Monday, October 14, 2024

12:30 AM When i went outside yesterday to dispose of more than ten dog poops i got to inhale massive amounts of a weird smoke. It was the second time this week. I neglected to put a mask on. Ever since i keep coughing, feels like i'm out of air, a real torture. When i cough some sort of mucus comes from my lungs.

I believe in the smoke were sharp nano particles, something that may come from burning of aluminum foil, i don't know. Thing got exacerbated by a bit of ozone released by a lamp inside of a box with a fan. Really desperate.

10:50 One short Latina with a barking dog got incredibly close to my window when i was handling a credit card near the computer.

I had an appointment Thursday at 4 with a doctor i've been seeing a couple of times at Legacy. He is retiring next month. They gave be 14 tablets of Augmentin when i went to the ER last Monday (a week ago). I ran out of those.

Without those, i am getting numb and my muscles start tightening in my whole body, starting with that toe. Getting much worse after taking showers. I messaged him saying i needed more until the appointment and his assistant messaged me back saying he will see me in two days. When i looked in my chart, i saw they moved the appointment for Wednesday.

1:05 PM Ok m-am prins la faza cu planșeul din Piața Unirii. Este plin de simbolisme la adresa mea și la ce postez. Prima chestie, Nicușor. Eu nu sunt Nicu Ceaușescu. A doua, planșeul. "Tipa" de sus care mă distruge cu zgomote. A treia, poliția care în cazul meu, nu intervine. Nu are cum fiindcă Guvernatorul, șeful Poliției, primarul, șeriful, etc.. sunt toți actori unguri. Tot statul Oregon, SUA, lumea e controlată de EI.

2:00 PM I was surprised there was no smell today. Though i found an open bag in N bin. Somebody added some toilet deodorant in the SW bin. There are two open bags there and those are not smelling.

4:35 PM You know what? It's so nice being dead! When Angela came today and knocked i had trouble awakening and walking to the door, standing, breathing. Same reason i get so dizzy when i smoke. I am loaded with it. So they may be right. Nirvana should be for all. Or better nobody should be be born on this Earth, after they (we) are scorching it.

I know it's a contradiction. You don't feel nothing when you're dead. It's probably some neurotransmitters kicking in when you are close to it.

When i take a shower is going through the very thin skin of my soles. Yesterday shower has even been longer than usual. Redwood dust is the vector and the gate. I think it's a combination of bad bacteria mutated by the dust, arising from rotting seed fallen from upstairs and the Aucuba Japonica toxin at my bedroom's window.

I bought the cement for this purpose but then i was too lazy to use it and forgot about. So today i was decided, mixed some with water and sprinkled it with a watering can around the patio where the seeds have fallen and then bumped into the Japonica and remembered.