Saturday, February 1, 2025

8:52 Upstairs, it started.

8:53 Now it stopped and the tan SUV started in the lot. I guess. I can feel dust smell. Should check for more holes.

8:15 But first i had to dust all the smaller areas i neglected before.

9:21 It looks like "preliminary" squeaks she made were not for letting me know i have undusted areas. She first went outside to the car tricking me into believing she left. Now she started the full Shiva dance upstairs with hitting the floor, dragging objects big time, disrupting my thoughts.

I was thinking yesterday. We should always be grateful to the bullies cause the bullies let us know of our weaknesses.

1:3 I slept one more hour and a half on top of the five last night and i awoke thinking to put everything i know now about photon in one single post and attempt to publicize it in publication similar to that the Polish scientists did but upstairs it became relentless. Got dust in my eyes and mouth. I believe it comes from the paint on the ceiling itself.

1:41 Miraculously, it stopped one minute after i wrote the above paragraph.

2:25 Like last Saturday she moved her car on a visitor spot, expecting someone. Then she moved around for hours, cooking. Than about 15 minutes ore when i started to re-write the most important blob post i wrote above, a person that might look like one of the team of Polish scientists came and parked a huge truck on her spot and climbed upstairs.

2:47 By the time i was done with the post i believed they left together, leaving me coughing because of dust.