Tuesday, April 16, 2024

9:47 AM I took my blood pressure, took 25 mg of losartan and  then started to get dizzy. I tried to take my blood pressure again, but i am so jumpy even the sound of the pump of the monitor or the pain of the cuff crushing my arteries raises it again. I tried one more time and a bird yelled outside, persistently. I am not sure i am getting my blood pressure or my reactions to environment and i can't take one single accurate reading.

The pharmacist told me when she gave me the instructions to be careful cause it may lower my blood pressure too much.

I looked online, i know years ago they were a variety of watches with pulse oximeter that claim they can take your blood pressure. But today i found a real one, the first, sold by Omron, the gold standard in classical blood pressure monitors, but that is a novelty and is 500+ dollars right now.

I am appalled by the lack of such devices which would be extremely useful during surgery and how they sold for years fake ones. (I bought one of those once and they don't work).

Nevermind, i think that one still has a cuff. Crushing your wrist's or arm's arteries several times a day is not a good idea. I know from personal experience. After doing that, many years ago, my hands circulation deteriorated, hands started to get very dry, etc..

I am still confused, after 20 minutes of searches i still don't understand if real ones exist and which are which. Upstairs they are marching after my thoughts, pumping the floor. There are probably poops outside.

Ok so how accurate is that estimate? There is one fitvii that cost under 15 dollars. Can that one give you an estimate good enough so you know when to take your blood pressure medicine?