Thursday, February 13, 2025

12:15 AM Încă în stadiu experimental
 Platforma X îl va despăgubi pe Donald Trump pentru suspendarea contului în 2021. Suma uriașă pe care o va primi președintele SUA -
Da bine dar când mă va despăgubi și pe mine google pentru miile de postări pierdute pe g+?
Chiar nu am auzit de multe procese "class action" pe tema asta.
 SpaceX, spectacol pe cerul SUA la cea mai recentă lansare Starlink |
Eu nu reușesc să înțeleg o chestie sau dualitatea lui Musk.
Pe de o parte Trump spune că vrea să termine războiul, pe de altă parte lansează sateliți pentru internet care sincer
nu știu dacă face vreun ban cu ei.
 Ce spune Crin Antonescu despre aşa-zisele probleme ale sale cu alcoolul şi jocurile de noroc „Nu beau prea mult. Prefer vinul roşu” |
Se vede pe ochii din pozele vechi și mai noi. De ce nu l-au pus la uscat? E prea târziu pentru el?
 A fost descoperită cea mai intensă „particulă fantomă” detectată vreodată, în adâncurile Mării Mediterane
Particule particule.

2:40 Yesterday or two days ago i found a hole in the wall, in a low position next to the couch where i sit. I probed it with a dental probe, making worse, but i forgot to plug in. Then it followed today's episode with blowing since 8:30 bla bla. I am very irritated all over, finally plugged it tonight.

HR manager had yesterday yet another unprofessional conversation with Angela today i won't reproduce here. Ai i said, local manager, HR manager, supervisor are all Latinos. Then i googled again for Eaton CEO and i saw it was still Craig Arnold but i never knew Eaton was based in Ireland.

But then i looked closer and saw another name, Paolo Ruiz, Brazilian with German looks who previously had various positions at Siemens for 16 years who is to follow Craig after June 1st who has reached legal limit for an officer at Eaton.
Then i looked at the stock for the first time in long time. Indeed Eaton became much richer after nomination of Paolo in September 2nd. From 289 to 377. But then... Was it then, December 4th when i first started with my theories?

No it was earlier. What i posted on December 4th was this. Then on December 16 for the first something made with desmos. Yeah i remember it was a long weekend me, a 64 years old trying to adjust working with desmos... Though i have done something previously with it, years ago.

I will go directly at January 23. Needles to say, Angela started to have problems at work after January 1st but i first posted about on January 27.

In the meantime i figured the new on site HR manager started to work there in September...

12:45 PM

Many attributes of the US has been transferred over the years to private entities. One of them is controlling of space and for a reason. Musk is now deploying the largest network of (internet) satellites over the whole world.

How large? Surpassing several times the total number of existing satellites today.

Musk's network is meant to work at about 550 km above Earth and each of them is said to be covering 379 square km. If we divide the whole surface of the Earth of 510 million sqkm to 379 we get 1.3 million. So i really don't understand how Starlink is going to cover the whole Earth with 34 thousands.

The declared reason for the low orbit is latency or the time needed until your phrase said on Skype reaches the other end or since you click your mouse and see a requested site.

Current competitors of Starlink are Viasat and Hughesnet. Viasat has 4 satellites and  Hughesnet 3 both orbiting at 36k km above Earth, which is geostationary (same as television satellites) which is circling the Earth on equator and moving at the same angular speed as Earth rotation, appearing stationary on the sky.

At the speed of light of 300k km per second, their latency is about 0.12 seconds one way + ground network latency which is usually around 0.1 seconds which i believe is reasonable.

Starlink latency is said to be between 20 to 60 ms because of the much shorter distance + again ground network latency. But because of short distance, you have a smaller coverage area and will need a lot more satellites that are moving. Also because they are much closer and moving against Earth's rotation you won't need parabolic antennas to point at them which would be impossible (since they're moving).

What i don't understand is why they say they have only 379 sqkm or 24 km diameter coverage. Being at 550 km i would think you would cover the ground on a much greater area, let's say 25% of the distance or more which would be 100 km radius or maybe 200 meaning perhaps 20k sqkm.

By comparison the GPS satellites orbit at @20k km, closer to stationary television or other communications satellites orbiting at 36k and they have 24 of them for reason of better triangulation, any receiver on Earth having eight of them in sight at any time (if there are no obstacles like trees or buildings).

Since they are taking orders right now it means the network already works which means the coverage areas of different satellites overlaps already with the existing 7000 Musk satellites.

Then why? 34000 satellites? Could this huge Starlink network one day interfere with defense satellites?

They are made of 260 kg of metal and other rare minerals and their lifespan is about 5 years after which the krypton necessary for maintaining their orbit finishes and they will burn into atmosphere which means after 5 years we will get into our atmosphere 88k tons of goodies... Though there are alternative technologies...

Or could it be...

7:30 Mda (dejavu), de câte ori spun ceva mai important, în știri cad 2 drone, se ridică 4 avioane de luptă (care nimeni nu le poate vedea fiindcă dronele sunt prea mici și explodează iar avioanele noastre de luptă se mișcă mult prea repede) iar de câte ori spun ceva despre sărmanul nostru buget de stat, vrabia din mână, care se topește (diluează în AEther), vin ei cu o contra-știre. PNRR, cioara de pe gard, o rămășiță de pe vremea COVID-ului.

8:50 Prima dată când am citit acest titlu am crezut că e vorba de singura noastră șansă (și a tuturor), adică dezintegrarea Ungariei. Maghiarii au venit din naraka, adică de la dracu. Însă asta nu cred că se va întâmpla prea curând, din nefericire. Nu vi se pare ciudatZelenski nu a luat niciodată atitudine în fața Ungariei, aliatul de nădejde al Rusiei în NATO?

5:45 Quick US press review