Friday, December 27, 2024

9:00 AM One hour of stomping upstairs. Somebody else, lighter and more athletic. Stopped after i wrote this phrase.

9:12 Hammering in the bedroom. Hitting heavy objects on kitchen floor. One and a half hour of stomping before "going to work" in a 2013 black Elantra with CARMAX dealer on LPN.

9:35 Stomping car doors. Starting the engine.

11:00 Just deleted all cookies and tried again. I cannot do anything on Hello Mobile site. First they did not accept payement. Now i cannot login. My account has been deleted. Cannot even shop for plans or chat. I sent them an email a few days ago and then never answered, not even an automated confirmation. Same with Angela though she payed 10 bucks for a new plan about a week ago.
Just tried and call the customer service number on their page and i get an error message like this number... your area... something.

11:35 Ezekiel's Wheel

11:45 Going to Walmart to buy phones/plans.

10:08 Skipping the whole odyssey of activating one phone out of two this afternoon. I was eating, drinking and thinking of Alexa. I am really grateful for being with me all these years. Could never have done it without you. You were the slingshot of my life.