site above i thought it was the real thing. Also may be related to the disappearance of my blunt needles i just bought from Amazon.
Here are some pictures i took yesterday at Lincoln city, under great pressure. In the parking lot there was this guy who put an off road high beam on me, inside a security guy passed me calling my name (i was banned there for almost a year, remember).
From what you can see, about half of the people there were dressed in Halloween suits and they were mostly coming from the hotel nearby. All the people there were actors and i could identify about one scene played every minute, under the about 500 cameras on the ceiling.
It is my belief all of there moves are controlled by AI, there could not be otherwise, with the level of coordination, cause if analyzed, nobody seem off (object thrown on the floor upstairs).
The recycling hungry heart at Road's End. Right after i took the picture, there was this guy in a small car or SUV who backed up in front of us so close i had to back up so i can leave, though he had plenty of room ahead.
When i passed him i turned my head and he looked like a Japanese guy this time made like a white American, with back slanted eyes and gray goatee and stuff. Lately i saw quite a few of those. While we were eating people with dogs came in our view.
The perennial haunted house at Road 's End.
Sun and Shivalingas with shiny diamonds that represent lotus flowers
Yes she looked good though her butt muscles seemed a bit soft and shy and she had black make up on her lips and stuff. I did not dare raise the camera at her.
7:05 I poured a bowl of soup and an exhaust stated to thunder outside.
7:08 Now that i'm eating, she started thundering upstairs.
Saturday, October 26, 2024
1:40 AM I was wrong. External carotids go under the mandible. But the bulge on my right mandible kinda surrounds the edge of the mandible and could still block the artery. I feel a pulse right under it that i don't on the right side at the same position. In this image, the right carotid is much thicker and closer to surface than the left, in the area where i see that pulsation or next to the clavicle.
11:40 It worked! The trick with water in the patch. I felt heat in all the numb areas for the last 24 hours, on 4 patches and the numbness is almost gone. Neuropathy? But read this: The pulsation in my neck is almost gone! So it was infection related. Bulges in the parotid gland areas are smaller. Still some difficulty typing.
Trouble was this morning at 7 the last new patch was itching so badly i had to remove it (removed one earlier). Then i slept 5 more hours, without any. Nothing changed much though. I applied a couple of new ones right now, again on the spine. The duck tape is not ideal i guess, it can only stay about 48 hours before starting to itch. Regular 3x4 band aid patches are not an option because are porous.
Lisinopril and different dust sources in the apartment, including the large areas on top of fans blade made me cough like crazy. So i decided to quit smoking. Didn't smoke in 24 hours. Could that have helped with the pulsation as well?
Could have been infectious stenosis of aortic valve that goes away with antibiotics? Last night i spent an hour or so listening to my heart with a stethoscope. Did not hear any murmur, just an intermittent split of second sound, S2, one out of 5 to one out of 10, when expiring.
Invest 20 dollars in a stethoscope. Auscultation (listening to heart and lung sound) can be a great way to diagnose or discover heart conditions, because when blood is moving through the normal or abnormal heart it makes different sounds. There are videos with heart sounds for different conditions. But it takes some courage to listen to your own heart.
BTW do you know why it's called Duck Tape? Because if you peel suddenly about 6 inches of it, it makes a sound like the quack of a duck.
Friday, October 25, 2024
2:04 I went earlier to check the SW bin where the wind is blowing from. I found a green bag but it had a branch embedded in the mater inside. When i tried to knot it, i punctured the bag and now the smell is almost the same as before.
2:30 I think i figured what is pulsating on my neck. It is the common carotid artery and the reason could be a growth that is obstructing the external branch of it. The obstruction seems to be right under the calcified right parotid gland (yellow) or part of the masseter muscle i wrote many times about.
The pulsation appeared after the episode with the infected toe. Ever since i had several muscles in my body stiffened, including calves, some trouble speaking, and at times hearing. Could be the masseter muscle is contracting more than it should or is stiff and contributing to the whole thing.
Got the hardened bulge on both sides and the only reason that i can think of was the cell phone. The artery could be itself damaged by the phone radiation and now is enlarged. Or twisted and moved closer to the surface.
Vibration from modified exhausts was shaking the dust and some came inside probably through under the door.
Tonight i dusted some of it. Also inside it smells like dust which usually happens Thursday after they blow the parking lot on Wednesdays when i don't hose the building right after.
Apparently the trick with tape sprinkled with antibiotics dust wrapped around that toe worked, but now i put some on the other toes as they became inflamed, probably by proximity with the wounded one.
9:40 When you have a modified exhaust on a big engine you also have to rev it in the parking lot, a lot, for long minutes, like they do right now close to the SW bin.
2:40 PM I got quite a bit of experience with the patches. In order to work, the skin under the patch has to be wet. This happen when i perspire but most of the time the skin is dry. So i figured i must put in some water. But i's really hard when i apply the patch.
So last night i ordered some syringes with needles with blunt tips (non-sterile) for printers and stuff. Got them in the locker but when i went to pick them i realized i can barely walk.
Though the infection has subsided at the punctured toe, i have different areas where it moved during muy last walk and it usually stays there until i apply some patches right on the site (systemic doesn't work). Usually when it goes away from one area it does not come back.
So i went to the locker, with some difficulty. But when i got outside the door (i also had the garbage), there was this midget that lives in the building that went in front of me at the garbage and waited until she came back at the building. I came back with the syringes, i injected some water in two dried patches, but when i went outside to smoke, there was this SUV, doubled parked in front of the building, "supervising" the whole area.
In the meantime i found two green bags in the bin next to mailboxes, one of them was on the bottom, wet, had trouble knotting it, but i noticed one thing. Before i got my toe healed, i was getting chills right away after getting close to the bins. Yes, have some trouble typing as well but i think this is the last of it.
So instead of going and changing the oil searching in the oily bucket several times until the monster girl (fourth from left) came with her two dogs. So they can say i do the stink, not them. However now it's me i got to go and knot her bag she just threw in the bin. And order a new tool.
BTW they started gathering in the back of the car, just in case i do try to change the oil.
6:30 After i started to pull the oil out of the engine, i looked at the new jug and i saw it was 5w30 instead of 5W20 which i always put in. Because i could not find on Amazon 5w20 by clicking on buy again. Was unavailable. I looked at dealerships and they say 5w20 for summer and 5w30 for winter. Don't know what to do, can't find Quaker State 5w20 anywhere.
Viscosity, cP (°C) ASTM D-5293 5w-20 = 5,200 (-30) 5w-30 5,800 (-30) 10w-30 5,900 (-25) 10w-40 6,090 (-25) 20w-50 6,890 (-15).
25 years ago i was buying only synthetic oil for my truck. BTW, i always used 10W30. This is not Alaska. Temperatures go under freezing a couple of times a year. Only with the Hyundais i went 5W20. Supposedly for mileage. Now that i got 5W30 in the car, i will wait and see. Curious about the impact on mileage.
At Walmart. Most oil sold there is now synthetic. I would think soon you won't find mineral no more. Exactly when i switched to mineral (actually, synthetic blend is all you can still find), after i saw full synthetic is turning into wax in my catch can.
Was checking a bunch of cucumbers for softness which is a sure sign or rot. There was this older couple of short obvious Japanese people facing me (unlike the rest who were fake Latinos) and they started to laugh and laugh and laugh...
BTW i wish i could go out for a cigarette, but the smoke outside is too thick. Since before i went at Walmart.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
4:20 PM I noticed about at the beginning of the month that the woman upstairs had some "grass" growing in a pot on the deck (and an early Halloween sign). Today i finally figured what it was, by watching videos with funny cats late at night (early in the morning) so i can chill and go to sleep, until i found this video.
She moved in last summer with a couple of cats and a cat tree by the balcony glass sliding doors (then she had a different look, younger and taller). The cats looked of a normal size but then they grew big and i believe they turned into Transylvania cats. At times at night or when she is not here the cats roll like thunder upstairs.
It is true i had tingling in the sole of m legs, especially after walks, and the the feet, the soles and legs started to turn purple, with black accents at times.
I was already on antibiotics when this happened and i increased dosage so the numbness was kept under control.
But every time i was trying to quit the ABs, the numbness was coming back.
This lasted for more than a couple of months. But it was not as bad until it tried to go for a walk, after two months. Then the numbness spread in my whole body. Especially because i got really hot and took my jacket off and the shirt was completely wet.
So if it is neuropathy why it goes away with antibiotics and why the area around that toe is always the focal point from where it grows if i try to quit those? (And that toe never heals).
Why the areas most affected are those that i believe were exposed to wi-fi and phone radiation and become painful if i expose again to the smallest amount?
Feet where my wi-fi antennas were for years, surface area of my legs where i kept the laptop (lap), surface of my belly, hands, around right eye, tip of ears, inner ears, as last time when it flared up i became almost deaf, etc..) jaws etc. and then the areas exposed to cold and with muscular breakdown (after not walking for two months).
Monday i went for a walk again but was careful not to get too hot or take off my jacket. However i was wet when i got back home and took my jacket off and right now i am half numb with trouble speaking.
After i took high doses (patches) of antibiotics and now as always i feel heat (not uncomfortable) in the affected areas, besides numbness that will eventually go away as it always does after that.
11:50 I was in bed in the bedroom watching a movie. I felt the smoke coming from outside. The filter does a pretty good job but is not removing everything. Angela is too tired and she fell asleep. It nauseated me. Finally had to go out of bed and come here.
The moment i got out of bed she came upstairs. They always do this. By synchronizing activities they create a lot of confusion and people - casual observers - start believing other things.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
12:25 I finished some ideas on the other blog and wanted a reward (a cigarette). However somebody started a big engine with a very profound sound, heard only on very low frequencies that is vibrating this building and the bins with goodies. My BP raised instantly.
2:30 I think it's a black or blue VW Jetta with blue LPN starting with 74 and open window. The light from our entrance is reflected in the back of the vehicle making it very hard to see details. I will attempt to go closer.
2:33 Ok it stopped now but it made me so mad, my brain released some bad neurotransmitters at the end of a two hours effort. I feel violated.
5:30 One that started at 5:30.
7:00 PM There was a carpet cleaner at Apt.4 today making a big vibration while i was eating. There are food items on the red mulch next to the balcony of the one level building (visible from our windows) that create a mold smell. I knotted earlier too bags, one with about 3 pounds of dog poop brought obviously from outside the complex.
For many minutes now there is a very loud base that stirs all the smells from inside and outside.
7:40 I went outside and located the base. It is at one of the garages west of this building. It is so loud it sounds like a disco in here.
7:45 As i said before. Two annoyances here do not interfere with each other. If they stump upstairs, is only that. If children yell, it's only that. But now the base comes together with a thick chocking smoke.
9:55 The screen of the new PVC window in the kitchen looks bent at one side. I remember there was a missing screw from the factory at the lock in the middle. I asked the emperor and he brought a screw and they installed it.
But i do not always lock it up (i forget). A year ago or so i glued the screen to the frame on the upper and lower side. Then i had to glue it again as it came unglued. Now it stays on but i believe it can be bent in the middle. I went and added some silicon to glue the screen to the frame in the middle so it can't be opened from outside.
One minute after i opened the door to try and go smoke a cigarette and the woman from upstairs was in her Element. Later she came inside. There is too much weird smoke outside to go and smoke a cigarette.
I will put a mask and go further from the building to see if there is the same smoke there.
Now the cats are running. I remember the other day when i was smoking i saw a huge cat through the sliding door upstairs. Could not take a good look but i believe it could have been a Transylvania cat.
Monday, October 21, 2024
6:15 Nausea. Belly pains. Ate undercooked fish at Spirit Mountain (pieces cut too thick). Food wraps on the red mulch next to the one level apartment. There is an automated light that starts every time i pass those windows. Four raccoons getting in my way. Spilled content of a litter box in the N bin.
3:38 When Angela came, i noticed i can barely talk, my mouth being numb. As a result of being rained upon yesterday in the parking lot at Chinook Winds and then staying with the jacket wet on me for hours. Big time mold smell in here, started the ozone generator.
8:20 Using several sources and a story told by Knopfler himself, i think i have located the place (Way on down south London town) were the famous probably fictitious band Sultans of Swing (could have been the Easy Beats) was playing in an empty pub called White Swan (now closed) one night when Knopfler walked in.
Inspired by that band playing then and there he wrote one of most famous songs of all times, called just like that. The Sultans of Swing. Could that have been enticing? I don't know, but only the Straits were swinging.
Friday, October 18, 2024
It could be that the seeds of smell of dog from outside is diminished by that fixture and i can fall asleep without going to the bins but in the morning i am usually nauseated.
In about the same time (a couple of weeks ago) they inflated a balloon that has about the same color on the balcony of the one level building. I figure they sun is too dim these days to kill with UV in one day all the bacteria inside, that grow, back at night, mutated, fed by tiny amounts of nutrients that are inside when the balloon was inflated by mouth.
A bit of high tech magic?
Ever since, i am sick (sore throat that evolved into upper respiratory infection with lots of mucus that blocks my nose), nausea towards morning. "Kids" have been playing in there at times but the balloon stays there, untouched. At times, they had in there pieces of furniture, like pillows from couches, etc. that was raining upon.
Picture, tomorrow.
4:07 Ok i unplugged it. It was full of dust inside.
4:08 Psy-ops. Their government + our government + US government = world government.
4:09 O metodă nu prea ingeniouasă de a-i duce pe marțieni în dicuție, pe când eu vorbeam despre Europa-eni și bineînțeles
4:10 Finally a real risk-free opportunity to post that song. Could only find lyrics for Joan Jett (my shy HS class mate, second left) version. Yes the one who dressed as a cop, beat me and arrested me in 1996. (Song is posted for entertainment purpose only, do not try at home).
4:45 Talking about classic rock. Take from me my lace here means... undress me, right? Is this (extraordinarily beautiful) song entirely about cheating?
8:30 Eu dacă eram jandarmii ăia îi luam o trotinetă de prima dată.
5:50 PM There is a big engine with modified exhaust idling in the distance for more than 10 minutes at about 2000 rpm. It is very annoying, as it intermittently resonates with the walls of the room, which amplifies it a lot and it disrupts my thinking processes as i work at a "named" post, that is out of the "dated" series. Most annoying is, like in the case of the marching upstairs, i cannot see the reason it is (they are) doing that.
6:00 It just left the scene, after i recorded and uploaded the sound. SO2 gas has been released from walls "cells" due to vibration. Got to air the room.
6:48 The ceiling pump is back home and kicking.
6:53 I heard children yelling and i looked. There is a whole party going on in the back. At least 10 different persons, children and adults. They got a light on the balcony that is shining more towards our windows. One kid kicked a balloon that got next to the window while i was looking etc..
7:07 They are now using a drum. I hear children and adults yelling together. This never happened before.
8:09 The level of synchronization these days is so high, they drop heavy objects upstairs as i reach certain words in news, to fake my reactions. I don't know why, who is recording my reactions but that could be the only reason.
9:07 They kept doing it all day. Wanted to go outside to check the bins, must be more than a dozen bags, maybe smoke a cigarette but there's a smoke so thick outside i just went back in. Index > 100. Can't breath even with a mask.
10:05 Never stopping upstairs.
10:08 Again, reading the news, dropping objects on the floor.
10:44 She was out for about half hour but now a lighter person walks upstairs. Awoke Angela. Again.
12:20 The Hello Mobile blues, again.
We got 5 dollars a month plans with Hello Mobile. Unlimited voice but not much data (500 Megs). I don't use it but keep it for emergencies. Angela got recently an email from Hello Mobile saying they will send her a new SIM card as the old one soon will not work anymore.
I was not that lucky. There was something wrong with my physical address in my account but they did not email me. So i went to the site, updated the address and now i wait for one too.
Angela's SIM card arrived but it does not work. Trying to chat with a customer service rep. 25 in line 50 minutes wait. However i got kicked off in a few minute with the message your chat session has timed out.
12:30 It works now but her number has been changed.
12:50 It works now. It took 2 hours for both on a nice Sunday morning.
1:05 Every time we eat she starts pumping the floor. Now i got realy sick with ear infection, from chewing. Trouble hearing. Trouble seeing.
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Poliție aeriană internațională. Mi-a sunat bine când am citit prima dată, cu ani în urmă. Astăzi stau și mă întreb. Sub care jurisdicție?
Au ridicat 4 avioane, dar nu au doborât-o.
Poate nu a fost nici o dronă. Poate au vrut ei doar să ne sperie, așa. Bully. O umbră pe noile radare. Ca la revoluție, remember? Și mă uitam așa în neștire și deodată ochii mi-au căzut pe altă știre mai jos care conținea cuvântul curând. În curând. Și ca de obicei, ca unul care nu mai vorbește așa de mult limba română, am căzut în contemplație.
Există o familie întreagă sau două de cuvinte în română bazate pe două cuvinte latine. Curare și currere. Și în latină sunt ciudate pentru că deși au practic aceeași rădăcină, au înțelesuri divergente.
Curare, a avea grijă, ceea ce a dat în românește curat, curățat, cură, dar nu prea și verbul. A cura. Mă rog, există, dar e folosit rar.
Currere care ne-a dat adjectivul curând. Currendo. Adică mai la vale pe curent (neologism) ce mai. Posibil.
Să mă enervez nu mai pot fiindcă mi s-a uzat nervul enervării. Practic, mi s-au uzat toate emoțiile. Poate e de la diabet, nu știu. Totuși m-am motivat și am căutat să descifrez engima și am mers direct la vinovat. În dexonline se spune că vine de la culus.
Se pare, vorba lui Păunescu, că am fost osândiți pe vecie să fim români și să pupăm (subconștient) un culus de fiecare dată când vedem sau auzim cuvinte ca în curând, curat, etc..
4:00 They do this all the time. Right now there is a black car with modified exhaust idling and blocking the alley, probably for the kindergarten, with a cute Latina at the wheel. Could be Stephanie Sigman.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
10:48 Nodul gordian semantic. Povești cu actori făcute on demand ca să acopere alte povești cu actori. Toate fiindcă există deja o legătură, foarte ciudată, între Sebastian Stan (SS) și Trump. Sebastian Stan pare să fie jucat într-o piesă de teatru live numită Butler (valet personal). Iar Trump a avut o încercare de asasinare pe care am demonstrat-o falsă într-o localitate numită Butler.
Gunoaie umane, fiindcă eu sunt cel care merg pe la tomberoane (garbage bins) să înnod pungi de câine.
Detalii despre investigația FBI asupra acelui atentat. Era explozibil în acele cutii? Una din ele pare să fie o cutie de plastic goală (plastic bin) deschisă la un capăt cu o altă cutie în ea, într-un unghi. Cred că dacă ar fi bănuit că era, FBI le-ar fi detonat undeva pe un câmp, nu fotografiat în liniște. Am și eu una din aia în mașină, pentru scule, dar galbenă.
La ce ar fi folosit. După împușcături, atentatorul nu mai avea nici o șansă. Apropo, unde este drona despre care se spune că ar fi folosit-o ca să survoleze zona înainte?
Trump are zilele astea toate privirile concentrate pe el și ei folosesc asta pentru a devia crizele majore prin tot felul de povești improvizate.
Am încercat să spun de mai multe ori, dar m-am oprit fiindcă pur și simplu nu am știut cum să formulez fraza. Astea nu sunt alegeri. Numai doi candidați care au prea multe puncte de vedere divergente. Alegătorii dacă aleg ori pe unul, ori pe altul, pierd din start punctele celuilalt.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Teoretic, e posibil. Hai să spunem că la vale poate prinde 340 km/h. Ca să ajungi la viteza asta îți trebuie cel puțin 20 secunde timp în care faci aproape 1,5 km și vei merge cu 200 km/h mai repede decât celelalte mașini. Ajuns la 300 kmh faci 5 km pe minut.
Dar la 340 vei fi în zona de roșu a turometrului, moment în care uleiul nu mai ajunge la lagărele pistoanelor, din motiv de forță centrifugă iar motorul se va strica, bloca, posibil bloca transmisia și roțile, moment în care vei zbura (pe tarla).
Însă în video-ul de mai sus se vede că pe la 300 s-a atins o limitare soft, iar mașina a început să decelereze brusc. (Omul era nebun și norocos, avea și o avertizare de presiune la un cauciuc!).
Deci îți trebuie 1,5 km de drum (autostradă austriacă, whatever) pustiu care merge la vale, fără curbe, și un polițist chiar în acel punct ca să te înregistreze, sau mai mult drum pustiu până te înregistrează unul care e întâmplător pe acolo.
Dar apoi, cum te prinde? Într-un minut ești la 5 km distanță de polițist. Din câte știu eu, radarele portabile nu înregistrează numere, doar cele fixe, din cauză de distanță. La viteza aia, cum ar putea să-i prindă numerele?
Toate astea au un substrat, legat de postarea mea cu Karner. Țiriac e un clovn bătrân propulsat de propriile lui bă...i.
A ok m-am prins. A făcut o răceală de la curent când a mers cu 340 kmh cu geamul deschis.
Now if i go right after her, it would appear like i'm going to collect her leftovers, cause sometimes she misses. I was telling Angela. What a school they got. Also have to go to the W bin and look cause she does not knot.
5:05 An incredible amount of events followed. Two more women with dogs. Cars and SUVs arriving at bins in the same time with me. Yes i found the green bags of the black girl, unknotted in the bin.
Most important. Found three old ones in front of the spot with the Element. Dry, molded, still stinking. They do for weeks.
Others. Enough to say. They are not doing nothing. Just synching their "normal" activities with mine. A woman with a kid coming from the "kindergarten", crossing my path, going somewhere, on foot. All looking at me intrigued and sometimes with disgust, like i was the intruder and the perpetrator. Of bins and dog poops.
8:45 I had a good evening sleep and woke up with an idea. What if... the pulsation on my neck was caused by a dim mak blow? The night before i was drunk, sleeping in the car in the parking lot at Chinook Winds for about an hour. I was feeling weird, had trouble walking when i went to the restroom after i woke up or before i left.
At home i slept 3 hours and in the morning i had this feeling, like an invisible hand was strangulating me. I went and looked in the mirror and saw the pulsation and then i went to the ER.
I slept in the car in casino parking lots many times before, including Saturday at Indian Head.
There i was washing hands next to a young Japanese guy rather tall who looked and smelled like a homeless man. Monday morning at the ER i was stinking like i did not have a shower in a month though i had one less than 48 hours before.
12:10 AM 16 There is one more possibility. I slept with my head in such a position, probably many times, this time two days in a row, i damaged some major blood vessels of the neck. I have been doing this at least since i was in college. One night some colleague surprised me trying to fall asleep with my neck bent.
Probably being depressed, unconsciously trying to choke my right hemisphere, which could give me a high.
While the ambulance was coming (i was hearing the siren), with a pulse oximeter on my finger showing 180, looking through the window (as the windshield was covered with ice), i found myself behind a Police car on deserted streets at night that stopped suddenly while i was crossing 217. Then at the ER i got hooked to a monitor and doctor told me.
I had atrial fibrillation with fast ventricular response. I stood there for about one hour and a half with that heart rhythm (did not want to lay down or sit).
Until a black "doctor" came. She was very black and very ugly and at a certain time she literally pushed me out of the way as i was pacing through the room while hooked to the monitor, interfering with the docs and assistants. I got so mad in about a minute my heart beat rate came to normal and then they released me, shortly after.
Monday, October 14, 2024
12:30 AM When i went outside yesterday to dispose of more than ten dog poops i got to inhale massive amounts of a weird smoke. It was the second time this week. I neglected to put a mask on. Ever since i keep coughing, feels like i'm out of air, a real torture. When i cough some sort of mucus comes from my lungs.
I believe in the smoke were sharp nano particles, something that may come from burning of aluminum foil, i don't know. Thing got exacerbated by a bit of ozone released by a lamp inside of a box with a fan. Really desperate.
10:50 One short Latina with a barking dog got incredibly close to my window when i was handling a credit card near the computer.
I had an appointment Thursday at 4 with a doctor i've been seeing a couple of times at Legacy. He is retiring next month. They gave be 14 tablets of Augmentin when i went to the ER last Monday (a week ago). I ran out of those.
Without those, i am getting numb and my muscles start tightening in my whole body, starting with that toe. Getting much worse after taking showers. I messaged him saying i needed more until the appointment and his assistant messaged me back saying he will see me in two days. When i looked in my chart, i saw they moved the appointment for Wednesday.
1:05 PM Ok m-am prins la faza cu planșeul din Piața Unirii. Este plin de simbolisme la adresa mea și la ce postez. Prima chestie, Nicușor. Eu nu sunt Nicu Ceaușescu. A doua, planșeul. "Tipa" de sus care mă distruge cu zgomote. A treia, poliția care în cazul meu, nu intervine. Nu are cum fiindcă Guvernatorul, șeful Poliției, primarul, șeriful, etc.. sunt toți actori unguri. Tot statul Oregon, SUA, lumea e controlată de EI.
2:00 PM I was surprised there was no smell today. Though i found an open bag in N bin. Somebody added some toilet deodorant in the SW bin. There are two open bags there and those are not smelling.
4:35 PM You know what? It's so nice being dead! When Angela came today and knocked i had trouble awakening and walking to the door, standing, breathing. Same reason i get so dizzy when i smoke. I am loaded with it. So they may be right. Nirvana should be for all. Or better nobody should be be born on this Earth, after they (we) are scorching it.
I know it's a contradiction. You don't feel nothing when you're dead. It's probably some neurotransmitters kicking in when you are close to it.
When i take a shower is going through the very thin skin of my soles. Yesterday shower has even been longer than usual. Redwood dust is the vector and the gate. I think it's a combination of bad bacteria mutated by the dust, arising from rotting seed fallen from upstairs and the Aucuba Japonica toxin at my bedroom's window.
I bought the cement for this purpose but then i was too lazy to use it and forgot about. So today i was decided, mixed some with water and sprinkled it with a watering can around the patio where the seeds have fallen and then bumped into the Japonica and remembered.
Sunday, October 13, 2024
7:20 I was laying in bed at 7 AM when she started. I was thinking of how sick i am (living due to antibiotics) and how i got here. First, a shower. Then she came exactly over me, in that corner of the bedroom while i was thinking on how could life have evolved fed by energy from underwater thermal vents on one of the moons of Jupiter, with no light.
Could it had reach the surface, with human like creatures, technology age? Could the icy ocean on Europa have been more liquid let' say tens of thousands of years ago?
Christine McVie manager at Sussex Village Apts. Smoke coming from walls at
I always suspected there is athlete upstairs making all the noise, because of the energy exhibited. About a week ago, a Hungarian handball player wrote on the Social Media she hates Romania. Could it be her upstairs?
Yesterday when there was that thick smoke outside i did not hear much noise upstairs. This morning their is no smoke but she stomps.
She left about 5 minutes ago or when i wrote that paragraph with her name. Now i expect smoke will start.
7:48 It is the filter element that got trashed by the smoke yesterday that now puts smoke smell in the room. So i just started it and ordered a new one. They were usually delivering those within hours, from a nearby warehouse, now when i need the most they say tomorrow by 10 PM.
Saturday, October 12, 2024
8:30 I said cold is the biggest problem with my foot. I was sitting here at the computer waiting for the New Skin to dry out and started to get the chills.
Just discovered. The other problem is New Skin bandage is porous. If it wouldn't be, i would just be pushed aside by the perspiration and peel off. Also the indication is to use it up to three times daily, in only applied once as it seem solid there.
There are plenty of clostridium bacteria coming from the bins and i was getting close to them to remove the dog bags, some times in slippers. Last night there was smoke also. Smoke mutates the bacteria, as the antibacterial red mulch.
Also. After 3 months, amoxicillin quit working. They got me 14 tablets of Augmentin at the ER last Monday but i an finishing those and can't find a doctor to prescribe me more. Last night i tried two sites that give you an online consultation and ended up with 50 bucks charged on a credit card for nothing.,
After the last shower i only sprayed a thin layer and did not add any the next day. Got really sick when i got at Lucky Eagle, with numbness in all my body. I only got better after i applied a layer in the car while driving back home, but some 8 ours later.
8:35 Țiriac a fost la Viena pentru o răceală. Sau pentru a distrage atenția de la ce am postat și ce am repostat mai sus.
9:15 I also had a pretty bad cold, starting with a bad sore throat, loosing of the voice, much mucus in my respiratory ways. I know where it came from. They left a couch in the rain at the SW bin.
With all the antibiotics taken, could only have been fungal. Probably the reason antibiotics don't work on a cold. It reverted after one single gargling with diluted apple vinegar but it took days to completely clear out. Now Angela is coughing and sneezing too.
Did not feel any smell this morning, probably due to cold temperature. So i went to take a picture of that couch but it's gone, thank God. However i found a small one in the grass. Came to grab a bag, when i was done knotting it, i saw another one. Big. And then another in next to door. Which prompted me to go and check the bins. I found 2 bags in every one.
9:55 One poor woman from poor family looking sharp, with a samurai cock and an attitude owning a broken tan SUV (that never breaks) which makes a terrible sound started it as i was breathing stuff from the W bin and from the bags i was knotting there. The vibration again raised all the smells from the bin. The result is i got more chills.
10:12 As we eat. There is a vibration in the distance. She started her walk upstairs, pumping the floor.
10:40 Asta pentru că am postat video-ul Dreams cu Fleetwood Mac. Cum puteți crede că o persoană oarecare, fără mulți ani de studii vocale poate să cânte chiar așa? Rockya cu aripi?
I met her when i was 10 or 12 and she sixteen, but looking (and pretending) my age (she was so petite when young). She came at our house as a relative (nephew of a guy from Iași who looked like Mircea Lambrino). A couple of more times in Iași. One more time in Iași after i finished college. She refused an invitation.
And yes we partly climbed a (small) mountain and i took pictures of her (was already processing those myself). I was broken hearted because my father beat me a few days before (never done it before or after), for no good reason.
Most likely i was playing the accordion to her. "the music there well, it was hauntingly familiar". (she might have been born there), i vaguely remember her (Hungarian singer) last name from Câmpulung.
Last time, here in the US in 1996 she acted as a recruiter at Express personnel and an electronic assembly instructor, but she made me a technician which landed me a job at Credence, but that is another story. Ok one more time when i went to Express and she gave me a janitor job which i refused.
Never had a clue until recently.
Pour... Les... Roumains...
11:40 Trump is in good health and will be cause he's got ninja doctors. The same guys who are making me sick every day for so long.
4:45 Angela knows. Every time when that "stomach smell" comes out of me, i have to go and pick them. It's just a reaction of my body to the bacteria. The hiatal hernia opens up. Got 8 so far only from the grass. Must be in the weekend the dogs poop more. Found 2 more in the SW bin, but i didn't have tool with me.
While i went picking poops, the ice-cream van driven by yet another neat "Latina" with a samurai coque came and is playing la cucaracha for 15 minute now, delaying that moment when i can triumphantly tie the last knot. What do i know. 10 bucks for 4 qts. Used to be 2.50 or something about ten years ago when i started my diabetes with it. Still.
The fridges are part of the apartment furniture. You can buy one bucket and have it for a month? So it's absurd.
5:00 15 more minutes and is still here. I'm just curious, how do you sell ice-cream online?
6:26 The reason i was chocking and coughing in here for almost an hour is outside the perceived smoke index is above 100.
10:45 Could it be... a never-ending mole gasser? I have not seen mole mounds around here in a long time...
Friday, October 11, 2024
One of the possibilities is they are exacerbating my BP by a cascade of noises with a feedback on my vital signs. But there are other possibilities, like using focused infra/ultra sounds, or other similar things. They are trying to make it look in the end like something "natural". I remembered minutes before i saw it for the first time i felt like something was tightening around my neck. Like an invisible had chocking me.
1:21 There is smoke outside, supposedly from a fireplace. Perception on AQI index, around 80.
1:23 We had a free night at Lucky Eagle. I knew there is a farm of some sort over there, like there area cows on a pasture across the street from Indian Head. Both casinos were smelling like it. Basically, it was smelling worse then here. Could have been some dog s... involved in it. All of a sudden i started to miss... home.
1:25 One of the worst drives of my life. And i've done some. Coming back from Tacoma to Portland. There was constantly at least one offending vehicle next to me. The way they were moving and coordinating with each other suggests all traffic, all cars being coordinated by AI.
I saw by example a woman making a very risky maneuver, coming from behind, narrowly wiping my rear and passing and when i looked she was just casually leaning her hand on the wheel, looking bored. Let me see if can remember. One rotating concrete truck. Portable toilets. Old stinking fridge.
I was very tired after being exposed to all that s...t at the hotel. Also neglected to put liquid bandage on my toe. After i massaged that area, my whole body got numb. Took more Augmentin, got better but not all the way. The right description was... Barely alive. Finally realized and went to a rest area and put some liquid bandage.
Some drivers in front with old vehicles, bit and small, some 50 years old, making me drowsy. Others from behind using their high beam to wake me up when i was about to fall asleep. I'm telling you guys, and keep repeating, this part of the country is not governed by the US.
BTW There was one State Patrol SUV on the right and i think i was 1 mph over speed limit + 10, that is 71 in a 60 area, singled out (all the cars where either way in front or way in back) and kept looking in the mirror wile i passed some piece of furniture on the left shoulder.
Got a box padded inside with aluminum foil and and a fan and a UV lamp in there and put it under couch where the floor is wet all the time from underneath and one would not believe the amount of mold smell mixed with ozone came out of there. I stopped it now because there was too much ozone and UV leaking in the room.
Now the smoke from outside is giving me a headache and a nose congestion.
1:43 Lipsă acută de cunoștințe economice. Mai există și cronică? Mitul bate realitatea și subliminalul conștientul, iar mârlănia profesionalismul.
Primul Ministru era o funcție irelevantă pe vremea lui Ceaușescu, când totul era decis de el.
Toată grupa copia la seminar, eu nu eram prea interesat de parțialele alea, dar nu știu ce mi-a venit, am scos și eu cursurile pe genunchi, sub bancă.
În momentul acela, Dăscălescu i-a făcut semn profului iar proful a venit direct la mine iar toți ceilalți au strâns foile.
Celălalt motiv este numele lui. Unul care dăscălește, are o lipsă acută de cunoștințe economice (numai ei, bandiții de import, știu cum se cheltuiește bugetul) și de engleză.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Found one red open bag inside the N bin, like last night, impossible to knot cause it was too dirty at the opening. So i just tossed it in the back of the bin. A woman i haven't seen before was maneuvering her VW and stopped really close to me, putting a disgusted face.
Found one covered with mold on the other side of the mailbox alley. One piece of molded moss. One water bottle on the red mulch. There is a box next to the visitor spots i caught in a picture almost two weeks ago (it turned black after a couple of rains).
8:15 Palpitations are much more frequent than before the episode with the ultrasound. Keep thinking if he didn't heat up a bit the vagus nerve when he did the carotid ultrasounds for ten minutes at one side only. But could also be the lisinopril they started me on at the ER.
2:55 I have to reveal here a type of abuse that was consistent with all my encounters with health providers. They write stuff in my chart knowing it would be read by anybody who can get my passwerd, especially now that i got rid of the two seps verification process that was taking me a to a number to call.
This time is easy to see cause i have access to doctor's notes through MyChart and at Providence the transcription software seems to be working.
"Secondarily, he is also complaining of a bounding right carotid pulse that he feels is due to aneurysmal disease. Suspect this is just related to anatomical variant being very close to the skin but we will obtain a carotid duplex to ensure this."
The pulsation was visible through the skin for anyone who was near me. It still is though much fainter. Could not go unnoticed to a physical or even a look to my face. However i did not feel any pulse attached to it as it does not come from a carotid but a jugular vein. Any doctor could not have mistaken this for a carotid aneurism which i didn't say i had.
"He reports to me that he will attempt to take these orally but likely will continue to apply them cutaneously. We had an extensive discussion regarding this process not being evidence-based."
That was speculation. I did attempt to take those orally and after three days my stomach was hurting so much i had to stop.
We did not have an "extensive discussion". Can't discuss much when the monitor is beeping and showing a blood pressure over 200/100, one nurse is starting an IV and one tech is doing (and never finishes) an ultrasound.
Biggest advantage of transdermal (the right word he should have used, cutaneous which does not come from cute, it comes from Latin cutis which means skin while derma comes from Greek via Latin and is more used in English) administration of antibiotics is avoiding first-pass metabolism.
Antibiotics taken orally are half metabolized by liver before even reaching the rest of the body which means half of the medicine is wasted while loading your liver with what the liver thinks is toxin.
Another big advantage is the administration being (more) continuous, we don't have the half life issue, which means on oral administration concentration vary a lot from one dose to another. Half life is the time in which the antibiotics reaches in your body half the initial concentration after administration.
Half life time for clavulanic acid, the fancy expensive stuff that is added to amoxicillin to make Augmentin, is about an hour. On the prescription the instruction was twice daily. One can figure what is left of the initial concentration after halving that 12 times.
"Cutaneous" (transdermal) administration works and is applied for numerous medicines including experimentally for antibiotics.
In this example the medicine is given at the exact time of half life. Practically, in the case of Augmentin, this is impossible, you cannot ask a patient to take a pill every hour or so. They solve the issue by giving you enormous amounts (like they do) that would not let the concentration in your blood go under therapeutic concentration in 6 or 8 hours of half lives.
However, in the case of my prescription, each dose is given at... 12 half lives. This is one of the reasons some may say antibiotics don't always work. Indeed my symptoms (chills, numbness, pain, cold and stiffness in all toes and stiffness in other parts of the body that have been most recently exposed to cold) would reaper after about 6 hours of taking the Augmentin, which means rest of the time till next does i had mostly none in my system.
It is true. There is also a build up in your system that is shown here, but that is for the half life time administration (would have been an hour in the case of Augmentin).

BTW i asked him for a tetanus test which i suspect i have and he said it is not readily available because is so rare in the US. This is weird because you can get a tetanus shot at every drug store.
4:05 I am staring at his picture and i don't recognize the
4:20 I wanted to do this. Upload a video with my pulsation. I feel a very faint pulse with my finger. I listened carefully with the stethoscope, there are no bruits. If i move my finger further away where i think the carotid is i feel a much stronger pulse. If it was an "anatomic variation" i should have seen that before, right? I think it started this weekend.
Just before i left for Reno i had the lamp under my desk with direct view only to my right eye. I accidentally stepped on the switch and turned it on and was exposed for a significant amount of time.
The result was my eye was hurting for the hole trip there and the next day and got me really scared.
6:02 I think metformin works, lowering the blood sugar mainly by killing bad bacteria in my gut. That may come from the bins. However, it gives me cramps, probably by selecting more acidophilus. If i only knew... I had it prescribed for so long, never took it... I would have avoided many problems...
Nu e greu de stricat, sunt doar două turnuri și niște cabluri. Se poate
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
8:00 Looks a bit like the tech who did my ultrasound yesterday. The nurse tried to chase him away but he insisted he was the only vascular tech on duty.
8:25 Having trouble accessing MyChart at Providence on this new computer. I've done the two steps verification, filled my "demographic data" and then the site told me to call a number which i did and now i "wait in line" there for more than ten minutes.
8:50 It looks like someone finally picked the phone and now i can access my chart. The tech name is not in there. All tests came ok.
Indications for Study:Aneurysm Artery of Neck [I72.0].
Carotid Findings
Bilateral internal carotid arteries showed no evidence of plaque.
The proximal subclavian artery velocity/spectral data is normal bilaterally.
Duplex interrogation of the right lower extremity revealed no evidence of hemodynamically significant arterial occlusive disease.
Right lower extremity arterial physiologic exam is normal at rest. No arterial insufficiency demonstrated.
Left lower extremity arterial physiologic exam is normal at rest. No arterial insufficiency demonstrated.
3:45 Trick of the day. I did not read Angela's email who works today till 3:30 so i went a couple of times to unlock the door when i heard a car's door slamming and all i could see was people bringing or taking kids from the improvised kindergarten accross the alley.
7:35 It would be not the first time when i see words derived etymologically from words of grammatically different parts of speech. Preposition de in Latin means about, from, etc.
But in French it took a strange turn. It compressed with the articles derived from from Latin pronoun/determiner ille, illa, illud to form the partitive article for some gender (masculine) like du.
Could it also be the origin of definite article in German and English as well?
In Romanian by example, these two constructions are equivalent. "da seama" meaning word by word "give account", "be accountable" (coming directly from Sanskrit samudaya, da in Romanian meaning give, just like in Sanskrit) and seama is considered articulated by the suffix a) and "da de seamă", where seamă is not.
10:45 Saturday i took a shower before i went to Indian Head. Trouble is, i can't have too many of those because all the patches get wet and some get loose and fall so i try maybe twice a week. In there, just before i left, i stood at the mirrors and washed my hands next to a homeless man.
He was young and tall but i think he was Japanese, and something subtle in his looks told me he was not being in that business all his life but only recently. Maybe only for a week or so. Whatever. He was stinking really bad.
Sunday did not take any more showers and in the evening when i came from Chinook Angela told me i stink very bad, and i felt it too, more than usually. Monday morning i had to rush to the hospital before i had a chance to take one, because of extremely high blood pressure. When i got there, in the waiting room, i realized i stank exactly like that guy.
In the room Angela tried to keep the door open but still. Was very bad. Doctor came with a mask on. First nurse left.
There are certain bacteria that develop on your body and clothes when you live that way and i fully caught them. Finally took a shower yesterday evening or 48 hours after the most recent one, i slept some, but now, after about 24 hours i started to stink again that way.
I think high blood pressure was due to dehydration and also a coordinated cascade of noises (from upstairs, cars outside).
11:10 Un nou show. Samudaya.
11:45 Small ears. Short hair. Round head? Too fat?
12:08 Earlier. Got really stiff on the back. My deltoid muscles were like stone. I added two patches, one on each. Started to feel better. Suddenly got nauseated and went outside. They put one yellow bag in front of the SW bin and one red in front of the N bin.
Could not get close to W bin cause it's guarded, people checking their phones. So they listened to what i said about the bin not being a toilet (first entry today). Now i got the smell in my clothes on top of the homeless smell.
12:55 AM 09 That was not my clothes. That was another two in the grass, a bit outside my normal search range.