Saturday, February 17, 2024

10:00 AM I made fish in the oven and boiled potatoes in steam and i wanted to air the room before i eat with Angela and a fat young woman came with tow dogs, i think she had a bag in her hand, i tried to close the back door, she gave me a large smile. She (they) did that many times, snynching their dog "walks" with when i'm about to eat. I wish i could air but i know the dogs have also peing and can't be sure if she didn't miss a small piece, which happened in the past.

10:17 Regarding the noise upstairs. Sometimes is made by humans, some times by robots, because the reaction time is too short. They react when i get mad period.

One hypothesis i thought of many times is Scientology decided Xenu got mad 75 million years ago and they are giving him compulsory auditing sessions while he is in prison at the skirts of Mt.Sylvania. Which in this case means interrupting his mad thoughts with noises. They probably catch in this program everybody who climbs upstairs, giving them a short training, they basically have ear prompters and are prompter by AI who has the input from Xenu.

Scientology in the US are unbeatable. They have an army of lawyers and can beat any law enforcement agency like they were nothing to them.