Wednesday, October 9, 2024

7:45 At six AM i woke to let Angela and noticed i got other areas with numbness, though not as bad anymore. Added a couple of patches, but then when i tried to sleep i realized i had palpitations because of very congested nose so i went outside to check. Forgot to mention, there is a couch next to SW that has been rained upon.

Found one red open bag inside the N bin, like last night, impossible to knot cause it was too dirty at the opening. So i just tossed it in the back of the bin. A woman i haven't seen before was maneuvering her VW and stopped really close to me, putting a disgusted face.

Found one covered with mold on the other side of the mailbox alley. One piece of molded moss. One water bottle on the red mulch. There is a box next to the visitor spots i caught in a picture almost two weeks ago (it turned black after a couple of rains).

8:15 Palpitations are much more frequent than before the episode with the ultrasound. Keep thinking if he didn't heat up a bit the vagus nerve when he did the carotid ultrasounds for ten minutes at one side only. But could also be the lisinopril they started me on at the ER.

2:55 I have to reveal here a type of abuse that was consistent with all my encounters with health providers. They write stuff in my chart knowing it would be read by anybody who can get my passwerd, especially now that i got rid of the two seps verification process that was taking me a to a number to call.

This time is easy to see cause i have access to doctor's notes through MyChart and at Providence the transcription software seems to be working.

"Secondarily, he is also complaining of a bounding right carotid pulse that he feels is due to aneurysmal disease. Suspect this is just related to anatomical variant being very close to the skin but we will obtain a carotid duplex to ensure this."

The pulsation was visible through the skin for anyone who was near me. It still is though much fainter. Could not go unnoticed to a physical or even a look to my face. However i did not feel any pulse attached to it as it does not come from a carotid but a jugular vein. Any doctor could not have mistaken this for a carotid aneurism which i didn't say i had.

"He reports to me that he will attempt to take these orally but likely will continue to apply them cutaneously. We had an extensive discussion regarding this process not being evidence-based."

That was speculation. I did attempt to take those orally and after three days my stomach was hurting so much i had to stop.

We did not have an "extensive discussion". Can't discuss much when the monitor is beeping and showing a blood pressure over 200/100, one nurse is starting an IV and one tech is doing (and never finishes) an ultrasound.

Biggest advantage of transdermal (the right word he should have used, cutaneous which does not come from cute, it comes from Latin cutis which means skin while derma comes from Greek via Latin and is more used in English) administration of antibiotics is avoiding first-pass metabolism.

Antibiotics taken orally are half metabolized by liver before even reaching the rest of the body which means half of the medicine is wasted while loading your liver with what the liver thinks is toxin.

Another big advantage is the administration being (more) continuous, we don't have the half life issue, which means on oral administration concentration vary a lot from one dose to another. Half life is the time in which the antibiotics reaches in your body half the initial concentration after administration.

Half life time for clavulanic acid, the fancy expensive stuff that is added to amoxicillin to make Augmentin, is about an hour. On the prescription the instruction was twice daily. One can figure what is left of the initial concentration after halving that 12 times.

"Cutaneous" (transdermal) administration works and is applied for numerous medicines including experimentally for antibiotics.

In this example the medicine is given at the exact time of  half life. Practically, in the case of Augmentin, this is impossible, you cannot ask a patient to take a pill every hour or so. They solve the issue by giving you enormous amounts (like they do) that would not let the concentration in your blood go under therapeutic concentration in 6 or 8 hours of half lives.

However, in the case of my prescription, each dose is given at... 12 half lives. This is one of the reasons some may say antibiotics don't always work. Indeed my symptoms (chills, numbness, pain, cold and stiffness in all toes and stiffness in other parts of the body that have been most recently exposed to cold) would reaper after about 6 hours of taking the Augmentin, which means rest of the time till next does i had mostly none in my system.

It is true. There is also a build up in your system that is shown here, but that is for the half life time administration (would have been an hour in the case of Augmentin).
BTW i asked him for a tetanus test which i suspect i have and he said it is not readily available because is so rare in the US. This is weird because you can get a tetanus shot at every drug store.

4:05 I am staring at his picture and i don't recognize the doctor person i've seen at the ER. That person was looking Indian (from India), this one looks Asian. At least for the part he was not wearing a mask.

4:20 I wanted to do this. Upload a video with my pulsation. I feel a very faint pulse with my finger. I listened carefully with the stethoscope, there are no bruits. If i move my finger further away where i think the carotid is i feel a much stronger pulse. If it was an "anatomic variation" i should have seen that before, right? I think it started this weekend.

6 PM I wrapped the UV lamp in an aluminum foil and let just a bit of UV to get out in the room. This way it won't hurt so much my eyes especially through polycarbonate glasses or skin but will kill most germs in the air. When Angela came i turned it off cause she can't stand it, but now that i fell poop smell and she is in the bedroom i turned it back on.

Just before i left for Reno i had  the lamp under my desk with direct view only to my right eye. I accidentally stepped on the switch and turned it on and was exposed for a significant amount of time.

The result was my eye was hurting for the hole trip there and the next day and got me really scared.

6:02 I think metformin works, lowering the blood sugar mainly by killing bad bacteria in my gut. That may come from the bins. However, it gives me cramps, probably by selecting more acidophilus. If i only knew... I had it prescribed for so long, never took it... I would have avoided many problems...

9:40 Romanian Golden Gate, made by Japan, in/for Romania. Cel mai probabil podul e prea elastic și se "unduiește" când trece un utilaj mai greu (TIR, etc.) iar asfaltul prost (rigid) crapă. În acest caz, singura soluție e asfaltarea cu cauciuc dărâmarea și de căutat un nou contractor (design). Mult succes cu recuperarea investiției, la curțile Europei, mai ales acum când e Orban la butoane.

Nu e greu de stricat, sunt doar două turnuri și niște cabluri. Se poate face realiza până la sfârșitul anului.