Monday, February 19, 2024

2:15 AM The white car with CUF LPN is back after missing since 1st of this month. 4:03 My camera has a mind of its own. Just after i took one picture that came moved but correctly exposed, the second one was way under. Could not stay and take pictures with the flash there until morning, haven't seen it till i got there. Anyways i'm gonna put both pictures.

Earlier around 3 AM the place filled with choking mold smeel. So bad it awoke Angela, i was pulling a whole night. She had an item at the locked she needed today so before i went to bed i went there. At some point near the playground there was a truck that was leaking oil, badly. There was a stream of oil flowing on the asphalt that wasn't smelling BTW, and before that a stream of water, to trick my senses. So i walk past those, slipped on oil (like on butter in the video) and fell. However i extended my right hand and stopped the fall before i got all dirty with used oil. Have not seen a Colorado LPN in a long time. ZAR in Romanian mean dice.
After i came to pick the camera i met outside with a woman with a sleeping kid in her arms (maybe). When i came back i met with her again, leaving without the kid.