Friday, October 18, 2024

3:40 AM Lately i started to use my old box with a fan and a UV lamp inside. Of course i don't know what i'm doing, could be linked to the recent flares of all my symptoms, but all the air in the room passes through in a number of hours and i figured it would kill the bacteria that comes from outside. There are small openings where the air goes in and out and the lamp fluoresces a bit towards green.

It could be that the seeds of smell of dog from outside is diminished by that fixture and i can fall asleep without going to the bins but in the morning i am usually nauseated.

In about the same time (a couple of weeks ago) they inflated a balloon that has about the same color on the balcony of the one level building. I figure they sun is too dim these days to kill with UV in one day all the bacteria inside, that grow, back at night, mutated, fed by tiny amounts of nutrients that are inside when the balloon was inflated by mouth.

A bit of high tech magic?

In the same time they thrown in the bins or around mattresses and couches that have been raining upon.

Ever since, i am sick (sore throat that evolved into upper respiratory infection with lots of mucus that blocks my nose), nausea towards morning. "Kids" have been playing in there at times but the balloon stays there, untouched. At times, they had in there pieces of furniture, like pillows from couches, etc. that was raining upon.

Picture, tomorrow.

4:07 Ok i unplugged it. It was full of dust inside.

4:08 Psy-ops. Their government  + our government + US government = world government.

4:09 O metodă nu prea ingeniouasă de a-i duce pe marțieni în dicuție, pe când eu vorbeam despre Europa-eni și bineînțeles Joviali Jovieni.

4:10 Finally a real risk-free opportunity to post that song. Could only find lyrics for Joan Jett (my shy HS class mate, second left) version. Yes the one who dressed as a cop, beat me and arrested me in 1996. (Song is posted for entertainment purpose only, do not try at home).

4:45 Talking about classic rock. Take from me my lace here means... undress me, right? Is this (extraordinarily beautiful) song entirely about cheating?

8:30 Eu dacă eram jandarmii ăia îi luam o trotinetă de prima dată.

5:50 PM There is a big engine with modified exhaust idling in the distance for more than 10 minutes at about 2000 rpm. It is very annoying, as it intermittently resonates with the walls of the room, which amplifies it a lot and it disrupts my thinking processes as i work at a "named" post, that is out of the "dated" series. Most annoying is, like in the case of the marching upstairs, i cannot see the reason it is (they are) doing that.

6:00 It just left the scene, after i recorded and uploaded the sound. SO2 gas has been released from walls "cells" due to vibration. Got to air the room.

6:48 The ceiling pump is back home and kicking.

6:53 I heard children yelling and i looked. There is a whole party going on in the back. At least 10 different persons, children and adults. They got a light on the balcony that is shining more towards our windows. One kid kicked a balloon that got next to the window while i was looking etc..

7:07 They are now using a drum. I hear children and adults yelling together. This never happened before.

8:09 The level of synchronization these days is so high, they drop heavy objects upstairs as i reach certain words in news, to fake my reactions. I don't know why, who is recording my reactions but that could be the only reason.

9:07 They kept doing it all day. Wanted to go outside to check the bins, must be more than a dozen bags, maybe smoke a cigarette but there's a smoke so thick outside i just went back in. Index > 100. Can't breath even with a mask.

10:05 Never stopping upstairs.

10:08 Again, reading the news, dropping objects on the floor.

10:44 She was out for about half hour but now a lighter person walks upstairs. Awoke Angela. Again.

12:20  The Hello Mobile blues, again.

We got 5 dollars a month plans with Hello Mobile. Unlimited voice but not much data (500 Megs). I don't use it but keep it for emergencies. Angela got recently an email from Hello Mobile saying they will send her a new SIM card as the old one soon will not work anymore.

I was not that lucky. There was something wrong with my physical address in my account but they did not email me. So i went to the site, updated the address and now i wait for one too.

Angela's SIM card arrived but it does not work. Trying to chat with a customer service rep. 25 in line 50 minutes wait. However i got kicked off in a few minute with the message your chat session has timed out.

12:30 It works now but her number has been changed.

12:50 It works now. It took 2 hours for both on a nice Sunday morning.

1:05 Every time we eat she starts pumping the floor. Now i got realy sick with ear infection, from chewing. Trouble hearing. Trouble seeing.