Monday, February 12, 2024

6:00 AM At 5:30 He hit the floor once, i hit back. Then he went and started to climb the stairs up and down at the kitchen window, several times, for minutes. Then he went back to bed for a few minutes, then woke me several times.

6:30 The other person upstairs awoke and started to make smaller noises.

7:00 I had the meter with me and i noticed Sunday morning at the hotel the microwave was almost not putting no signal (though other times at Chinook Winds hotel it did). It is in similar size with ours that puts out as much signal as a phone. I checked this morning and i saw it has a broken hinge, though it's only about 3 years old and it was like that a year ago when i bought the meter.

7:19 But the noises upstairs right now are guided by deep distant rumbles that come from the Apt.4 like it always did. No matter who lived upstairs, it was the woman at 4 who always lived here who directed them.

7:30 It follows me wherever i go in the apartment. This way is very hard to distinguish between my noises and theirs which are several times stronger.

7:45 2 hours 45 minutes of noises upstairs since 5:30 and me eating a few doritos lead to another dysphagia episode. Had to throw up to free my esophagus. I guess is Lord Shiva choking the little guy at his feet.

8:40 Now they made a noise like knocking on a door. Several times.
10:18 Cigarette smoke has filled the place. Don't know where it's coming from but at this level it can only be from upstairs.

10:33 I went outside. The smoke is not cigarette smoke and is very intense and cannot come from one person smoking. Stepped on some open holes, added some soil.

2:22 It was another mole gasser. The good part was... They stopped squeaking upstairs and i slept.

The good news is i'm doing good with aspirin and vitamin C patches, i feel like i'm Superman, 28, again (vanilla baby). The bad news is i'm doing back bad when those end in about three days.

4:12 From my walk. I stopped counting at 10 dog piles. Got contaminated and nauseated, good thing i had charcoal caps and water with me. There are four from a big dog only the bus station out of the complex.

4:20 To make a long story short. I thought i saw Lainey Wilson in the group dancing to the live music at the bar and AlexaCrush in the non smoking area (but not sure cause i was so drunk) though i never talked or partied with them or anybody else. So there was a dear torso in the right side my lane when i was coming home after Rice Hill when i was doing 75 (120 kmh) @ 8 PM.

At the hotel room which was clean the thermostat was showing 20 degrees less. Angela put it at 72 cause she is always cold and around 5 AM i woke up in much heat (the heater never stopped) and put it to 50 or when the heat stopped and cracked a window and could not sleep till 7.

However they let me sleep 6 hours in total so i could drive to Coos Bay and 7 feathers and back home. I have not feel so full of energy in a long time but that is after my third combination of (improvised) patches of aspirin, vitamin C and before that, amoxicillin.

Just before Salem i was driving behind a big truck and a couple of little rocks hit my windshield at a few seconds interval. Then i moved from behind that truck. I figured they could have fired pellets from a hidden position on the truck's bed (was driving behind the truck for some time, never had two one after another). Minutes earlier i saw a truck with a BULLET freight logo and something else i can't remember.

5:55 Today it's been quiet between 2 and now however it started.

Could it be because i started to cook a stew, to simulate they are cooking for me.

From the memory card.

The entrance at the Mill Casino, near Coos Bay. Very picturesque and i love fog and rain near the ocean.

Another entrance with a view to the bay with such a cosy feeling.

This is where i fell. The yellow curbs shining under the halogen lamps so much at night i could not see the edge of the walk. Probably distracted by something else too

6:41 There was a feature in blogger that i liked a lot. If i uploaded a number of images from my camera, they were turned automatically into a slideshow, with icons under without having to add any code to your post. Until today when it ended.

7:14 I taped the micrwave's door so it stayes more closed on the side with the hinges and the emissions lowered by a factor of ten.

7:15 Ever since i started to cook they came upstairs and started to make noise, did not let Angela sleep.

7:20 Ok that feature is back. I will show you what i meant with a screenshot.

10:26 My face feels puffy because of breathing mole gasser smoke.