Today we had more free tickets to a concert. Next week it's gonna be Starship. Whatever is left of it.
Today was another cover band this time playing everything. But they didn't play many big hits so the songs where hard to recognize. Must have heard each one hundred times but never knew the title or the author. Except for a a few.
When they got to this song the volume increased by at least 10 dB. It became hard to tolerate. Then i finally remembered i just installed a dB meter app on my phone. But when i pulled the phone with the app, they toned down, played/sang one more song and then it was over (i thought they were supposed to play half more hour) or until ten where they were supposed to have a drawing inside the concert hall.
The last song was at normal again near 100dB but i think the one before was like 110 or more. The difference of sound intensity between 100 and 110 is 100 times because of logarithmic scale. The base and drums were pressing uncomfortably both on my ears and chest.
Thinking how it must have been in the front rows where i was briefly to take some pictures including the above and felt the vibration in my chest on "normal sound" or 100 dB in the back rows or like all bands were playing before.
For the first songs the vocalist sounded very pitchy like he didn't know the songs very well and for a moment i though he could have been Bruno Mars. The sax player again got better in the end. The all did as they wormed up i supposed (it takes some time for any instrument player to warm up).
BTW For some reason everybody in the casino tonight to me seemed like they were from Austria.
Finally figured why every time i pass by someone, someone else intervenes by placing self in between. So i cannot contact the spies from Malaysia or something. BTW i was staring to a game with a Panda Bear of course eating bamboo leaves (that's what they do all day poor things) and realized the bamboo leaves look so much like the leaves from the bush in front of the entrance.
Finally left after we lost all money including the hundred i myself won (first in a longtime).
5 minutes after, near the golf course, there was this SUV stationed on the shoulder on the other side and i raised instinctively the foot from gas pedal. I got terrified thinking it could have been the Police cause i just emptied half can of beer that was in the car so we can dispose of the can in the trunk.
When i passed it i saw it wasn't but when i looked on the street and saw on the right shoulder an elk as big as a horse starting to cross the street. With no horns like the last one in the same place. First i tried to brake but i realized i did not have enough time so i veered in the other lane. The elk was smart, God bless his heart and stopped crossing.
One more cop on the road who pulled someone at the beginning of a no passing zone on a narrow shoulder. Was blinded by the flashing lights, could not see if there was someone on the lane so i slowed to maybe 20, crossed into the empty opposite lane but then i saw the continuous line that just started and crossed back when i finally saw there was no one next to the Police SUV (Saw fog in the stopped SUV windows and briefly a woman's? head in the rear).
Then he stopped flashing and i was sure he was going to come after me but he didn't.
Right after the second camera in Hillsboro on Tualatin Sherwood Hwy there is a never ending construction zone when the two lanes turn to one, suddenly. I missed that many times and went in the median replacing the lane.
Tonight there was another Police car right in that spot coming from the opposite and i got distracted and crossed again that abrupt lane ending continuous line however i realized and pulled in the right lane immediately so he did not stop me (i also had the high beam on but my high beam is so weak sometimes people don't even notice it, especially from a "tall" SUV).
11:00 Slept four hours by reason of poop under door. There is smell inside. It was a dog poop, wrapped and buried in redwood dust. Question. Who would come with their dog, daily, under the small deck of my main door cause i have not seen any strays.O
Have opened the news and making a mental list of whom i saw yesterday at C
hinook Winds. (now a big commotion started upstairs).
For the first time i heard at the shooting range nearby automatic fire. Got both recorded. No i don't. Could not find the file i just recorded on the device. I think it's there but with the initial date. Somehow it got reset again. She left.
For the first time i heard at the shooting range nearby automatic fire. Got both recorded. No i don't. Could not find the file i just recorded on the device. I think it's there but with the initial date. Somehow it got reset again. She left.