Tuesday, April 23, 2024

12:05 AM Anybody can tell me what is the point of idling a loud vehicle at this time of the night.

12:10 Ok i figured by myself. Got pains all over. They got a new leverage on me. When they spread the bark dust today they made a mess in the parking lot. Then they blew it with a blower, obviously some of it (the finest) got as high as the roofs. By vibrating the light buildings with a heavy vehicle, some dust fell and i feel it already.

Vibration also electrifies the dust which will float around for hours. This will repeat every Wednesday when they will blow everything including the bark dust. If they did this during rainy season, it wouldn't have been so efficient.

Well, there will be a little rain after Wednesday when they will blow it the first time.

12:14 They came and poured the bark dust. Then they blew it on the wall. But it is nothing like in 2016. Back then they were pieces of wood within, now it's mostly dust.


After they put the bark dust, though it now smells fresh, right at the corner with washer vents it smell like dog pee. One night i saw (one of the) guys from nr.4 peeing he's dog there, at 3 ft away from our washer and drier closet which also smells inside.