Tuesday, December 24, 2024

12:52 AM Ca să poți verifica dacă cineva le știe pe toate, trebuie tu însuși să le știi pe toate, iar Pippidi știe destule dar nu chiar de toate.

8:12 Sophia upstairs is hitting the floor so hard my eardrums are popping like when i go over Mt.Hood.

8:25 And the mats. Nothing makes me sicker than the mats.

8:35 No. Sophia stomping on the floor and the mats makes me sicker than the mats alone.

8:36 A while ago i got a warning saying the tool i use to keep and retrieve items in the history of clipboard usage (history of copy and paste) is not available anymore. So i assume that if i reinstall Windows without keeping all the files, i won't be able to use it anymore. Same with linkclump, that allows me to open mutliple links in the same time. Both tools are essential to my work, could not do without.

However today my clipboard tool stopped and asked me for money.

8:53 Santa Klaus is coming to town Wall Street. Amazing how i always believed he/she used to say "no mam"

For embetterment of the human race... BTW i lost all respect for Trevor Horn when i found out he arranged Frankie Goes to Hollywood...  

Here's one version that includes the original accent (can't do HD eye rolling live jazz with AI now can you).

9:40 Portland or Portal? (Keep Portland Weird). Which just gave me an idea... Amaterasu's cave could be the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid.

10:00 BTW today is Tuesday, when they usually come to pick the items by the No Dump Area.

2:13 I am intrigued by the presence in Spanish of the word Navidad which is brought to our ears around Christmas by the popular song. I tried with google translate and the word in Spanish for birth is naciementeo, similar to nasciemento in Portuguese and the verb is dar a luz (give to light?)

In other Latin languages we have Natale in Italian, where the verb for giving birth is nascita from Latin nascor (nascere), Natal in Portuguese, while in Romanian the word Crăciun seems to come from the Latin word creatio and the verb for giving birth is naște (pronounced nashte) while in French the word for Christmas is Noël with the verb naitre. BTW, what is the etymology for Christmas in English?

6:52 Now there's smoke outside for more than one hour, really hard to breath, forgot to turn on the filter.