3:05 No blue or green bags by the bins so far. Just big fragments from the same dog spread everywhere in the grass. Saw them earlier but then it rained and softened them and made them hard to pick. Judging by the amount, it's the same stuff like that in the blue bags.
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Monday, April 29, 2024
9:15 This expression is a meme, right? What is absurdly sexy is a video i posted before this news. So absurdly sexy i don't want to look at it again cause it make my physically ill for days (a storm of neurotransmitters). It combines all the known tricks to human kind, starting with ancient Egypt, India and ending with today's Japan. I don't believe people should project sexuality at this level.
Zendaya, Zen or Xenu?
Wait a minute. Was this guy on the left pumping gas at the 76 station near Safeway in Boring last night? He pissed me really bad. Were the three of them at the Indian Head Casino last night?
As usually when i share the casinos with celebrities something bad happens on the road back home, near accidents that is.
Just before midnight i was driving on 26 about 10 miles before the peak altitude near Mt.Hood. It started to sleet (is there such a verb) and i had poor visibility due to low headlights (too close to the ground) especially in curves and here came this semi with high beams on in the sharpest curve to the left (like they always do) and blinded me.
To the point that only after he passed i realized i had to quickly, in a fraction of second, move the wheel left to avoid the rail on the right. I was telling Angela. That semi had to be synched with my speed and position miles ahead to get there in the worst possibly point in the same time with me. Kali, the goddess of time.
They attempt to do this for a closure. If i get in an accident preferably one car only in a remote area where there are no hospitals and ambulances after i was seen in the same frame with the celebrities of the moment they can say anything after. It would be a confirmation of all their lies.
9:45 Am i crazy or this song is about incest?
4:13 I started a pizza and when i was about to add the toppings someone came upstairs and started to march between kitchen and entrance. Nobody has been there in about a week. I looked outside and saw the car with CUF LP has returned.
I noticed in the past most times i was doing pizza they came out of nowhere and started to walk above in the kitchen area. Maybe they are simulating somehow that they are doing it for me like i we were not capable of.
The person upstairs, by the way it walks, is really heavy.
Earlier. Did the rounds outside. Found a fragment of a big dog poop, like from a big human, next to SW bin, almost stepped on it. There was a mat fitting inside the bin, wet, with a blue open bag on top. There was another green one on top of the lid of the W bin. Domini-canis.
BTW, next to that one there is a Lime scooter, kinda hidden between the bin and the next wall, abandoned there for about a week.
7:47 From the memory card.
At Indian Head an eerie image in the sky. Three trail jets piercing the clouds making it look like the underground of volcanoes i just posted about. Planes are very rare in that area. 04.28 1:28 PM.
Good thing i looked. They posted the meme, however my original image was gone from the post. Just restored it. What else?
20 years ago i would have believed i was stupid and didn't know enough English. Now i know why they used these rare expressions in perennial, insignificant news.
Lately i've been dealing with pain by drinking, which is good for diffuse lower grade pain but i got to that point when i can't drink anymore. Coincidentally, the day they laid the new fine irritant redwood dust i had an aspirin patch on my shoulder, just put another one.
Also about 20 minutes ago i did the bin rounds, found 4 open blue bags by the SW bin. Two on top of the garbage that now has filled the bin, one on the ground and one hanging by the wire gate.
Sunday, April 28, 2024
8:02 AM Slept 5 hours (and more in the evening). Woke with bile blockage. Blood sugar is 270. I remember when i fell asleep last night at 2 i was already feeling the smell.
Did the rounds oh boy. One by the hydrant (next to entrance). One fragment by the tree (next to windows). Three in the open space east of the building. None by the bins (because i just said about last night). One used tampon with diluted blood (by rain) on top of the highest bag in the SE bin. A number of sacs with garbage on top of recyclables and on the ground next to west bin.
But i still feel some as i open the sliding door. There must be some that i missed.
When i took the bag at the NE bin, one short Asian woman was kinda hiding from me on the opposite side of the bin (Like Sun, Earth and Moon i was talking about), looking scared, but then she stood and started to smoke. No i did not look at her face, i was too mad and engrossed by the poops in the bag in my hand. When i got closer to the bin, a bald Asian man popped out of nowhere and stood in between me and her.
Other, less significant or obvious scenes i wouldn't mention not to complicate things more.
Since it seems to me like people are not acting randomly around here, i believe they do not actually live here.
Was thinking going to search more, there is a dog barking loudly and kinda... crying like, nervously?
8:20 De fiecare dată când văd, de ani de zile, mă gândesc, și nu am reușit să mă obișnuiesc dar de obicei am alte chestii mai importante de spus. Nu mai articulați cuvinte franțuzești că sună caraghios și se confundă cu alt cuvinte, care înseamnă altceva, adică ai chef de ceva sau faci un chef.
Sau adoptați cuvântul și îl scrieți românește, șef, ca la bucătar șef. Dar e probabil așa de greu să oprești un trend care a mers atâția ani. Ca și convingerea că România nu era în Shengen.
Românii pun prea mult usturoi în mâncare din cauza vampirilor care sunt așa de mulți în țara lui Dracula nu-i așa.
8:42 As i said, was airing the living, i felt more smell and went outside and found 5 more (i was too mad and sleepy earlier i guess) and went i found 5 more.
So a total of 9 people came here between last night and now and didn't pick or didn't knot and/or threw by the bin.
Saturday, April 27, 2024
7:45 Woke up nauseated and alert after 6 hours of sleep. I went and removed 4 dog piles, 3 in the open, one on top of the SE bin lid, one open in the NE bin, one more open inside of the NE bin, other garbage items, all east from here. Let's see what direction the wind is blowing from. South. There is a wet comforter, pillows in the SW bin. Angela is on overtime again, Saturdays starting at 4 AM with 3 hours of sleep.
My blood sugar is 204 and i can't remember what i ate before i went to bed last night. Ok. A can of Mediterranean style sardines in oil. I took my last fish oil cap of the day (i'm on it for about a week with 3-4 capsules a day. Cottage cheese and i think a bit of toast. Two little chocolate candies (Can't resist). Graham crackers. Yesterday i drank calendula tea.
But now i feel bloated and nauseated, my nose is totally congested because of the smells. Because of that my stomach has raised through the hiatal hernia and i am ready to have some palpitations (touches of the stomach to the heart).
How about i treat myself with 5 minutes of ozone before i eat? I think it's pretty much useless because i got that stuff in my lungs already. But ozone from the room gest into the lungs too, right?
8:15 One thing i'm committed to is do the dishes more often, but at least early in the morning, if i'm too tired at night. It's not the dishes so much as it is the large sink in the kitchen that gets contaminated and stinks. I i was neglecting to clean it for a long time, i was just doing the dishes. Then when they vibrate the walls of the building with large engines with modified exhausts, the smell spreads quickly throughout the room.
I also took one charcoal cap for nausea, had some coffee and a Graham croaker cause i'm getting lightheaded because i'm hungry. Though there is enough sugar in my blood, it does not get to the cells because of lack of insulin? Waiting for the charcoal to clear the stomach so i can eat something, otherwise the nutrients will be absorbed by it?
10:40 Yeah i had a very bad spell today. I believe it's the follow up of the yesterday's mishap. I was very tired, 5 hours of sleep Friday night. I was falling asleep in the casino and went outside only to find a guy next to my car that started yelling. Is that your car? It was open and went inside and turned you headlights off. During this time his wife in black pant was bent inside the car facing me (the other way), showing a huge posterior.
How i let the headlights on and why my key was in the car, it's a long story. I am not even positive i let the key in the car. How it got there, could be a ninja trick? Pickpocketed while i was in the restroom?
However. This morning i was full of gas and also did not use the de-congestant last night. Breathing through a congested nose creates vacuum in lungs every time you breath in. Raised diaphragm muscle by the combined action of vacuum in lungs and gas in the intestine.
For about one hour this morning i felt like my heart was literally about to stop. Was considering going to the ER.
Diastolic pressure was 100 which a sign of abdominal pressure, bloating or gas blocked inside your guts. While i did dishes i got a big relief from gas a couple of times and then my BP went down and now is 148/85. It happened so many times after seeing a scene with big posterior and black or dark colored pants.
11:00 くノ一 Didn't know you could dance like that... Have a nice weekend everybody!
Got bloated above belly which means bladder blockage, many hours after i ate food and half hour after i had a couple of Hershey's miniatures. (about 3 grams of sugar each) and my blood sugar went from 200 this morning to over 330. I knew.
So i went outside, found 2 open blue bags next to SW bin and one on top of the garbage near surface inside bin, one green on the ground next to W bin, two in the grass behind the tree closest to our living and bedroom windows. 6 in total, with 8 in the morning.
The fact they now leave them in open bags near the bins doesn't make it any better.
Earlier. I tried to connect the phone to internet via USB so i won't have to take it off airplane mode. First via the computer's USB which is connected to router via ethernet. Then with an adapter to ethernet (as i had it before at one of the computers) and it didn't work. Then i set the computer as bluetooth hotspot and that didn't work either.
In the past i was able to use the phone as wi-fi hotspot for laptop via wi-fi and USB.
Then i turned airplane mode off, stood like 10 ft away until the phone finished negotiating with towers and stuff and then i tried to download an app. But any times i was getting closer to the phone, it started putting signal in the hundreds (mW). Then i asked Angela to do it for me (setup an app i was planning to use online) and the signal was lower than when i used bluetooth.
Friday, April 26, 2024
1:05 PM FedEx screwed me again. A guy with a dog passed. I was supposed to get a package (belt tensioner) but "was delivered at the mailboxes". I went outside to grab it but i saw the package at the door, opened it and inside there was something else, for a different address. On April 1st they lost a package or delivered it somewhere else. Now i got to figure how to get rid of it.
4:25 Today i disposed of a total of 8 dog waste piles.
I took my blood sugar last night after i have been away a number of hours and was lower than lately (238).
However i'm not sure if the intestine can regulate this. The transfer is done through osmosis which depends on the concentration of sugar on both sides of the intestinal wall.
11:45 My little experiment. If the blood sugar drops after going to the casino and breathing clean air. This morning was the same as every morning, around 280, after being 238 when i came from the same place.
I ate substantially before going there, like chicken and salad including cucumbers, but also i had Graham crackers, little Hershey chocolates (a few) and cookies in the car @6. My blood sugar when i came back after 6 hours of fasting was 216. I did not start the Metformin yet and stopped the Losartan because of lightheadedness. Blood pressure is 160+/93.
Thursday, April 25, 2024
2:12 From the memory card. Comments, later. (There are at least three poops i saw earlier, the reason i have been sick today and yesterday).
I don't think redwood bark dust is the solution to the problem of soil erosions around these buildings. One short rain, two runoffs (there is one more in the alley). They will be many more until total washup. Trouble is when the dust gets on the alley and dries out it is raised by the cars and is very irritant because of large amounts of tannins.
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
8:40 PM Went to take the garbage, recyclables, pick the mail and the stuff at the Amazon locker. About 10 people got intentionally in my way, several cars and a van with meals for kids that stopped in front of the building.
9:45 Went and took more recyclables, disposed of a blue bag at the SW bin, was getting ready to hose the building (there are dust buns everywhere, red dust on screens, etc. but the woman at 4 is now in another marathon session talking on the phone for more than an hour at her balcony, upstairs, next to our apartment. Ok, she just left, i hope it's not a trick.
10:40 Yes it was. She went inside and then when i hit her wall with the tiny hose, she started to hit the wall from inside real loud. It was before 10, quiet hours. A first after so many years. But i did not realize what was happening until after i was done. I did that wall for about 2 minutes, the sound inside must have been like a rain. Angela says she didn't hear nothing when i did our walls.
It looks like the people upstairs moved away.
Could have been planned for a long time, they knew i will do this if they bring in new dust.
Haven't done it in at least 6 months, probably because of this video or maybe because the old red dust was pretty much all washed by rain, they were dust buns everywhere especially under the gutters that were now loaded with fine red dust, where it never rains and especially by the lamp in front where bugs come. It took me almost one hour to finish this side of the building, both floors.
Picture taken right after they laid the dust Tuesday morning.
Got wet, it's 54 degrees outside, i hope i'm not catching a cold. But i'm doing so much better with vitamin C patches all the time, no more need for antibiotics.
BTW i picked the test kit from the locker. Not only UTI. It does ten different tests, including two for liver, one for kidney, etc.. At 70 cents a strip it beats the heck out of going for a blood work. They say 83% detection rate, pretty similar with pregnancy test at home kits or COVID.
There are many out there including some for lack of vitamin C. I chose this one because it's got an app that scans the stick and analyze colors, no need to wet the box with the stick and guess and waste time for each test, and of course, the price.
And yes i can use the app offline, with the phone on airplane mode.
11:55 I don't know how to start an online petition but if i knew i would sign one for pretzels, Doritos, potato chips and other stuff to have zip lock bags (yes i spilled pretzels everywhere, in the car, in the kitchen and now under desk).
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
12:05 AM Anybody can tell me what is the point of idling a loud vehicle at this time of the night.
12:10 Ok i figured by myself. Got pains all over. They got a new leverage on me. When they spread the bark dust today they made a mess in the parking lot. Then they blew it with a blower, obviously some of it (the finest) got as high as the roofs. By vibrating the light buildings with a heavy vehicle, some dust fell and i feel it already.
Vibration also electrifies the dust which will float around for hours. This will repeat every Wednesday when they will blow everything including the bark dust. If they did this during rainy season, it wouldn't have been so efficient.
Well, there will be a little rain after Wednesday when they will blow it the first time.
12:14 They came and poured the bark dust. Then they blew it on the wall. But it is nothing like in 2016. Back then they were pieces of wood within, now it's mostly dust.
After they put the bark dust, though it now smells fresh, right at the corner with washer vents it smell like dog pee. One night i saw (one of the) guys from nr.4 peeing he's dog there, at 3 ft away from our washer and drier closet which also smells inside.
Monday, April 22, 2024
10:20 Got awakened by a huge commotion outside, after sleeping about 9 hours. They came to put bark dust around the building. Looks like again redwood. It is the third time sine i live here.
I am afraid they are going to put too much like they once did in 2016 i guess. I was positive i posted somewhere, maybe it was on g+, now gone. In some areas around the apartment there was up to one foot.
But even it if it's not too much, every week when they blow the parking lot (and the areas with red bark) they raise it up on the walls. Red on blue.
Redwood dust is special. It contains a lot of tannins which give it the red color which makes it very resistant to rotting. So it never turns into soil, it just gets washed away in time. In this post is shown what they did when they tested the hydrant. But stronger rains or even a leaking sprinkler did the same.
BTW the custom made aluminum tub i installed in the catch can got loose and was leaking oil and i got again some oil in the intake (i think). Got to vacuum it today.
Yeah i can feel the dust in my eyes and throat. The vibration from the huge blowing machine brings the finest particles inside.
2:23 I figure most people don't understand when i say google puts a cap on my searches. The way i do (searches), i go on the right side of my similarity blog (actually i have all those links in a favorites folder in the browser). I open one of the lists, in this case Japanese actors born after 50. I go at the year i am interested (usually target birthday -4). Then it starts the interesting part.
I have installed in my browser linkclump. This alows me to open simultaneously several links. That is if i have on the screen a text with several links in it, i can open them all in one move.
I go full screen (F11) to see as many as possible. With the keys Ctrl and Z pressed, i do a selection with the mouse. I see on the screen an orange rectangle that i move around to encompass my links. Then linkclump opens all those links each in a separate tab in the upper bar in the browser, the tab bar. Usually i open about 40 links at a time (a lot) in 40 tabs. Then i go from tab to tab with Ctrl/Tab and see the pictures, looking for resemblances.
It is ok for a while but lately. after 3 or 4 screens with 40 links open, google starts asking me if i'm a robot, which actually i am not, and then it gives me visual quizzes which are most annoying. Then it lets me open another 40. As if all was not annoying enough, i mean the searches themselves. If it wasn't for this procedure, i would have never been able to do any similarity. Google is now taking it away from me.
2:40 Anybody could remember me not to go again on I5 north of Portland, in the State of WaShinto? I went yesterday again after i done fixing the catch can. Like always, in the last part of my trip, a number of cars got in front me, though far enough so i can't see them because of the other cars and released all kinda toxic fumes.
If others got affected? They probably did, but they went somewhere to recuperate. Instead me, i went to Lucky Eagle casino, and after i ate, i fell asleep in the car (I also only had 5 and a half hours of sleep and worked all morning at the car).
3:30 Tricks getting more and more elaborate. I went to take the recyclables in the small bins near the west bin. There was a black sack next to it and wanted to throw it inside. However the sack was full of glass items so i just let it there, after i touched it.
They were numerous old items i did not have the time to pick last time the garbage truck driver let me for a very short time grab items from under the bin. They sit there and stink. There is not enough room for me to get in between the bin and the cage to get those as i planned.
I don't know what happened, last Thursday they did not pick the bin next to the office at all.
There are open bags in the other bins. It smells like garbage on the first day i remember this year with 75 degrees outside.
Saturday, April 20, 2024
10:05 About a week ago google has started to put a limit on my searches. I usually do 40 at a time, in 40 tabs and it tolerated this for a long time if i did not repeat it more than every 2-3 minutes, but now it's really getting in my way especially when i discovered again some mistake in my posts and i try to fix those
I tried to checking the box, but then it starts to give me visual quizzes for every tab, which not feasible because they are so many. It usually get back to normal after, i don't know, 15 minutes.
I had some surprises removing the altnernator (parts in the way i had to remove). After i put the alternator on, i heard a sound around the pulley. New bearing hissing, is there anything like that? (It went away after). So i took it back apart but the bolt was coming out hard (not by hand). I remembered it went in also kinda hard (not by hand). And then i saw why. The bolt of the pulley was kinda rough.
All the discount parts you buy on ebay are kinda irregular, you have to look real good. I figure they buy them as scrap from Hyundai.
From my experience, most are just cosmetic, this one was more than that. I remember i wanted to put the old bolt but probably some disapproval sounds from upstairs made me give up (as i said t hey know everything i am doing and intervene all the time).
Anyways. After i took it apart i took pictures of both the alternator flange where the it goes and the bolt itself. They were no shavings on the bolt or stripped thread on the flange. Just a rough surface. I torqued it at 40, before and after the pictures, though i cannot find anywhere the actual spec. I wouldn't put less than 40 on a bolt like that where all the tension of the belt lies and pries on that cylindric spacer.
However now i think about buying a longer bolt and put a nut on the other side. This one doesn't even reach for the whole thickness of the flange by about 1/8 inch. I think grade 5 stand for 8.8 as it is marked.
However It did not cure the noise. The noise is at the tensioner pulley though this pulley had a considerable play and it leaked grease from the bearing. Should have not had replaced the alternator (nothing wrong with it). The noise i was hearing with the stethoscope was the from the fan, the new one has an identical one.
I completely removed the belt to check the play at the tensioner, which is big and then i panicked, could not install the belt no more because of a such a narrow space. Also had to draw a diagram on a piece of something, from a site.
I already ordered a tensioner. On ebay again.
I am dead tired but cannot sleep because there is at least an open green back in the north bin.
Friday, April 19, 2024
Here is an afluent of Tualatin River seen above. Took the picture from the bridge right after the intersection of 65 and Naiba. As you can see there are ducks and gees. I never see ducks or gees floating on Tualatin River.
Where they again tried with a white SUV with LPN PPY and a woman distracting me. However i kept looking back at it and he didn't start until it was too late to reach me though while i was still on the road side.
A red headed young woman reminding me of one on my list just came with a dog in front of me while i was posting those images. Again my left arm bent.
1:25 Here is a septic tank schematic. As you can see, something flows out of it.

Thursday, April 18, 2024
Very similar to the way i felt when i smoke a cigarette for the first time after 15 years. What do they have in common? Losartan lowers the blood pressure by relaxing arteries. I knew for a longtime that nicotine is a vasodilator.
Well, it is for skeletal muscles blood vessels it while constricts the peripheral. However, it is not nicotine responsible for the lowering of the blood pressure. Tobacco is also reach in vitamin K. However, vitamin K has long term effects on your blood pressure. So it must by something else.
Like after smoking a cigarette, the initial light headedness was replaced soon after by a well being sensation (high) that at the beginning lasted for hours but faded away after a couple of weeks to almost none, this.
Today i had something on my mind. Wanted to go and ask the garbage truck driver again to let me grab the sacs caught this time under west bin. But by the time he arrived, i was feeling so weird and stiff, i didn't know if i can do it. However i tried, grabbed several sacs, and other items, including green bags that were under.
I could not remove them all as he was on a schedule, i had only about 2-3 minutes, some stuff remained in there, among them a detergent bottle that got under and keeps it off the ground, with chances for more stuff to get in there. Maybe i could stick a pry bar and remove that one later.
Feeling stiff and about to faint most of the time. Good thing i did not get nauseated at all, after i quit smoking, drinking and took omega 3 which is supposed to open the gallbladder which it did right away, today was the first day with no significant nausea, even when handling that garbage with blue nitrile gloves.
Earlier today i cleaned the bathroom fan grill which was full of dust. While doing so they hissed the tub faucet real loud, vibrating the thing and releasing more dust. Could that count for some allergy that converged onto lowering blood pressure (though again it was not lower when measured).
But the well being probably given by lowering BP was ruined by big stomps upstairs, all morning, with blinds on and no car in the parking lot.
Anyways after taking a shower (which again felt weird) i decided to go with the walk. Since a good portion of my walk passes by the ER of the hospital across the street, i said to myself, if i get worse i will go there.
Again the shows at the intersections, this time some of the cars have been replaced by women on foot.
So i passed the ER but when about to leave Borland, i started to get sick again (about to faint like lightheadedness) (could also have been exhaust or something from a car passing, which i suspected in the past). So i turned around, walking back towards the ER. I noticed that when i was heating because of the thick jacket and the sun, i was getting worse. Probably heat and relaxation brought more low BP.
A few more minutes walking on the left side heading south towards hospital i met with a signaled (solar powered yellow lights flashing) crosswalk. I was standing there waiting for most cars to pass before i pushed that button, but one guy coming from the left stopped, with many cars behind. Then i looked on the right, could not see many cars approaching, pushed the button, the voice said "yellow lights are flashing" and started to cross.
About one meter to the center line, i saw a black BRONCO, speeding, coming from the right, passing in front of me. I was not aware he was about to pass. If i was about half second faster, he would have hit me at about 50 mph. The driver, black bearded, in his early 40s, looked familiar from my searches.
These small yellow light flashing things do not work ell when there is much sunlight, especially because drivers are not used to them.
Best tricks work when i change my mind and turn around. Today i cut my walk short, turning on Borland. Who can now accuse THEM of planning this?
11:13 After Angela came and we ate, i fell asleep at the computer. Then i moved to bed. I slept till 8, waking up like after a marathon. The marathon on Borland. Did they gas me from a car or was the accumulation in my body of Losartan, with one more dose tipping over. However it was bad and i don't wanna go through what i went this morning again.
But today i remembered something about liver enzymes. After "the work accident" (read being gassed with Trichloroethane) at Electronic Specially, with again neighbors from upstairs (At Fox Pointe complex in Vancouver, the one close to Portland) keeping me awake for a week when i also didn't eat or drink water because of sleep deprivation psychosis, i ended up still alive at Washington Memorial Hospital, in the same city.
They gave me one pill (probably Ativan) with a little water and i slept for more than 12 hours. Then doctor Proanus came and after talking with me for one minute said i had schizophrenia.
Then they drew blood and here are the results. No elevated liver enzymes.
The story is much longer, but i will stick to one idea. Liver enzymes.
After i got out of the hospital i figured the thing with trichloroethane. And i went right away to a clinic in Vancouver and they sent me to a lab for tests. They did not find any trichloroethane, i believe the time passed since the accident was too long, however they gave me some liver enzymes test results (last page). SGPT was 6 times higher than the upper limit! Wasn't drinking or smoking at the time.
I can't remember why, 20 days later i went to the same clinic, and a different doctor sent me again to the same lab and my enzymes were now... ok!
In April i went to see an occupational doctor in Portland, dr.Eusterman. He took me to a building on 3rd and 4th in downtown Portland and told me to wait in the lobby. There was a directory with business there and i think one of them was the FBI. (Went there again in the next year to complain about a lawyer, they just gave me a phone number to call). But he didn't tell me.
I believe now it's all out of the statuses of limitations.
When i looked for dr.Eusterman, found his linkedin profile. But surprise, i had a job offer, as of today, the first ever, in i don't known, 15 years since i got the account, something related to programming and Italian.
Modest pay, 23 dollars an hour. Now that i think, i haven't spoken Italian in 30 years after living in Italy for 3 months (was watching Italian TV channels for years before that) though i read (with no problems) papers from time to time.
However i saw a movie recently, and they were i think speaking the Roman dialect, very fast, and could barely understand about 50% of the words and phrases. I will probably fail the interview, and i think this is what they are after, actually. But i will apply.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
10:32 After being here for me almost one year i think they finally gave up, leaving me for dead. I saw furniture being taken out a few days ago.
I haven't felt so bad in my entire life. High blood pressure and blood sugar, nausea, palpitations, "rheumatic pains" everywhere, starting with again the puncture from the needle when doing bloodwork (which results i believe they are manipulated). Today finally quiet upstairs the whole morning.
I recon they only made noise when my blood pressure was already up from reading news, other kinda emotions. So they can max it to damage my heart, etc..
And after i pass and look behind, no more. The alternative is on the street, but there they dispatch some old car that fills the little canyon with smoke as i climb the hill towards Borland. There is no escape.
The purpose for the vegetal (wood, cellulose) smoke last night. As it always does, it re-started all the infections in my body, all the painful points. Heavy metal in smoke particles uses all vitamin C in my body.
10:35 Nevermind. One just got there, probably through the attic from the other apartments upstairs and made a big commotion and scared me. Most likely the woman at 4. Now it started the ritual walk.
10:50 Now i feel dog poop smell.
I went to take the garbage to the SW bin. I can't remember if that came out of the red hair kid's bag (BTW, how could he throw the bag over the 2 meter fence?) Now it wasn't there cause i would have remembered. Blue (blue bag) moon (earthquakes), ice cream cons). One car nearly touching the other fence. One huge RAM i haven't seen before next to a BMW i haven't seen before. Every time i see one of these i feel small.
I wanted to take the picture but when the idea came to me i had the Sun in my face. Turned around, made a few steps, went off the trail a bit to pick the stream that goes into the river, right after i pushed the camera button i saw a younger, attractive woman coming from the right that almost got into my frame. How did they know?
I can move the left arm only about 45 degrees in total, or can straighten it to only 45 degrees with a 50-60% mobility. Because of a badly treated humerus fracture i had when i was a kid. Probably made intentionally like that, they performed two surgeries back in 1973 i think.
When they removed the plaster, i could not move it at all. 4 more "mobilizations" that is forcing my articulation under general anesthesia. I remember right after i could move it all the way, but within hours, the range got smaller and smaller. Like the chemical exposure at Electronic Specialty in early 96, it slowed my brain considerably after.
For this reason, when i sit at the computer and not type, or only click with the mouse, i unconsciously keep my left hand between my legs.
One guy with a bucket just passed in front of the big wall to wall windows in living. Look at the image with the building above. When there is sun outside, you just can't see inside, it's too big of a contrast.
I remember what happened once at Ilani, several years ago. In one or the restrooms they have next to faucets pumps for soap that are not embedded so they can easily be removed. At every faucet i went, s...m was comming out of the pumps. I thought it was weird and i smelled it. I went to another and it was the same. So i rinsed my hands for like 10 minutes and then i went and grabbed Angela and went home without touching anything else.
1:24 It smells like poop again.
4:20 My alternator is here. Identical with the one on the car that ran 125k. 2 days with Amazon. But i have to wait for the pulley that comes from ebay. Because i tried to be smart and negotiate the price, i missed one or two days on delivery. I really don't understand why they don't sell the alternator with the idler pulley installed (not the tensioner, that is another one i didn't have on the old Elantra) like this used one. Money i guess.
5:13 Yeah i went and checked and find quite a few. Some old, some new, some partial. All in the free, in the area east of the building, not in open bags around the bins. Cause the wind is now blowing from that direction. This things are making me real sick. And when i talked to the doctor about, he didn't say nothing and the dictation software went: "He resides in an apartment with numerous individuals paying for prides, which frequently contain overfilled garbage beans".
6:32 They may have stopped upstairs, it's the season for kids now. The weather is getting better for them to stay outside. Third day in a row, they come around 3 and stay and yell for hours so Angela who started again overtime 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, 5 to 3, can't sleep.
I was speaking with her on the phone the other day, i was ready so say "bine" (ok in Romanian) and to end the conversation, exactly in that moment she said she is doing overtime, i said "bine" because i had the word on my mouth and ended, now i regret it. I do not agree, mostly because she can't sleep enough in here. Sleeping 4-5 hours a day and doing overtime at this age is really bad.
6:55 They pulled the kids, the smoke is here. I found earlier a number of rat holes by the south garages,, where the smoke was coming from last night/early morning. I got a new sack of soil, trouble is i don't have much cement left.
8:07 Ice cream truck is here.
10:00 Every time i go to the toilet something happens. I mean, one hisses a faucet, flushes the toilet or even pees and flushes the toilet before i raise up, like tonight. Wondering. How do they know. If this has anything to do with my bile blockage confirmed through blood work.
And BTW i think my bile just got unblocked after taking earlier a few capsules of fish oil omega3 which is said to even reverse fatty liver (steatosis).
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
9:47 AM I took my blood pressure, took 25 mg of losartan and then started to get dizzy. I tried to take my blood pressure again, but i am so jumpy even the sound of the pump of the monitor or the pain of the cuff crushing my arteries raises it again. I tried one more time and a bird yelled outside, persistently. I am not sure i am getting my blood pressure or my reactions to environment and i can't take one single accurate reading.
The pharmacist told me when she gave me the instructions to be careful cause it may lower my blood pressure too much.
I am appalled by the lack of such devices which would be extremely useful during surgery and how they sold for years fake ones. (I bought one of those once and they don't work).
Nevermind, i think that one still has a cuff. Crushing your wrist's or arm's arteries several times a day is not a good idea. I know from personal experience. After doing that, many years ago, my hands circulation deteriorated, hands started to get very dry, etc..
I am still confused, after 20 minutes of searches i still don't understand if real ones exist and which are which. Upstairs they are marching after my thoughts, pumping the floor. There are probably poops outside.
Ok so how accurate is that estimate? There is one fitvii that cost under 15 dollars. Can that one give you an estimate good enough so you know when to take your blood pressure medicine?
Monday, April 15, 2024
1:15 AM Angela fell asleep and then she got awakened by the smoke and started to cough. Smoke was coming from around the corner, or under the window of next door apartment. I put a bit of cement in the soft, sinking areas, mixed with the soil and then poured some water.
1:45 Ok she's back to sleep.
I'm so smart. Today i went on the road and forgot the camera. But i noticed lately that if i put the phone on airplane mode it does not emit any microwave. Smart again. Like George Costanza in that Star Trek episode with the Think Tank.
So when i needed to i just pulled the phone and made photographs. When at home, i pulled the micro SD (after i transferred the pics in there), put it in my card reader and voila.
Since i carry the phone everywhere with me for emergencies, turned off, now i discovered i don't need to carry the pocket camera with me anymore. And it does pretty good pictures too (the reason i stuck with Motorola) (there was very bad lighting when too those below).
I wanted to go in there to take the pictures. I mean, look for yourself. Though i said it the other time, nobody paid attention.
As i said, there is an overflowing sewer in the back of the casino, near the alley that leads to the stairs and beach. The sewage goes in the nearby bushes all the way to the stairs and stinks there on a large area. Though it looks clear, it stinks badly.
I think it has been happening for years. All the free nights i stayed at the hotel on the right. I was running from one stink here just to get in another one there. In the building D or closest to that alley i had to wash the screens every time because they had a stinking green stuff, similar to the one on the alley on. I used to believe it was algae something.
But there was smoke. Every time, beachgoers would light fires and the hotel was surrounded by smoke. But this spring when my ban ended, i discovered it.
I noticed for a long time. Our clothes, the car, everything were not smelling like the ocean when we got home ever since we go there though the casino is next to the ocean.
I don't know what causes it but i would assume the sewer line is clogged or partly clogged and it cannot empty in that cliff next to the stairs anymore. Or partly closed. I don't know but i know it stinks everywhere in the parking lot, depending on how the wind blows, possibly into the casino's AC and along the beach for maybe a mile.
I stopped drinking and smoking after i went to the doctor and never been nauseated since. But after i took the pictures i got it so bad i was dizzy with nausea. I finally took two charcoal caps and was good again.

10:40 There is a huge rumble outside. Like cutting and milling trees again?
Yeah i'm pretty sure i would not have discovered it if i didn't go to smoke in that area. Just by passing by while briefly visiting the Ocean when at the Casino would not have been enough. Especially if there's beach fires with smoke going on. I've done that so many times and never realized probably like so many others. You go there to relax and the unthinkable is just around the corner.
10:55 I am sorry i did not write about the guy who was upstairs earlier. Came on foot, left on foot, made a big commotion and left when i uploaded the file. Now there's someone else (or him again) stomping really heard, trying to bring in here sewage smell from between the floors.
12:25 Came from my walk, passed the gray truck pickup with garbage, picked a dry one from the ground, went to the bin, they were three more in blue open bags, heavy. I threw two of them but the one on top i could not get. Three people looking Japanese, good looking, trained actors, came smiling with disgust and got i think in the red car next to the bin. Nauseated.
2:10 No matter who was climbing the stairs, over the years, i can recognize only one step which is present most of the time. It never stops, for hours. It's the woman at 4.
2:45 Second day of losartan. Had 180/100 in the morning when i woke up and 136/84 a few minutes ago after a walk and a nap at the computer. I don't believe it's the losartan but hard to say. In the doctor's office i had 160/100, twice, and the nurse said something about 120/80 probably being the target, can't remember and the "dictation AI software wrote" i had 160/80 once and 120/80 the second.
They just awoke me from upstairs after the nap. Then it went silent, and i heard a noise like somebody is trying to key in the door, 5 minutes too early to be Angela coming home. That was like 20 minutes ago and it is still silent.
On Mondays there is a guy with a red pickup who officially scavenges the bins to pickup furniture and stuff. Then it blows around with an electric blower. Buy disturbing all the sacks, it pulls stinking sacs from the bottom and then blows the smell.
During my walk, i cross the hospital parking lots to get away from the smelly traffic. All of a sudden, like scheduled, at every intersection i meet with cars that slow down to a stop, usually populated with women of all ages that seem just coming out of from a make-up cabin and not really driving the cars (self driving, retrofitted).
Usually at the beginning of the walk, i am lazy and shy and usually too nauseated to take the actual pictures, but i took pictures with two of the many intersection cross just to remember to write.
Only after i cross all those i fully awake. One more pic from a different angle with the tracks of the car that plowed through the grass in front of the complex.
4:05 Made a salad and put some eggs in the pan. 6 kids came here with a ball, some 10 ft away from the windows/sliding doors. Some were filming so i just shut the blinds.
4:30 I heard them last hitting the ball about 5 minutes ago. As we finished eating, they went. It's a repeating pattern, though not every day but now it restarted since the weather is better.
5:35 I went and tested the idler pulley and alternator pulley (upper right). They bot got plays and need replacement. Amazing how easy is to deal with the serpentine belt on a car with tensioner (left). You push a 17 mm wrench one quart of a turn against the spring and release the belt. However the belt does not need replacement. I would think i could replace both the alternator with the idler pulley in about half hour and they together cost about 220. That hurts.
6:00 Kids have left, place filled with smoke. This time i don't know where it's coming from.
8:10 Got to write this one down too. I went earlier at the bins cause it was smelling. There was an open blue bag behind the SW one however the bin. But there was this white SUV guarding it. So i went back but could not squeeze in the back of the bin because the way the bin is positioned.
So i remembered i had a long grabber i once bought for retrieving tools and parts i loose around car (actually i think it was a dead mouse or dead mice pieces in the fan's box). But until i could find it they thought of something. Or maybe it was all written down before. They sent in the new red headed kid i saw in the back today with a brown bag and the kid threw the bag on top of the blue bag and the blue bag was barely visible and the brown bag content was spilled.
By searching for the post with the dead mouse, i found something else. When i first bought this car, i had pounds of dog food in the heater fan.
So i picked the blue bag from under the brown bag easily but i was so mad i did not aim right and threw it next to the bin. I went and picked it up and put it in the bin as a white SUV passed.
For a casual observer who did not see the blue bag at first, it would appear like i went and picked the blue bag from the kid's brown bag and threw it next to the bin. If the white SUV had a camera on it would have caught only the part when i threw the bag and missed, not the one i picked it and threw it in.
BTW they threw three big bags next to the North bin, in retaliation for my picture above.
There is one positive conclusion from all these though. The red haired kid is the kid of the guy with shorts i saw last week with two dogs and blue bags in a pouch at his belt and he is the one who throws the bags so precisely on top. From the direction the kid was coming is... i'll go look.
While the fact they come with dogs around my apartment (not throwing their droppings) is written in the lease agreement as everybody can use "the common" areas, kids have a designated playground and should not be here and everywhere unsupervised, for hours. Earlier i heard again a roller board on the asphalt which again i don't believe it's ok. Not talking about yells that can be heard from one end to the other of the complex.
11:34 I think i figured what could be the reason they needed the apartment upstairs and any adjacent to ours not heated in winter. So the heat in their apartment won't interfere with their IR locating/visualizing devices (the way they know what i am doing and where i am). Today for the first time in years i thought i heard the in wall heaters and fridge upstairs.