Saturday, May 4, 2024

Early today when we came back home i found an email sent May 3rd at 3:38 PM from the management basically saying i was in violation of the rental agreement for the last 12 months and subject to termination. However a month prior to that we have received a renewal of the lease (they now call it rental agreement). It is the first time we receive such a warning which is not based on the lease (rental) agreement.

The email was sent after they received the payment for the next month however it contains a document that was generated the day before the email was sent and payment was made.
 Here is the only page from the rental agreement that deals with late payments.

Here is the payement confirmation that was sent by them 12 hours prior to the email with the violations.
Here is the lease renewal offer that was sent to us by email, mail and on the door on April 25.
Here is a screenshot showing 0 balance as of right now but i believe it was there before they sent the email or right after 5:38 AM May 3rd.

12:42 PM Just got en email (on Angela's computer and email) from the management saying this type of warning is normally sent on the 5th and there are no violations.

11:43 "ascuns între coline acoperite de o mantie de sare". Poate d-aia. (Arată cum arăt eu la 64).