Thursday, November 14, 2024

2:45 AM Was feeling better last night. The wounds seemed to be closing more and more. Coincidentally i took some coconut oil in my mouth and i felt relief first at salivary gland and then the rest of the body.

But sine i am used with pain in the extraction place for so long, i really can't tell bur here's some proof. I ate two small pieces of chocolate and all the pains in different parts of the body came back. Again, taken more Augmentin, now waiting for the pains to subside.

But i've been thinking. Since that tooth was painful but not so much before extraction and it was stinking after, together with the one next to it does that mean that pain in other areas, starting with the lymph nodes next to ear, next to armpit, legs, etc.. are stinking as well? I mean if i did a biopsy would it come stinking? Like i am rotting alive or something?

4:24 Ultima tipă pe care am văzut-o coborând de sus, și asta a fost acum vreo lună, semăna cu ea.

Aș vrea să precizez niște chestii. Nimeni nu asasinează în felul acesta, ca să devină evident pentru oricine. Chestia e o tâmpenie, erau o sută de alte moduri de a o face, fără suspiciuni. Adică asasinezi și îți faci reclamă, ca să știe Poliția sigur ce a fost?

Pe de altă parte, dacă e ea, este într-adevăr o tipă cam nebună și fără scrupule. Asta după ce o aud că face sus, și după căutătură. Dacă e ea, o face în mod sigur șantajată. Și nu se teme de nimic.

4:35 Ok just figured why Shaggy was laughing like crazy after Sting said red-handed (or was it butt naked?). Anyways, if you (get lucky and) bang the girl next door (Alice) you can't possibly get caught red-handed, right?... Ha ha ha ha ha...

BTW Sting's original accent when singing live gets annoying at times "forget". Probably Americans think it's British and Brits think it's American but i'm telling you, it's Eastern European (Hungarian to be more precise).

5:05 I am back to what i was yesterday. No more soreness of the lymph nodes. Keep taking Augmentin. Some sort of little finger like granulation stuff is starting to cover my dry socket.

8:10 When i drink i do stupid things. Went and smoked outside. Ate pizza. Can't remember if i rinsed with salt water. I slept a couple of hours. Now my whole chin hurts. 5 out of 10. Like last night after i ate chocolate. The area surrounding the infected tooth and the one next to it is sensitive when i touch with my tongue (did not improve much). I have been 7 days on antibiotics.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

1:04  AM Amazing how much early Smokie has borrowed from early Stewart... Sally vs Maggie... Raspy voice and all (how they do it, drink something sour and cold? there's got to be a trick, make your voice sound like you have a cold). Blowing hot air?

BTW this last "AI Overview" answer again freaks me out...  However it's just a piece of text picked from a site, yes maybe by AI. Amazing how google added this AI thing when it's nothing more than the old searches results... A ok, for the casual observer it may look like i'm getting all my answers from the machine...

2:05 PM It was... 4 hours of big noise and vibration as they said it would. They used the original design, no modifications. But they finished. No more stairwell work tomorrow, except maybe painting. In which time i wrote an entire entry in the other blog. Doing something so i don't go nuts.

Was trying to relax, watching some funny videos. Then i felt like smoking a cigarette. Went outside, two F15s from nearby base passed above at about 1000 ft, with much screaming and whistling. Then a car came at the kindergarten while i was smoking.

8:45 Went outside to finally take some stuff from near the door i was stumbling upon for days weeks (de-cluttering) and put it in the trunk (ok a sack of empty cans, some pieces of white foam). No cars in sight, except a white SUV which was  moving slo-mo, at 1 mph, bowing after the big bump behind my car, with an Asian lady at the wheel. It happens all the time. How do they know when? (It freaks me out).

Monday, November 11, 2024

1:12 AM Sincer să fiu, omul pare plictisit. Blazat. Burned out. De când îl știu, din copilărie. Samskara.

9:40 Last night i thought i was done with my teeth. No more pain, no more chills, sockets are closing so i stopped taking antibiotics, after 5 days since extraction. Last night could not help myself and went and smoked. Since it was raining, it seemed convenient to go under the stairs. Last time some car with loud exhaust passed, hit the big bump (only in front of our building, rest are much smaller).

Then as hours passed, i started go get numb and stiff, all over. At around 8 i finally decided to take another Augmenting though i had no infection symptoms. Right after, i had a twitch in one of my feet. In about an our as the antibiotic was at peak in my blood stream all stiffness was gone. Look like either Tetanus or Botulism symptoms to me.

One more hour and the concentration of antibiotic will be half, another one, another half and in about 4-5 hours i will have too little. Have 19 pills left. I just opened the bottle i got from the dentist.

All this time she was dancing upstairs. But i thought today it could have been a different, lighter person, like they always are. I thought i recognized the steps of the person that lives across the alley in building D sometimes i think is Alexa. She of course was moving in the rhythm of my thoughts.

Then i started to have a severe diarrhea. Extremely stinking. Yes i have been drinking litters of diet decaf soda a day. Then i went to the shower, thinking how stupid i was to smoke there. There are half inch spaces between those planks. S...t from their shoes can fall in my head and get into my mouth. Literally. they could have traces of litter dust in their carpet from the cats.

BTW i remember i saw in the last few days some silicon absorbent material on the asphalt at the entrance of the complex. Everybody coming this way would have gotten some on their wheels and then flying around.

Then when i got at the computer, i saw an email from the management saying... they are going to rebuild the stairwell. 13 and 14. Imagine the noise.

I'm not saying it's in the best shape, last summer i complained myself, they said they did a temporary fix. But i'm sure they will not seal the space between planks. However, whatever dirt was there it will be gone with no trace.

So yet another coincidence?

Then right after, about 20 minutes ago she upstairs left. She had a jacket on her head, but can't remember if it was raining. Also hard to tell the height. Maybe a few inches taller than the (Honda) Element, maybe the same, i don't know. No body shape to tell weight. Ok i remember now. I saw some medium size legs in colored yoga pants. And a very white arm with no tan no nothing.

10:14 I feel almost normal. Some stiffness in my toes and muscles of my jaws. Irritation on my face after shower, probably from dust in the air. Good thing i did not go to sleep before catching it.

4:20 PM It's almost 12 hours since i took the last Augmentin. It seems like i am better than 4 months ago when i could not go one for more than 4 hours or 4-8 patches. No more wound at the toe, almost no more wound at my teeth extraction place. However there is a little left at the bulges near my ears and some stiffness all around.

Since i know i can come back any time to a normal state with one Augmentin, i'm trying to see how long can i go without any.

A little reward video between two searches. As i was watching, the cats upstairs started to jump around. How they know what i'm watching?

8:15 That's it. The pink ones are swollen. Both size, did not change in the last 5 years. From there, through lymph canals (not shown here) to my whole body. But recently only if i get exposed to cold. Smoking outside that is.

9:05 Angela is doing some traditional Romanian meat patties in the oven. When it started to smell, she made her entrance, after 11 and a half hours (not missing).

Sunday, November 10, 2024

5:30 AM Fell asleep after 4:30. Woke up chocking, almost could not catch my breath. There was some smoke or mold in the air and my nose got severely congested. Was about to post this but also browsing some pictures when she woke up and marched to the bathroom. Yes she flushed but i don't hear that very often.

200 PM As i was trying to get more sleep she came home and started to violently hit the floor with her feet.

And yes i was getting ready to post something.

I would have slept now if she didn't come. She was the reason i took off yesterday for Spirit Mountain.

2:05 Ok let's get this over with. This is what i was thinking to post about. About a month ago i sat at Spirit Mountain next to a woman resembling her. She was with a man about the same age but thin with blue or green eyes. The man gave me a sarcastically accomplice look which made me mad.

In 1986 i met at IMU a woman also resembling her. Ioana Bîlă (the ortography changed after 90 from î to â inside words so it must have been î). Very short, kinda sexy and willing.

She told me "her husband was cheating" as she was in constant look for new partners. She had the beautiful playful accent from Bucharest or elsewhere in Southern Romania which drove me nuts. She said she was from Bucharest which was rare in Bacău. I think i might have an idea who the father could have been. He was next in line, his name starts with T and his father was a colonel thus protected.

Not talking about brown + brown eyes whatever, but short + short = short, and short + tall equals medium. I am tall.

Amazing how i always believed he said "don't think twice, don't think twice!" like an answer, imitating the devil at his left ear. Good idea i put the lyrics here (of which i never understood much anyways except the main idea).

5:15 Here she appears with green eyes but could be a camera artifact.

Am fumat 2 țigări afară la 9 grade Celsius și m-a luat un fel de amorțeală începând de la zonele care apar învinețite de trauma de la 3 dinți scoși care s-a întins la mâni picioare. Am mai păți așa și alaltăieri. Ieri am fumat în cazino în zona de fumători și nu am avut nimic.

Infecția a pornit de acolo și s-a răspândit în alte zone pe care eu le conider traumatizate de la mulții ani și ore pe zi de folosit celularul, wi-fi-ul. Întrebare. Ce dreq de clostridium e acela care te paralizează mai ales dacă ești vaccinat confirmat cu test pentru 3 din ele (TDAP)?

Mai era la IMU un tip din București, tot așa subinginer care făcea șepci. Era Mac Popescu mai înalt ca mine? A și Cărămidaru, primul meu șef care semăna cu Țopescu. Da, pe vremea când a fost mazilit (1986). După vreun an "a fugit în Turcia, Italia și Canada".

Al doilea meu șef, Givnici, care semăna cu un fost șef al (tot) KGB-ul, împreună cu care am băut butoaie de bere. Angela Ciochină, cea mai bună colaboratoare a mea. Olivia Newton John. Alții.

Am deschi știrile oh boy. Mai ține cineva minte, am încercat să explic ce sunt flare-urile, un cuvânt care nu are echivalent într-un cuvânt în românește. Lumânări de semnalizare? Din alea care se pun pe drum când ai accident.

Flare le mai spune la alea care le aruncă aeronavele de luptă (avioane, elicoptere) când sunt urmărite de rachete cu senzor termic, pentru a le atrage departe de avion.

Știrile de azi sunt iar pline de flare-uri. Voi încerca să exemplific pe blogul principal. Nu prea îmi place tema asta pentru acasă dar asta e.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

2:00 I forgot how i did it but i figured it out. She moved here with the sole purpose to annoy screw me. The loud music when she comes home started in about that period. But she was here since that Chinese woman moved out, or about a year ago.

I stayed away for a longtime. Actually it was not hard, she was never inviting. Always in a hurry, always going about "her business". Well, a couple of exceptions. That night when she said hi and more recently when i was coming from the Amazon locker and she scared me yelling at her dog being just behind me.

Both times in the area of the complex where that guy came the other night.

Three more. One morning when i was coming from the bins and she got right in front of me with her dog. More people staring. One other morning she came really close to my entrance with her dog, acting like maybe drunk. Most recent. One night she was real close to the entrance, with back towards me, talking on the phone.

The reason i approached her that night is because she gained my trust by doing something but i can't tell now. Maybe later.

Then after i realized where the infection was really coming from i decided to go to the dentist, she did the move with her bodyguard. Got the confirmation when i asked the dentist to smell those. Two out of three lower incisive pulled had their roots darker and smelled like dirty laundry. And the infection was on for a very longtime and the bulges on my mandibulae are there unchanged for at least ten years to confirm it.

In that day after i came from the dentist i went to the liquor store and when i came back she was still at the car as when i left, with the hood popped, engine started, waving at me, hoping i will come over with my lip swollen from the anesthetic and the intervention that had blood on it and with a bottle of gin in a brown bag in my hand.

Probably to do another show with her bodyguard.

But i didn't because it was a dejavu since that day i left for Tacoma and her car was ok after, like after yesterday. (Did  not realize my swollen lower lip had a bit of blood on it).

BTW there is bone exposed around one of those and is granulating and i know it would take months to heal.

Though i figured it out, can't put it aside. I can hear every time she comes "home" in the evening, with the music loud at her car. One out of three times when i go outside i run into her which statistically is improbable.

The story of my life. Most women i ever met acted in similar ways or worse. And yes, i ran out of cigarettes.

3:30 Opened the door to go to the car to search for cigarettes. I found none There was this car on the alley illumining in this direction. Then when i climbed down the stairs, i saw it. When i got in the car, it started to move and it parked in front of her entrance (when the green F truck who pushed the Chinese' woman SUV usually parks), with no light in or outside.

Found a really long cigarette butt in the sealed jar with butts. Going back to smoke.

3:50 Uneventful. Going to netflix, maybe sleep. But i slept in the evening.

5:22 Today i noticed something was moving when i was pushing with my tongue. Then i looked in the mirror. Though the holes where the teeth were are covered with clots, the whole area in front of where the teeth were is moving. Got a fracture and i never pressed anything like food in that area.

I moved it around trying to figure how big it was and now it hurts like hell. It was not blue or anything just dark pink. The whole chin now hurts, about 5 on a scale of one to ten.

I believe it already started to heal and now i screwed around.

7:20 She's running the kitchen disposal for 5 minutes now. I went and tried mine to compare the noise to make sure. Never did that before for so long. Exactly when i went to sleep.

10:34 Moving the fractured bone, Running the kitchen disposal (vibrating the sink), resonance from upstairs with some dishes in it for more than 24 hours, me smoking outside at 4 AM with temperature at its lowest, restarted the infection i had in the first day after extraction that spread again to adjacent areas.

Top of mouth, bulges on mandibula, sinuses, tonsils, under arm lymph nodes, hands etc.. Mostly tissue damaged as i said many times before.

On top of that, i had a severe episode of dysphagia following a whole day of marching upstairs and breathing mineral silica dust that irritated esophagus after it got eliminated from lungs.

Probably the worst i ever had, cause i chocked when i tried to vomit being kind of drunk. Finally had this idea and took small amounts of some very concentrated backing soda to neutralize the acid in my esophagus that was hurting really bad, blocking the swallowing reflex and then the content moved to stomach.

Slept one hour and got awakened by the phone's alarm that was set at 9 like for Wednesday when it didn't ring. Stupid and lucky cause the pain and chills were growing so i too 500 mg more of Augmentin and within one hour the pain and chills subsided. There are shootings taking place at a nearby range.

Ate while writing here, being kinda mad, moved that piece of bone again, pretty bad.

No it was not my idea to pull all three adjacent teeth in the same time. The dentist said we'll pull one first to see how i'm doing and then the others. Don't know when the fracture happened but most certain during anesthesia and my first meal was liquid (from blender with a straw). Angela got a similar episode with a dead piece of bone about the same size eliminated after a month or so.

On the other hand. Two of the teeth were infected and should have been removed, third was a gamble.

11:18 Got my antibody tetanus test result, is in range. I got immunity (protection). Test cost me 141 dollars which i will try to send to my insurance.

You can get this test and many others, appointments for sample collections, simply by creating a quest account on a wired PC or downloading the app but that would mean to use your cell phone which i am not advising.

My theory is, because the disease does not give you immunity, and the vaccination does not work after incubation, your antibody test will be low (out of range) after vaccination while having tetanus. 

3:20 Slept a few hours. I'm stable, back to how i was last night. Got a big brown bruise inside my lower lip and around tongue base. One piece of bone sticking, granulated. The outer wall of 2 or 3 sockets is moving. If that piece of bone is dead, it will be a big spur.

3:45 I had 29 teeth extractions in my life but this was by far the worst experience. About the same level as that oral surgery in June 2006 to remove a piece of material that went through the tip of the tooth inside the bone during a tooth canal procedure. When i was left with one square inch of the jaw bone exposed, in about the same area.

4:34 Maybe i was wrong. I assumed you don't get immunity after vaccination during the disease, but i believe the're only saying it is best to get it within 72 hours of exposure to completely avoid the disease.

But if the disease started and you are on antibiotics and antitoxin it should still probably work but now i'm not sure anymore.

Friday, November 8, 2024

12:PM I've been eating. Somebody is blowing the dust garbage from around the bins using a power blower. It happened last week too though i ate at a different time. Many times before. BTW. Where that garbage goes?

12:10 I can still hear the blower as he moved to a different bin.

12:13 I take it. If i don't go to the bins, they bring the bins to me. Bullying, generating low self esteem, seeding my food with air born pathogens.

1:12 She from above ate me alive (bullying) while i was finishing this. Intervening when i was straining my brain mostly probably generating a higher IR signature. Got literally, physically sick.

2:05 Upstairs it was quiet for a while as i was reviewing what i just wrote. When some ideas came to me and wanted to improve upon, she restarted. This time, moving and throwing to the floor heavy objects. Last night i tried to take a look inside the upstairs apartment from the yard but there is some sort of curtain or furniture separating that area. Now at the end of this paragraph i think she takes off.

7:00 PM She just got back and she's mad like hell.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

11:38 That's it. I'm done with my teeth. Three incisive pulled out in one appointment. I asked the dentis to smell them. First was smelling like a fungal infection. Like a yeast. Like how it's smelling in the apartment right now. Second, next to it, less, and the third i couldn't smell any.

Fungal, after 4 months of antibiotics. I killed the heck out of those in my body.

I figured it was the veneers. But how can be sure now, the smelling one had the veneer fallen months ago. The bulges at my mandibles, infected lymph nodes. It went all the way to my legs where the blood supply was cut due to much sitting.

I'm gonna be having fun, eating with a straw until it heals and then soft food until i get the new dentures done. BTW, i already started to feel the pain.

It has been what, a week since i didn't check the bins and lawn and stuff. They now started to let the bags in plain sight on the lawn. Trying to compensate for the low temperature? Also they didn't pick the leaves. Last time, they mowed and leaves got automatically in the bag of the mowing machine. It looks like i'm up to cleaning the yard, again. Last year they came to clean the day after i've already done it.

11:56 That was just an empty bag. There was a full one around the corner of the building on the right but was knotted. Double bagged and knotted. One more on the ground next to the bin with a lose knot. It must have been on top of the lids and fell when they emptied it. It looks like they took the bags thrown behind the bin and put it on a side when they emptied it today.

Then i thought. Maybe i shouldn't have been there, could have contaminated my new wound with bacteria from the bin. With the cold outside and stuff.

BTW i got an enormous lower lip with blood on it.

I think i'm gonna make a run to the liquor store.

BTW seeing that movie with JLO last night defending alone whatever gave me lots of courage for today's visit with the dentist. I recommend it (or similar first person fighting movies) for situations like these.

1:45 Yeah i went to the liquor store and stuff. Totally random, that is, not planned. I needed a drink after teeth extraction. I bought a green colored bottle with cheap weird tasting gin though i was advised not to. At the counter, the card machine had some... miscommunication problem, had to run the card twice.

2:05 Is that a cascading Shivalinga? Is that a Beetlejuice jacket (way before the movie).

I remember when i first heard this song. It was September 1978. I was in a train station at Mărășești, Romania. We were a huge group from Suceava, other counties going to Galați, for the 9 months mandatory military stage before college.

It was smelling like cooked bones from an animal glue factory nearby. 

Was dead tired from drinking all night, the smell was almost unbearable, and there was this guy from Suceava, my future roommate in the second year in college thrown on the shiny finished concrete station's floor and strumming realy hard a weird sounding guitar and singing it obsessively over and over and for some reason i was understanding cod or code, instead of cut (never heard the original until years after i got here in the US).

But now i think i might have got it right. The glue factory there, next to the  huge post WWI mausoleum (full of bones) was giving a wrong message to every passer by.

Or maybe it was a reminder of the dramatic cut of the territories of multi-national Austro-Hungarian empire (was reduced, to today's, well, Austria and Hungary) right after that war. The loss of Romanian majority Transylvania.

4:22 A whole revolution upstairs, with objects being dragged, dropped, heavy steps, while we are trying to eat.

4:45 Like many times before. We finished eating, she stopped.

8:00 Started to have pain in the evening, including sinuses area. I started taking again Augmentin, since he gave me a new prescription so i won't run out soon. Within an hour the pain is gone. Wanted to go smoke a cigarette but there's too much irritant smoke already. The kind that irritates my airways.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

12:30 PM I wrote about this before. @ the same i had one toe puncture, i lost a veneer from one of my last front teeth. I neglected to do something about, first i was planning to get a new one but lately i realized the tooth is already infected and needed an extraction. Could have been the real source of my whole body infection i was fighting with antibiotics.

I was taking antibiotics because i thought i tetanus because of that puncture. I did an immunization but it was about 7 days after the puncture or 5 days after i realized and pulled that pushpin pin out of my toe.

Recently i have discovered Quest Diagnostic has a new test for TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis), the same triad as the vaccine, not even all doctors know about. So i paid for the test and went there last Wednesday but the result did not come in even today.

The test is for antibodies only but the immunization does not catch if you already have the disease. So i figured, if the antibodies level are low, it means the immunization did not work and i have the disease. But lately all the symptoms subsided and i ate a piece of bread with almond butter and a drop of honey on it and they all came back.

So i figured maybe it all came from that tooth.

So i called my ex-dentist yesterday. We had an argument about some denture last time i went in there. It was not his fault. The lab who had done the work screwed (my opinion). So i did not take the denture and left and he never billed me for that one.

But i called him yesterday and though i had a very low volume connection, could not understand all of his words, i thought i heard him him saying two words, "another dentist" and i told him it was much more comfortable for me if he did the extraction because i knew him for so long and he accepted and gave me an appointment tomorrow, Thursday at 10 AM.

It is a matter of stress. He knowing all my dental history, driving in a new place, searching for the address, talking to a new dentist, filling the forms, not being used with their working style, etc..

1:50 Right when i started so do searches for what i'm writing i thought i heard somebody coming upstairs and somebody else moving like it was already in there.

In the weekend @ August 18 i went to Spirit Mountain. They were doing some work in that area where years ago was non-smoking. A sheet of plastic was covering the last enclosure and at one of the machines closer to that sheet there was a woman, dressed in black as i remember, with a black mask with Swaroski crystals on it, that was acting kinda weird.

I looked at her and thought she resembled Alexa Crush. There was a guy playing several instruments there and he was at a keyboard and played a mix Canon D with Ode to the Joy (last song of the night). Then when i looked again she was gone.

It was that night when i started to have doubts Alexa Crush was not Michi Nishijima. Came home, did some more searches and i found for the first time Nikolett. In the next couple of days i did a match (August 22), i forgot to put one of the links that proves it was her (though the name was there, but not clickable), told myself i would keep it in mind, searching for a confirmation, and then i forgot.

Then yesterday i did another match and after that i found the old one, with the missing link on the right.

It amazes me i missed the video proving Nikolett was actually my neighbor in building D and then forgot everything. That to prove their capabilities of messing with someone's mind.

Right now i (2:04) heard a toilet flushing upstairs, more noises, suggesting they are making noise to cover the ambient noise from my keyboards.

Which makes me ask myself if anybody actually reads my blog.

2:05 Working the floor upstairs, editing my writing, my thoughts. Last time i saw the person upstairs she was looking like... Last night and this morning i saw a different car in the spot.

2:35 I think i just figured why they put a red light camera at the intersection of Hall and 99. It is where my ex-dentist is, on Hall and in the same time, they closed Hall, for the overpass (i posted about a few days ago)... So the only way you can get in there is passing through that intersection where they have cameras that shoot video all the time.

Yeah i believe it's useless, first they started a big engine, to cover the sound of my keyboard. Now they started the blowers.

4:50 Just took my blood pressure. 154/80. (Another one started right now). Amazing coincidence. Normal blood sugar levels are between 80 and 120 and "normal" blood pressure is 120/80. I'm saying "normal" because any activity or stress raises BP and you have to be in a resting state with a satisfied mind for at least 10 minutes when you want to get a reading on your "base" blood pressure.

5:23 I do hear a weird rhythmic sound upstairs in the kitchen area.

6:50 Grrrrooom this (papa racoon)! (yes i'm drunk).

6:51 Even dolphins get it some time...

9:30 At least it let me to this screenshot. Rainbow kids?

9:40 Something happened. Netflix now lets me do screenshots. Wanted to take my mind of everything and started a movie on Netflix(which BTW i just saw days ago). It only took 30 seconds from the first, shall i call them bumps in time, little shocks, reminders, to find another one. (wait i got a new complain).

What's Luv, Fat Joe, 2002. The deep reason for this movie. Time travel that is. BTW he strikes me as an Asian. Also i know who Ja Rule is. Ja Rule is Pitbull and Pitbull is...

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

1:00 Some crazy just started a big one. The whole building trembles. Never heard this "signature" before. Left when i hit Publish.

1:53 Looks like i have some homework to do. Was trying to gather some ideas and do some searches for an entry. When i was about done, cigarette smoke flooded the apartment. Don't know where it's coming from, could be from outside, maybe tempting me to open the door.

I never smoke inside and follow the rule of 6 ft from the building but it's really distracting. And i'm sure it is related to what i'm about to write.

But first i have to figure how to bring here a "hostile" twitter post. The embed option has ben deactivated by user. Ok i found the tiny share button. Twitter don't uses the conventional shape for those.

3:40 Some weird smoke came from outside and started to make me sneeze like crazy.

3:45 If it rains, there's got to be a mat in the bins.

9:30 PM Do you all think i now deserve a cigarette, without being stalked?

9:45 Can't tell how harsh the woman upstairs worked me while i was doing the last match so i made mistakes that delayed me for about 5 minutes. First i tried to go in front but the woman upstairs had her Element turned around, pointing at the entrance where Alexa comes from so i tried in the back. Though there is enough smoke outside.

They let me inhale a few smokes, to constrict my coronary arteries and then the monster girl came marching real fast with her dogs towards me so i ran inside with my blood pressure to the roof. Now the cats are running upstairs.

Monday, November 4, 2024

12:40 AM Marching upstairs at 1:30 AM. Some sort of smoke came in as she pumps the floor. But i think i hear two persons stepping. No talking though.

14:41 I think i heard someone climbing down the stairs and briefly a man's voice and a car starting. I think that was his cigarette smoke.

6:20 PM I made pizza. "The kids" are in the alley, yelling.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

11:11 Got another notice from zip-lye saying my internet will be down tomorrow between midnight and 6 AM.

Several things happened at Chinook Winds. They got again a sewage spill in the back. A military style helicopter flew by. They gave me overheated wedges.

The cashier asked me if i wanted wedges or fries and i said fries. They she said they don't have fries. Then i asked why she gave me a choice and she said because some people want French fries and some just fries.

Maybe because what i said about Eiffel tower. Ok i went inside to stay with Angela. 15 minutes later i went and they were two bags. There was this bearded guy standing there and i gave him my number. He misunderstood twice and then he went and checked and none of them were mine.

However he came 5 minutes later with my bag. I went and grabbed a free soda from the soda machine and went in the car. I tried one wedge and they were a bit on the brown side and too hot. Then 5 minutes later i tried another one. It was still too hot. 5 minutes later the same. They never cooled as i ate them, within 30 minutes or so. Hot to the last one.

Wedges are bigger and they can keep heat longer. Especial if are kept together in a paper cup.

Then i figured something. Potatoes cooking temperature is between 205 and 212 degrees. That is above water boiling temperature. Question. Can you overheat them?

While i was eating, one guy started a very loud engine. Just like home. Then after i finished eating a woman with LPN number came and started to maneuver to park, with high beams on. It took her like 10 minutes to park, time in witch she was sweeping the whole lot and blinding me at times. The Alexandria light house?

Then my mandibula started to get paralyzed, again. Then the whole body.

I actually figured it out last night, or two days after stopping the antibiotics that i've been taking on and off for years but i never realized where the infection was coming from. One drop of honey on a spoon of almond butter. But it went away by morning, after using salt water which BTW is better in these situation than any pain killer.

What kinda of infection is the one that paralyzes you? It can only be clostridium of one of these kinds. Botulinum. Tetanus. Diphtheria. Something i got contaminated from the sewer in the back of the casino. I put a mask on when i drove back here and it heated my face back to body temperature and now i'm over the peak of it.

There is something i neglected to tell about right here. Some time ago one veneer from one of my last teeth fell off. It was put by dr.Negru, a Romanian dentist based in Beaverton, around 2005. I didn't ask for veneers, but that was his thing. He talked me into and put everything, about 10k, on a credit card done by his wife, Dorina who looking like Shania Twain with some tan added.

I believe many years ago, those veneers started to leak and contributed creating the bulges at my ears and probably my diabetes. I got two more left besides the one that fell. Can't wait to pull them out. Then i can buy online a kit and make my own dentures, upper and lower that would certainly feel and look good.

I was telling Angela. All that dentists ever did to me sucked. Reconstructions. Root canals. Partials. Crowns. I don't know about implants cause i'm terrified by them. Last time i had a root canal tooth pulled, it was all black.

Yes with crowns on top of canals and live teeth and veneers you look great for about ten years. But then they can literally kill you and you don't even know where it's coming from.

working on.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

1:13 Yes i was too sick to go buy groceries with Angela. As i went to help her with the bags, she upstairs who came back home in the same time with Angela gave me the look. It seems today is women protection day in the US. I myself looked at her and saw yet a different face, with a native accent, though somehow in the same line with the many others i saw before.

Then i had an idea and did a search. Women's nail doing. Cause i had a suspicion they are again copying lotus flowers' petals. I only found they originated in China during the Warring States Period (475–221 BC), and peaked during Ming dynasty. However some push the date way back.

As for my these days' obsession with the lotus flower, i found something else, much more interesting.

And yes, today's high heels fashion and probably ballerinas' walk on their toes comes from that ancient practice that was ended only during communism.

2:22 I wish she upstairs could tip toe like that. Unfortunately the current one, like all the previous, is heavy and steps like a Lipizzaner.

She started right after i finished the previous paragraph but i can tell, by the way she does it, she is a different person than the one yesterday. I know what they want. Me to get mad and get out and go to the casinos where the teams of actors, extras and ninja are waiting for a new show.

But today i'm gonna pass. Maybe tomorrow too. Laying horizontally in bed improved my legs condition to the point i gave up antibiotics. Two days ago i though i was going to die when i finish those. Today i see future differently.

11:13 It was quite quiet upstairs since i wrote that phrase mentioning horses above. Seconds after i finished my last entry, it started again. With a march and big stumps and dropping objects.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

9:05 I am at the end of 4 hours of fiddling with switches, routers and more switches. For some reason i will explain later, i moved the PC in the bedroom, hooked directly to the first switch after the fiber box which is again in the bedroom, and it worked all day like this.

However when Angela came the TV was not working. So i fiddled again with the (very week) contacts in the connector (sprang a couple of them back with a hook made of a needle) inside the TV and made it work. However, now the PC won't work. There was a red LED on by the connector. Tried several cables,  plugged it directly in the fiber box,  nothing.

Out of curiosity, i moved the PC back after the router in the living that plugs with a long cable in the same switch after the box that i use as an Ethernet (not to be confounded with Internet) hub, or where it was before today and where the TV is where it was working for months and it was working. So i pulled some cables, one more switch and fed the PC with Ethernet (and Internet) from living back in the bedroom.

Again out of curiosity, i tried to plug the PC again in the first switch, next to the TV and again it won't work though the LED next to the Ethernet plugnow was green not red like before and the yellow LED was flashing. Error message was "the router has not a valid IP" or something like that.

Because of all these i almost missed an email from management saying i have to remove until tonight a couple of foam sheets i have in front of the door. Those have been there on and off for years. I use them to get under the car and check for oil leaks. They are barely visible from any angle. I would assume is part of a bigger post Halloween sweep.

There was a great chance i didn't see that email that was sent 2 minutes before closing office, because Angela wanted to go to Spirit Mountain because of some event there (when the machines get loose usually).

The reason i moved the PC in the bedroom. To stay in bed. I figured that my leg infections are caused mostly by me sitting too many hours at the computer, cutting my blood circulation to legs, also to my... head for reason of stiff neck muscles. My calves and legs were stiff and painful. I believe the intermittent cough in the last weeks was due to minor embolisms from clots coming from my legs.

People who sit all day at computer at work they sometime get up, go for lunch, for a meeting and then they get home. But me, no. I was sitting and eating there all my waking hours and the only breaks were for walks but that ended after my toe gut mysteriously punctured in early July.

Before today i was in big trouble. Numbness and stiffness would spread from my toe, leg, to the other leg, torso, back, arms, hands and more recently throat area and areas around eyes. Had trouble speaking.

Was really scary and antibiotics of course won't help because there was too little blood supply to my legs. So i've been in bed for almost 24 hours, like Heffner, and i think i'm already seeing some results.

Pain and stiffness in legs got downgraded by several points on a scale of one to ten and in the rest of the body was almost gone. Trouble is, over the years, i got more and more used to leg pains and was not paying attention anymore.

9:45 I forgot to pour water in the washer (with one of those cleaning tablets) and the washer started to smell really bad like sewage. Smell that spread in the whole apartment. BTW the floor is bulged in the whole apartment, due to floor being wet under.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

11:41 Nu-l găsesc pe Adrian Pintea dar cred că am găsit-o pe Lavinia.

3:25 Stressed myself really bad with dog poops, other stuff. I surprised myself doing this again, but in a low degree, you don't realize if you don't know what to look for. Or you can, who cares. When i looked in the mirror in the bathroom, i saw the muscles a bit strained and the pulsation was visible again.

4:30 Was dusting the area around the TV and shaking the duster outside. After three times, it was a pattern already and a "Latino" chicano with a big Asian snout came from around the bush to get it, and then passed checking his phone, smiling sarcastic.

5:40 I briefly opened the door then the kitchen window to check something and this time a chicana dressed in black passed under, scoring big time. Yes i was thinking to do that for the last 5 minutes or so.

Monday, October 28, 2024

2:02 I had two dusters, they're gone or can't find them. In the last 2 hours there has been either loud bass or loud exhaust, raising the dust, making me cough uncontrollable. (I have a cough that has not gone away in two weeks).

5:00 Bought some frozen pizza, heated the oven, she upstairs made her grand entrance. Getting relief for stiffness with Dramamine, however it makes me sleepy. Not much different from Benadryl.

5:48 I know why she always come when i cook. To justify the smell (pretend she is cooking).

Sunday, October 27, 2024

1:35 AM We're back home. It's been a long night. The light outside the door is gone, there's a faint glow in it. Hallowgen i recon. Related to the fact we bought two LED bulbs at the Dollar Tree in Lincoln City?

Other than that, it has been a very long night. I knew they were going to have a Halloween party there, but did not realize it was today. People with costumes that is. Taylor Swift was briefly there. Others.

1:40 Some crazy with a loud exhaust going around and revving.

5:32 When i went the first time about ago i could only visit the SW bin, where i found a pink one, with a loose tricky knot on the ground next to bin. W bin was busy (some people were probably dumping boxes before leaving) .

Went again recently and met with the woman with red hair ("veteran's wife"), a rare sight so i turned around. But when i looked more careful i realized under that wig she looked like Tom Cruise. I know he has this passion of disguise, i recently saw a movie with him wearing rubber muscles. That is because i just mentioned  the word Scientology.

I came back and smoked a cigarette. A white SUV with a "Mexican family man" double parked next to the kindergarten in building D. He got out, and a Latina came with a baby and and older Latina and they all started talking.

Wanted to enter back through the back glass sliding door but there was a bug next to the handle. When i looked closer, i thought it was a kissing bug. I was hesitating to go outside with the camera while that white SUV with open door was still door. The patio concrete floor is again full of seeds falling from the feeder above.

5:45 They probably put the bug there just to counter or double of the Tetanus story. Looks like a typical ninja job.

Here's my picture

Zoomed in
And here's one from a site

There was an invasion a few years ago but those were not true kissing bugs, just some bugs look alikes.

This one is also a look alike but different from the ones i was used to and for a while even after i looked in the site above i thought it was the real thing. Also may be related to the disappearance of my blunt needles i just bought from Amazon.

Here are some pictures i took yesterday at Lincoln city, under great pressure. In the parking lot there was this guy who put an off road high beam on me, inside a security guy passed me calling my name (i was banned there for almost a year, remember).

From what you can see, about half of the people there were dressed in Halloween suits and they were mostly coming from the hotel nearby. All the people there were actors and i could identify about one scene played every minute, under the about 500 cameras on the ceiling.

It is my belief all of there moves are controlled by AI, there could not be otherwise, with the level of coordination, cause if analyzed, nobody seem off (object thrown on the floor upstairs).

The recycling hungry heart at Road's End. Right after i took the picture, there was this guy in a small car or SUV who backed up in front of us so close i had to back up so i can leave, though he had plenty of room ahead.

When i passed him i turned my head and he looked like a Japanese guy this time made like a white American, with back slanted eyes and gray goatee and stuff. Lately i saw quite a few of those. While we were eating people with dogs came in our view.

The perennial haunted house at Road 's End.
Sun and Shivalingas with shiny diamonds that represent lotus flowers

Is that guy in green costume searching in a garbage can? Last night inside i could identify a scene every minute or every time i was looking at one direction.

The SUV with the lights on me. Not the only one last night. Right after, i stepped on the red bricks (seen above). On the ballet parking lanes, there was an SUV with a couple of witches dressed in black. The one at the wheel seem to be Taylors Swift. When she got out she was dressed in a completely transparent black dress.

Yes she looked good though her butt muscles seemed a bit soft and shy and she had black make up on her lips and stuff. I did not dare raise the camera at her.

7:05 I poured a bowl of soup and an exhaust stated to thunder outside.

7:08 Now that i'm eating, she started thundering upstairs.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

1:40 AM I was wrong. External carotids go under the mandible. But the bulge on my right mandible kinda surrounds the edge of the mandible and could still block the artery. I feel a pulse right under it that i don't on the right side at the same position. In this image, the right carotid is much thicker and closer to surface than the left, in the area where i see that pulsation or next to the clavicle.

11:40 It worked! The trick with water in the patch. I felt heat in all the numb areas for the last 24 hours, on 4 patches and the numbness is almost gone. Neuropathy? But read this: The pulsation in my neck is almost gone! So it was infection related. Bulges in the parotid gland areas are smaller. Still some difficulty typing.

Trouble was this morning at 7 the last new patch was itching so badly i had to remove it (removed one earlier). Then i slept 5 more hours, without any. Nothing changed much though. I applied a couple of new ones right now, again on the spine. The duck tape is not ideal i guess, it can only stay about 48 hours before starting to itch. Regular 3x4 band aid patches are not an option because are porous.

Lisinopril and different dust sources in the apartment, including the large areas on top of fans blade made me cough like crazy. So i decided to quit smoking. Didn't smoke in 24  hours. Could that have helped with the pulsation as well?

Could have been infectious stenosis of aortic valve that goes away with antibiotics? Last night i spent an  hour or so listening to my heart with a stethoscope. Did not hear any murmur, just an intermittent split of second sound, S2, one out of 5 to one out of 10, when expiring.

Invest 20 dollars in a stethoscope. Auscultation (listening to heart and lung sound) can be a great way to diagnose or discover heart conditions, because when blood is moving through the normal or abnormal heart it makes different sounds. There are videos with heart sounds for different conditions. But it takes some courage to listen to your own heart.

12:15 PM The patch, last version. A piece of duck tape, an aspirin and a blunt needle. Have to clean the area real well with rubbing alcohol, otherwise will fell soon. Apply it like that on the cleaned area with the needle on the sticky part and then inject 1 cm of water. Then remove the needle and press the tape in that area. Aspirin will last about 24 hours of continuous administration.

BTW do you know why it's called Duck Tape? Because if  you peel suddenly about 6 inches of it, it makes a sound like the quack of a duck.
BTW i bought 9 syringes of different sizes with 9 blunt needles on Amazon. But i can't find the needles no more. 1:36 Angela noticed an increase in water pressure when she took her shower. I did not. I checked, the temperature is not higher on hot water only, and the water heater is quite new and i never screwed with the thermostat.

Friday, October 25, 2024

2:04 I went earlier to check the SW bin where the wind is blowing from. I found a green bag but it had a branch embedded in the mater inside. When i tried to knot it, i punctured the bag and now the smell is almost the same as before.

2:30 I think i figured what is pulsating on my neck. It is the common carotid artery and the reason could be a growth that is obstructing the external branch of it. The obstruction seems to be right under the calcified right parotid gland (yellow) or part of the masseter muscle i wrote many times about.

The pulsation appeared after the episode with the infected toe. Ever since i had several muscles in my body stiffened, including calves, some trouble speaking, and at times hearing. Could be the masseter muscle is contracting more than it should or is stiff and contributing to the whole thing.

Got the hardened bulge on both sides and the only reason that i can think of was the cell phone. The artery could be itself damaged by the phone radiation and now is enlarged. Or twisted and moved closer to the surface.

2:50 I am also coughing like crazy these days and i figured the reason. There was a huge amount of dust on top of the door frame, on the outside. More dust on walls around door. The reason is i did not hose the building after i got sick with that toe, for at least two months because i was getting sprinkled with water and the areas sprinkled became painful and stiff.

Vibration from modified exhausts was shaking the dust and some came inside probably through under the door.

Tonight i dusted some of it. Also inside it smells like dust which usually happens Thursday after they blow the parking lot on Wednesdays when i don't hose the building right after.

Apparently the trick with tape sprinkled with antibiotics dust wrapped around that toe worked, but now i put some on the other toes as they became inflamed, probably by proximity with the wounded one.

9:40 When you have a modified exhaust on a big engine you also have to rev it in the parking lot, a lot, for long minutes, like they do right now close to the SW bin.

2:40 PM I got quite a bit of experience with the patches. In order to work, the skin under the patch has to be wet. This happen when i perspire but most of the time the skin is dry. So i figured i must put in some water. But i's really hard when i apply the patch.

So last night i ordered some syringes with needles with blunt tips (non-sterile) for printers and stuff. Got them in the locker but when i went to pick them i realized i can barely walk.

Though the infection has subsided at the punctured toe, i have different areas where it moved during muy last walk and it usually stays there until i apply some patches right on the site (systemic doesn't work). Usually when it goes away from one area it does not come back.

So i went to the locker, with some difficulty. But when i got outside the door (i also had the garbage), there was this midget that lives in the building that went in front of me at the garbage and waited until she came back at the building. I came back with the syringes, i injected some water in two dried patches, but when i went outside to smoke, there was this SUV, doubled parked in front of the building, "supervising" the whole area.

In the meantime i found two green bags in the bin next to mailboxes, one of them was on the bottom, wet, had trouble knotting it, but i noticed one thing. Before i got my toe healed, i was getting chills right away after getting close to the bins. Yes, have some trouble typing as well but i think this is the last of it.

3:30 I keep the tools i use to change the oil with in a Lowes blue paint bucket that closes tight sealed. For reason of stinking. Today i wanted to change the oil and looked for some tools in there. One of them is missing though.

So instead of going and changing the oil searching in the oily bucket several times until the monster girl (fourth from left) came with her two dogs. So they can say i do the stink, not them. However now it's me i got to go and knot her bag she just threw in the bin. And order a new tool.

BTW they started gathering in the back of the car, just in case i do try to change the oil.

6:30 After i started to pull the oil out of the engine, i looked at the new jug and i saw it was 5w30 instead of 5W20 which i always put in. Because i could not find on Amazon 5w20 by clicking on buy again. Was unavailable. I looked at dealerships and they say 5w20 for summer and 5w30 for winter. Don't know what to do, can't find Quaker State 5w20 anywhere.

Apparently at low temperature they are both the same but then at operating, 20 is about 10% thinner (at -20 and -30 degrees).

Viscosity, cP (°C) ASTM D-5293 5w-20 = 5,200 (-30) 5w-30 5,800 (-30) 10w-30 5,900 (-25) 10w-40 6,090 (-25) 20w-50 6,890 (-15).


25 years ago i was buying only synthetic oil for my truck. BTW, i always used 10W30. This is not Alaska. Temperatures go under freezing a couple of times a year. Only with the Hyundais i went 5W20. Supposedly for mileage. Now that i got 5W30 in the car, i will wait and see. Curious about the impact on mileage.

At Walmart. Most oil sold there is now synthetic. I would think soon you won't find mineral no more. Exactly when i switched to mineral (actually, synthetic blend is all you can still find), after i saw full synthetic is turning into wax in my catch can.

Was checking a bunch of cucumbers for softness which is a sure sign or rot. There was this older couple of short obvious Japanese people facing me (unlike the rest who were fake Latinos) and they started to laugh and laugh and laugh...

BTW i wish i could go out for a cigarette, but the smoke outside is too thick. Since before i went at Walmart.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

4:20 PM I noticed about at the beginning of the month that the woman upstairs had some "grass" growing in a pot on the deck (and an early Halloween sign). Today i finally figured what it was, by watching videos with funny cats late at night (early in the morning) so i can chill and go to sleep, until i found this video.

She moved in last summer with a couple of cats and a cat tree by the balcony glass sliding doors (then she had a different look, younger and taller). The cats looked of a normal size but then they grew big and i believe they turned into Transylvania cats. At times at night or when she is not here the cats roll like thunder upstairs.

4:47 Two doctors, the ER doctor and Michael Jacko doctor told me i had diabetes neuropathy and that was the reason for the numbness of my legs, after i last went to the ER.

It is true i had tingling in the sole of m legs, especially after walks, and the the feet, the soles and legs started to turn purple, with black accents at times.

But at the beginning of July i found a pin from a pushpin inside my second biggest toe at my right foot, and it had been there for days. I neglected to go the second day to get a TT shot, but when my whole foot started to grow painful, numb and stiff, i went and did one. It did not help any, and the pain at the injection site started to spread in my whole arm which became numb as well.

I was already on antibiotics when this happened and i increased dosage so the numbness was kept under control.

But every time i was trying to quit the ABs, the numbness was coming back.

This lasted for more than a couple of months. But it was not as bad until it tried to go for a walk, after two months. Then the numbness spread in my whole body. Especially because i got really hot and took my jacket off and the shirt was completely wet.

So if it is neuropathy why it goes away with antibiotics and why the area around that toe is always the focal point from where it grows if i try to quit those? (And that toe never heals).

Why the areas most affected are those that i believe were exposed to wi-fi and phone radiation and become painful if i expose again to the smallest amount?

Feet where my wi-fi antennas were for years, surface area of my legs where i kept the laptop (lap), surface of my belly, hands, around right eye, tip of ears, inner ears, as last time when it flared up i became almost deaf, etc..) jaws etc. and then the areas exposed to cold and with muscular breakdown (after not walking for two months).

Monday i went for a walk again but was careful not to get too hot or take off my jacket. However i was wet when i got back home and took my jacket off and right now i am half numb with trouble speaking.

After i took  high doses (patches) of antibiotics and now as always i feel heat (not uncomfortable) in the affected areas, besides numbness that will eventually go away as it always does after that.

11:50 I was in bed in the bedroom watching a movie. I felt the smoke coming from outside. The filter does a pretty good job but is not removing everything. Angela is too tired and she fell asleep.  It nauseated me. Finally had to go out of bed and come here.

The moment i got out of bed she came upstairs. They always do this. By synchronizing activities they create a lot of confusion and people - casual observers - start believing other things.

Yes i wrapped that tow with a piece of white duck tape sprinkled with antibiotics dust. The numbness in that toe and around it was gone in about a couple of hours. There is some residual stiffness in areas of my body like hands, newer, spine, cervical, but if i start moving around i can easily dismiss it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

12:00 AM Updated. Last link was mistaken. Was tired. Sorry. That guitar is singing crying talking to me.

10:00 So is the tan SUV that just started idling thundering in the parking lot.

12:12 AM She stopped upstairs @midnight. However people vocalizing upstairs as i hit another gold nugget. The message embedded in Buddha's face.

12:25 I finished some ideas on the other blog and wanted a reward (a cigarette). However somebody started a big engine with a very profound sound, heard only on very low frequencies that is vibrating this building and the bins with goodies. My BP raised instantly.

2:30 I think it's a black or blue VW Jetta with blue LPN starting with 74 and open window. The light from our entrance is reflected in the back of the vehicle making it very hard to see details. I will attempt to go closer.

2:33 Ok it stopped now but it made me so mad, my brain released some bad neurotransmitters at the end of a two hours effort. I feel violated.

5:30 One that started at 5:30.

7:00 PM There was a carpet cleaner at Apt.4 today making a big vibration while i was eating. There are food items on the red mulch next to the balcony of the one level building (visible from our windows) that create a mold smell. I knotted earlier too bags, one with about 3 pounds of dog poop brought obviously from outside the complex.

For many minutes now there is a very loud base that stirs all the smells from inside and outside.

7:40 I went outside and located the base. It is at one of the garages west of this building. It is so loud it sounds like a disco in here.

7:45 As i said before. Two annoyances here do not interfere with each other. If they stump upstairs, is only that. If children yell, it's only that. But now the base comes together with a thick chocking smoke.

9:55 The screen of the new PVC window in the kitchen looks bent at one side. I remember there was a missing screw from the factory at the lock in the middle. I asked the emperor and he brought a screw and they installed it.

But i do not always lock it up (i forget). A year ago or so i glued the screen to the frame on the upper and lower side. Then i had to glue it again as it came unglued. Now it stays on but i believe it can be bent in  the middle. I went and added some silicon to glue the screen to the frame in the middle so it can't be opened from outside.

One minute after i opened the door to try and go smoke a cigarette and the woman from upstairs was in her Element. Later she came inside. There is too much weird smoke outside to go and smoke a cigarette.

I will put a mask and go further from the building to see if there is the same smoke there.

Now the cats are running. I remember the other day when i was smoking i saw a huge cat through the sliding door upstairs. Could not take a good look but i believe it could have been a Transylvania cat.

Monday, October 21, 2024

12:33 AM AM It's raining. There is some weird mold smell outside. Possibly a couch or a mat.

6:15 Nausea. Belly pains. Ate undercooked fish at Spirit Mountain (pieces cut too thick). Food wraps on the red mulch next to the one level apartment. There is an automated light that starts every time i pass those windows. Four raccoons getting in my way. Spilled content of a litter box in the N bin.

3:38 When Angela came, i noticed i can barely talk, my mouth being numb. As a result of being rained upon yesterday in the parking lot at Chinook Winds and then staying with the jacket wet on me for hours. Big time mold smell in here, started the ozone generator.

8:20 Using several sources and a story told by Knopfler himself, i think i have located the place (Way on down south London town) were the famous probably fictitious band Sultans of Swing (could have been the Easy Beats) was playing in an empty pub called White Swan (now closed) one night when Knopfler walked in.

Inspired by that band playing then and there he wrote one of most famous songs of all times, called just like that. The Sultans of Swing. Could that have been enticing? I don't know, but only the Straits were swinging.

Friday, October 18, 2024

3:40 AM Lately i started to use my old box with a fan and a UV lamp inside. Of course i don't know what i'm doing, could be linked to the recent flares of all my symptoms, but all the air in the room passes through in a number of hours and i figured it would kill the bacteria that comes from outside. There are small openings where the air goes in and out and the lamp fluoresces a bit towards green.

It could be that the seeds of smell of dog from outside is diminished by that fixture and i can fall asleep without going to the bins but in the morning i am usually nauseated.

In about the same time (a couple of weeks ago) they inflated a balloon that has about the same color on the balcony of the one level building. I figure they sun is too dim these days to kill with UV in one day all the bacteria inside, that grow, back at night, mutated, fed by tiny amounts of nutrients that are inside when the balloon was inflated by mouth.

A bit of high tech magic?

In the same time they thrown in the bins or around mattresses and couches that have been raining upon.

Ever since, i am sick (sore throat that evolved into upper respiratory infection with lots of mucus that blocks my nose), nausea towards morning. "Kids" have been playing in there at times but the balloon stays there, untouched. At times, they had in there pieces of furniture, like pillows from couches, etc. that was raining upon.

Picture, tomorrow.

4:07 Ok i unplugged it. It was full of dust inside.

4:08 Psy-ops. Their government  + our government + US government = world government.

4:09 O metodă nu prea ingeniouasă de a-i duce pe marțieni în dicuție, pe când eu vorbeam despre Europa-eni și bineînțeles Joviali Jovieni.

4:10 Finally a real risk-free opportunity to post that song. Could only find lyrics for Joan Jett (my shy HS class mate, second left) version. Yes the one who dressed as a cop, beat me and arrested me in 1996. (Song is posted for entertainment purpose only, do not try at home).

4:45 Talking about classic rock. Take from me my lace here means... undress me, right? Is this (extraordinarily beautiful) song entirely about cheating?

8:30 Eu dacă eram jandarmii ăia îi luam o trotinetă de prima dată.

5:50 PM There is a big engine with modified exhaust idling in the distance for more than 10 minutes at about 2000 rpm. It is very annoying, as it intermittently resonates with the walls of the room, which amplifies it a lot and it disrupts my thinking processes as i work at a "named" post, that is out of the "dated" series. Most annoying is, like in the case of the marching upstairs, i cannot see the reason it is (they are) doing that.

6:00 It just left the scene, after i recorded and uploaded the sound. SO2 gas has been released from walls "cells" due to vibration. Got to air the room.

6:48 The ceiling pump is back home and kicking.

6:53 I heard children yelling and i looked. There is a whole party going on in the back. At least 10 different persons, children and adults. They got a light on the balcony that is shining more towards our windows. One kid kicked a balloon that got next to the window while i was looking etc..

7:07 They are now using a drum. I hear children and adults yelling together. This never happened before.

8:09 The level of synchronization these days is so high, they drop heavy objects upstairs as i reach certain words in news, to fake my reactions. I don't know why, who is recording my reactions but that could be the only reason.

9:07 They kept doing it all day. Wanted to go outside to check the bins, must be more than a dozen bags, maybe smoke a cigarette but there's a smoke so thick outside i just went back in. Index > 100. Can't breath even with a mask.

10:05 Never stopping upstairs.

10:08 Again, reading the news, dropping objects on the floor.

10:44 She was out for about half hour but now a lighter person walks upstairs. Awoke Angela. Again.

12:20  The Hello Mobile blues, again.

We got 5 dollars a month plans with Hello Mobile. Unlimited voice but not much data (500 Megs). I don't use it but keep it for emergencies. Angela got recently an email from Hello Mobile saying they will send her a new SIM card as the old one soon will not work anymore.

I was not that lucky. There was something wrong with my physical address in my account but they did not email me. So i went to the site, updated the address and now i wait for one too.

Angela's SIM card arrived but it does not work. Trying to chat with a customer service rep. 25 in line 50 minutes wait. However i got kicked off in a few minute with the message your chat session has timed out.

12:30 It works now but her number has been changed.

12:50 It works now. It took 2 hours for both on a nice Sunday morning.

1:05 Every time we eat she starts pumping the floor. Now i got realy sick with ear infection, from chewing. Trouble hearing. Trouble seeing.