Tuesday, October 8, 2024

7:00 You go to toilet, you flush. You throw an open doggie bag in the bin, you don't, cause of course the bin is not a toilet.

8:00 Looks a bit like the tech who did my ultrasound yesterday. The nurse tried to chase him away but he insisted he was the only vascular tech on duty.

8:25 Having trouble accessing MyChart at Providence on this new computer. I've done the two steps verification, filled my "demographic data" and then the site told me to call a number which i did and now i "wait in line" there for more than ten minutes.

8:50 It looks like someone finally picked the phone and now i can access my chart. The tech name is not in there. All tests came ok.


Indications for Study:Aneurysm Artery of Neck [I72.0].

Carotid Findings
Bilateral internal carotid arteries showed no evidence of plaque.
The proximal subclavian artery velocity/spectral data is normal bilaterally.



 Duplex interrogation of the right lower extremity revealed no evidence of hemodynamically significant arterial occlusive disease.
 Right lower extremity arterial physiologic exam is normal at rest. No arterial insufficiency demonstrated.


 Left lower extremity arterial physiologic exam is normal at rest. No  arterial insufficiency demonstrated.

1:44 Ultrasound effects. Thermal index. Angela who was seing the display of his tool told me today he was taking like ten images and saving just one for each point. I know he stayed on my righ carothid for about 10 minutes.

3:45 Trick of the day. I did not read Angela's email who works today till 3:30 so i went a couple of times to unlock the door when i heard a car's door slamming and all i could see was people bringing or taking kids from the improvised kindergarten accross the alley. 

4:08 BTW those kids have to breath the same air that i breath in here.

7:35 It would be not the first time when i see words derived etymologically from words of grammatically different parts of speech. Preposition de in Latin means about, from, etc.

But in French it took a strange turn. It compressed with the articles derived from from Latin pronoun/determiner ille, illa, illud to form the partitive article for some gender (masculine) like du.

Could it also be the origin of definite article in German and English as well?

In Romanian by example, these two constructions are equivalent. "da seama" meaning word by word "give account", "be accountable" (coming directly from Sanskrit samudaya, da in Romanian meaning give, just like in Sanskrit) and seama is considered articulated by the suffix a) and "da de seamă", where seamă is not.

Yeah but we have tAH.

10:45 Saturday i took a shower before i went to Indian Head. Trouble is, i can't have too many of those because all the patches get wet and some get loose and fall so i try maybe twice a week. In there, just before i left, i stood at the mirrors and washed my hands next to a homeless man.

He was young and tall but i think he was Japanese, and something subtle in his looks told me he was not being in that business all his life but only recently. Maybe only for a week or so. Whatever. He was stinking really bad.

Sunday did not take any more showers and in the evening when i came from Chinook Angela told me i stink very bad, and i felt it too, more than usually. Monday morning i had to rush to the hospital before i had a chance to take one, because of extremely high blood pressure. When i got there, in the waiting room, i realized i stank exactly like that guy.

In the room Angela tried to keep the door open but still. Was very bad. Doctor came with a mask on. First nurse left.

BTW that thing pulsating on my neck i think is not an artery, but a jugular vein. Cause i don't feel any pulse when i put my finger to it and is too much up front and ultrasound for carotid anomalies came negative. Doctor could not have miss that. Ultrasound of the carotids was unnecessary.

There are certain bacteria that develop on your body and clothes when you live that way and i fully caught them. Finally took a shower yesterday evening or 48 hours after the most recent one, i slept some, but now, after about 24 hours i started to stink again that way.

I think high blood pressure was due to dehydration and also a coordinated cascade of noises (from upstairs, cars outside).

11:10 Un nou show. Samudaya.

11:45 Small ears. Short hair. Round head? Too fat?

12:08 Earlier. Got really stiff on the back. My deltoid muscles were like stone. I added two patches, one on each. Started to feel better. Suddenly got nauseated and went outside. They put one yellow bag in front of the SW bin and one red in front of the N bin.

Could not get close to W bin cause it's guarded, people checking their phones. So they listened to what i said about the bin not being a toilet (first entry today). Now i got the smell in my clothes on top of the homeless smell.

12:55 AM 09 That was not my clothes. That was another two in the grass, a bit outside my normal search range.