Sunday, April 28, 2024

8:02 AM Slept 5 hours (and more in the evening). Woke with bile blockage. Blood sugar is 270. I remember when i fell asleep last night at 2 i was already feeling the smell.

Did the rounds oh boy. One by the hydrant (next to entrance). One fragment by the tree (next to windows). Three in the open space east of the building. None by the bins (because i just said about last night). One used tampon with diluted blood (by rain) on top of the highest bag in the SE bin. A number of sacs with garbage on top of recyclables and on the ground next to west bin.

But i still feel some as i open the sliding door. There must be some that i missed.

When i took the bag at the NE bin, one short Asian woman was kinda hiding from me on the opposite side of the bin (Like Sun, Earth and Moon i was talking about), looking scared, but then she stood and started to smoke. No i did not look at her face, i was too mad and engrossed by the poops in the bag in my hand. When i got closer to the bin, a bald Asian man popped out of nowhere and stood in between me and her.

Other, less significant or obvious scenes i wouldn't mention not to complicate things more.

Since it seems to me like people are not acting randomly around here, i believe they do not actually live here.

Was thinking going to search more, there is a dog barking loudly and kinda... crying like, nervously?

8:20 De fiecare dată când văd, de ani de zile, mă gândesc, și nu am reușit să mă obișnuiesc dar de obicei am alte chestii mai importante de spus. Nu mai articulați cuvinte franțuzești că sună caraghios și se confundă cu alt cuvinte, care înseamnă altceva, adică ai chef de ceva sau faci un chef.

Sau adoptați cuvântul și îl scrieți românește, șef, ca la bucătar șef. Dar e probabil așa de greu să oprești un trend care a mers atâția ani. Ca și convingerea că România nu era în Shengen.

Românii pun prea mult usturoi în mâncare din cauza vampirilor care sunt așa de mulți în țara lui Dracula nu-i așa.

8:42 As i said, was airing the living, i felt more smell and went outside and found 5 more (i was too mad and sleepy earlier i guess) and went i found 5 more.

So a total of 9 people came here between last night and now and didn't pick or didn't knot and/or threw by the bin.