2:45 AM Slept for about 4 hours. Was not sure why i got awakened, however she started upstairs sooner after i got to the computer.
Over the weekend i have acquired a meningococcal or fungal infection, my head sounded like a ripe melon when taped. It happens almost every weekend since i am all sweet from diabetes and such a good recipient for microbes.
I put several patches, did not fully work, head started to hurt a bit so last night i took one orally. Got all my extremities, including head an eye heated up and a bit painful because of inflammation from dead bacteria.
Was not so sure about Friedrich Merz for reason of ears size so i took it off. However when i woke up about 20 minutes ago it was still there. Still thinking. If it's him, i cannot explain it through optical effects so all it remains is CGI. Deja vu, recently.
3:00 The Wall.
3:15 She is now taking advantage of the fact i played briefly on very low volume (i can myself barely hear it because i don't want to wake Angela) videos to complete my list. And fully walks back and forth, senselessly.
4:00 AM About 15 minutes ago somebody started to flush the toilet upstairs, several times. I went myself in there and someone again flushed upstairs. Then he/she went down the stairs and somebody else went to sleep.
4:15 Ecouri la prețul Ozempic, de 5000 ori mai scump ca aurul.
8:40 După postarea mea de ieri, azi prețul s-a redus ca prin minune la jumătate. Firma care producea ingredientul de bază a anunțat că nu-l mai livrează și a picat la bursă. Sunt firme mai mici care vindeau cu 100 de dolari același produs de la aceeași sursă practic fără rețetă însă doctorii nu recomandă. Elly Lily făcea niște profituri monstruoase din poziție de monopol ceea ce e împotriva legii.
Totul acum se sparge în capul meu, încă un motiv să mă urască toți.
Tipa de sus a început azi scârțâiala la 4 dimineața și acum e la volum maxim. Au început iar lucrările la parcul Las Casitas.
9:30 Yeah i was sleepy, google (you tube whatever) pushed that video for me, got tempted, did not realize it was from funny or die, and BTW, what the h...l is funny or die?
9:50 A conservative revolt. Wondering what started it.
4:30 PM I was getting ready to cook for about 2 hours. Somebody came upstairs (the car is not here), lighter and started to creak the floor on top of me so i washed my hands and came to write this.
6:35 Pulling the last news.
8:17 It's been almost 4 hours in the kitchen. Someone from upstairs has been on top all the time, creaking and mostly stomping. Still "gently" moving around and creaking. Her car is not there yet.
8:32 Just minutes after pulling but it has not been voted yet after more than one hour. One beautiful bill of 7 trillion dollars including Medicaid. Still waltzing upstairs.