Thursday, February 29, 2024

2:13 Just saw this guy smoking by the bin on the hill (south from here), behind my truck. Which means the old bearded man dressed poorly crossing with me many times on the alley and at the mailboxes for many years now is him. BTW he just showed up from around the corner when i closed the door after trying to air a bit.

10:43 There was a drawing at Spirit Mountain tonight, Angela wanted to go, i wanted to get out of here after 3 days inside. The machines were not so hungry indeed, we didn't loose so much.

All of a sudden my main windshield wiper (the very long one) failed. It was leaving a streak on the window, even after i cleaned it and sprayed it numerous times with liquid that seemed to fail as well.

What i also love about Amazon. You can see when you last bought something. The driver side wiper is 2 years old, by the brand Michelin. Though Amazon says it's a fit to my car, i could not put back the old ornament in the middle of it, none of the 4 it came with worked.

Usually with Rain-X at freeways speeds the water rolls in big drops and there is no need for wiper. It could also be the car has some oil on it from other cars. When i tried to clean both in the parking lot thre, the one on the right broke (torn).

The result was during driving back in the dark and a deluge rain in Oregon has been higher than average in the past months, and it was when i drove there. I had to guess the road, especially in areas where markings are not visible in these conditions, like on the Newberg variant. Vehicles from the opposite were blinding me constantly but i did not pay much attention to those.

Tires are performing greatly, with much better comfort and handling on the rain then the stupid Solus i had for three years or 52k though pressure went down at 36 F to 35 psi and mileage was not stellar though better than before changing spark plugs and tires.

I did not drink anything including soda or ate anything spicy in the last few days because of pains in the back, probably pancreas which subsided and high blood sugar that got back to my "normal" or under 300.

When i entered the Casino, after going to the restroom closest to hotel i saw a disabled woman who came from the same direction, short like a 10 years old who could not speak and for some reason got angry and started to yell so loud she was heard like in half of the Casino, making a sound pretty much like Taylor Swift in that song (the exotic bird sound) however 10 times louder and scarier. Then her caretaker took her back to the hotel i guess.

Some very big and angry women followed me everywhere. For some reason, i got very sick to the stomach, felt dizzy until i took two 1200 mg charcoal capsules (almost did not make it to the car), got better and then i had a relapse before i was trying to eat my fish and chips (Angela got 20 dollars in food coupons).

So i did not eat in there. But when i got home and done so i spilled the catchup on my jeans, something i never done before (though i spilled many times my drink on my jeans when eating in the car and then going inside). I guess it would have happened in there, by means of mind programming. Co-incidentally i just ran into something very interesting...

But if i tried to describe other things that happened in there...

There are some 25 cents/hand machines in the High Limit area. Angela went in there and i sat next to her and a blonde woman i know so well (though i haven't seen her lately) came straight to a machine close to ours and printed a ticket for an amount forgotten in there, probably cents. One thousand similar things i can't even remember.

In a few words... The illusion factory in all of its splendor. All patrons tonight like any other night were actors and extras.

11:27 Am făcut o sesizare la google despre ă și ț. În Chrome și Edge ă și ț sunt afișate nașpa pe blogul celălalt dacă se deschide blogul pe adresa principală (link-ul din fb), devin ok dacă faci click pe un titlu sau așa cum le văd eu când le verific.

Ok nu mai e nevoie. Am schimbat caracterele de pe Roboto (folosit mai rar) pe Arial. Sunt foarte asemănătoare.

1:42 I know why i got so sick tonight. Today i woke up in smoke, there is still some, i was confused though i did not realize it (kept losing things and forgetting from one minute to another), ran out of pickles, found another jar opened (WinCo brand) and ate one. Though it tasted kinda weird, i did not care, again, because of the smoke. I just looked right now on it and expiration date, though kinda wiped and hard to read, it says August 2023.

We had home pickled cucumbers and still have pickled green tomatoes in the fridge since last summer and those are ok, i believe these were pickled the year before or in 2022.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

8:55 After Angela left just before 5 i went and slept in the bedroom because i was feeling kinda cold on the couch. When i woke up at 8:30 i went to the bathroom and somebody started a shower upstairs. I came at the computer to finish a search since last night and smoke filled the apartment. I went and plugger about 10 holes near the foundation, starting with one under the door. Now somebody is smoking cigarettes outside to cover it all.

9:40 So after the one yesterday, another mole gasser. I guess.

10:42 Que diriez-vous de ça. God knows what it took today to bring this one up. And all the others. Use it wisely.

11:52 AlexaCrush

5:10 Last night i went to Walmart, twice. First, mainly to get oil for the car. Last time i used Quaker State unspecified which means most likely mineral. Did not leave much wax in the catch can however i believe it reduces mileage and i think i know how.

No i don't. Should have weigh them. Got the new bottle unopened, i can but i don't have the old one. It just seemed lighter to the hand. However internet seems to differ. They say synthetic oils have better fuel mileage because they are thinner or les viscous.

Thinking about the motion of the crankcase in oil and how much oil is heated by it let's say at 2000 rpm and how much energy is wasted just because of that (combustion engines suck). However the viscosity should be the same for the same numbers, like 10W30.

Fact is i get better mileage with synthetic for the same 5W20 viscosity recommended by manufacturer. I switched to mineral because i found wax in the catch can and was worried about clogging the condensation pipe with wax. No more wax, however visible lower mileage (5-10%). Now i'm trying to go with Quaker State Full Synthetic (recommended by Hyundai). 22 dollars vs 27 Mobile 1. Just for the heck of it, to see if it's got more or less wax than Mobile.

Ok so i got the oil, but while walking through the store i saw microwave ovens on sale. Last time when i went to Florence i had the meter with me and i saw the oven wasn't leaking much, like next to oven. Mine leaks like 10 times more. I saw there is a motion in the hinges after door is closed, i tapped it and fixed that, a bit of difference. So i said to myself, maybe there's a problem with the hinges and should get another one.

So i grabbed one of those, brand is MainStays, put it in the cart, it was 50 bucks at the checker. Installed it tonight and when i tried it, it put unbelievable amounts, (80 mW at one ft), like 4 times more than a phone or 10 times or more than the current one or 100 times or more than the one at the hotel. The hinge was moving as well, i tried to tape it with no difference (tape cannot close the gap in the hinge like the other one). So i'm packing it to take it back to Walmart, together with this little review.

6:00 PM. Earlier. Went outside, tightened the e-brake, jacked the car, pulled the right wheel, put the transmission on sequential in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. There is a "beat" of the half shaft however i think it is not worse than in this video that was taken right after installation. I'm gonna leave it like that for now. Yeah i know should have taken another video to compare. Maybe another day.

10:37 The over 100 years old lead battery flimsy connector design. BTW, searching for it i ran into something else. The fact Edison's (the guy who invented the incandescent bulb) battery was used for miner's lamps proves that it was lighter and packed more power than lead.

But i guess... Our world's leader biggest priority is to burn the Earth a bit, like in St.Dominic's mothers dream.

Anyways. The nicest toy on my first Elantra was the in dash display of instant average mileage, which is actually a parameter of the computer, all they did was they brought it on the dashboard. Several times i noticed that after i fiddled with the battery connectors, during the first trip after that had a significant better mileage.

Things became clearer after i bought a lighter plug charger with voltage display. (My old truck has an analog one on dashboard). The voltage changed, again after tightening the connector. Cant remember the exact voltage but it did change. However, after one or two trips the voltage started to vary between 12 point something and 14 point something.

As soon as was tightening those, the voltage again became firm and was varying only with the degree (percentage) of battery charging or temperature outside.

So i started a long quest into securing those. The stock connectors made of brass where too soft for the job. I mean, you could tighten them at nominal and have the battery somehow charged and the car start, however, they could almost be moved around by hand, after a while.

To make a very long story short. Latest i came with is soldered bolts on top of the connector. However i kept the old system in place for safety through redundancy. Though i had to add a shim to the positive one cause it would not tighten anymore (connector wore out, became smaller).

Today again one of them broke. Had to bring the battery inside, solder it again, etc.. Was raining outside. I noticed the shim on the plus for some reason wasn't working no more, the connector would turn around. Wanted to show how you can solder a bolt on top of the connector, something that could be done more easily in factory, before the assemblage of the battery.

Actually, there are batteries that have an extra connector with bolts. The marine batteries. I would have been so happy to buy one of those. However, they are the other way around, plus is on the other side and the car's configuration does not allow it.

Here are some pictures of what i've done (again) tonight, with explanations. Biggest problem was the dial of the burner is malfunctioning and you have to fiddle with it to get it hot red or at max. Otherwise it wouldn't work.

First i filed the old connector with a file and 120 sandpaper. Added a tiny bit of flux on top to prevent oxidizing until.

Prepping the bolt. Bolt is handled all the time with a long nose plier. Filing and sanding then tinting and applying. I forgot to take the picture with the bolt on the red hot spiral burner of the electric stove. After heating for about one minute, i was pressing and rubbing against sandpaper, than heating again (about one minute), rubbing against a paper towel with flux, applying solder.

Repeating rubbing against paper towel with flux, applying solder (tinting) until the whole surface is covered with solder. One more heating and short rubbing against paper towel, applying solder, creating a (pulsating) bubble of solder with the bolt in final position (from underneath) so the bubble of solder would not fall when the bolt is turned around.

Applying, pressing down with the long nose plyer and pouring water on it within seconds.

The connector is sandwiched between two nuts. Tightening is done with two wrenches (one on each nut) against each other without touching the bolt's hex end. Otherwise the solder joint might brake. The other ends of the connector. Negative goes to chassis, positive to the plates with cables.

11:45 Can't remember when i done it last time, i found one entry by search on the word solder on my blog. About a year ago. That would be about right.

11:57 Catch can V.7.01. If you look carefully in this picture you will see a shiny aluminum can conected to a shiny chrome corrugated pipe that goes to the valve cover.

Another careless design of the so called PCV system that releases and recycles the so called blow by gas created by leakage in the engine of the enormous pressure inside the combustion chamber passing the pistons' rings, into the intake manifold.

Blow by gas contains water and oil vapor and oil in the intake is bad news for valves, cause it combines with soot from the EGR valve (another recent improvement of the internal engines) and clogs the valves etc..

Trouble is the newest desgin (V7.00) with the corrugated metal pipe is too good, it catches too much... water, which is a main component of blow by gas which mixes with oil and creates an emulsion in the catch can. When in enough amounts, like after a few hundred miles, and i think it all depends on the quality of the gasoline (cause at the last 200+ miles trip i had next to nothing, and the temperature were very low), there is a sizeable amount of emulsion there.

At the first sudden applying of the brakes, the emulsion moves in the can and floods the out port that goes to intake, defying the purpose to prevent water and oil getting there.

It is true, the can came with some sort of metal sponge to prevent that, however i don't trust it will not brake and possibly get in the engine.

So i had this idea to buy a chainmail cloth, used for cleaning dirty oily pans in the kitchen, made of stainless steel (the blow by gas is very corrosive) and put it in there. I tested it first in a glass of water, it displaces about 25% of it, reducing can's volume, just realized, i did not test it by moving the glass, hopefully it will prevent the emulsion from moving around too fast (making a splash) when applying brakes.

The alternative i guess is installing a deeper catch can, like the one i bough the first time and returned it because i thought it was too big. Or find a can that has too compartments, to prevent the emulsion from splashing.

This one's got a bronze filter that somehow obstructs the blow by gas. But that one cane be removed. Very interesting, but i have to look where i can install it cause it's long. And it also have a valve for emptying. Is that round piece of aluminum with holes a splash guard? Very nice for the price, there is a lot of manufacturing in there.

What kind of welding is that?

Just got an idea. Could drill a hole in the current can and attach an extra reservoir to it. Could be a 5/16 piece of hose closed to the other end. Once trapped in there, emulsion will never come out. Or easier, install a separator inside the can.

Got it. It's too short (1/2) inch) but i can raise it somehow. If the chainmail doesn't work.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

6:00 Smoking upstairs? I think somebody left with the white car, inside here there is a pretty big amount of smoke. Mixed with dog poop that when diluted it smells like dirty laundry.

6:45 Went outside to look for poops. Could not find one but just the places where they have been, with grass burned out. The whole place around the building smells like it.

1:42 Got my tires from Amazon. They got some white markings on, wondering if those are not irregularities, because of the big sale. Got an appointment at 4 to a tire shop to install them. For that, i needed to make a call and now i feel it in the known already damaged areas of my body, especially feet and calves and hands. But i think it's worse after i smoke those 4 cigarettes Sunday.

3:30 Was almost done with Macron when they cut the internet at the other computer, then filled the area between buildings with a very chocking smoke, that also made me dizzy. Had to start over on the other one and then go and plug the holes.

11:10 Last thing first. About an hour ago i went for a test drive, one exit towards Wilsonville. Right when i merged from the ramp onto the first (out of three) lanes, i saw in the mirror aw white car comming at high speed from behind on a collisions course. I looked at the speedometer and i was 60-65.

I veered back onto the ramp, he veered after me, i was getting ready to pull on the shoulder when he went back into his lane and continued speeding and doing slalom among other cars, a bit cause he ran onto a compact group and had to slow while i was preparing to exit.

Was i under influence? I haven't been drinking today however while i worked at the car, i inhaled a lot of smoke coming from holes in the ground. But it did not affect me as much as other times.

Why was i working at the car? After having the tires replaced this afternoon (one thing i cannot do). A vibration at the engine prompted me to check the spark plugs. I was lazy when i installed then (forgot why i needed to wash the holes with alcohol by spinning on the thread a cotton ball soaked with alcohol held with a long forceps. The same problem like with the last car, spark plugs won't stay in there because of oil on the thread.

I ordered crushable washers and will attempt to take the new spark plugs out and clean the thread inside with the same procedure.

Then i also found a problem with a battery connector, fixed it and the vibration went away. Then when i came back from Walmart (after the test drive when it was fine), i felt a vibration again. At low speed, low RPM, low gear, hard pressing gas pedal, showing again an engine imbalance due to an electrical problem.

Then, purely out of paranoia, i pulled the right wheel and checked the drive shaft by rotating it though i did it a week ago. But tonight i thought i saw a side move, so i started the car without the wheel on, put it in the first gear and looked carefully. It does have about 1 mm (visible) eccentricity in the middle of it which means i need to replace it.

The same part that came with the car with an eccentricity of about 1 cm and that was at 70k, now it's got 52k more and has 1mm only.

12:10 Next day. That smoke outside all day knocked me out like those 4 cigarettes on Sunday. Feeling really tired.

Monday, February 26, 2024

9:51 What a good idea!

9:52 How can i describe this. On top of everything else, there are a couple of people that come here near my sliding glass door, usually when i eat, with their dogs. They wait until i get mad (how do they know) and then bend and pick, making it look like i got mad because they picked and didn't leave the trophy for me (to those who know i got mad in my mind only).

9:54 Last night at Lucky Eagle casino. I was in the smoking area and again tempted to buy cigarettes, which i quit about 18 years ago. Mostly because i thought it might help kill the parasite that may pass through aerosols in my lungs because of the presence of dog waste around the building here.

I was a bit drunk and pissed because there are many months since they don't let us win. Who knows, they could be passing through a difficult financial moment, which proves again they have settings at the machines. What regulations. There things way more serious that got hopelessly out of control in this country.

So i went to the cigarettes vending machine and bought a pack of Marlboro, with 14 bucks (back in the day i was paying around 4 dollars a pack). First cigarette came with an incredible high. It almost knocked me out.

I didn't know until yesterday that Marlboro come in a such variety of flavors and strengths. I read a bit on forums and saw the red is the strongest and the gray is the mildest, apparently color of filters too being an indication, with again red strongest and white mildest.

There was a tingling in my painful areas in my legs that have been close to the old PCs wi-fi for years, which means there is inflammation in there that is aggravated by the whatever inflaming chemicals in the cigarettes'. However i don't thing there was enough time for the extra inflammation to set in. Could have been from vasodilation caused by something, maybe nicotine. However it proves (as i didn't know) there is something wrong with my legs.

At the fourth which was actually at Ilani where we made a pit stop that turn into a 2 hour checking of a large number of machines, again, unsuccessful, i said to myself, ok, this is the last one ever. I thought i was not going to be able to walk back in (i was smoking outside doors) to find Angela.

So there it goes, my attempt to fight dog parasites with tobacco.

One good way to prove i am not anymore what i used to be until i moved to Lake Oswego and i blame it mostly un heavy use of cell phone, which have been on highest setting of emitting power. Could have been because they were not towers close enough. One good way to prove that cigarettes are so much worse than alcohol which i still tolerate.

BTW i don't know what to do with my car. For large portions on I5 south of Tacoma, it drifts badly out of the lane, either left or right, depending on which lane. At times i was simply fighting to keep the car on the road. But that doesn't happened south of Ilani, where the road has been repaved. I replaced struts, control arms, yeah, tomorrow come my new tires. After i do that, the only thing i can blame is the freeway in that area.

10:10 A constant presence upstairs. How do they know and start squeaking when i try to remember something? Trained ninja psychic powers or technology? BTW i forgot what i wanted to say next and opened this entry for, so whatever it is, is effective.

10:35 Nevermind that. Here are some things i can remember. I read early about dogs not being tolerated by a couple of major religions (kaboom kaboom kaboom, upstairs). They probably have their reasons. BTW, is it me or that tree in the parking lot at Lucky Eagle looks like a menora?

BTW the black woman who looks like a black woman raised in Japan, with her hair painted pink, just came with one huge and one small dog, playing hide and sick with my point of view. Exactly when i got mad, i saw a hand with a green bag, picking). I call it doubling (double down), because she did it right when i wrote about. But to they keep their pooping animals on stand by?

Kaboom kaboom kaboom kaboom kaboom, my ears hurt. Kaboom kaboom kaboom kaboom. I still remember what to post next. Kaboom kaboom, the enter in what i call the acute furious stage that now is continuous. More more more more.... Deep into my brain...

Now sulfur and mold smell from the space between their 2 inches floor and my 3/8 ceiling got in here, i can fell it in my nose.

11:20 Ok so i'm taking a break to set up the new computer. I will (attempt to) clean my desk first, something that didn't happen in a long time. Kaboom kaboom kaboom big kaboom etc.. Now it will go on like this until 11:30 when he/she will leave on an electric bike through Stoneridge tiny park (i guess). Now it's so  hard i can feel the vibrations in my chair.

11:36 The noise upstairs stopped though i did not pay attention if anybody left. I instead opened the glass door to air and i heard a woman yelling and saw a small dog coming from the yard at the next apartment next to ours (nr.2). Did it leave anything behind?

4:55 Ok i'm done installing the new computer, with no major troubles of holding breath. I even split this post in two, moving the more important part on my main blog.

6:25 Sweet smell of colitas crept in, keeping Angela awake (she didn't sleep at all last night). Went and picked one poop. I figure the smell comes in here through basement (like that of cigarettes when they live them in the same area, not that i care about so much). Met with a guy with a small white dog, twice, but the poop was bigger. The guys from upstairs left. I covered two rat holes next to basement, where a coal like smoke (with a sulfur component) came filling the apartment.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

2:53 AM Could it be her... I will not hurry this time... Dobo... Bextor... Born 1975, one year before 1979-4.

3:18 All in pain, especially the front big muscles of my legs, feet, mandible, etc..

Was watching a documentary on NETLFIX, i found out something i didn't know.

St.Dominic (1170 -1221) was contemporary with Genghis Khan (1162 – 1225).

Could it be Mongols used dog and other magic in battle like i long suspected Huns used against Romans. I can testify, that stuff can drive you nuts, you are not yourself anymore. Ginger seem to be effective to some extent as antidote. Genghis, Ginger. Weird.

11:18 Nicușor, o subliminală cât un personaj... Piedone nu poate...
1:20 Went to pick my PC from the locker. Both outer and inner boxes were slightly damaged, like it was dropped. It never happanes with cheap items. Don't have a monitor and time to test it now and it's cold and perspired anyways.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

12:50 AM I've been sitting here at the computer minding my own business and when i started to try and solve a match, the promptly started to walk upstairs (past midnight). I hit the wall once, not very loud, they stopped for a while, started again, i hit the wall again and they stopped.

Am i feeling guilty right now. Isn't what the bullies do, make you feel guilt if you react and resist?

2:34 AM It's so quiet upstairs, it's eerie.

We came home about one hour before midnight. It was quiet. We talked normally, ate, Angela went to bed, i came at the computer @midnight. No stomps, no dragging chairs, no squeaks. But we really don't care anymore, because of the level is usually coming from upstairs. Then they started their ritual, i hit the wall a couple of times, they stopped.

Now thinking. What if we made a noise comparable to theirs? However today they didn't do anything until after we went totally quiet.

How about yesterday? Angela tried to sleep after ten PM and they were in the bedroom, squeaking for more than an hour and she turned the TV loud until they stopped and slept with the TV loud until morning. Every time she tried to turned it off, they started back over.

Proof that the noises they make are not random but synched with our bio-rhythms. Shoe could sleep with the TV on. The moment they could not hear her breathing, they stopped.

In the morning she wakes early and goes to work and then they start and stomp and squeak for hours, and that is before 8 AM, the limit of quiet hours. Actually it starts right when she leaves, at 4:40 or 5:40

I believe they made noises about half of the quiet hours for the last six months, about ten times louder than us and on purpose. Not talking during daytime. During daytime they do it all the time, there are 4 of them upstairs and take turns. I don't believe any of them goes to work because when they leave they live mostly on foot without, with nothing in their hands, probably in another apartment to eat, rest, etc..

3:22 Just remembered something. Yesterday @5:30 PM we went at the ATM in front the USBank in Tualatin. There was this fat guy pointing his phone at me when i went and withdrew 140 dollars. Right after that i made a left in front of Michael's, and went towards Martinazi road (just like the small gray SUV, google car was going in the other direction on the other side of the road when it took the picture).

Right in front of the parking lot of the City Hall i became totally blinded by the Sun  that was about to set right in front of me so i just stopped, following my old rule. If i can't see, i don't drive. I also had to put my seat belt on (i usually do it at the first intersection where i have to stop, to save time when i leave).

Only to see a guy after he crossed right in front of me, not through windshield which was a bright orange surface in that moment, but through the door window. Bearded, i think blond or red headed. I never had to stop at that crosswalk before as pedestrians are very rare in that area, especially after hours.

A few more similar situations at Spirit Mountain involving cars and pedestrians that seemed all synced and cascading one after another, both when we arrived and when we left.

On my way back a guy started to follow me aggressively, very close (a few feet away like most do these days) with the high beam on in my mirrors. I let him pass in McMinnville and then let him know, then he let me pass again and he continued. Then i accelerated, he fell back for a while than he caught back with me. So when i got at Newberg i decided not to take the variant.

He opened the window and waived as he was stuck on the lane that turned on the variant, also facing the possibility that cops could be in town.

3:36 Angela awoke at 3 after 3 hours of sleep. She wanted to go cause Friday at 7 there was a drawing. She had 28 tickets in the drawing, probably the most per person, as per the amount of time she plays, i had only 3.

However the guy who won 20k in cash was a guy named George Taylor. Did i mentioned she is back on overtime as of Thursday, Friday (ten hours)? (something changed, they got an order or parts). On saturdays, as decided by the whole team (except her) they go to work at 4 and they work only 8 hours "or until noon so they can have more time in the afternoon, to make it almost like a weekend".

She left, it's 3:45, there is some weird smoke coming from outside or upstairs, but for the first time in months it's quiet during and after she left. I think there's a fresh poop outside cause i'm nauseated. Drinking water with dried ginger from the kitchen cause i'm out of capsules. But i'd probably have to go to dispose of it cause i'm not going to be able to sleep though i'm on Zyrtec.

4:27 The car has over 120k with the original spark plugs (which i gapped at 70k). So i got some at NAPA, NGK 90909, checked them thoroughly, they were gapped from factory at .31 of course. However. When i wanted to install them i found this in the nr.2 spark plug hole. Wax. Wondering where it came from. It did not reach the bottom yet.

It took me a while to clean it of course. Then the car started instantly and went so smooth in my way there, with over 42 mpg which didn't happen in a long time when going that way. But when i came back it started to do the same, that is it took longer to start and the engine vibrate a little, when accelerating in low gear low rpm. Wondering what happened.

1:15 When Angela came i was chocking with activated carbon filter at max. Earlier they stumped until 11:30 when "the guy left on bycicle". Had to take too charcoal caps because of nausea.

Not sure if the smell was smoke or mold from deep under ground. Still have shortnes of breath. Right outside the door there was this huge mole pile. Nowhere else around the building. The rat bait box was moved again under the laundry vent. They were 7 dog poops in the other side of the building. They wanted to make sure. Was thinking if to post pictures of them or not. Maybe it's the last thing people may want to see today so i won't.

3:07 A continuous, sensless, hard to define, about one per second hard stomping upstairs while i did the last couple of matches. Here's a sample. From outside, again a chocking smell and i think there are fresh poops (after i dispose of 7 earlier today).

4:47 They pulled lot of s... from the space between floor and ceiling while stomping and i think it had something to do with the rat bait under the vent (it filled that space with vapor). Feel paralyzed on my spine, i move (and think) in slo-mo.

It looks like i got a bad batch of gas at Spirit Mountain yesterday (or someone poured water in my tank right before that). Got valve noise and an inch of emulsion in the catch can. I did empty the catch can, a bunch of kids and people started to parade, because of the smell.

A huge white van parked next to the bush where i found yesterday a poop. I went to check under the bush (and bent a little) and when i turned around i saw a Gyp guy in the right seat of the van, staring at me.

As soon as i get outside, they start to parade, cascading.

10:20 PM I was exhausted. Those two hours working with them bending the floor above, stomping every second and then outside. The place filled with a weird smell (pumped from the one foot space between the 2 inch wooden floor and half inch gypsum ceiling) I slept until now (more than two hours). Looked again at the last couple of similarities.

They got tricks to make the forehead look smaller. But this smile is too large to use it in the post, would contrast too much. Sorry for the rushed one i did a few days ago, and all the other mistakes

It happens because i find one i think it's good enough and do not finish the entire list, which is huge, -4 to +1 years, that is 5 years with about 50-100 names by 10-20, got to see (and compare) one or two thousand pictures maybe a year, that is 2500-10000 pictures, sometimes twice, to find one.

Though most fit that rule (-4 +1), some are not. I found Barbara out of her interval, that is by chance, at +3 (1979 - 1976), while searching for Sophie (i knew there was something weird about that song, more than others). You can open more than one link in the list (second column in blue) using linkclump.

2:07 25. Apparently both last two matches were wrong. I woke up yesterday with 7 poops and several holes under the door of which i fixed only one. Dog poop from female dogs in heat are messing with my head the most.

Finally got into my senses and brought the meter near the newer computer and figured the wi-fi was turned on (though i did turn it off in the beginning) and actively searching, putting at interval pulses as strong as a phone (though it shouldn't). Got heated up one more time after a few hours near this computer that tempts me because it's fast.

I figured something. If i take ginger (dry, as spice from the store), not capsules, in tea or soda or something i am almost free from the worst part of poop influence.

Was sitting here, felt the smell of fresh dug holes, that is really bad, went outside, found a soft area next to the wall right under the door. As i said, thermal flow brings it all inside, it does not go away from the building.

2:28 I tried to turn the bluetooth on and i saw it puts signals as strong as a phone on max power at that distance. Could be this computer uses the same chip for transmitting bluetooth and wi-fi, they are on the same GHz range, it could be controlled by software and the software has been hacked. I checked when i first install the small amplifier near it and was ok. You can't trust this things no more.

Interestingly at first i used and audio RCA to 3.5 mm jack and it worked and after a few days it quit working though nobody moved it around, then i turned to blue tooth, a few weeks ago and i checked for signal strength and it was next to nothing.

Friday, February 23, 2024

2:13 AM I've been sitting at the other computer which is now Angela's (Ryzen 5) first watching a movie and then re-doing last match. At a certain time i felt some weird sensations first in my belly, then hands, but i ignored it. Only when the pain got in the mandible and teeth area, legs and pelvic, i realized i forgot to check and her phone was on, about one meter away from me.

The microwave meter was in the other side of the room at my desk but it did not beep much; with the first  alarm set at 0.1, it only beeps when the oven is on. I brought it near the phone, the phone would only put out bursts of a few seconds, God knows what the interval was, probably more than a minute, the intensity of bursts where i sat where in the range of 20 mW, well above safe which is one ore less.

All these confirms my fears which are i will never hill after the cumulative exposure, last being from holding the laptop on my lap for 6 months to one year for up to 12 hours a day, wi-fi signal being about 10% from that of a phone. Only a very short exposure from a phone triggers pains in my body.

I will have my Ryzen 7 by tomorrow, however, i do not have a monitor, this LENOVO is All In One (AIO), basically a monitor with a laptop board in it with no input (there is an HDMI port in the back but i think is an output). I ordered one that was also on sale but for that i have to wait a week.

2:31 The pain is getting worse and is very well defined in all surface areas up to one inch in depth that were facing that laptop.

1:36 Take your passion. Have a nice weekend everybody!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

12:24 AM Dim Mak

3:20 Clătiți ambalajele (dozele goale) înainte de a le pune într-un sac undeva în casă (pentru colectare) pentru mai mult de o zi, fiindcă miros (mi-au trebuit mulți ani să mă prind la faza asta).

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

12:32 Note to all who meet me on the 12 ft wide Greenway trail (catwalk) especially near the "community center".

If you see me with a COVID mask that means i try to protect myself from the weird ninja smokes that probably incapacitate me to the point i can't react to anything.

12:55 Here since last night. It stinks really bad, after it rained on those. Of course they are not here upstairs today, they could not take the smell.

5:27 Ultimate dieting.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

10:52 This is so weird. I noticed this for years. Every time i go out of sight, like eating or doing dishing in the kitchen area which is not visible from the big glass window the market goes up. I thing maybe it's time i brought again the problem of the thick wall between kitchen area and bathroom, that could fit a small but functional stairwell.

4:12 The guy upstairs went over the roof with the noise. They are doing it especially when i eat. By pumping the floor the sewer gas that comes from a leak of the bathroom exhaust fan pipe gets in my head and seeds my food with bad bacteria. Then i usually become sick to the stomach. They are doing it nearly openly saying they are punishing me for imaginary sins (that people have high suspicions about).

9:40 From the memory card.

These guys started right over. As i said, they will never give up by themselves.

The truck with the oil leak where i fell upon is still there. I believe symbolism is more important than safety.
10:15 Two mats in the rain again.

Monday, February 19, 2024

2:15 AM The white car with CUF LPN is back after missing since 1st of this month. 4:03 My camera has a mind of its own. Just after i took one picture that came moved but correctly exposed, the second one was way under. Could not stay and take pictures with the flash there until morning, haven't seen it till i got there. Anyways i'm gonna put both pictures.

Earlier around 3 AM the place filled with choking mold smeel. So bad it awoke Angela, i was pulling a whole night. She had an item at the locked she needed today so before i went to bed i went there. At some point near the playground there was a truck that was leaking oil, badly. There was a stream of oil flowing on the asphalt that wasn't smelling BTW, and before that a stream of water, to trick my senses. So i walk past those, slipped on oil (like on butter in the video) and fell. However i extended my right hand and stopped the fall before i got all dirty with used oil. Have not seen a Colorado LPN in a long time. ZAR in Romanian mean dice.
After i came to pick the camera i met outside with a woman with a sleeping kid in her arms (maybe). When i came back i met with her again, leaving without the kid.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

7:05 I was searching for a video that hopefully shows the creation of an AI song. With singers that are actually not singing but sitting there and listening to what's coming out of the box in their name. Like are most on top songs today except a few. I could not find any, however they are a lot of videos inviting you to make one. Too bad i don't have the time.

7:07 Last night i was pumping gas at the Shell next to Red Winds casino and i saw the darndest of things. A chain that apparently was floating, hanged from the sky, like from an alien spaceship tethered to the ground however it was ending in a barrel full of rocks.

But when i looked closer, i realized (also because it was raining) it was actually a gutter replacement  allowing the water to trickle down the chain into the barrel and then into the ground (sewer whatever). I was shy to take a picture as i am shy of putting a link on google maps to it.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

2:33 I don't know if anybody remembers that i was complaining, for years that the cap to my Elantra's transmission cannot be taken out. I even searched on google and found a video with a guy who filed it on a side. However one day when i had the air cleaner removed i tried with an 3/8 extension and after a little wiggling around it came out pretty easily.

If  you look from above it seems it bumps into the shiny part above, however, if  you take it out, there is room to pull it on a side.

Nobody knows how to check transmission fluid level on these cars. So i applied the symptoms method. I add until it stops low fluid symptoms (last being just a bit of hesitation). Today i added one more hundred ml, getting close to a quart since the lowest level after i flushed 1/3 of the whole fluid, twice, when i applied the dripping method of checking ( long story).

Today i did it in about 5 minutes and wanted to share it. With two extensions and a long corrugated pipe, without even taking the air cleaner, which would have lasted more than  half hour.
After i was done i checked the catch can. There was a bit, less than an once of emulsion there, like normal for the 500 miles i did since i cleaned last, when there was 100 ml and i suspected there was water in gas.

After doing so i checked for dog poops, came inside to get a bag, i was out of bags and grabbed a piece of wrapping foil, and when i went outside i noticed this vaping smell, went to pick the poop, the foil wrinkled, in the ended did it and when i passed the garages i saw around the corner a guy smoking pipe who looked exactly like Trump's judge, smoking pipe.

The one i have been searching for 24 hours and couldn't find it, like it took me 3 days to find Steve Harwell. Some are hard to find, some are easy. Some have few pictures and not always good and some have tons of pictures you can choose from, like for Asta.

2:47 We're heading up north and i hope Angela won't loose again all of her overtime money, like she did in the last 3 or six months when winning seemed mission impossible. Very few winning hands for the last 6 months to one year. I don't know what's happening, years ago we were pretty balanced.
10:00 AM I made fish in the oven and boiled potatoes in steam and i wanted to air the room before i eat with Angela and a fat young woman came with tow dogs, i think she had a bag in her hand, i tried to close the back door, she gave me a large smile. She (they) did that many times, snynching their dog "walks" with when i'm about to eat. I wish i could air but i know the dogs have also peing and can't be sure if she didn't miss a small piece, which happened in the past.

10:17 Regarding the noise upstairs. Sometimes is made by humans, some times by robots, because the reaction time is too short. They react when i get mad period.

One hypothesis i thought of many times is Scientology decided Xenu got mad 75 million years ago and they are giving him compulsory auditing sessions while he is in prison at the skirts of Mt.Sylvania. Which in this case means interrupting his mad thoughts with noises. They probably catch in this program everybody who climbs upstairs, giving them a short training, they basically have ear prompters and are prompter by AI who has the input from Xenu.

Scientology in the US are unbeatable. They have an army of lawyers and can beat any law enforcement agency like they were nothing to them.

Friday, February 16, 2024

12:50 I said it before, i have to repeat it. Doping is a crime. For that reason, athletes should not be tested in labs that are not accredited by law enforcement agencies.

By doing their own tests, WADA and WTA should report al cases found to law enforcement agencies. But those should also act on news like one tennis player from Romania has been "suspended" that is she cannot play in official competitions for 4 years for "doping".

There is a reason they don't do it. The only forensic lab accredited by WADA in the United States, which is in Salt Lake City is not accredited by law enforcement agencies in the US and the urine sample has never been tested in one of those.

More than that. The list of banned substances is too long for the test to be comprehensive using such a small urine sample (and the test should be very expensive). The only way they could do it is by random testing for just a few. It is very suspicious the fact she was found positive for Roxadust, because of the name.

Urine is not a neutral environment. Substances like Roxadust and many other trace chemicals will not survive long without reacting with the uric acid, urea, ammonia etc.. Samples should be tested within minutes. However the lab is in Utah.

WADA is a joke run by a runner.

Of course she didn't do the right thing which was to go and ask for a test in a court or Police accredited lab (of which some are private), in the area where the alleged doping took place. Simona Halep is an actress from Hungary who acts against her character interests and those of Romania, creating one scandal after another, for many years now.

1:30 AM One very loud exhaust started.

12:25 One of my older suspicions. I entered the bathroom while somebody was showering upstairs and used the tub to continue dusting the air purifier/ozone generator on top of the tub. However the shower stopped in that moment and a woman started talking.

My suspicion is, given the identical floor plans, they are moving upstairs as they are moving here. I don't know, they could combine the images or maybe just by sounds they are trying to say i am interacting with them or living in the same space and driving me nuts with the noise in the same time.

BTW today i thought i could adjust the ozone generator which is way to strong for this space, by not pushing the "ozonizing" plate all the way in. However, when i moved it, dust started to flow from the fan.

All of a sudden, a few days ago, it started to put out dust and when i looked i saw it had a bunch of dust inside.

So i just tried to take it apart today but first i couldn't. Some guy from upstairs left on a small electric bike probably through the tiny park but is way too light for the noise that came from there for hours until a minute ago.

12:43 So here's the deal. The thing has a platter in front that can be removed easily to clean the dust but you can't go beyond the fan.

The only option is to take it apart and there are only two screws on the bottom however and the dials for the fan speed and ozone level have some tiny screws on a side which i did not see.

So i chatted with customer service then emailed them. In the meantime i saw the screws, good thing i had a set of Alan wrenches, took the thing apart, took the vacuum cleaner, went outside and started to dust it. But dust was sticking to it because it was use near the kitchen and oil vapors condensate in there. But i think it was when i went outside and proved i'm not upstairs whatever when the market went down (first time). Anyways, within minutes when my browser history stopped. Second after i figured out.

I believe dog  poop don't do much if they're not too many, beyond 40 degrees, but it's warming up and i better put the thing back together and start it.

1:30 There was one place i have not dusted when i took the first picture, just to show.

Conclusion. After a couple of years of normal usage, it starts defying the purpose, which is loading dust with negative ions and make them fall to ground. The ozone part is also screwed because it puts out too much ozone for a room.

But me taking the thing apart, going in the patio and acting unpredictable for the AI that governs this show brought the market down today.

BTW anybody could tell me where i could watch the show myself (and please don't tell me it's on NETFLIX).

6:50 I picked and threw one when Angela came, now it stinks again like one.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

12:00 AM the place just got filled with some weird smoke that could be marijuana. Or has a component like hemp ash in it, which is found in most recipes in ninja book Bansenshukai. These guys will never give up. Can open this file and search (press simultaneously first CTRL than F) for the word hemp which appears 42 times.

I went to take pictures of the mound that i plugged earlier and got completely knocked out. No sense to use cement, the temperature outside is too low for solidification to occur.

Nothing comes with flash, this one is done out of hand with 1 second exposure time. Flash flattens everything, reducing it to 2D.    

The filter is slowly clearing the room, there was a big amount. Before i knew all theses i was just sitting and inhaling the smoke and getting confused.

But there was a second hole i plugged earlier, i expect that one will pop again soon.

12:36 Went back outside, clear crisp winter air with a bit of soil smell replaced the thick coal like (with some mineral sulfur) smoke earlier. Inside is better but the smell will linger for hours. 2:30 Another mole gasser

4:45 It was (still is) smelling like dog poop. Went outside, found one and threw it. Just after i washed my hands i had a hunch and opened the door and i saw a guy (probably) though he kinda had the body of a woman @40, rather tall, with two dogs, one gray with dark patches, one brown, he turned his head and took off and i was kinda like hypnotized, lost the chance to go see where he goes (as per management suggestion).

So i went and looked, they were two fresh ones in the area where the first was (so they keep the areas refreshed with poops no matter what), one of the same type, went inside to grab a bag, a guy just arrived with a car next to the area, waited for him to go, another one moved his car, went and found 3 more, two from the same dog, one different,

While i was picking it, i saw an Asian guy looking angry coming at the mail boxes from the direction of office, there is nowadays a car always parked on red curb next to the boxes, he was parked behind, a green small SUV.

Then as i was crossing the alley to go to the bin he accelerated uphill skidding with the studded tires or simply to show anger and parked at the furthest entrance of the building D, where the so called veteran lives. Always bald and short, i saw over the years several guys playing the same role, with the same woman who looks like a Hungarian writer or Rosie O'Donel.

This guy parks on the red curb in front of mail boxes, in everybody's way for days or even weeks now.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

At 4:30 AM Amazon knocked at our door. Didn't hear any noise of a vehicle leaving. It was a small car i guess and it was no special delivery, just something i ordered yesterday. Until i figured what happened, i got fully awake.

But what i wanted to say. Saturday when we left to Florence, i found like 100 ml of water in the catch can. That usually means there is water in the gasoline. Every time i leave from here i get a crappy mileage like under 40. But Saturday i added 7+ gallons at Grande Ronde and i made 44 all the way to Florence. Then from Florence to 7 feathers it went down to 40. Then i fueled at 7 feathers (casino, no brand gasoline) and made 42 till here at freeway speeds.

So i figured someone here puts water in my tank, maybe removing some of the gas.

3:00 Doubling. I was unloading stuff i bought at WinCo, Lowes, Ace, from my truck. Every time i was going towards it something was happening, passing, people with small children, two planes, all synched. When i was pulling the stuff from the deck, an Amazon guy came and handed me one more item that wouldn't fit the locker. Some tools for aligning the front wheels.

So i finally solved the mystery of the sleepy brain. The smoke smell from yesterday was still lingering when i walked outside. Never made a connection until now.

Everywhere i went i was incapable of reacting. I missed many turns while driving, having to turn around.

First i aimed at Ace in Wilsonville.

I had a bag of 47 pounds of cement from Ace in Tigard maybe a couple of years ago. Not the mix diluted stuff i tried after. What i was doing was i was pouring a jar of cement on the mound then mix it with soil with a stick while pushing it back in the hole. By the time i finished the bag i had a long period maybe 6 months with no smoke. Then they somehow changed strategy and started again.

I looked last night at Ace site and it was showing they had it. Actually i searched on google cause at Lowes and Home Depot they only have the 94 bag which is kinda big to get home and store and Ace popped. So i went to Wilsonville which is easier to reach though farther. I didn't want to go to Tigard because of the cameras (last time when i went there i was so high from the smoke i kept getting lost).

However in Wilsonville they said they were franchise and do not have all the stuff and sent me to Tigard. I came home and tried to look on the map while the guys upstairs were making a continuous noise. So i mislooked which made me pass twice through one of those cameras t though on green. But when i got back from Ace, at Hall i forgot to memorize how i passed through that one.

But why in the world did i have to meet today again with the guy who looks like the one in this post?

Still sleepy, he caught me in a conversation and told me a story about a cat he had and was sitting next to the mole mounds and when it was seeing the ground moving, would grab the mole and start to play with it until the mole died.

At the Chevron on 99 and 217 i asked for ten gallons of gas and the guy asked me to tell him in dollars and then he said he cannot put in decimals and asked for a dollar only amount. I think it will be a long time until they will let us pump our own gas in Oregon.

At WinCo again, everybody was getting in my way especially vulnerable handicapped people on carts and mothers with kids on carts like here when i was unloading stuff. I think they were at least 1000 people actors and extras and about the same number of cars with symbolic LPNs interfering with me today.

At WinCo there was this real Spanish woman who turned and walked away from her cart with two yelling and crying kids every time i was going that direction etc. etc.. AlexaCrush memes. Cursing in the parking lot (in my mind) always starts a car beep or sometimes even an alarm. Code Service 1 in WinCo when i started to go the opposite way.

This real ugly Japanese guy on a cart that was getting in my way every time i was looking at something good and salivating in the baking area. Nevertheless. Because of all these, i forgot to get some items even from the list.

How many times today i said i should get a sort of GoPro like camera, maybe hidden under my hat. But then what if they catch me?

Bending. How many people bent in the opposite direction for me today?

3:35 While i was driving and not mad yet for all that i've seen, i remembered something. At Three Rivers Casino in Florence (not the new one in Coos Bay) we ordered some burgers (using free food 10 dollars each and money). They gave us the biggest burgers i ever saw. Price was 14 dollars like last time, i was not suspecting anything.

About 6 inches diameter with half inch thick patty, either of us could not finish one. Should have taken a picture next to a tape measure. I ate my last quarter and Angela's other half at 7 feathers or after a 120 miles drive since i've eaten the first 3/4 and was still full and then i got sick (later in the evening when i was driving back home because i'm contaminated with dog bacteria). In those moments a guy with a LPN RAU (i think cultural which means bad or sick or river in Romanian).

It was quite quiet until now, thought they quit doing it but when i finished here and tried to relax, got a big KABOOM from upstairs.

Also on my ways to various Ace stores with my ess 10 today i figured something ELse. The Jews don't go to curches, they go to sinagogues. The meaning of suckcess. (Yes i had a drink but it's all real).

6:05 It's a given. Every time i go there to cook Angela's daily salad or anything else he/she/it comes on top and makes noises in the kitchen area.

6:55 BTW is this Doja Cat's eye?

10:00 Se continuă cu dublări în știri pe ce postez eu. Respectivul probabil s-a retras în identitatea lui reală din Ungaria. Nu am timp să-i caut pe toți.

Got my vitamin C patches in the locker. They're small, best scenario, daily dose. Could use several. But it's good considering you get something from food as well and i can't take them by mouth. Also i searched. Vitamin C is metabolized by liver, patches administration bypasses the liver so you will need lower daily doses.

Humans and other primates has lost sometime their ability to synthesise vitamin C, probably due to an abundance in food at some time during evolution (and then they got chased from the garden). However they did not loose the ability to metabolize it, thus making them always on shortage if they do not eat fruit and vegetables all the time.

Monday, February 12, 2024

6:00 AM At 5:30 He hit the floor once, i hit back. Then he went and started to climb the stairs up and down at the kitchen window, several times, for minutes. Then he went back to bed for a few minutes, then woke me several times.

6:30 The other person upstairs awoke and started to make smaller noises.

7:00 I had the meter with me and i noticed Sunday morning at the hotel the microwave was almost not putting no signal (though other times at Chinook Winds hotel it did). It is in similar size with ours that puts out as much signal as a phone. I checked this morning and i saw it has a broken hinge, though it's only about 3 years old and it was like that a year ago when i bought the meter.

7:19 But the noises upstairs right now are guided by deep distant rumbles that come from the Apt.4 like it always did. No matter who lived upstairs, it was the woman at 4 who always lived here who directed them.

7:30 It follows me wherever i go in the apartment. This way is very hard to distinguish between my noises and theirs which are several times stronger.

7:45 2 hours 45 minutes of noises upstairs since 5:30 and me eating a few doritos lead to another dysphagia episode. Had to throw up to free my esophagus. I guess is Lord Shiva choking the little guy at his feet.

8:40 Now they made a noise like knocking on a door. Several times.
10:18 Cigarette smoke has filled the place. Don't know where it's coming from but at this level it can only be from upstairs.

10:33 I went outside. The smoke is not cigarette smoke and is very intense and cannot come from one person smoking. Stepped on some open holes, added some soil.

2:22 It was another mole gasser. The good part was... They stopped squeaking upstairs and i slept.

The good news is i'm doing good with aspirin and vitamin C patches, i feel like i'm Superman, 28, again (vanilla baby). The bad news is i'm doing back bad when those end in about three days.

4:12 From my walk. I stopped counting at 10 dog piles. Got contaminated and nauseated, good thing i had charcoal caps and water with me. There are four from a big dog only the bus station out of the complex.

4:20 To make a long story short. I thought i saw Lainey Wilson in the group dancing to the live music at the bar and AlexaCrush in the non smoking area (but not sure cause i was so drunk) though i never talked or partied with them or anybody else. So there was a dear torso in the right side my lane when i was coming home after Rice Hill when i was doing 75 (120 kmh) @ 8 PM.

At the hotel room which was clean the thermostat was showing 20 degrees less. Angela put it at 72 cause she is always cold and around 5 AM i woke up in much heat (the heater never stopped) and put it to 50 or when the heat stopped and cracked a window and could not sleep till 7.

However they let me sleep 6 hours in total so i could drive to Coos Bay and 7 feathers and back home. I have not feel so full of energy in a long time but that is after my third combination of (improvised) patches of aspirin, vitamin C and before that, amoxicillin.

Just before Salem i was driving behind a big truck and a couple of little rocks hit my windshield at a few seconds interval. Then i moved from behind that truck. I figured they could have fired pellets from a hidden position on the truck's bed (was driving behind the truck for some time, never had two one after another). Minutes earlier i saw a truck with a BULLET freight logo and something else i can't remember.

5:55 Today it's been quiet between 2 and now however it started.

Could it be because i started to cook a stew, to simulate they are cooking for me.

From the memory card.

The entrance at the Mill Casino, near Coos Bay. Very picturesque and i love fog and rain near the ocean.

Another entrance with a view to the bay with such a cosy feeling.

This is where i fell. The yellow curbs shining under the halogen lamps so much at night i could not see the edge of the walk. Probably distracted by something else too

6:41 There was a feature in blogger that i liked a lot. If i uploaded a number of images from my camera, they were turned automatically into a slideshow, with icons under without having to add any code to your post. Until today when it ended.

7:14 I taped the micrwave's door so it stayes more closed on the side with the hinges and the emissions lowered by a factor of ten.

7:15 Ever since i started to cook they came upstairs and started to make noise, did not let Angela sleep.

7:20 Ok that feature is back. I will show you what i meant with a screenshot.

10:26 My face feels puffy because of breathing mole gasser smoke.