Friday, October 11, 2024

11:35 I think my pulsation on the neck is related to the activities upstairs. I slept this afternoon and woke up with all kinda pains around that area.

One of the possibilities is they are exacerbating my BP by a cascade of noises with a feedback on my vital signs. But there are other possibilities, like using focused infra/ultra sounds, or other similar things. They are trying to make it look in the end like something "natural". I remembered minutes before i saw it for the first time i felt like something was tightening around my neck. Like an invisible had chocking me.

1:21 There is smoke outside, supposedly from a fireplace. Perception on AQI index, around 80.

1:23 We had a free night at Lucky Eagle. I knew there is a farm of some sort over there, like  there area cows on a pasture across the street from Indian Head. Both casinos were smelling like it. Basically, it was smelling worse then here. Could have been some dog s... involved in it. All of a sudden i started to miss... home.

1:25 One of the worst drives of my life. And i've done some. Coming back from Tacoma to Portland. There was constantly at least one offending vehicle next to me. The way they were moving and coordinating with each other suggests all traffic, all cars being coordinated by AI.

I saw by example a woman making a very risky maneuver, coming from behind, narrowly wiping my rear and passing and when i looked she was just casually leaning her hand on the wheel, looking bored. Let me see if can remember. One rotating concrete truck. Portable toilets. Old stinking fridge.

I was very tired after being exposed to all that s...t at the hotel. Also neglected to put liquid bandage on my toe. After i massaged that area, my whole body got numb. Took more Augmentin, got better but not all the way. The right description was... Barely alive. Finally realized and went to a rest area and put some liquid bandage. 

Some drivers in front with old vehicles, bit and small, some 50 years old, making me drowsy. Others from behind using their high beam to wake me up when i was about to fall asleep. I'm telling you guys, and keep repeating, this part of the country is not governed by the US.

BTW There was one State Patrol SUV on the right and i think i was 1 mph over speed limit + 10, that is 71 in a 60 area, singled out (all the cars where either way in front or way in back) and kept looking in the mirror wile i passed some piece of furniture on the left shoulder.

When i got home i crashed in bed and the woman upstairs woke me up several times.

Got a box padded inside with aluminum foil and and a fan and a UV lamp in there and put it under couch where the floor is wet all the time from underneath and one would not believe the amount of mold smell mixed with ozone came out of there. I stopped it now because there was too much ozone and UV leaking in the room.

Now the smoke from outside is giving me a headache and a nose congestion.

1:43 Lipsă acută de cunoștințe economice. Mai există și cronică? Mitul bate realitatea și subliminalul conștientul, iar mârlănia profesionalismul.

Primul Ministru era o funcție irelevantă pe vremea lui Ceaușescu, când totul era decis de el.

Unul din motivele pentru care au scos acum tâmpenia asta? Pentru că m-am gândit zilele astea foarte mult la un coleg de al meu de grupă, Dăscălescu, care împreună cu proful de fizică Titi Pasnicu m-a băgat într-un mare rahat. Era frumușel, brunet, cu un zâmbet arogant și mult mai matur decât mine.

Toată grupa copia la seminar, eu nu eram prea interesat de parțialele alea, dar nu știu ce mi-a venit, am scos și eu cursurile pe genunchi, sub bancă. 

În momentul acela, Dăscălescu i-a făcut semn profului iar proful a venit direct la mine iar toți ceilalți au strâns foile. 

Celălalt motiv este numele lui. Unul care dăscălește, are o lipsă acută de cunoștințe economice (numai ei, bandiții de import, știu cum se cheltuiește bugetul) și de engleză.